Primary school lesson my small homeland. Summary of an extracurricular lesson in elementary school on the topic: “My small Motherland

As part of the development of the “Modern School” project, the issue of children is acute. Everyone knows that a true patriot loves his Motherland. And love for the big always comes through love for the small. In order to cultivate patriotic feelings, years of painstaking work are needed, and the sooner it is started, the greater the effect that can be achieved in resolving this issue.

Hosting an event

It’s very good when a school takes part in a project called “My Small Homeland.” Based on this topic, he will find the possibility of self-expression and optimal ways to influence children. A wide range of activities does not limit the teacher in methods and formats. It could be:

  • lesson;
  • themed extracurricular event;
  • educational conversation: “My small homeland”;
  • circle lesson;
  • research project;
  • exhibitions of photographs and drawings.

It is very important that every teacher, before getting down to business, remembers the words from the song “Where does the Motherland begin?” to the poems of M. Matusovsky and used them as an epigraph.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your Primer,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us

You can also hold an event “My Small Homeland” for preschoolers. However, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of age, making a plan accordingly.

Extracurricular work as a type of education

Of course, the process of educating a schoolchild is mainly entrusted to extracurricular work, and the full development of the child’s personality depends on how well the teachers perform it.

One of the types includes the extracurricular event “My Small Homeland”. His goal is to foster love for his native land. This event can be timed to coincide with the following holidays:

  • day of native settlement (City Day);
  • for Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • for the Victory Day;
  • for the day of literary reading.

The extracurricular event “My Small Homeland” at school can be very interesting if you approach the process creatively. This event can cover several types of activities. This:

  • organizing a photo exhibition of children's work;
  • poetry reading;
  • folk dance numbers;
  • theatrical performances with patriotic themes;
  • blitz surveys on knowledge of the history of one’s hometown (village);
  • presentation “My small homeland” for preschoolers.

This event can be of different sizes depending on the age category of the students.

Participants in the extracurricular event “My Small Motherland”

The extracurricular activity “My Small Homeland” plays a leading role in the formation of a child’s personal qualities. And it’s very cool when there is a good, close relationship between the family, the child and the school. This means that the process of education future personality based on unity.

Parents must be present at this type of event, especially if the child is still a junior in school. It’s great if families have honored teachers, doctors, or (this point applies to the older generation) - this means that they can tell their children about their merits and explain what ample opportunities the Motherland has given them.

Lesson “My small homeland”

A lesson on this topic is not only possible, but should be taught in all age categories. Its presence is mandatory in the thematic planning of the class teacher’s work.

The development of the lesson “My Small Homeland” should be targeted. For example, teenagers need to be explained the importance of their homeland in the life of every person. From here follow the scheduled tasks.

  1. Explain the concepts of “homeland” and “small homeland” and prove the existence of a very thin line between them.
  2. To develop in children a sense of love for their homeland.

This lesson is best taught in an integrated form, connecting children’s existing knowledge in the field of geography (let them find and show their settlement on a map of the region or region), literature (remember famous poems and proverbs on a given topic), Russian language (answer The question is whether in all cases the word homeland is written with a small letter), art (famous works in music and painting will be named).

Only the active activity of a child can give a positive result in achieving the goal.

Connection of the patriotic event with Victory Day

For the holiday of May 9, you can spend a class hour with your children. Lesson topic: “My small homeland and its connection with the Victory Day.” Such thematic events can be held in any corner of Russia.

The development of the lesson “My small homeland and its connection with the Victory Day” should be aimed at developing in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, pride in the place in which you were born and growing up, gratitude to your ancestors for preserving peace and freedom.

Not only the teacher, but also the children need to prepare for this class hour. For example, you can give them the task to talk about how the Second World War affected their family (who was at the front, who provided the rear), or ask them to design a stand in the class “Thank you for the victory!” and place photos from it on it. family archives students. Only joint activities is able to instill patriotism in adults and children.

“My small homeland” in elementary school

The most best time for the formation of love for the Motherland - this is elementary school. “My Small Motherland” program for schoolchildren primary classes compiled on the basis of the concept of spiritual and moral education. Within the framework of this program, the educational process must take place throughout all four years of study.

Based on the program, the teacher draws up an action plan “My Small Homeland”. They may be as follows:

  • lessons - conversations;
  • cool watch;
  • meeting interesting people;
  • excursions;
  • creative competitions;
  • plot - role-playing games.

At these events, schoolchildren learn about historical monuments, learn to see and appreciate beauty, children develop the concept of family as a unit of society, and much more.

The activities of the teacher and children should be as varied and emotionally rich as possible, since the perception of children in elementary school is still inextricably linked with the emotional factor and the active use of visuals.

Quiz - one of the ways to study your homeland

As you know, all methods are good in education, and even more so in raising a young patriot. One of the forms that can instill a feeling of love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past is the “My Small Homeland” quiz. Any student who expresses a desire can become a participant in the quiz. It is very appropriate here to include questions that affect not only modern life, but also the historical past of the native land. That is, questions about famous personalities who previously lived in a given area, about the renaming of a city (village), about historical cultural monuments will be the best way to stimulate schoolchildren to understand their homeland.

In addition, the quiz can be held as an independent activity, or can be included in the extracurricular activity “My Small Homeland”. In the second case, the main thing is not to overdo it with questions, so that the search for answers to them does not become the main activity for children at the event.

Event “My Small Motherland”

An event called “My Small Homeland” can be held not only at school. It is quite capable of becoming a city or regional event. But, despite its level, it is still educational in nature; the scale of impact will only increase. The development of the event “My Small Homeland” falls on the shoulders of those responsible for its implementation.

I would like to note the fact that parents are also responsible for raising their child. And if it is not possible to take part in this event directly, then it is simply necessary to be present as a spectator, even with the goal that you and your child will have new topic for discussion. As a rule, events with the participation of parents are held in the evening. Working mothers and fathers will be able to attend school without any problems and recharge themselves with the energy of patriotism.

Open event

In addition to students, parents and all teachers of the school must be invited to the open event “My Small Motherland”, which is held at school. At this kind of meeting, it is very appropriate to use modern technologies, with the help of which you can diversify the speaker’s speech and prove the correctness and weight of his words.

In addition, open events should be not just lectures, but dialogue sessions, in which everyone can freely ask a question, make a speech or make any proposal.

Also, open events include a reporting concert on extracurricular activities in an elementary school called “My Small Homeland”; this is an excellent opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities. Children of various age categories can take part.

What should you consider when preparing the lesson “My Small Homeland”?

Every adult knows the meaning of the word “homeland” and that it was historically derived from the word genus. This means that everything related to the family (its place of residence, activities) should be disclosed during the classes.

The lesson “My Small Homeland” must correspond to the age of the students, thus the following division occurs.

  1. For children of primary school age, it will be useful to learn about local attractions, operating plants and factories, and architectural monuments in their native locality.
  2. For children of middle school age, the optimal activities will be activities that explore the topic of family, defining it as a unit of society, as well as learning about one’s “I” in the family.
  3. For older children, you can conduct discussion classes on general topics, for example, “Me and my homeland.”

In addition, this activity does not require strict territorial boundaries, which means it can be carried out anywhere (in a museum, park, in nature), as well as anytime, for example, after school or during the holidays.

Summing up

The results are usually summed up at the end. But, of course, summing up interim results after each event is also of considerable importance. To maintain objectivity, the results need to be summed up by the teacher together with the class, analyzing every failed moment from all sides. After all, shortcomings in the early stages can lead to a huge mistake overall. Everyone knows that medical errors are immediately visible, but pedagogical shortcomings are learned throughout one’s life.

The importance of personal example

Every child is brought up not only in classes, but also in society, so a personal example of attitude towards his small homeland is of great importance for him. To do this, every adult must first learn to love their homeland themselves, and then cultivate this feeling in their children. Therefore, you need to exclude the following undesirable aspects from your behavior:

  • disrespect for human work;
  • nature pollution;
  • lack of responsiveness and mercy towards others.

If we work together and do it well, our children can make the world a little better. Adults should set worthy examples, and the event “My Small Homeland” will help to cultivate a sense of patriotism. For preschoolers and older children, it will definitely be useful and will help them integrate into society in the best possible way.


Primary school teacher:

Khalitova Luiza Fazlutdinovna

With. Isyangulovo

"My little homeland"

For Russia, the village is a particle,
And for us, it’s our parents’ home.
And we are glad that we can be proud
Small Motherland, where we live.”

Target: expansion and deepening of students’ knowledge about the “small Motherland”.

Tasks: 1) contribute to the formation of students' understanding

the meaning of the expression “small Motherland”;

2) develop children’s speech, creativity, desire for more

learn about your region;

3) promote a sense of respect, pride,

patriotism, love for one’s country and small homeland.

Progress of the class hour.

I . Class organization. Emotional mood.

Good afternoon, dear parents and dear children!

Guys, today you will have your first lesson of this school year. We all haven’t seen each other for a long time, some of us haven’t communicated for a long time. I suggest you first smile and repeat: “I’m glad to meet you!”

Unity game.

Students stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, turns to his neighbor on the right, calls him by name and says what he likes about him.

(Then you can do the same for the neighbor on the left).

II . Teacher's opening speech.

    Updating knowledge.

Today we will have a very interesting conversation. But you will find out the topic of our class hour when you solve the puzzle.

P1A (R - ONE - A).

Guys, read the words written on the board.

The words are written on the board:homeland, Russia, parents, native village

Do you think these words are related to each other?

How? How?

What is the Motherland?

(Homeland is the place where a person was born, where his loved ones live; this is the side that is native to him; this is the country in which he lives.)

What are we going to talk about? About what homeland?

Formulate the topic of our lesson.

What would you like to know about this topic?

We will consider some of the questions today, and some in the next lessons.

2. Work on the topic of the class hour.

Guys, I would like you to read the poem in chorus:

Great land, beloved land,

Where we were born and live,

We are the bright homeland,

We are the dear Motherland,

We call it our Motherland.

What is the Motherland for each of us? Before answering this question, let's listen to one more poem.

Student 1:What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow,

And birch trees by the road,

Which way we are walking.

Student 2:What do we call Motherland?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread for the holiday table

Now think about what the Motherland means to you. Tell me, how do you understand the word “MOTHERLAND”?

Ball game.

The teacher throws the ball to the children in order and says: “The Motherland is...”. Children catch the ball and answer with one word (forest, field, sky, river, house, street, parents, friends, etc.)

Conclusion: Homeland is the country in which we live;

This is the city or village in which we live;

This is the house in which each of us lives;

These are the people (family and friends) who surround us.

Dear guys! We were born in a country called Russia.

We are Russians! Russia is a huge country.

There are many in the world different countries,

But there is one country:

From white ice to warm rivers

She spread out.

Russia has high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, swamps and fields. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people. Russia is the largest country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. Continents such as Australia and Antarctica could entirely fit on the territory of our country.

Each country has its own symbols. Symbols Russian Federation You know. Tell us about them.

White - symbolizes nobility and frankness;

Blue - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity;

Red - courage, boldness, generosity and love.

But Russia is our big Motherland. And each of us has our own small Motherland - the corner where we were born, where our parents and friends live, where our home is located. For some, the small Motherland is their hometown. For some, it’s their home street or a cozy courtyard with a swing.

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

Small Motherland”

Our small Motherland - Bashkortostan - is a land that is very rich in natural resources and, of course, outstanding people.

In the State Flag of the Republic of Bashkortostan green means freedom, eternity of life; white - peacefulness, openness, readiness for mutual cooperation of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan; blue - clarity, virtue and purity of their thoughts. The kurai flower is a symbol of friendship; its seven petals, located in the center of the white stripe, symbolize the seven clans that marked the beginning of the unity of the peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

III . Fizminutka

The sun lifts us up to exercise -

We raise our hands at the command “one”

And above us the foliage rustles merrily -

We lower our hands on the command “two”.

Guys, if we say that we live in Russia in Bashkortostan, then it will probably be very difficult to find our native corner. Let's clarify our address:

we live in Russia, Bashkortostan, Zianchurinsky district, the village of Isyangulovo.

And we can say that for us, our small Motherland is the village of Isyangulovo.

What do you know about your village?

I will show you different photographs, and you tell me where this place is.

GAME “Find out the sights of the village. Isyangulovo"

What do you want your small homeland to be like? What should be done for this?

Conclusion: Every person needs to love and take care of their small Motherland, then it will be beautiful, amazing, magnificent and wonderful.

3. Optional task:

a) Cut out pictures (doves, clouds, flowers).

b) Trace your palms on a sheet of paper and cut out the design.

A composition is drawn up on the board: a globe with the territory of Russia highlighted on it. The children's palms support the Earth from below and on the sides. There are pigeons and flowers around.

What does the resulting drawing symbolize?

IV . Summing up.

They say: “Where you were born, you came in handy.” This is about a person’s attachment to the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he made friends; about attachment to your work, to people with their customs and traditions. Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let the love for your native land, your native land, your native village and the street on which you live live in the heart of each of you. May LOVE FOR YOUR SMALL HOMELAND live in the heart of each of you.

4. Compilation of proverbs about love for the Motherland.


Game "Rings " - to divide the class into groups (for 4-5 people)

Each group is given the task: to compose and explain a proverb about the Motherland and love for the Motherland.

If friendship is great, then he is a hero.

Whoever fights hard for the Motherland will have a strong Motherland. Motherland is mother, serve the Motherland.
To live, know how to stand up for it.
A man without a homeland will come in handy there.
Where someone is born is like a nightingale without a song.


Tell me, what did we talk about today? What should everyone do to make our Motherland prosper?

V . Homework on emoticons:

Every person wishes his homeland all the best. What do you wish for our country, village, school?

Write your wishes on a piece of paper at home and put them in the “Wish Box”.

    1. Great land, beloved land,

    2. Where we were born and live,

    3. We are the bright homeland,

    4. We are the dear Motherland,

    5. We call it our Motherland.

*1) What do we call Motherland?

*2) The house where you and I are growing up,

*3) And birch trees by the road,

*4) Along which we are walking.

*5) What do we call Motherland?

*6) Sun in the blue sky

*7) And fragrant, golden

*8) Bread at the festive table.

Small Motherland

- 1) Small Motherland –

- 2) An island of land.

- 3) There are currants under the window,

4) The cherries have blossomed.

- 5) Curly apple tree,

6) And under it there is a bench -

7) Affectionate little one

8) My homeland!

LO GKU "Slantsevskaya special secondary school of a closed type."

“Agreed” “I approve”

Acting Deputy Director for Internal Affairs director N.M. Stepanova

A.S. Mikhailov______________ ____________________________

“_____”_____________ 2014 “_____”___________ 2014

Open lesson: “My small Motherland.”

“Our small Motherland is always with us - our blessed source.”

History and social studies teacher – T. M. Buyanova

Senior teacher – A.Yu. Doroshenko


Target : formation of the concept of “small Motherland”, a feeling of love for it, involvement in its history and culture.


    introduce students to the history of the districts of the Leningrad region;

    development of students’ cognitive interests in the history and culture of their native land;

    formation in students of citizenship and patriotism as personal qualities, nurturing love for the Fatherland, spirituality, morality based on universal human values;

    improve skills in working with a geographical map, additional literature;

    expand your horizons, develop memory, attention, culture of speech and behavior;

    promote the formation of a creative approach when conducting practical work, excursions, and performing creative tasks;

    stimulate children's desire for independent creative activity;

Lesson technical equipment:

map of the Leningrad region, musical accompaniment, presentation, video film: “Spring”, Constitution of the Russian Federation, the best essays and drawings of students on the topic “My small Motherland”

Lesson epigraph:

“Our small Motherland is always with us - our blessed source.”


Honorary citizen, healthcare veteran of the Slantsevsky district - Zelentsova Galina Mikhailovna;

Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, deputy assistant State Duma RF Komoyedova V.P. - Andreev Viktor Apollonovich;

Honored school teacher of the Russian Federation, from 1987 – 2013. director of the Slantsevskaya special secondary school closed type - Ivanov Mikhail Grigorievich;

Excellent student of public education of the USSR, Chairman of the Council of Teachers - Veterans of the Slantsevskaya Special School - Evgenieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

Preparatory activities for the open lesson: “My Small Motherland”:

Event name


Publication of a school newspaper: “My Small Motherland”

L.P. Rizaeva,

T.M. Buyanova,

school editorial board.

Essay: My small Motherland"

A.Yu. Doroshenko, teachers.

Drawing competition: My small Motherland.

L.P. Rizaeva, teachers

Conversation "Small Motherland".

Yu.V. Shilova City Children's Library

Excursion to historical, cultural, Orthodox places of the Gatchina region.

E.B. Konovalova,

N.V. Semenov.

Lesson location :

School reading room.


-Map of the Leningrad region, epigraph of an open lesson: “Our small Motherland is always with us - our fertile source,” drawings by students.
Students are seated in the districts of the Leningrad region from where they came to school.

Lesson progress:

Buyanova T.M.

Presentation frame1

Today, September 1, all schools in the country are holding open lessons on the topic “My small Motherland”.

They came to our lesson: (introduction of guests)

- Guys, what is called the small Motherland? (students' answers are listened to).

Doroshenko A. Yu.

My family, my home, this is where my small Motherland begins. Each word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, field. Our people have composed many proverbs about the Motherland.

-Remember and name them (students name proverbs).

(The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it. To live is to serve the Motherland. A man without a Motherland is like a nightingale without a song. Where someone is born, that’s where they come in handy.) Now you understand how carefully the Russian people treated their Motherland.

Buyanova T.M.

Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.

But, no matter where we are, our native land will always be for us that bright light that will call us to itself with its bright light. Every person has a small homeland. These are like streams that, merging, create our great Motherland - RUSSIA.

Frame 2.

Any self-respecting person, a patriot of Russia, should know the history of his country and his family. The Constitution of the Russian Federation says:We, multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on their land, affirming human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of our ancestors who conveyed to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith to goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, based on responsibility for our Motherland before present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we accept THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION is the main law of the country.

Be proud of your Motherland and the people who glorify our country. Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

The song “How can I not love you” sounds. G. Lyakhova, music. N.A. Shugaley.

Frame 3How can I not love you,

Dear Russia.

These forests and fields

These expanses of the earth!

Frame 4Starry skies depth,

Frame 5Winter sparkling frost,

Frame 6Round dance of white birches,

Lake in a blue dress.

Frame 7How can I not love you,

Dear Russia,

You gave birth to sons

And, warming, she grew.

Frame 8You are both free and strong,

Defeated so many enemies!

They will never understand

What was your strength?

Frame 9 How can I not love you,

Dear Russia!

I'm coming back to you

Wherever fate takes you.

Frame 9 And on the fragrant meadow,

Rejoicing in every blade of grass.

I'm going to my home

A familiar path from childhood.

A.Yu. Doroshenko.

We live with you on Leningrad land. There are more than one and a half million of us, 31 nationalities. There are 17 municipal districts in the Leningrad region.

Frame 12

The oldest settlement is Staraya Ladoga.

The stone guardians of the northwestern borders of our Motherland are:

Frame 13

Korela (Priozersky district),

Frame 14

Oreshek (Shlisselburg),

Frame 15

Koporye (Lomonosov district),

Frame 16

Yam, Ivangorod (Kingisepp district).

Frame 17

T.M. Buyanova

You live in different municipal districts, in different cities, towns, villages, and you all love your small Motherland very much. We learned this from the creative works you wrote. Excerpts from the best essays.

Asyutin Dima

My small homeland is the city of Tikhvin. I was born and raised here, and I have many happy memories associated with it. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the Leningrad region. Our area is famous for its monastery, which houses a miraculous icon Mother of God. I keep many childhood memories in my memory. One day, with my dad and mom, we were boating on the ponds of the Tabora River. A boat with a family was floating nearby. Among the adults was small child. The parents began to quarrel, the boat capsized and the child fell out of it. I rushed into the water and saved the boy, he was unconscious. I remembered. how they taught me at school to help drowning people. I put the boy on his stomach on my knee and shook him a little. He coughed, spat out water and came to his senses. After this incident, our families became friends.

Now I am in the Slantsevskaya special school. I love it because it rehabilitates troubled teenagers, making us good people. Responsive, kind teachers work here. It was here that I learned what kindness and hard work are.

Vira Artyom

The Small Motherland is a place where a person can calmly express his feelings, where it is easy and good for him. This place may not necessarily be where you lived or were born. You can be in this place once, or several times, nO , it’s all the same to consider it my small homeland. I consider the Slantsevsky district to be my small homeland.

Nekrasov Andrey

Frame 18

I consider the village of Krivtsovo in the Tver region to be my small homeland. My grandparents, uncles and aunts live there. My grandmother taught me to take care of animals: milk goats and cows. I was taught to take care of rabbits and chickens. I loved feeding the piglets from my own hands. Their soft heels poked into my hands, asking for a treat. When she put me to bed, my grandmother sang lullabies to me.

Frame 19

A family of storks lived on the water tower. I remember how my sister and I ran across a large meadow and picked daisies for my mother and grandmother. I remember how dad picked us up and spun us around. Then we ran to swim. Grandma met us at home and treated us to warm milk and honey. I want my parents to live happily ever after, because they were the ones who gave me a happy childhood.

Frame 20

Small Motherland

And in our native land the birches are different,
And fragrant lilacs, greener than poplars.
There are many places on earth, only in our Russia,
Everyone can find a corner after their heart.

Maybe somewhere, in the forest, in an open field, maybe
Maybe by the ocean, on a wild rock,
A person will lay the foundation of his life...
And he will build his own house, the best house on earth.

And he will bring his wife into the house, without a mistress it is empty,
And the child will be born, as expected, on time...
In our great homeland, with the name Rus,
He will call that corner his small homeland.

And wherever he was thrown by fate,
And no matter what roads are passed after,
The person will know behind his back,
There is always a strong rear - his small homeland.
Nikolay Turchenkov

Doroshenko A.Yu.

A feeling of love for your small homeland. From this feeling alone comes the feeling of love for our common Fatherland - Russia. But love for the Motherland cannot be limited to just words. The Fatherland does not need only words, even the most beautiful ones. Our Motherland needs good deeds. Only with specific deeds, notin words, we can prove our love for the Motherland.

Frame 21

Today our guest is just such a person who has proven his love for our Fatherland many times, through deeds. This is Viktor Apollonovich Andreev - a police veteran, a former driver, the head of a motorcade, and then the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Frame 22

Only he was awarded the medal for “Impeccable Service” three times, as well as the badges “Excellent Policeman” and “For Excellent Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” One day in St. Petersburg there was a serious traffic accident. While performing his official duties, Viktor Apollonovich was hit and run over by a car. He ended up in the hospital. The injuries were so severe that the doctors were completely sure that Viktor Apollonovich would not be able to survive.

Frame 23

But in spite of all the gloomy forecasts, he defeated death and returned to duty.

Interview Questions:

    Dear Viktor Apollonovich. Today we are having a serious conversation about what a “small Motherland” is. How do you understand what a small Motherland is for you, what city or village do you call your small Motherland and why?

    What do you think a person should do to become a patriot? What character traits are needed for this?

    What could you wish for our students?

Buyanova T.M.

A story about Vasily Pavlovich Zelentsov and Galina Mikhailovna. (accompanied by a presentation, music “Mama” by Paul Mauriat).

Families are different: large, hospitable, strong... And the more of them there are, the stronger our Russia will be.

Frame 1

I would like to introduce you to one of these families: Vasily Pavlovich Zelentsov and Galina Mikhailovna. They are closely connected with our school. Vasily Pavlovich was the assistant director for regime for many years, and Galina Mikhailovna came to school to give vaccinations to the children, and

Once, for a whole month, during her vacation, she worked for free as a medical worker at a summer camp.

And it all started a long time ago, when you and I were not yet in the world.

Frame 2

In the distant Vologda region in 1925, a son, Vasily, was born into the Zelentsov family. These were difficult years.

Frame 3

They worked for workdays. No money was paid at all; workdays remained on paper in the form of sticks. From childhood, his parents taught their son to work. And he grew up kind, inquisitive, hardworking, to the delight of his father and mother.

Frame 4

In 1941 he graduated from the eight-year school. Vasya Zelentsov was 16 years old. There were 39 boys and 1 girl in the class. All 39 went to the front, and only two returned. One of them was Vasily Pavlovich.

Frame 5

“Not a tenant,” many said. There is a hole in the left side: no ribs, broken kidneys, crippled arm. And I ended up among the living by chance. When, after another bloody battle near Leningrad, the bodies of the wounded and dead were carried away, Vasily Pavlovich was considered killed. And there was life in him. The orderly moved and saw it. Months in the medical battalion. They pulled me out of the other world, but the wound did not heal. Thus, between life and death, he was sent home. There was a good paramedic in the village. The wound began to heal. And life went on. Vasily Pavlovich and Galina Mikhailovna met and got married. The family was formed on love, mutual respect, kindness.

Frame 6

Galina Mikhailovna’s family is also from peasants. I had to take in a lot of things. Since childhood, she was lively, cheerful, and a good student. After school, the collective farm sent her to study at a medical school. Nurse- the noblest profession. They used to call it a sister of mercy: dear to the heart, helping the sick.

Frame 7

In the 50s we came to Slantsy. When hiring Galina Mikhailovna, the chief doctor asked: “What can you do? “That’s it!” was the answer. Well, is that all?” But he believed in the young nurse and did not regret it. 69 years – total work experience of G.M. He refuses to help anyone. She left for work when the radio was not yet working, and returned after dark. And so all my life.

Frame 8

In 2013, the Council of Deputies of the Slantsevsky District awarded Galina Mikhailovna the title of Honorary Citizen. Almost the whole city knows her. They come home for help.

Frame 9

Children especially love to be treated by Galina Mikhailovna and give her their most favorite toys in gratitude.

Galina Mikhailova's home is very warm and cozy. When Andrei Yuryevich and I were visiting her, there was a knock on the door. It turned out that a 4-year-old boy comes to Galina Mikhailovna for candy.

But before opening the door, Galina Mikhailovna also gives a prearranged signal.

Frame 10

Vasily Pavlovich has not been around for a long time, but there are memories and friends. Reliable, faithful. Among them are Mikhail Grigorievich, Ekaterina Dmitrievna.

Ekaterina Dmitrievna, the floor is yours.

Speech by E. D. Evgenieva about the Zelentsov family.

Word by G. M. Zelentsova.

Our gift to you, Galina Mikhailovna, a song performed by the winner of the patriotic song competition “I love you, Russia” E.I. Kuznetsova. "Crimson Ringing"

Doroshenko A.Yu.

Guys, do you know the people who glorified our Leningrad land?

The guys talk about the heroes of the Leningrad land.

Frame 25.

Vyborg district Pozdnyaov Sergey.

Gushchin Andrey Yurievich - Hero of Russia, commander of the air assault battalion of the Northern Fleet Marine Brigade. In 1995 he was sent to the First Chechen war. He distinguished himself during the capture of the building of the Council of Ministers. The enemy knew the terrain well, attacks came from different directions. Many attacks ended in hand-to-hand combat. In total, 12 attacks were repulsed, in which the enemy lost up to 300 people killed and wounded, 1 tank and 1 infantry fighting vehicle were destroyed. When the situation became critical, captain A.Yu.Gushchin did what the enemy did not expect from soldiers who had been fighting continuously for several days - he raised the soldiers to attack. And not with a bang, full-length at the machine-gun points, but with a hidden approach, a sudden throw. This decided the outcome of the battle - dozens of enemies remained lying there. Gushchin was wounded and shell-shocked three times in these battles, but continued to command the unit. The last time, in addition to being wounded, he was buried under a collapsed wall, but the soldiers themselves, without a team, found and dug up their commander. For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Captain Andrey Yuryevich Gushchin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Frame 26

Priozersky district Lisin Nikolay.

My district is proud of the exploits of Georgy Petrovich Larionov - a brave pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. He is a participant in the Soviet-Finnish war. Made 120 combat missions, destroying 10 enemy vehicles.
On February 14, 1940, in an air battle, the pilot shot down three enemy aircraft. His car was seriously damaged by an enemy anti-aircraft shell. The situation seemed hopeless. However, he managed to take the difficult-to-control fighter out of the front zone and land it safely at his airfield.

In battles, he destroyed enemy ships. While performing a combat mission, the aircraft commander of the aviation unit was attacked by six enemy aircraft. G.P. Larionov hurried to the rescue of his comrade. Two of them were shot down in the battle, the rest fled.
U Kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1940 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown to the senior lieutenantGeorgy Petrovich Larionov awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The hero died in July 1941.

Frame 27

Kingisepp district Stolnikov Sergey.

Hero of the Soviet Union Igor Aleksandrovich Grafov is buried on Glory Square in Kingisepp. In February 1944, his platoon fought heavily in the Narova River area, repelling fierce enemy attacks. Having lost all his comrades, Grafov shot back to the last bullet. In wild anger, the Nazis killed him with rifle butts.


Tikhvin district Maretsky Leonid.

The Tikhvin district is famous for the Rimsky-Korsakov dynasty. Yakov Nikitich was a comrade-in-arms of Peter I, the first governor St. Petersburg, Voin Yakovlevich is a famous navigator, and Nikolai Andreevich is a great composer.

Frame 29

Kirishi district. Sysin Andrey.

At the beginning of the 19th century, one of the most famous families in Russia, the Bestuzhevs, lived in the Kirishi region. Its head, Alexander Fedorovich, was a man of rare morality and kindness. He raised his children in the spirit of freedom. Four of his sons took part in the Decembrist uprising. In Kirashi there is a street of Decembrists Bestuzhevs.

Frame 30

Volkhov district. Pakshin Dmitry.

There are many wonderful people living in my area, and among them is Dmitry Vasilyevich Talov - Hero Socialist Labor. A simple locomotive depot worker did not immediately believe that his work could be valued so highly. But then there was such a time - honor and respect for a working person. But he is a front-line soldier: he fought at Stalingrad, reached Czechoslovakia, he has military awards, among which: the Order of Glory, the Red Star... His workmates noted that he worked with real passion for work, not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of the cause to which he dedicated myself.

Frame 31

Slantsevsky district Gerasimov Vitaly
Slantsev residents are proud that the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Mikhail Dmitrievich Baranov, was born and lived on their land. By August 1942, he had flown 285 combat missions and personally shot down 31 enemy aircraft. And on August 6, 1942, near Stalingrad, in an unequal battle, he shot down 4 enemy aircraft. Baranov was only 20 years old.He was a virtuoso pilot, a master of aerial shooting. The Germans were specifically hunting for him.Hero died on January 17, 1943. His ashes rest on the Mamayev Kurgan in Stalingrad, and one of the streets in Slantsy bears his name.

Frame 32

Volosovsky district Alexey Dudin

The Volosovsky district is associated with the name of Nicholas Roerich. Artist, traveler, humanist philosopher, writer, great guardian of culture and education. Member of many organizations, author of about 7,000 paintings and 30 literary works. In Izvara, on his father’s estate, at the end of the 19th century, young Nicholas Roerich conducted his first studies of ancient burials. In 1984, the Roerich Estate Museum was opened there.

Frame 33

Vsevolozhsk district Smirnov Vladimir.

Residents of our district are proud of the achievements of Vladimir Pavlovich Belousov, Olympic champion in ski jumping. He is the only winner of an Olympic medal in the history of Soviet ski jumping and one of two world champions in the history of Soviet sports. He is an honorary citizen of the city of Vsevolozhsk.

Frame 34

Gatchina district Reutov Denis.

14-year-old partisan intelligence officer Kolya Podryadchikov was the most dexterous getter of explosives and captured weapons in the partisan detachment. I walked across the front line. At night, in a minefield, stocking up on explosives, Kolya Contractors died.

One of the streets of Gatchina bears his name.

Frame 35

Podporozhye district Khabirov Roman.

In September 1941, heavy fighting broke out for Podporozhye. The Finns and a regiment of Swedish fascists stood against our troops.It was there that tanker Ivan Stepanovich Kudrin accomplished his feat. For five days, wounded, he defended his tank alone from the enemy. For this in November 1941 he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Frame 36

Kirovsky district Alekseev Igor.

In the Kirov region in the evening of 1970, a shell hit the boiler of a state district power plant along with peat from the Sinyavinsky swamps, where the heaviest battles took place during the war. There was a terrible explosion. A firestorm swept through the boiler room, burning everything in its path. A little more - and the boilers will fly into the air. It was necessary to pay them off immediately. The fate of the power plant was in the hands of drivers V.E. Lebedeva, A.M. Seltser, V.I. Rozova, N.S. Goncharova. Four former front-line soldiers saved the state district power station at the cost of their lives.

Frame 37

Luga district Filippov Vasily.

Among the heroes of the Luga region, the name of the partisan Tosya Petrova is forever inscribed. Tosya went on reconnaissance missions many times to areas occupied by the Nazis. This partisan detachment was considered one of the most combative. But early in the morning of November 4, 1941, when only 12 partisans remained in the camp, the rest went on reconnaissance and were surrounded by the Nazis. Seeing the Nazis, Tosya threw a grenade at them. The partisans, hearing the explosion, accepted an unequal battle. Tosya was wounded, killed 2 enemies, wounded one. The Nazis surrounded the brave girl. To avoid falling into the hands of the enemy, she kept the last bullet for herself. In Luga one of the streets bears her name.

Doroshenko A.Yu.

Frame 38

Partisan fires burned here

When there was a terrible battle over the Neva.

Selfless fates of soldiers

They closed off the Fatherland with themselves.

Hospitable, hospitable

The beauty of new things is young.

Leningrad region Razdolnaya

For me, you are the only one in the world.

Buyanova T.M.

Our school also left children who study, work, and honestly serve their small homeland and the whole country: (listed)

-Kapustin Mikhail Graduated from the Gatchina Pedagogical School. Currently studying in his final year at the Academy physical culture named after Lesgaft.

- Zanosev Alexander - studying in the 3rd year

"Small Motherland, small Motherland,

Our spring and love,

The bitterness of rowan and the sweetness of currants,

Autumn's frowning brow...

No matter how much you read, you pass.

Years, kilometers and lines,

Our little Motherland is always with us -

Our blessed source. »

Kira Zubareva.

A.Yu. Doroshenko

M.G. addresses the students with parting words. Ivanov.

Buyanova T.M.

Hieromonk Roman’s song “Spring” is performed by E.I. Kuznetsova. Video film "Spring".

Doroshenko A.Yu.

“Dear friends, our lesson ends. Today we talked a lot about what our small Motherland is. We would like your souls to never forget that bright and kind feeling that arises when remembering our dear little Motherland.”

Lesson summary for elementary school children on the topic: “My small Motherland. City of Vladimir"

Author: Islyaeva Rozalia Rafaelevna, primary school teacher, State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type No. 2 in Vladimir."
The material will be useful to primary school teachers and educators.
Lesson topic: “My small Motherland. City of Vladimir"
Integration of educational areas:
Artistic creativity
Target: education of a citizen and patriot of his homeland, formation of moral values
Educational: - give children an idea of ​​what the Motherland, native land is, clarify and expand knowledge about hometown. Introduce the map and symbols, the main attractions of Vladimir
Correctional and developmental:
- to form a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s hometown
- develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary on the topic,
- development of visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.
- to cultivate love for one’s native land.

Vocabulary work: Small Motherland, coat of arms.

Preliminary work: Listening to the song “Where the Motherland Begins,” viewing photographs of the old and present city of Vladimir, viewing a map of the city, taking a city tour.
Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, marker board, poster with state symbols of the Russian Federation, recording of the song “Where the Motherland Begins,” the anthem of the Russian Federation, the anthem of Vladimir and the Vladimir region

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment: Today our first lesson will be unusual. We will talk about our Motherland. We'll start the conversation by listening to the song. I invite you to listen to it carefully and think about what it says. The song “Where the Motherland Begins” is played.
- So, what is the song about? Who heard? (about the Motherland)
- Right. Who knows what the Motherland is? (children's answers)
- Well done.
2. Main part. Conversation about the Motherland:
- Now listen to the poem and tell me what the Motherland is?

“What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.
What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
It’s a warm evening outside!”

Homeland is the country in which we were born and live. These are forests, fields, rivers. This is our city. This is the place where loved ones live: mom, dad, grandpa, grandma. This is where our school stands. This is a place that people miss when they are in a distant land. This is the most precious thing a person has. The most beautiful word in the world is Motherland, Motherland. Every person has a homeland and everyone loves it. Loves the place where he was born and lives.
- Homeland is the country in which we live.
- What is it called, who knows? (Russia)
-Well done! (A map of Russia is projected onto the screen)
Look at the map, how vast our lands are, how huge our country is. This is our big Motherland. What is the main city in Russia? (Moscow.) But there is a place in our country where we were born and growing up - this is our native land, the city of Vladimir. This is our small Motherland. (A view of the city of Vladimir is projected onto the screen) Look, do you recognize the city of Vladimir?
- Well done, everyone found out. Our city, like all others, has its own coat of arms and flag. (The coat of arms and flag of the city of Vladimir are projected onto the screen) Do you know what a coat of arms is? This is a distinctive sign.
-Look at this coat of arms of the city of Vladimir. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Vladimir? Right. “In a red field, a lion standing on its hind legs, with an iron crown on its head, holds a long silver cross in its front right paw.” This lion is depicted on our coat of arms for a reason. Leo – birth sign Vladimir princes. The lion is a strong beast and was depicted on the coat of arms to show the strength of our city, its greatness.
-Okay, who knows what a flag is? A flag is a symbol of a country or city. It is hung outside administrative buildings. And this, look, is the flag of the city of Vladimir. It is very similar to the coat of arms. Is it true? How?
Please remember our coat of arms and flag.
One, two, three, four, five -
We'll go for a walk together.
On the edge of the fir tree
The children sat on the stump.
(Children walk in a circle, then sit down.)
We sat and rested,
They pulled their hands towards the sun.
They dropped them again
You can wave them.
(Children rise on their toes, stretch, lower their arms, do swings. Breathing in this case is free nasal. Children pronounce the lines highlighted in bold as they exhale.)
Reaching for the sun again
And they smiled at each other.

And now I will tell you about the city itself. Listen to what poets write about our city:

Vladimir is my homeland!
My corner, my wealth,
Your lands are so dear to me,
I love your decorations!
You are not equal to Moscow,
Your gifts are greater than many.
Let them not call it the capital,
But the name is Great City!
Even the sky seems wider to me here,
The land here breathes with pride.
You are the only one in the whole world,
One like you forever!

And one more thing: Beloved Vladimir stands on the Klyazma,
And the sun gilds its domes.
There are ancient cathedrals, and churches, and chambers,
The wide open spaces are rich in antiquity.

Did you like the poems? Did you listen to them carefully? Then the question is, on what river does Vladimir stand? On the Klyazma River. (A photograph of the bridge over the Klyazma River is projected onto the screen)
- Well done! What do you think, is Vladimir an old or a young city?
- Vladimir is a very ancient city. It was founded by Vladimir Monomakh in 1108. (A photograph of V. Monomakh is projected onto the screen) This year he will turn 906 years old.
Our city amazes not only with its age but also with the abundance of various attractions and monuments. What do you think is the main attraction?
- Of course the Golden Gate! one of the most ancient and famous architectural monuments of Vladimir. The Golden Gate was a military structure. Through them was the entrance to the city, surrounded by earthen ramparts. Subsequently, the gate was remodeled more than once. (A photograph of the Golden Gate is projected onto the screen) They were built in 1164 under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. After the gate lost its defensive function, it became the main entrance to the city. Near the Golden Gate there is another remarkable building - the Trinity Church. (A photograph of Trinity Church is projected onto the screen)
Also: Assumption Cathedral of the Princess Monastery (A photo of the Princess Monastery is projected onto the screen) and Demetrievsky Cathedral (A photo of the Demetrius Cathedral is projected onto the screen), Water Tower (a photo of the Water Tower is projected onto the screen), Chambers (a photo of the Chambers is projected onto the screen), Church of the Holy Rosary ( A photograph of the Church of the Holy Rosary is projected onto the screen), a monument to the baptists of the Vladimir land, the founder of the city of Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir the Red Sun and St. Feodor, a monument to Andrei Rublev (a photograph of the monument to Andrei Rublev is projected onto the screen), a monument to the remarkable Russian commander Prince Alexander Nevsky, a monument in honor of 850th anniversary of the city of Vladimir (At the base of the monument there are three figures - an epic warrior, an ancient Russian architect and a Soviet worker.) The figures are arranged so that the warrior looks towards the Golden Gate, the architect looks at the Assumption Cathedral and chambers, and the worker looks towards the industrial districts of the city.
It is impossible to tell about all the monuments and sights of Vladimir in one hour. We can talk about them for weeks. I will show you a few more famous places in Vladimir, if you recognize them, then help me.
So now we'll see what you remember.
Fastening: Game “What is our city?” We will play the game “What is our city?” I will throw you a ball and whoever catches it must tell you what you remember about our city.
Lesson summary: And at the end of this lesson, I suggest you guess the word in which all the letters VLDIIAMR are mixed up
- They compiled it correctly, this is Vladimir. Well, our journey has come to an end! What did we talk about today? What new did you learn in the lesson? What is the name of our big Motherland, our country? What is our little Motherland? (this is our city)
- You all did great today, you all listened well, you all worked actively! I would like to highlight the following guys: …… . Now you know what the Motherland is. And I hope you will be proud of her.
