What to give a cat to calm down. Calming drugs for cats: principle of action, indications for use

Cats have an extremely delicate nervous system. These animals react violently to moving, stress, long trips, operations, etc. Therefore, it is useful for any owner to know which sedative to choose for a cat. These drugs are used for increased aggressiveness or nervousness of animals.

In what cases are sedatives used?

To calm a cat when moving, medications are given a couple of hours before the trip so that the medicine has time to take effect. Other uses of sedatives:

  • With a sudden impulse the cat begins to mark the territory (if this is not a hormonal surge). Otherwise, the condition will be accompanied by nervous meowing and aggression. The cat will thus show its superiority and dissatisfaction.
  • Progressive mental and nervous disorders, when there were no obvious prerequisites for them. Without sedatives, a cat may begin to tear out its fur, jump sharply, and begin to overeat. At the same time, aggression and involuntary head tremors appear.
  • Before vaccination.
  • In preparation for the exhibition.
  • To relieve tension in a cat during estrus.
  • Before various operations.
  • If the cat will be at home among a large number of people (birthday celebrations, anniversaries, etc.).
  • Mating season. It is necessary to give the cat a sedative if it is aggressive.

Any long or short trips or long journeys have a negative impact on pets. In such cases, sedatives should be given in advance and taken with you. Some sedatives are started to be given to the cat a week or a month in advance. However, there are also general limitations.

For example, calming drops for cats or instant-release tablets should not be given before going to the veterinarian. The doctor needs to assess the degree of arousal of the animal, its emotional and nervous state, reaction to stimuli and pain. In this case, sedatives will only interfere with the administration of effective treatment.

It is also not recommended to use sleeping pills directly on exhibition day. If the cat is half asleep, the judges may reduce the score or disqualify the animal altogether. If necessary, you can use weak home remedies, but so that their effect during the exhibition is insignificant.

Effects of sedatives on pets

Sedatives can be fast-acting or long-acting. Most medicines for animals are made on a natural basis (homeopathic remedies). Another category of drugs is chemical. They come in the form of pills, sprays, drops or collars.

All homeopathic medicines do not begin to act immediately, they have a cumulative function, so you can take them with you on the road only if long-term therapy is prescribed. Cats react immediately to chemical medications. However, despite this advantage, they are harmful to the body, although sometimes it is necessary to achieve an immediate effect.

For small kittens it is better to exclude it altogether. synthetic drugs, as they may disrupt operation internal organs and systems of a still fragile young organism.

Review of herbal preparations

Sometimes even a very strong sedative does not work on cats. In this case, the veterinarian prescribes a different drug. Valerian should not be given to cats. For them it is the opposite, like a drug. The drug is instantly addictive, and in large doses leads to epilepsy. Catnip has a similar effect. The most popular sedatives:

  • "Relax Plus" (Latvia) is produced in dragees. The drug was created by them natural ingredients, includes motherwort and lemon balm herb. The product restores impaired emotional stability, very quickly calms the cat, has an antispasmodic effect, and prevents nausea and motion sickness during trips.
  • “Stop Stress” (Russia) are soothing drops with herbal extracts and a strong nootropic agent. The product improves blood circulation and eliminates fear and tension in cats. Significantly reduces the animal’s aggressiveness and increases resistance to any stress. Just one drop is enough for 1 kg of weight. After calculation, the product is given in two doses. In case of severe overexcitation, the drug can be extended for an additional two weeks.
  • "Fitex" is prepared in the form of a liquid for instillation, from medicinal plants. The composition is identical to “Stop Stress”. There is only one difference - Fitex does not contain phenibut. The drug has a mild effect and normalizes functionality nervous system. Fitex should not be given to cats with low blood pressure.
  • "Zoomir Antistress" is available in ablated form and has a complex effect. Effectively fights stress and improves immunity. The composition includes medicinal herbs, vitamin complexes, seaweed, taurine, ascorbic acid, yeast.
  • Feliway is one of the best sedatives for cats. It is made in the form of a bottle with liquid for plugging into an outlet or as a spray. The main feature is that the drug contains an artificial pheromone F. The liquid is odorless and colorless, absolutely safe for animals.
  • "Fospasim" consists of medicinal herbs and mineral components. It is made in the form of liquid for injections and drops and has a quick effect.
  • "Cat Bayun" contains only plant substances. Available in tablets and tincture. Stabilization of the cat’s emotional and mental state occurs within 5-7 days. Tablets are prescribed from 10 months.
  • Serene Um is a safe and natural food supplement. It strengthens the nerves well and contains zinc, calcium, and inositol. The main important substance is the amino acid L-Tryptophan. It turns into serotonin, the lack of which provokes aggression and depression in the cat. The drug is prescribed as long-term therapy.

The use of sedatives in the form of sprays is very effective. The liquid is sprayed where the cat likes to rest. At the same time, furniture, curtains and corners of the room are sprayed.

Chemical sedatives

Before choosing synthetic drugs, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Review of chemical sedatives:

  • "Xylazine" is a strong sedative drug derived from thiazine. It is produced in the form of liquid for injection. It has an instant effect, it occurs in five minutes. Quickly calms an aggressive or frightened cat. However, the drug has many contraindications.
  • "Amitriptyline" is intended for injections into muscles and veins. Used for nervous disorders, aggressiveness, severe anxiety.
  • "Vetranquil" one percent is made in the form of a liquid for injections. Perfectly soothes, including coping with motion sickness in transport. After injection, it begins to act within 5 minutes.
  • Buspirone is produced in tablet form, it is a good antidepressant, but the effect is visible only after monthly intake means. It is used for mania and panic, quickly relieves tension and at the same time calms.
  • Diazepam is a strong tranquilizer. Used to eliminate nervousness and aggressiveness in cats, reduces excessive excitability.

Many of the medications listed can be used depending on the situation if there is a need for an emergency trip with your cat. Medicines are convenient because they act quickly and within a few minutes the animal begins to calm down.


For cats sedatives have a number of general contraindications. Sedatives are not given during pregnancy and lactation. Not for cats that are sick diabetes mellitus, suffer from renal or genitourinary pathologies. Direct contraindications are low blood pressure, age category up to a year and individual intolerance to some components.

Before using any remedy, even a homeopathic one, consult a veterinarian. Even the prescription of harmless sedative drops for cats can cause complications if the cause of increased excitability is incorrectly identified or the composition contains substances that animals cannot tolerate. This may provoke anaphylactic shock, even death.


Has your furry cutie pet suddenly turned into an angry tiger? An aggressive attitude can be dangerous to your health and property, as well as to the health of the animal itself. How to understand what’s on your pet’s mind, how to calm a cat quickly and effectively?

Before “going berserk,” your pet gives clear signals about an upcoming burst of aggression. How to determine that an animal is preparing to attack:

The cat looks angry, irritated, on edge, as if he is unable to relax, and explodes at the slightest provocation. Almost anything can provoke such a release of negativity - from the fright of an awakened animal to serious changes in the environment or place of residence. For example, there is almost a guarantee that the cat will “go crazy” when large quantities strangers, getting a new pet, or moving frequently.

Aggression can be intraspecific (cat-cat) and interspecific (cat-another animal, cat-human). Also, sometimes the pet attacks and tears objects.

The condition can appear suddenly and plunge the living object of attack into psychological shock - the same as the one in which the cat itself is.

Animal psychologists say: signs very often mask fear and severe stress, in which the animal itself is located. The cat wants to, but cannot find a way out of the situation and understand it. He can be helped by simply understanding what led to the aggression.

How to identify the cause of anger in a cat

There may be several reasons why a cat can react so painfully to its surroundings, and they are not always obvious to the owner.


The main reason for the “brutality” of a cat driven into a corner by a difficult situation and not receiving support. Such an animal has no other choice but to attack. Any non-standard or unpleasant situation can cause fear - from a sharp sound and bright light to procedures in the veterinary office.

Veterinarians often observe classic aggression from fear. It looks like this:

  • the cat shrinks into a ball and tucks its tail, trying to become as small as possible;
  • the cat may urinate, defecate or mark;
  • horror appears in the animal’s eyes, then anger comes.

Fear forces the animal to express the request with its entire body and behavior: “Leave me alone!” However, the stressful situation various reasons lasts, and the pet decides that he has only one option left - attack.

How to cope:

  • If possible, leave the animal alone;
  • provide shelter (carrying, dark corner) until calm.

In the future, the cat needs to be gently removed from the state of stress and socialized.


The cat was friendly and calm, and suddenly began to hiss and rush at people and animals? Such behavior can be the cause of illness, even with seemingly convincing external signs of her health.

There are diseases that occur without external manifestations, For example:

  • epilepsy;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

It is necessary to check the pet’s health - consult a doctor, do an ultrasound, take blood, feces and urine tests.

If you notice any abnormal manifestations, contact your veterinarian

An aggressive reaction can occur if a person, while caressing a cat, accidentally touches a sore spot. There are also cases of a cat attacking if the owner steps on its paw, or a child causes pain to the animal (pulling the tail, squeezing it). If a cat is over 12 years old, it may develop age-related diseases, for example, arthritis - you should handle an older pet with extreme care.


It is common knowledge that cats sometimes bite their owners' legs. This happens if:

  • do not play with the animal;
  • the cat survived on the street alone;
  • the kitten was taken from the litter too early (before 3 months).

Unpleasant manifestations are “treated” with the help of education (teach the animal that bites and scratches immediately stop fun play and communication) or interactive toys that will keep the cat occupied for a long time.

Claims to territory

Most often, this type of aggression occurs between cats, but can be directed at a person or another pet. A territorial war is almost guaranteed to break out if you have a couple or more uncastrated animals of the same sex living in your home.

How to cope:

Protection of offspring

If the kittens are in danger (or appear to be), the mother cat may react inappropriately to people and other pets in order to protect her young.

How to cope:

  • do not disturb the cat and kittens unnecessarily;
  • arrange a reliable and safe corner for the cat family;
  • limit contact with people and other animals as much as possible for 2-3 weeks.

Reaction to affection

Maybe you touched a sore or, from the cat’s point of view, inappropriate place, or the cat has become overexcited and can no longer tolerate physical contact.

Before an act of aggression, a cat usually gives signals:

  • meows;
  • twitches skin;
  • wags or beats its tail;
  • stops purring;
  • flattens ears or twitches them;
  • crouches, trying to avoid touching.

Pay attention to your pet's signals and you will avoid an aggressive attack.

If you weren't careful, you'll get bitten out of turn

Sometimes a cat's aggression can be redirected. The animal heard a sharp sound, experienced pain, noticed an inaccessible stress factor, but does not understand the cause of the discomfort or cannot reach it and eliminate it. A classic case is when a cat sees another cat outside the window, but cannot go out and make territorial claims to it. Then the animal may attack a person or another pet, trying to get rid of discomfort.

How to calm a cat

To calm your cat or remove him from a stressful place, you can pick up the animal. Wear protective clothing and throw a blanket or thick blanket over him. This measure is temporary, it can even anger the cat even more, but it is irreplaceable for a number of situations - for example, when you are in a public place.

Video - How to calm a cat

How to calm a cat when he's "mad"

Your main trump cards are patience and love. It will take a long time to develop trust, but you will achieve a harmonious, friendly relationship with your pet.

How to calm a screaming cat

Does your cat scream often and loudly? This reaction can be caused by several reasons.

  1. Disease. Age-related changes, psychological disorders, acute diseases - all this can provoke cat screams. Often the animal reacts with screams to helminthiasis and intestinal obstruction.
  2. Hunger and thirst. Check the animal's bowls - are there food and water in them? Change food and water or refill bowls.
  3. Lack of attention. A new pet, the birth of a child, or the constant busyness of the owners cause discomfort to the cat, and she tries to attract attention to herself.
  4. Flaw physical activity. Play with the animal and do not let it rest in the evenings.
  5. Hormonal surge. Sexual heat in a cat causes many imbalances in behavior. A day or night cry signals that the cat is ready and wants to mate. Castrate the cat, give him a sedative or ensure mating. You can read how to prepare a cat for castration in.

So far we have been talking about adult cats, but how to calm a kitten when he is angry? Animal psychologists advise gently holding the animal close, stroking it, and talking soothingly.

Nighttime screaming is especially annoying to owners and neighbors. How to calm a cat at night? Quick ways There are no methods that can calm an animal for a long time. A radical restructuring of the daily routine is needed.

How to calm a cat who wants a cat

A common reason for a cat's screaming and aggression is the desire to mate. It is not difficult to determine when a cat reaches puberty - the pet is “ready for love” between 8 or 10 months of life. How to determine that a cat wants a cat? Instincts become more acute at the end of winter and manifest themselves:

  • aggressive attitude;
  • hissing and loud meowing;
  • reluctance to contact;
  • biting and scratching;
  • marking the territory.

How to calm the storm of cat hormones and what means to use for this?

  1. If possible, release the cat. He will satisfy his natural desire and return home. After returning, give him a bath, worm him, and take him to the vet if necessary.
  2. Give your pet a sedative prescribed by your veterinarian or hormonal agent. Proven options for tablets and drops for cats against partying: “Gestrenol”, “Stop-stress”, “Contrasex”, “Sex-barrier”, “Fitex”, “Cat Bayun”, “Libidomin”, “Stop-intim”.
  3. Have your cat castrated at the veterinary clinic. This method is long-term and most reliable.

Table. Sedatives for adult cats

TypeCompoundImpactRelease formExamples
Homeopathicherbal basedsoft actiontablets, drops, sprays"Cat Bayun", "Fitex", "Feliway"
Chemicalherbs plus chemicalsuniversal actiontablets, drops, sprays, injections“Stop-Stress”, “Diazepam”, “Xiazin”, “Vetranquil”
Hormonalhormone-basedstrong effecttablets, drops, injections"Sex barrier", "Gestrenol", "Antisex", "Covinan"

Important: Is it possible to give a cat valerian to calm him down? In no case - valerian tincture acts on an animal as a very strong addictive drug, or “Viagra”, since its effect is similar to the pheromones of a cat during estrus.

Harvesting with catnip is safe and effective. For him take:

  • 1 part mint;
  • 2 parts motherwort;
  • 2 parts of Baikal skullcap;
  • 2 parts hops.

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of a mixture of dry plants with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and give the cat 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon after meals.

A calm pet and a trusting relationship with it are possible only with sensitivity, delicacy and patience on your part. Remember: you cannot punish a cat in an aggressive state - this will only aggravate the stress and turn the animal against you.

Despite their royal pride and self-sufficiency, cats are very vulnerable creatures. And in most cases, regardless of the causes of nervous excitement. An effective sedative for cats can solve a lot of problems associated with moving, getting used to a new environment, a new family member, etc. But choosing “the right product” from a wide range is not an easy task.

Before deciding to use a sedative, carefully analyze the situation. Sometimes eliminating the cause of fear or aggression is quite simple, but due to inattention or lack of experience, we take a more difficult path. For example, we use a sedative for cats on the road instead of buying a closed box, we give tablets to an inhospitable cat instead of providing the new resident with a separate tray and his own house. What if there is simply no other way to solve the problem?

Cats do not like change, do not like intrusions into their territory, they protest against a change of environment and familiar company - there are a lot of reasons for aggression, stress, panic and other manifestations of nervous tension. In some cases, mild sedatives for cats help the pet to control itself: moving, new tenant, major renovation, furniture replacement, etc. If you know that your cat reacts strongly to any changes, start giving her Kot Bayun, Spirit Essences or Serene Um in advance. The first two brands of calming drops for cats contain oils, extracts and extracts of fruits, herbs and other plants, and do not contain chemicals. They are effective, but have low activity as an immediate remedy, i.e. They should be applied in advance, at least a week in advance.

Calming tablets for cats Serene Um - natural and relatively safe food additive, strengthening the nervous system: calcium, zinc, selenium, taurine, vitamins and inositol (vitamin-like substance, promotes the regeneration of nervous tissue). But most importantly, it contains L-Tryptophan - an amino acid that turns into serotonin, the deficiency of which provokes a feeling of depression and depression. Just like drops, Serene Um is prescribed in long courses.

Sedatives for cats in the form of sprays are no less effective. For example, Pet Ease or Felifriend. The drug is sprayed in the pet’s resting areas, curtains, furniture, and corners of the room are treated with it. The calming effect will not be noticeable immediately, but this method of softening your pet does not harm its health in any way. And as a wayward person, I run the risk of becoming an object of aggression - not the most pleasant experience. The spray does not work on all cats, but the success rate is high.

Any sedatives for cats with aggression, screaming, overly active behavior associated with sexual dissatisfaction are also used in advance. When the hunting period has already arrived, it will be possible to overcome hormonal madness only with horse doses of the drug, which poses a danger to the physical and emotional health of the pet.

Eh, roads...

But almost all pet cats get nervous, panic and/or show aggression. All the sedatives for cats listed above (one of them, of course) can be used as preparation for the trip. The drug is used a week or a few days before travel, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition to the remedies already mentioned, Nutri-Vet gel (herbs) and Feliway fumigator (pheromones) have a calming effect. But what if the trip was not planned in advance?

Important! You cannot use a sedative the day before or on the day of the exhibition - this will lead to a decrease in score or disqualification. In addition, it is undesirable to use sedatives the day before and on the day of a visit to the veterinarian: the doctor must evaluate not only the physical, but also emotional state patient, response to pain and other stimuli.

Fitex soothing drops for cats are good for motion sickness and travel-related stress. This is a herbal preparation that improves the functions of the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates feelings of fear and relieves vascular spasm associated with the release of adrenaline. Stop-stress drops have a more striking effect, which, in addition to herbal extracts, includes phenibut, a tranquilizer used to suppress panic attacks, constant feelings of anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension, etc. Like Fitex, it is better to give Stop-Stress on the eve of the trip (before bedtime) and on the day of travel, so the effectiveness of the drug will be higher.

Another good sedative for cats suffering from nervous agitation due to the need to leave their familiar environment is homeopathic drops. The drug reduces fearfulness, aggressiveness, increases adaptive abilities and generally normalizes the emotional state of the pet. It is also effective as a preventive measure against stress associated with various phobias. For example, fear of noise made by household appliances, the roar of firecrackers, the sounds of a thunderstorm, etc.

A very strong sedative for cats is vetranquil (chlorobutanol plus acepromazine maleate). This is a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections, which has a pronounced sedative effect. After administering the drug, many pets fall asleep and don’t even remember leaving the apartment. Vetranquil should not be used if the cat has heart disease or has lost a lot of blood due to injury.

In this article I will talk about sedatives for cats. I will consider how such remedies work and in what situations they are given to animals at home. I will review popular sedatives for cats.

How do sedatives work for cats under stress?

The composition of sedatives includes components that have a beneficial effect on the cat’s nervous system, normalize blood pressure, and reduce the feeling of fear. The animal becomes more balanced and does not react so sharply to stimuli.

Homeopathic (plant-based) sedatives do not work immediately. It takes a certain amount of time for the components to accumulate in the body. Such medications have the advantage that they do not harm the pet’s health.

If you need to get a quick sedative effect, you can give your pet chemical-based products. But they should only be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the animal. Otherwise, you can harm your pet's health.

Vetspokoin is one of the sedatives for cats.

When to give sedatives at home

Cats, despite their independent nature, are more likely than dogs to experience stress.

Sedatives may be needed in the following cases:

  • Moving. If you are planning to move to another place of residence, and already know the approximate date, start giving your kitten homeopathic medicines in advance. By the time the place of residence is changed, the medicine will begin to act, and the pet will tolerate this event more easily.
  • Traveling in public transport. Sometimes you have to transport your pet in a car, plane, train or bus. And many animals experience extreme stress from such trips. Medicines will help your pet cope more easily with transportation.
  • Obsessive actions. Some cats may have an obsession with self-licking. This may indicate instability of the nervous system. Medicines will help solve this problem.
  • Visiting an exhibition or other event. Not all cats like large crowds of people and unfamiliar places, and for many, being in such an environment is extremely stressful. If you know the date of the event your pet will be attending, start giving safe herbal homeopathy in advance.
  • Panic attacks and phobias. Not all pets love strangers, and especially children who make noise, scream and constantly squeeze the animal. If you are expecting guests and your pet panics at the sight of strangers, give him a sedative. Some are afraid of loud sounds, fireworks, thunderstorms. In such situations, medications will also help the animal.

Before giving your pet a sedative, be sure to consult a specialist, as many medications can cause more harm to your pet's health than good.

Calmine is one of the natural sedatives for animals.

Overview of sleeping pills

All sedatives are divided into several groups: chemical, homeopathic, sleeping pills (divided by duration of action).


Homeopathic medicines usually have no contraindications.

They are based on natural plant ingredients:

  • Fitex. It contains extracts of medicinal plants. The drug normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and calms the pet. The medicine is given 3-5 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening (you can apply the medicine to a treat and feed it to your pet). Available in bottles containing 7 ml of solution. Cost – from 70 to 100 rubles.
  • Antistress. Tablets containing the following components: B vitamins, brewer’s yeast, motherwort, seaweed, taurine, ascorbic acid.

    The medicine is given to cats every day, 2 tons per 5 kg.

    One package contains 105 tablets, the cost varies from 40 to 70 rubles.

  • Phospasim. Effective for neuroses, phobias, fear of noise and loud sounds. The drug is used when transporting animals on the road. The solution is injected subcutaneously or into the muscle at a rate of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight. Fospasim, intended for drinking, is given in 10-15 drops. The course lasts 7-14 days (the drug is given 1-2 times a day). The cost of 100 ml of solution for injection is 850-950 rubles, 20 ml of the drug for drinking is 400-500 rubles.
  • Available in solution (3 bottles of 10 ml each) or tablets (50 pieces in a jar). Contains decoctions and extracts medicinal plants. The drug is used for behavioral disorders (manifestations of aggression, loud screams in heat, etc.). The solution is given to cats three times a day, 2 ml. The norm of tablets is 2 pcs. per animal. Course duration is 5-7 days. The price of the drug is 100-150 rubles.
  • Stop stress. The composition includes medicinal herbs, but the drug also contains phenibut. It is given to cats orally in the morning and evening, 1 drop per 1 kg. The course lasts up to 20 days. The cost of the medicine is 130-160 rubles.


Such medications should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. This group also includes short- or long-acting hypnotics.

Chemical sleeping pills include:

  • Diazepam or Valium. It is prescribed for cats when they show aggression, increased anxiety, and sleep disorders. It increases appetite and relaxes the pet. Administered intramuscularly, intravenously or orally. The dosage is selected by the veterinarian when examining the animal.
  • A strong, fast-acting sedative. It is administered to cats intravenously or intramuscularly at a dosage of 0.1-0.2 ml per kilogram. The solution has a muscle relaxant effect for 1-2 hours (the animal completely relaxes, its state resembles sleep).

    Used before the introduction of anesthesia, during transportation, to calm aggressive cats.

  • Ventraquil. A strong sedative intended to immobilize cats and other animals. It is injected into the muscle (0.25 to 0.5 ml per 10 kg) or into the vein (0.2-0.3 ml per 10 kg). Has a hypnotic effect for 30-60 minutes.

Xylazal is a strong sedative

Contraindications for use

Many of the chemical sedatives have contraindications: pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases, acute phase diseases, heart failure, etc. Also, such medications are contraindicated in cats suffering from diabetes.

Do not give chemical sedatives to kittens under 6 months of age.

Homeopathic medicines rarely have contraindications and almost do not cause side effects. But despite this, only a veterinarian should prescribe sedatives after examining the cat.

Any pet is a kind of family member. And we all have to take care of them, vaccinate them, monitor their health and appearance. It is often necessary to travel on a long-distance train with an animal, and the cat must be in its own carrier. Many pets do not tolerate confined spaces well and categorically cannot stand strangers or any situations that are unpleasant for them. It is important to visit the veterinarian on time, go to the country and go to animal shows. In many stressful situations, cats are in a state of shock and walk around with the plague for several days. To help an unhappy animal and reduce stress levels, you can use special sedative drops for transporting cats.

How appropriate are sedatives?

Let's highlight several reasons why you should give your cat a sedative, and when they are relevant:

  1. Excessive sexual excitability.
  2. Participation in exhibitions or cat shows.
  3. A visit to the veterinary clinic for a routine examination or vaccination.
  4. An injury to a cat that requires long-term treatment and relative rest.
  5. Cat fears, for example, many cats are afraid of small children because they drag them by the tail and stroke them against the grain.
  6. Marking the territory.
  7. Showing aggression towards yourself or others.
  8. Severe stress, such as moving or losing a loved one.

They exist in several types and have different effects on the animal’s body, so some of them can be used in everyday life if necessary, and some only in the most extreme cases.

Calming agent for cats: improvised means

There are two options for cat sedatives that can be found at home.

  1. Valerian is medicinal. It is generally accepted that valerian has a calming effect on cats. But this opinion is very wrong. Despite the fact that medicinal valerian is a good sedative and practically harmless for humans, it should not be given to cats. For all cats, and more so for male cats, valerian infusion has a stimulating effect, since it contains a substance similar in composition to a cat’s estrus. Therefore, for cats it is a kind of Viagra. And the most dangerous thing is that immediately after the first use, cats develop a strong dependence on valerian infusion. You should never let cats smell medicinal valerian.
  2. Catnip. This is a milder and weaker version of valerian. With the same active ingredient, only with a lower concentration. You will not get a sedative effect, but after frequent use you will become completely addicted. The cat's behavior may change slightly, but this is due to the pheromones contained in mint. In addition, some cats are not affected by mint at all. Even if you use mint in a spray or scatter it dry.

We have concluded that homemade sedatives are not safe for the cat's health and we will not use them. A completely different attitude towards medications. They have undergone all kinds of research and are recommended by veterinarians.

Medical sedatives can be in the form of tablets or drops. What will be convenient for your pet is up to you to choose. Such drugs will perfectly help when transporting animals, during stressful situations, during attacks of aggression, as well as during estrus in cats. To understand the variety of drugs and make the right choice that is right for your cat, we will consider the most popular and effective sedatives for cats.

The most commonly used sedatives for cats:

  1. Calming drug "Cat Bayun". This drug is one of the most popular. It is very often prescribed by veterinarians. It copes well with attacks of aggression in cats, with atypical behavior of the pet, and helps with excessive nervousness. It is also recommended if the cat begins to frequently mark its territory. It is prescribed to cats during estrus, as it relieves excessive excitability. This calming medication for cats is available in tablet and solution form.
  2. Sedative "Fitex". Veterinarians recommend this remedy as one of the best means for transporting cats. Due to the correctly selected composition, the product improves the functioning of the cat’s heart and dulls the feeling of fear. Therefore, even a long journey will not frighten your pet or cause serious trauma to his psyche. This sedative contains skullcap, motherwort, hops, and medicinal valerian. This drug is available in the form of drops, which makes it convenient to use even while on the road.
  3. Sedative “Stop-stress”. This remedy is recommended for use after consultation with a veterinarian and for serious indications. With severe aggression or with great stress. Due to the substances included in the drug, blood circulation improves and the performance of the cat’s brain is normalized. The drug is quite powerful, but proper treatment and the dose of medication recommended by the veterinarian, addiction does not occur. This sedative is available in both drop and tablet form.

Hormonal calming medications for cats

The use of sedative hormonal drugs is possible only after examination and consultation with a veterinarian. These drugs affect the health of your pet, and specifically the reproductive characteristics of the cat. Using this drug once can help the cat calm down and will not harm its health. While frequent use of such drugs entails irreversible consequences. For example, a cat may develop diabetes.

Hormonal drug for cats “Sex Barrier”. They have a calming effect and, due to their composition, reduce natural excitability. Its use is especially important in the spring months.

  1. Hormonal drug for cats “Counter-Sex”. It consists of two hormonal drugs. Significantly reduces or completely suppresses sexual arousal. It is prescribed once a day until the end of estrus. You should start using it at the first signs of sexual desire. The sexual cycle resumes after 4 months.
  2. Hormonal drug for cats “Sex Control”. Prescribed for use at the very beginning of estrus, thereby causing disruption of ovulation. Studies have shown that this drug does not negatively affect subsequent estrus.

These are very complex drugs in their formula; if chosen incorrectly or in the wrong dose, they can cause serious health problems in the cat or even the death of the pet. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe such remedies to calm your pet. When choosing such a drug based on the advice of a neighbor or reviews on the Internet, you are taking a risk.

List of the most popular drugs:

  1. Amitriptyline. Veterinarians classify this remedy as a kind of antidepressant. Helps in the fight against cats that mark their territory. Recommended for chronic restlessness syndrome in pets.
  2. The drug buspirone. This medication is most often prescribed for fears in cats. It does not act immediately, but has a cumulative effect. The first result can be seen after about one month.
  3. The drug diazepam. This remedy is used if a one-time and short-term effect of calming the animal is needed. With a correctly calculated dose, it can serve as an appetite stimulant in an animal.
  4. The drug xylazine. This medication gives an immediate calming effect and lasts approximately one to two hours. This may be necessary, for example, when performing medical dressings or examining an animal.
  5. The drug vetranquil. Available in the form of a solution. Can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly. Prescribed for long-term travel, it has a calming and antiemetic effect.

Most often, a sleeping pill is a necessary measure during a long journey or flight. Before you sit in vehicle, you just need to give your pet a little of this medicine. Thus, you will protect your pet from enormous stress, and also save your nerves, nerve cells your fellow travelers. After all, a screaming and screaming animal will not bring pleasure to anyone.

All sleeping pills are divided into several groups depending on the time of exposure to the animal’s body: short-term exposure, medium and long-term exposure. Therefore, you yourself can regulate the duration of your beloved pet’s sleep, depending on the duration of the route.

Short-term sedatives and hypnotics

Such medications are aimed at making the cat fall asleep quickly, and these drugs belong to psychotropic drugs. Such a product will be sold to you only as prescribed by a veterinarian; it is very rarely possible to buy it freely at a pharmacy. There are several of the most basic and popular sleeping pills:

  1. Etaminal sodium. Use this remedy very carefully; with a single use, addiction does not occur; further dependence is possible. Works the same as a sedative.
  2. Barbamil. The animal falls asleep approximately 50-60 minutes after consumption. And the effect lasts about 7 hours. Well suited for long journeys or flights.

Sedative hypnotic drugs with an average effect time

  1. Noxiron. This drug is usually prescribed by veterinarians along with other sedatives. The action occurs in approximately 20-30 minutes.
  2. Barbital sodium. The drug has a good hypnotic effect. It begins to act 90 minutes after use. And this remedy lasts about 10 hours.
  3. Chloral hydrate. Has a strong hypnotic effect. It has a lot of side effects and contraindications. This sedative sleeping pill is used only under the supervision of specialists.

The main thing you need to know and remember is that the use of sedative sleeping pills is the most extreme measure. Do not resort to it often, it can kill your beloved cat. All medicines You cannot prescribe it yourself, since you will not be able to correctly calculate the dosage and assess its correct effect on the body.

After the effect of the sleeping pill on your beloved pet has begun, you must constantly monitor your cat’s condition and ensure the correct sleeping position. The neck should be stretched; only in this state does the required amount of air enter. The cat also needs warmth, so make sure you have comfortable bedding and a soft blanket for your pet.

Video: sedatives for cats and kittens
