Curd cookies “Corners. Curd corner cookies Curd corners with sugar recipe

Do you want to plunge into your childhood? Bake delicious cottage cheese cookies in the shape of corners with sugar, which our mothers baked for us. Simple, uncomplicated products and always excellent results.

In order to prepare cottage cheese cookies Corners, we will need the following products: flour, sugar for sprinkling, butter, cottage cheese, egg, baking powder and vanillin.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of lumps. Combine with soft butter.

Add egg, stir well.

Then add flour, baking powder and vanillin. Knead soft, elastic dough. At first it is very sticky to your hands, but you need to knead it on the table. There is no need to flour it too much; it is better to add flour gradually.

Cover the dough and leave for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts for ease of use. Roll out into a thin layer, cut out circles with a glass.

Dip each circle in sugar on one side.

Fold in half, sugar inside and dip one half in sugar again.

Roll the sugar inside again and dip a quarter of the cookie into the sugar.

Place the cookies on a baking sheet, sugar side up. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

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My cottage cheese cookies. My MK.4.02.15

I’ll tell you and show you in detail how I made delicious cottage cheese cookies.

They give recipes, but few show the preparation in detail. I have a step-by-step one. I prepared it myself for the first time and needed details. Maybe someone will also find my step-by-step photo and story useful.

So, a recipe that probably everyone knows.

1 pack of 250 g margarine, grated on a coarse grater

small packet of baking powder, about 1 full teaspoon

1 dessert spoon of mayonnaise.

First, I grated margarine on top of the cottage cheese.

Then thoroughly stir the margarine and cottage cheese until smooth.

I stirred with a spoon

After that, I sifted the flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt

And started kneading, first with a spoon

Then with your hands. The dough should be soft, but not stick to your hands. Knead it well, put it in a bag and in the refrigerator for half an hour

There was a lot of dough, almost enough for two baking sheets. That's why I divided it. I rolled out the first layer, sprinkling a little flour on the table.

I chose a cup with a wider one and cut out circles

From the leftovers between the circles, I also later made circles for cookies.

Here on the right is the already kneaded dough from the leftovers.

Granulated sugar will go on a plate, I bought it today, Yuona with hearts. Next to it is dough from the leftovers for rolling out

Sugar is already on the new plate

First, I dip the dough circle in sugar, one side

Then I fold it in half, with sugar inside.

I dip one half in sugar

I fold it with the sugar side facing inward. It turns out to be a triangle.

And I also dip one side of the triangle in sugar, as well as the sides.

Here is the side in sugar, The side without sugar will lie on the baking sheet

These are the triangles you get. Then place them on a greased baking sheet for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Check from about 12 minutes so as not to overcook.

And here they are after baking, still on the baking sheet. The aroma throughout the house is charming. I’ve already stolen one to try, the taste is fabulous.

And now the first layer of cookies, hot from the oven, is already on the plate

And how beautiful

As soon as Zhenya arrived, he couldn’t tear himself away from him, even after dinner

It really is very, very tasty.

Now I will always make cookies like this

Cottage cheese cookies are very tasty

We made a lot of these delicious cookies.

It's also very tasty cold

So I told you how I made cottage cheese cookies

Cook for fun.

Another useful tip: There is no need to mix margarine with cottage cheese, this makes the dough heavy, it is better to mix it with flour so that there is crumble. Roll out quickly and in parts, keep the rest in the refrigerator, do not use your hands too much, the dough should go into the oven cold. Then during baking it will separate like a real puff pastry and will be amazingly airy.

Part 22 — Curd cookies “Ugolki”

Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
Little creamy - 100 grams;
Sugar -100 grams;
Egg - 1 piece;
Flour - 2.5 cups;
Baking powder - 1 tsp;
Vanillin - 1 gram.

Do you want to plunge into your childhood? Bake delicious cottage cheese cookies that our mothers baked for us. Simple, uncomplicated products and always excellent results.

In order to prepare cottage cheese cookies, we need the following products: flour, sugar for sprinkling, butter, cottage cheese, egg, baking powder and vanillin.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of lumps. Combine with soft butter.

Add egg, stir well.

Then add flour, baking powder and vanillin. Knead soft, elastic dough. At first it is very sticky to your hands, but you need to knead it on the table. There is no need to flour it too much; it is better to add flour gradually.

Cover the dough and leave for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts for ease of use. Roll out into a thin layer, cut out circles with a glass.

Dip each circle in sugar on one side.

Fold in half, sugar inside and dip one half in sugar again.

Roll the sugar inside again and dip a quarter of the cookie into the sugar.

Place the cookies on a baking sheet, sugar side up. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Immediately remove the finished cookies from the parchment.

Serve cookies with tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

They give recipes, but few show the preparation in detail. I have a step-by-step one. I prepared it myself for the first time and needed details. Maybe someone will also find my step-by-step photo and story useful.

So, a recipe that probably everyone knows.

500 g cottage cheese

480-500 g flour

1 pack of 250 g margarine, grated on a coarse grater

small packet of baking powder, about 1 full teaspoon

1 dessert spoon of mayonnaise.

a whisper of salt

First, I grated margarine on top of the cottage cheese.

Then thoroughly stir the margarine and cottage cheese until smooth.

I stirred with a spoon

After that, I sifted the flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt

And started kneading, first with a spoon

Then with your hands. The dough should be soft, but not stick to your hands. Knead it well, put it in a bag and in the refrigerator for half an hour

There was a lot of dough, almost enough for two baking sheets. That's why I divided it. I rolled out the first layer, sprinkling a little flour on the table.

I chose a cup with a wider one and cut out circles

From the leftovers between the circles, I also later made circles for cookies.

Here on the right is the already kneaded dough from the leftovers.

Granulated sugar will go on a plate, I bought it today, Yuona with hearts. Next to it is dough from the leftovers for rolling out

Sugar is already on the new plate

First, I dip the dough circle in sugar, one side

Then I fold it in half, with sugar inside.

I dip one half in sugar

I fold it with the sugar side facing inward. It turns out to be a triangle.

And I also dip one side of the triangle in sugar, as well as the sides.

Here is the side in sugar, The side without sugar will lie on the baking sheet

These are the triangles you get. Then place them on a greased baking sheet for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Check from about 12 minutes so as not to overcook.

And here they are after baking, still on the baking sheet. The aroma throughout the house is charming. I’ve already stolen one to try, the taste is fabulous.

And now the first layer of cookies, hot from the oven, is already on the plate

And how beautiful

Yes fragrant

As soon as Zhenya arrived, he couldn’t tear himself away from him, even after dinner

It really is very, very tasty.

Now I will always make cookies like this

Cottage cheese cookies are very tasty

We made a lot of these delicious cookies.

It's also very tasty cold

So I told you how I made cottage cheese cookies

Cook for fun.

Another useful tip: There is no need to mix margarine with cottage cheese, this makes the dough heavy, it is better to mix it with flour so that there is crumble. Roll out quickly and in parts, keep the rest in the refrigerator, do not use your hands too much, the dough should go into the oven cold. Then during bakingit will flake like a real puff pastry and will be amazingly airy.
