HDTV heat treatment technology. Hardening of metals with high frequency currents

A high-frequency current is generated in the installation thanks to an inductor and makes it possible to heat a product placed in close proximity to the inductor. The induction installation is ideal for hardening metal products. It is in the HDTV installation that you can clearly program: the desired depth of heat penetration, hardening time, heating temperature and cooling process.

For the first time, induction equipment was used for hardening after a proposal received from V.P. Volodin in 1923. After much trial and testing of high-frequency heating, it began to be used for hardening steel in 1935. High-frequency hardening installations are by far the most productive method of heat treatment of metal products.

Why induction is better for hardening

High-frequency hardening of metal parts is carried out to increase the resistance of the top layer of the product to mechanical damage, while the center of the workpiece has increased viscosity. It is important to note that the core of the product remains completely unchanged during high-frequency hardening.
The induction installation has many very important advantages compared to alternative types heating: if previously HDTV installations were more bulky and inconvenient, now this drawback has been corrected, and the equipment has become universal for heat treatment of metal products.

Advantages of induction equipment

One of the disadvantages of an induction hardening unit is the inability to process some products with complex shapes.

Types of metal hardening

There are several types of metal hardening. For some products, it is enough to heat the metal and immediately cool it, while for others it is necessary to hold it at a certain temperature.
The following types of hardening exist:

  • Stationary hardening: used, as a rule, for parts with a small flat surface. The position of the part and the inductor when using this hardening method remains unchanged.
  • Continuous-sequential hardening: used for hardening cylindrical or flat products. During continuous-sequential hardening, the part can move under the inductor, or maintain its position unchanged.
  • Tangential hardening of products: excellent for processing small parts that have a cylindrical shape. Tangential continuous-sequential hardening turns the product once during the entire heat treatment process.
  • A high-frequency hardening installation is equipment that can produce high-quality hardening of a product and at the same time save production resources.

In hydromechanical systems, devices and assemblies, parts that operate on friction, compression, and torsion are most often used. That is why the main requirement for them is sufficient hardness of their surface. To obtain the required characteristics of the part, the surface is hardened with high frequency current (HFC).

In the process of application, high-frequency hardening has proven to be an economical and highly effective method heat treatment surfaces of metal parts, which gives additional wear resistance and high quality to the processed elements.

Heating with HF currents is based on the phenomenon in which, due to the passage of an alternating high-frequency current through an inductor (a spiral element made of copper tubes), a magnetic field is formed around it, creating eddy currents in the metal part, which cause heating of the hardened product. Being located exclusively on the surface of the part, they allow it to be heated to a certain adjustable depth.

High-frequency hardening of metal surfaces differs from standard full hardening, which consists in an increased heating temperature. This is due to two factors. The first of them is that at a high heating rate (when pearlite transforms into austenite), the temperature level of the critical points increases. And the second is that the faster the temperature transition occurs, the faster the transformation of the metal surface occurs, because it must occur in a minimum time.

It is worth saying that, despite the fact that when using high-frequency hardening, heating is caused more than usual, overheating of the metal does not occur. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the grain in the steel part does not have time to increase due to the minimum time of high-frequency heating. In addition, due to the fact that the heating level is higher and the cooling is more intense, the hardness of the workpiece after its high-frequency quenching increases by approximately 2-3 HRC. And this guarantees the highest strength and reliability of the surface of the part.

At the same time, there is an additional important factor that increases the wear resistance of parts during operation. Due to the creation of a martensitic structure, compressive stresses are formed on the upper part of the part. The effect of such stresses is most pronounced at a small depth of the hardened layer.

High-frequency installations, materials and auxiliaries used for hardening

A fully automatic high-frequency hardening complex includes a hardening machine and high-frequency installations (mechanical fastening systems, units for rotating the part around its axis, movement of the inductor in the direction of the workpiece, pumps supplying and pumping out liquid or gas for cooling, electromagnetic valves for switching working liquids or gases (water/emulsion/gas)).

The HDTV machine allows you to move the inductor over the entire height of the workpiece, as well as rotate the workpiece at different speed levels, adjust the output current on the inductor, and this makes it possible to select the correct mode of the hardening process and obtain uniform hard surface blanks.

A schematic diagram of a HDTV induction installation for self-assembly was given.

Induction high-frequency hardening can be characterized by two main parameters: the degree of hardness and the depth of surface hardening. Technical Parameters Induction units produced in production are determined by the power and frequency of operation. To create a hardened layer, induction heating devices with a power of 40-300 kVA are used at a frequency of 20-40 kilohertz or 40-70 kilohertz. If it is necessary to harden layers that are deeper, it is worth using frequency indicators from 6 to 20 kilohertz.

The frequency range is selected based on the range of steel grades, as well as the level of depth of the hardened surface of the product. There is a huge range of complete sets of induction installations, which helps to choose a rational option for a specific technological process.

The technical parameters of automatic hardening machines are determined overall dimensions used parts for hardening in height (from 50 to 250 centimeters), in diameter (from 1 to 50 centimeters) and weight (up to 0.5 t, up to 1 t, up to 2 t). Hardening complexes, the height of which is 1500 mm or more, are equipped with an electronic-mechanical system for clamping the part with a certain force.

High-frequency hardening of parts is carried out in two modes. In the first, each device is individually connected by the operator, and in the second, it occurs without his intervention. The quenching medium is usually water, inert gases or polymer compounds that have thermal conductivity properties similar to oil. The hardening medium is selected depending on the required parameters of the finished product.

HDTV hardening technology

For parts or surfaces of a flat shape with a small diameter, high-frequency hardening of a stationary type is used. For successful operation, the location of the heater and the part does not change.

When using continuous-sequential high-frequency hardening, which is most often used when processing flat or cylindrical parts and surfaces, one of the components of the system must move. In this case, either the heating device moves towards the part, or the part moves under the heating device.

To heat exclusively small cylindrical parts that rotate once, continuous-sequential high-frequency hardening of the tangential type is used.

Metal structure of a gear tooth after hardening by the high-frequency method

After high-frequency heating of the product, it is subjected to low tempering at a temperature of 160-200°C. This allows you to increase the wear resistance of the product surface. Temperings are carried out in electric furnaces. Another option is to take a self-vacation. To do this, you need to turn off the water supply device a little earlier, which contributes to incomplete cooling. Item saves high temperature, which heats the hardened layer to a low tempering temperature.

After hardening, electric tempering is also used, in which heating is carried out using a high-frequency installation. To achieve the desired result, heating is carried out at a lower speed and more deeply than with surface hardening. The required heating mode can be determined by selection.

To improve the mechanical parameters of the core and the overall wear resistance of the workpiece, it is necessary to carry out normalization and volumetric hardening with high tempering immediately before surface hardening with high-frequency heat.

Areas of application of HDTV hardening

High-frequency hardening is used in a number of technological processes for the manufacture of the following parts:

  • shafts, axles and pins;
  • gears, cogwheels and rims;
  • teeth or grooves;
  • cracks and internal parts of parts;
  • crane wheels and pulleys.

Most often, high-frequency hardening is used for parts that consist of carbon steel containing half a percent carbon. Such products acquire high hardness after hardening. If the presence of carbon is less than the above, such hardness is no longer achievable, and with a higher percentage, cracks are likely to occur when cooled with a water shower.

In most situations, hardening with high-frequency currents makes it possible to replace alloyed steels with more inexpensive ones - carbon ones. This can be explained by the fact that such advantages of steels with alloying additives, such as deep hardenability and less distortion of the surface layer, lose their significance for some products. With high-frequency hardening, the metal becomes stronger and its wear resistance increases. Just like carbon steels, chromium, chromium-nickel, chromium-silicon and many other types of steels with a low percentage of alloying additives are used.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Advantages of hardening with HF currents:

  • fully automatic process;
  • work with products of any shape;
  • no soot;
  • minimal deformation;
  • variability in the level of depth of the hardened surface;
  • individually determined parameters of the hardened layer.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the need to create a special inductor for different shapes of parts;
  • difficulties in adjusting heating and cooling levels;
  • high cost of equipment.

The possibility of using hardening with high-frequency currents in individual production is unlikely, but in a mass flow, for example, in the manufacture of crankshafts, gears, bushings, spindles, cold rolling shafts, etc., hardening of high-frequency currents is becoming increasingly used.

Metal smelting by induction is widely used in various industries: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, jewelry. You can assemble a simple induction furnace for melting metal at home with your own hands.

Heating and melting of metals in induction furnaces occurs due to internal heating and changes in the crystal lattice of the metal when high-frequency eddy currents pass through them. This process is based on the phenomenon of resonance, in which eddy currents have a maximum value.

To cause eddy currents to flow through the molten metal, it is placed in the zone of action of the electromagnetic field of an inductor - a coil. It can be in the shape of a spiral, figure eight or trefoil. The shape of the inductor depends on the size and shape of the heated workpiece.

The inductor coil is connected to an alternating current source. In industrial melting furnaces, industrial frequency currents of 50 Hz are used; for melting small volumes of metals in jewelry, high-frequency generators are used as they are more efficient.


Eddy currents are closed along a contour limited magnetic field inductor. Therefore, heating of the conductive elements is possible both inside the coil and on its outside.

    Therefore, induction furnaces come in two types:
  • channel, in which the container for melting metals is channels located around the inductor, and a core is located inside it;
  • crucible, they use a special container - a crucible made of heat-resistant material, usually removable.

Channel furnace too large and designed for industrial volumes of metal smelting. It is used in the smelting of cast iron, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
Crucible furnace It is quite compact, it is used by jewelers and radio amateurs; such a stove can be assembled with your own hands and used at home.


    A homemade furnace for melting metals has a fairly simple design and consists of three main blocks placed in a common body:
  • high frequency alternating current generator;
  • inductor - spiral winding made of copper wire or pipes made by yourself;
  • crucible.

The crucible is placed in an inductor, the ends of the winding are connected to a current source. When current flows through the winding, an electromagnetic field with a variable vector appears around it. In a magnetic field, eddy currents arise, directed perpendicular to its vector and passing along a closed loop inside the winding. They pass through the metal placed in the crucible, heating it to the melting point.

Advantages of an induction furnace:

  • fast and uniform heating of the metal immediately after turning on the installation;
  • direction of heating - only the metal is heated, and not the entire installation;
  • high melting speed and melt homogeneity;
  • there is no evaporation of metal alloying components;
  • The installation is environmentally friendly and safe.

A welding inverter can be used as a generator for an induction furnace for melting metal. You can also assemble a generator using the diagrams below with your own hands.

Furnace for melting metal using a welding inverter

This design is simple and safe, since all inverters are equipped with internal protections from overloads. The entire assembly of the furnace in this case comes down to making an inductor with your own hands.

It is usually performed in the form of a spiral from a thin-walled copper tube with a diameter of 8-10 mm. It is bent according to a template of the required diameter, placing the turns at a distance of 5-8 mm. The number of turns is from 7 to 12, depending on the diameter and characteristics of the inverter. The total resistance of the inductor must be such as not to cause overcurrent in the inverter, otherwise it will be turned off by the internal protection.

The inductor can be fixed in a housing made of graphite or textolite and a crucible can be installed inside. You can simply place the inductor on a heat-resistant surface. The housing must not conduct current, otherwise eddy currents will pass through it and the power of the installation will decrease. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place foreign objects in the melting zone.

When operating from a welding inverter, its housing must be grounded! The outlet and wiring must be rated for the current drawn by the inverter.

The heating system of a private home is based on the operation of a stove or boiler, the high performance and long uninterrupted service life of which depends both on the brand and installation of the heating devices themselves, and on the correct installation of the chimney.
You will find recommendations for choosing a solid fuel boiler, and in the next section you will get acquainted with the types and rules:

Induction furnace with transistors: diagram

There are many in various ways assemble an induction heater with your own hands. A fairly simple and proven diagram of a furnace for melting metal is shown in the figure:

    To assemble the installation yourself, you will need the following parts and materials:
  • two field-effect transistors type IRFZ44V;
  • two UF4007 diodes (UF4001 can also be used);
  • resistor 470 Ohm, 1 W (you can take two 0.5 W connected in series);
  • film capacitors for 250 V: 3 pieces with a capacity of 1 μF; 4 pieces - 220 nF; 1 piece - 470 nF; 1 piece - 330 nF;
  • copper winding wire in enamel insulation Ø1.2 mm;
  • copper winding wire in enamel insulation Ø2 mm;
  • two rings from inductors removed from the computer power supply.

DIY assembly sequence:

  • Field effect transistors are installed on radiators. Since the circuit gets very hot during operation, the radiator must be large enough. You can install them on one radiator, but then you need to isolate the transistors from the metal using gaskets and washers made of rubber and plastic. The pinout of field-effect transistors is shown in the figure.

  • It is necessary to make two chokes. To make them, copper wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm is wound around rings removed from the power supply of any computer. These rings are made of powdered ferromagnetic iron. It is necessary to wind from 7 to 15 turns of wire on them, trying to maintain the distance between the turns.

  • The capacitors listed above are assembled into a battery with a total capacity of 4.7 μF. The connection of capacitors is parallel.

  • The inductor winding is made of copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm. Wrap 7-8 turns of winding around a cylindrical object suitable for the diameter of the crucible, leaving the ends long enough to connect to the circuit.
  • Connect the elements on the board in accordance with the diagram. A 12 V, 7.2 A/h battery is used as a power source. The current consumption in operating mode is about 10 A, the battery capacity in this case will last for about 40 minutes. If necessary, the furnace body is made from a heat-resistant material, for example, textolite. The power of the device can be changed by changing the number of turns of the inductor winding and their diameter.
During prolonged operation, the heater elements may overheat! You can use a fan to cool them.

Induction heater for metal melting: video

Induction furnace with lamps

You can assemble a more powerful induction furnace for melting metals with your own hands using electronic tubes. The device diagram is shown in the figure.

To generate high-frequency current, 4 beam lamps connected in parallel are used. A copper tube with a diameter of 10 mm is used as an inductor. The installation is equipped with a tuning capacitor to regulate power. The output frequency is 27.12 MHz.

To assemble the circuit you need:

  • 4 electron tubes - tetrodes, you can use 6L6, 6P3 or G807;
  • 4 chokes at 100...1000 µH;
  • 4 capacitors at 0.01 µF;
  • neon indicator lamp;
  • trimmer capacitor.

Assembling the device yourself:

  1. An inductor is made from a copper tube by bending it into a spiral shape. The diameter of the turns is 8-15 cm, the distance between the turns is at least 5 mm. The ends are tinned for soldering to the circuit. The diameter of the inductor should be 10 mm larger than the diameter of the crucible placed inside.
  2. The inductor is placed in the housing. It can be made from a heat-resistant, non-conducting material, or from metal, providing thermal and electrical insulation from the circuit elements.
  3. Cascades of lamps are assembled according to a circuit with capacitors and chokes. The cascades are connected in parallel.
  4. Connect a neon indicator lamp - it will signal that the circuit is ready for operation. The lamp is brought out to the installation body.
  5. A variable-capacity tuning capacitor is included in the circuit; its handle is also connected to the housing.

For all lovers of delicacies prepared using the cold smoking method, we suggest you learn how to quickly and easily make a smokehouse with your own hands, and get acquainted with the photo and video instructions for making a smoke generator for cold smoking.

Circuit cooling

Industrial smelting plants are equipped with a forced cooling system using water or antifreeze. Carrying out water cooling at home will require additional costs comparable in price to the cost of the metal melting installation itself.

Air cooling using a fan is possible if the fan is located far enough away. Otherwise, the metal winding and other elements of the fan will serve as an additional circuit for closing eddy currents, which will reduce the efficiency of the installation.

Elements of electronic and lamp circuits can also actively heat up. To cool them, heat sinks are provided.

Safety precautions when working

  • The main danger during work is the risk of burns from heated elements of the installation and molten metal.
  • The lamp circuit includes high-voltage elements, so it must be placed in a closed housing to prevent accidental contact with the elements.
  • The electromagnetic field can affect objects located outside the device body. Therefore, before work, it is better to wear clothes without metal elements and remove complex devices from the operating area: phones, digital cameras.
It is not recommended to use the device for people with implanted pacemakers!

A furnace for melting metals at home can also be used to quickly heat metal elements, for example, when tinning or forming them. The operating characteristics of the presented installations can be adjusted to a specific task by changing the parameters of the inductor and the output signal of the generating sets - this way you can achieve their maximum efficiency.

High frequency currents are able to ideally cope with a variety of metal heat treatment processes. The HDTV installation is perfect for hardening. To date, there is no equipment that could compete on equal terms with induction heating. Manufacturers have begun to pay more and more attention to induction equipment, purchasing it for processing products and melting metal.

What is good about installing HDTV for hardening?

The HDTV installation is a unique equipment capable of processing metal with high quality in a short period of time. To perform each function, you should select a specific installation, for example, for hardening; it is best to purchase a ready-made HDTV hardening complex, in which everything is already designed for comfortable hardening.
The HDTV installation has a wide range of advantages, but we will not consider them all, but will focus on those that are specifically suitable for HDTV hardening.

  1. The HDTV unit heats up in a short period of time, starting to quickly process the metal. When using induction heating, there is no need to waste extra time for intermediate heating, since the equipment immediately begins to process the metal.
  2. Induction heating does not require additional technical means, for example, in the use of quenching oil. The product is of high quality, and the number of defects in production is significantly reduced.
  3. The HDTV installation is completely safe for enterprise workers and is also easy to operate. There is no need to hire highly qualified personnel to run and program the equipment.
  4. High frequency currents make it possible to carry out deeper hardening, since heat under the influence of an electromagnetic field is able to penetrate to a given depth.

Installing HDTV has a huge list of advantages, which could take a long time to list. Using HDTV heating for hardening, you will significantly reduce energy costs, and also have the opportunity to increase the level of enterprise productivity.

HDTV installation - operating principle for hardening

The HDTV installation operates on the principle of induction heating. This principle was based on the Joule-Lenz and Faraday-Maxwell laws on the transformation of electrical energy.
The generator supplies electrical energy, which passes through the inductor, transforming into a powerful electromagnetic field. The eddy currents of the resulting field begin to act and, penetrating the metal, are transformed into thermal energy, beginning to process the product.

For the first time, V.P. proposed hardening of parts using induction heating. Volodin. This happened almost a century ago - in 1923. And in 1935, this type of heat treatment began to be used for hardening steel. The popularity of hardening today is difficult to overestimate - it is actively used in almost all branches of mechanical engineering, and HDTV installations for hardening are also in great demand.

To increase the hardness of the hardened layer and increase the toughness in the center of the steel part, it is necessary to use surface high-frequency hardening. In this case, the top layer of the part is heated to the hardening temperature and sharply cooled. It is important that the properties of the core of the part remain unchanged. Since the center of the part retains its toughness, the part itself becomes stronger.

With the help of high-frequency hardening it is possible to strengthen the inner layer of an alloyed part; it is used for medium-carbon steels (0.4-0.45% C).

Advantages of high-frequency hardening:

  1. With induction heating, only the required part of the part changes; this method is more economical than conventional heating. In addition, high-frequency hardening takes less time;
  2. With high-frequency hardening of steel, it is possible to avoid the appearance of cracks and also reduce the risk of warping defects;
  3. During heating of the HDTV, carbon burnout and scale formation do not occur;
  4. If necessary, changes in the depth of the hardened layer are possible;
  5. Using high-frequency hardening, it is possible to increase the mechanical properties of steel;
  6. When using induction heating, it is possible to avoid the occurrence of deformations;
  7. Automation and mechanization of the entire heating process is at a high level.

However, high-frequency hardening also has disadvantages. Thus, it is very problematic to process some complex parts, and in some cases induction heating is completely unacceptable.

Hardening of high-frequency steel - varieties:

Stationary high-frequency hardening. It is used for hardening small flat parts (surfaces). In this case, the position of the part and the heater is constantly maintained.

Continuous-sequential high-frequency hardening. When carrying out this type of hardening, the part either moves under the heater or remains in place. In the latter case, the heater itself moves in the direction of the part. This high-frequency hardening is suitable for processing flat and cylindrical parts and surfaces.

Tangential continuous-sequential high-frequency hardening. It is used when heating exclusively small cylindrical parts that are rotated once.

Do you want to purchase quality equipment for hardening? Then contact the research and production company "Ambit". We guarantee that every HDTV hardening installation we produce is reliable and high-tech.

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induction heating unit IHM 15-8-50

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induction heating unit IHM 15-8-50

Induction heating of various cutters before soldering, hardening
