Nizhny Tagil Medical College of Secondary Vocational Education. II Forum of youth organizations of the Sverdlovsk region “Youth choose sobriety”

Training in specialties: NURSING (day and evening forms of study); MEDICINE; OBSTETRICAL CARE; LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS; ORTHOPEDIC DENTISTRY. Additional education: Massage, cosmetology.


The largest number of people wishing to receive higher education are attracted to Ekaterinburg universities. However, it is possible to obtain higher education both full-time and part-time in many cities. Sverdlovsk region. Exceptionally diverse specialties of secondary education vocational education, available to Ural applicants.

Nizhny Tagil this year represents a complex interweaving of economic and environmental problems. The particular importance of enterprises located in this city attracts the attention of the federal authorities, and improving the financing of the city from the budget, and various programs to improve the quality of water and air in the city should lead to positive changes, while we look at the purely economic situation, consumption of goods and services, production - in-demand organizations and types of services. As in any Ural city, content with a short summer, June days inject new energy into the market of materials for construction and finishing work in Nizhny Tagil. There are clear favorites in the car service industry, and the demand for repairs and technical inspection of foreign cars is stable. An interesting detail is that lawyers in the summer city do not slow down their activity; they have enough clients, judging by the statistics of demand for the services of lawyers.

Great opportunities for higher education open up for school graduates. Colleges and technical schools are not lagging behind - they offer in-demand professions in a shorter period of time. Important areas of scientific activity in the Urals are medicine and ecology.

In October and November, wellness massage was in demand as a direction of restorative treatment in clinics. Sanatoriums and holiday homes offer massage in combination with other procedures. Beauty salons offer therapeutic and aesthetic massage.

Preparatory courses for studying at universities and colleges, as well as advanced training courses, were in demand in the Urals in September and October. Master new profession or hobby offer numerous short courses. A course of healing and weight loss is offered by a Chinese medicine clinic.

In August, the most popular uniform was school uniform, as well as other uniforms. Various shapes middle and higher education designed for the convenience of students. Small architectural forms serve to decorate the landscape.

In the field of education in August, residents of the Urals showed the greatest interest in vocational education institutions - higher and secondary specialized. Popular additional education, both for children and adults.

The history of medical education in Nizhny Tagil is the history of a medical school and its teaching staff.

My school! You give a ticket to Life!
You had everything: both joy and adversity...
It's the 21st century - live! go for it! be proud!
Let's look back at the past years.

There was a hospital at the Demidov factories since 1785. Famous, eminent doctors worked there, including Pyotr Vasilyevich Rudanovsky. Hospital doctors trained “medical assistants” - nursing staff. It was P.V. Rudanovsky, the chief physician of the Demidov Hospital, Doctor of Medicine, who initiated the opening of the “Medicine School” in 1871.

Born from the “Zemstvo School of Paramedics” -
The order for medicine was as follows:
So that the Demidovs have more income.
The working people of Tagil should be healthy!

The main teacher at the school was P.V. Rudanovsky. The duration of study is 3 years. Over the 17 years of its existence, the school has made 6 graduations. The last set was produced in 1888. In the same year, P.V. Rudanovsky died and regular enrollment in the school ceased; the training of “doctor’s assistants” moved to the level of “on-the-job training” (as it was before). And during civil war The training of doctors in N. Tagil was completely interrupted.

Dashing years that at the beginning of the century
Ended for my Motherland;
A person needs education

In March 1930, the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee decided to resume regular medical education in the city of N. Tagil. In this regard, a “medical college” was created. The first recruitment was carried out for 2 specialties: paramedic and assistant sanitary doctor. Pshenichnikov was appointed director. Practitioners were involved in teaching work.
In the mid-30s, the technical school had 4 full-time teachers and 13 part-time teachers.

There weren't many students there.
And then the first 45 graduates
doctors turned into scientific (scientists)!
Klimov Vasily Nikolaevich, military paramedic, graduated from medical school after the war. From 1962 for 21 years he was the rector of the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute.
Before the war of 1941-1945. The “medical technical school” became the “feldsher-midwifery school.” Director – Velikanov Leonid Nikolaevich. Teachers are practicing doctors.

Stormy years in the forties
FAS added to the frontline lists...
And those who did not return from the battlefield,
We remember by name as heroes!

After a short stay in the status of “paramedic and midwifery school” educational institution in 1956 it was given the name “medical school”. Director – Margaritova Militsa Fedorovna. Head teacher – Klepfer Christian Emmanuilovich. Teachers: Aserichev Illarion Petrovich, Kuryshev Fyodor Yakovlevich, Pozhematkin Mikhail Ignatievich, Lazarev Nikolay Ivanovich, Novoklenov Ivan Ilyich, Knyazeva Margarita Vasilievna, Ukhanova Valentina Mikhailovna, Sysoev Valentin Georgievich. Averichev, Kuryshev, Lazarev, Sysoev and Novokshonov - passed the Great Patriotic War. The main bases of practice for students in those years were the II and III city hospitals.

Now “school” is your name
You give secondary education, -
And most come to you by calling,
But you still live in the same old building!

Many graduates remember the auditoriums above the Gorn cinema, when during lectures one could listen to the music of the film playing below... and the steep staircase to the second floor and to the “dovecote”, where the library was located... A new, modern building on Lenin Avenue was built in 1971 . Medical education the city is beginning to develop rapidly: enrollments are up to 200 people per year, the total contingent is up to 1600-1800; groups based on 10th and 8th grades. The list of specialties is expanding: nurses, paramedics, obstetricians, sanitary paramedics, dentists, dental technicians. Director – Dyachkova Galina Nikolaevna. Head teacher - Tkachenko Alexander Stepanovich (on the basis of the school he defended his thesis on career guidance, and then his doctorate

Before the war, he worked as a teacher and director of the Arsinskaya elementary school.

He began his combat career during the Great Patriotic War as the communications commander of the 5th Army of the Western Front near Moscow. “In the Battle of Moscow, the main task was to survive and not let the enemy get to Moscow. We completed this task, and performed it with honor, thanks to which the enemy was driven back. The battle near Moscow inspired and raised us soldiers to fight with even greater strength and energy” (recalls D.S. Kravchenko).

Participated in Battle of Kursk, was the battalion's Komsomol organizer. In the Ponyri area he led a group of signalmen and provided wire communications for our troops. “Both in the sky and on the ground, everything was in full swing, and in these cruel conditions, providing uninterrupted, stable communications to the troops was a very difficult matter, it required enormous power and courage."

As part of the 17th Guards Airborne Rifle Corps, he went all the way to Prague. He took part in the battles for Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary. In battles on one of the heights of right-bank Ukraine, he led a communications platoon. He was wounded on the outskirts of Vinnitsa, but remained in the ranks and continued to fight the enemy. “Our soldiers showed unparalleled courage and courage...”

Dmitry Semenovich ended the war on May 14, 1945 near Prague. “I’m very glad and proud that it fell to my lot to fight this path and survive...” D. S. Kravchenko passed this path from an ordinary soldier to a lieutenant colonel.

In total he has 18 government awards.

Awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”, the medal “For Military Merit”, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd degree, the medal “For Irreproachable Service in the Soviet Army”, the medal “Veteran of Labor”, the medal “ For valiant work in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin,” and other commemorative medals.

In addition to military education, in 1950 he received a pedagogical education - he graduated in absentia from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History. In the post-war years he served in the ranks Soviet army. Reserve Lieutenant Colonel. Pensioner of the Ministry of Defense.

From 1961 to 1987 he taught history and philosophy at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical School.

History of medical education in Nizhny Tagil is the history of the medical school and its teaching staff.

Let's look back at the past years.

There was a hospital at the Demidov factories since 1785. Famous, eminent doctors worked there, including Pyotr Vasilyevich Rudanovsky. Hospital doctors trained “medical assistants” - nursing staff. It was P.V. Rudanovsky, the chief physician of the Demidov Hospital, Doctor of Medicine, who initiated the opening of the “Medicine School” in 1871.

Born from the “Zemstvo School of Paramedics” -

The order for medicine was as follows:

So that the Demidovs have more income.

The working people of Tagil should be healthy!

The main teacher at the school was P.V. Rudanovsky. The duration of study is 3 years. Over the 17 years of its existence, the school has made 6 graduations. The last set was produced in 1888. In the same year, P.V. Rudanovsky died and regular enrollment in the school ceased; the training of “doctor’s assistants” moved to the level of “on-the-job training” (as it was before). And during the civil war, the training of doctors in N. Tagil was completely interrupted.

Dashing years that at the beginning of the century

Ended for my Motherland;

A person needs education

In March 1930, the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee decided to resume regular medical education in the city of N. Tagil. In this regard, a “medical college” was created. The first recruitment was carried out for 2 specialties: paramedic and assistant sanitary doctor. Pshenichnikov was appointed director. Practitioners were involved in teaching work.
In the mid-30s, the technical school had 4 full-time teachers and 13 part-time teachers.

There weren't many students there.

And then the first 45 graduates

doctors turned into scientific (scientists)!

Vasily Nikolaevich Klimov, a military paramedic, graduated from medical school after the war. From 1962 for 21 years he was the rector of the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute.
Before the war of 1941-1945. The “medical technical school” became the “paramedic and midwifery school.” Director - Velikanov Leonid Nikolaevich. Teachers are practicing doctors.

Stormy years in the forties

FAS added to the frontline lists...

And those who did not return from the battlefield,

We remember by name as heroes!

After a short stay in the status of a “paramedic-midwifery school,” the educational institution was given the name “medical school” in 1956. Director - Margaritova Militsa Fedorovna. Head teacher - Klepfer Christian Emmanuilovich. Teachers: Aserichev Illarion Petrovich, Kuryshev Fyodor Yakovlevich, Pozhematkin Mikhail Ignatievich, Lazarev Nikolai Ivanovich, Novokshonov Ivan Ilyich, Knyazeva Margarita Vasilievna, Ukhanova Valentina Mikhailovna, Sysoev Valentin Georgievich. Averichev, Kuryshev, Lazarev, Sysoev and Novokshonov - went through the Great Patriotic War. The main bases of practice for students in those years were the II and III city hospitals.

Now “school” is your name

You give secondary education, -

And most come to you by calling,

But you still live in the same old building!

Many graduates remember the auditoriums above the Gorn cinema, when during lectures one could listen to the music of the film playing below... and the steep staircase to the second floor and to the “dovecote”, where the library was located... A new, modern building on Lenin Avenue was built in 1971 . Medical education in the city is beginning to develop rapidly: enrollments are up to 200 people per year, the total contingent is up to 1600-1800; groups based on 10th and 8th grades. The list of specialties is expanding: nurses, paramedics, obstetricians, sanitary paramedics, dentists, dental technicians. Director - Dyachkova Galina Nikolaevna. Head teacher - Tkachenko Alexander Stepanovich (at the school he defended his candidate's thesis on career guidance, and then his doctorate - he left for Dnepropetrovsk).
In those years, a powerful teaching staff formed at the school: a community of teachers and doctors. Full-fledged cycle commissions of general education and general medical disciplines, cycle therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, doctors of narrow specialties. Most of them remained on stands - on the walls of the school (there will be a museum).

Nurses, midwives, paramedics -

There are thousands of them! We received our diplomas.

And again, many become doctors...

They did not forget the school.

And if necessary, if they call,

Graduates will come to teach!

These are the teachers: Borisova Oktyabrina Fedorovna, Pyzhova Margarita Glebovna, Tolmatova Zoya Vasilievna, Mishchenko Nina Ivanovna, Maksimova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Bolotnikova Vera Zakharovna, Lipanova Luiza Pavlovna.
In the 80s, a general crisis began in the country and in healthcare. By 1985, the number of students at the school had decreased; The specialties of “sanitary paramedic” and “dental technician” were reduced, and the number of midwives decreased. In 1990, the school abandoned teaching students on the basis of 8 classes and switched to the basis of complete general secondary education.

Neither fetters nor shackles can last long,

The school is at the turn of the century again...

AND new life with perestroika is coming,

Work is progressing according to new standards.

1991 - a medical and biological complex operates in the city educational institution No. 64 and medical school (in order to improve the career guidance and professional information of schools in pre-professional education and training). Director - Langolf Nina Sergeevna.
1997 - School No. 40 joined the medical-biological complex. The complex has been successfully operating in the city for 10 years.
1999 - new license for the right educational activities and the new name “Municipal institution of secondary vocational education of the Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil Medical School.”

So many years have passed from Rudanovsky!

My country has stepped into a new century!

The school is becoming more beautiful every year,

And new ones, every year, full of people!

Since 2012 - Nizhny Tagil branch of the State Budget Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "SOMK". Director - Levina Irina Anatolyevna, director of the branch - Trofimova Nadezhda Andreevna.
To date, the college has resumed admission on the basis of 9 grades (incomplete secondary education). Teachers with the highest and first categories work. New ones are being mastered educational standards(3rd generation). Former graduates are now teaching and working within the college: Kryukova V.A., Kleiner A.A., Smekhova E.N., Shishkina V.V. Shchelokova T.A., Maksimova T.V., Mishchenko N.I., Shaburov G.N., Solomina E.S., Yakimenko L.V., Golysheva N.G., Urvantseva I.N. Volkova E.B., Kurdyumova F.V., Kravtsova E.Yu., Bovykin A.V., Golubchikov I.A. Novoselov S.A.
The professional level of teaching is constantly improving, in which practitioners from the general medical network are widely involved. Practice bases for students are all medical institutions in the city.
The Nizhny Tagil branch has a postgraduate education department (since 1990). Over the past 6 years (the department is headed by E.N. Smekhova, a graduate of the school), more than 8 thousand healthcare workers have improved their skills, received and confirmed certificates. Almost all medical personnel of practical healthcare are involved in work in this department (teaching).

My school! You give a ticket to Life!

You had everything: both joy and adversity...

It's the 21st century - live! go for it! be proud!

In one thing is your high calling -

Medical education is provided here!
