Orange urine: causes and consequences. Orange colored urine Bright orange colored urine

Many diseases occur without any symptoms at all. A person feels normal, while an inflammatory process develops in the body. A sign of a disease of the genitourinary system in women and men may be orange urine. However, such a symptom does not always indicate the development of the disease. Anyone who has encountered this condition should understand all the possible causes.

Everything you need to know about physiology

The color and condition of urine is an important aspect of diagnosing a person’s condition. If you eat well, lead healthy image life, do not get carried away with products with synthetic dyes, urine will have a straw-yellow hue. You should be wary if your urine is orange. The reasons for this condition can be very diverse. A change in the color of the urethra often indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Therefore, if you notice an unpleasant symptom, you should make an appointment with a therapist.

For some patients, urine is considered normal. This is a physiological feature of a particular organism. In this situation, you should panic when the urine, on the contrary, has become lighter and cloudier.

The color of urine directly depends on its composition. Therefore, many people experience bright color in the morning. This phenomenon is considered safe and does not indicate any disease. Why is urine orange in the morning? The fact is that at night a healthy person releases antidiuretic hormone, which allows the body to go without urinating for a long time. It is this substance that gives urine its specific color.

The result is dehydration

Bright orange urine can be a consequence of a serious condition. This can happen during physical activity. If you work too hard at the dacha, the color of your urine should not change. Professional athletes may face this problem. If orange urine appears after an intense workout in the gym, you will have to stop exercising for a while. If the water balance is not restored in a timely manner, metabolism will be disrupted. As a result, the person will get a lot of health problems.

Colors may be observed after poisoning. Vomiting and diarrhea also result in dehydration. You should immediately contact medical care if dark urine is observed in a child preschool age. Dehydration is dangerous for children and can be fatal if left untreated.

Exclusively female reasons

Orange color may indicate the development of cystitis. Women most often experience the disease. This is due to the special structure of the urethra. Any hypothermia can cause inflammation Bladder. Reddish color of urine is an alarming symptom. It is possible that there is blood in the urine. Treatment of the disease should be under the supervision of a doctor. Most often, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

Changes in the color of urine during pregnancy are also considered dangerous. Preeclampsia in the last stages can lead to serious dehydration of the body. This cannot but harm the baby who is developing in the womb. If swelling appears that does not go away for a long time, a woman should definitely make an appointment with a doctor.

Foods that stain urine

The color of urine directly depends on the food that a person includes in his diet. So, orange urine can be the result of excessive consumption of carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, oranges or grapefruits. Red beets can cause urine with a burgundy tint. Such symptoms are not dangerous. But it is still worth reducing the amount of products that color urine in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

You may also notice a change in the color of your urine after eating food coloring. Chemical elements that give drinks a bright yellow or orange hue are the most dangerous.


Some medications can also affect the color of urine. Most often, this symptom can be observed by patients who undergo vitamin therapy. Orange color Vitamins A and C are added to urine.

The following drugs can also color urine: “Phenazopyridine”, “Farfarin”, “Rifampicin”. In addition, manufacturers may add a synthetic dye to the medicine, which will ultimately also affect the condition of the urine. By-effect Some antitumor drugs have coloring in the form of urine.

Urolithiasis disease

The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys or bladder. Foreign bodies lead to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in urine. This manifestation is most pronounced in the morning. Uric acid causes urine to darken. Therefore, if a suspicious color of urine is detected, it is advisable not to postpone a visit to the urologist.

If a change in urine color is accompanied by severe pain, it is possible that the stone has moved from its place. A foreign body injures the walls of the urinary tract. In this case, the color may change due to blood entering the urine.

Pyelonephritis is a serious disease of the genitourinary system

Urine in women can often be a sign of cystitis. If similar manifestation observed in men, it is possible that they had to deal with pyelonephritis. Due to bacterial inflammation, urine acquires a bright dark orange hue. Urine is colored by waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. You can talk about the disease if the patient additionally complains of worsening general condition, pain in the lumbar region, increased body temperature.

Pyelonephritis requires complex treatment, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and probiotics. Good results also provides diet and physiotherapeutic procedures. The effectiveness of treatment can be judged by the color and condition of urine.

What to do if the color of your urine has changed?

Initially, it is necessary to analyze why the color of the urine may have changed. If the day before you had to eat large quantities of carrots, pumpkin or other foods that affect color, there is no reason to worry. The urine condition will soon be restored.

It is possible that darkening of urine is evidence of dehydration. To restore water balance, you will have to increase your fluid intake. It is advisable to drink at least two liters of pure still water per day. You can supplement your daily diet with freshly squeezed juices. You will have to exclude fruits and vegetables that affect the color of urine. Compotes, fruit drinks, and teas will also help quickly restore your water balance. But you will have to give up alcohol and coffee. These products, on the contrary, lead to dehydration of the body.

You should be wary of the appearance of additional symptoms, such as pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and the appearance of body temperature. These signs indicate the development of an inflammatory process. The sooner you can seek medical help, the less likely you will be to develop complications. Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system most often includes the use of antibiotics or antiviral agents. Use traditional methods Treatment is possible only in combination with traditional ones, after consultation with a doctor.

Pay attention to the smell

Not only the color of urine, but also the smell can indicate the development of the inflammatory process. If your urine becomes cloudy or has a strong, unpleasant odor, you most likely have to deal with a bacterial infection. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if, against the background of this symptom, swelling appears and the number of urinations has significantly decreased without changing the volume of fluid consumed. The described signs may indicate cardiovascular pathology.

Any change in the body’s usual state requires a thorough examination. Even such a harmless symptom as a change in urine color often indicates the development of the disease. People who monitor their health, pay attention to all manifestations of the body, are much less susceptible to serious illnesses.

Sometimes when urinating, orange urine of an unnatural shade appears. Changes in the color of urine occur for two reasons: staining with food and medications, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process.

A change in the shade of urine in pregnant women is especially dangerous, since these may be signals about the improper functioning of the body.

What does orange urine mean and what foods can color it?

With normal urine output, the urine has a light yellow or yellow tint. If urine output exceeds the norm (more than 2 liters per day), it becomes almost transparent. When less than 0.5 liters is released, the shade becomes rich, orange. This characteristic of urine indicates serious renal pathologies, dehydration.

The change occurs in the following pathologies:

  • (bacterial inflammation of the kidneys);
  • (damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys).

Bright orange urine is a sign of the active proliferation of bacteria and the accumulation of their end products. During glomerulonephritis, blood cells are released during urination, so the urine may appear red. The patient complains of swelling of the face and limbs, hypertension, and a decrease in the volume of fluid secreted.

During the formation of kidney stones, the composition of urine becomes saturated, which leads to a change in the color of the liquid. An additional symptom indicating the presence of stones is. Sharp pain radiates from the lower back to the abdomen and thigh, the patient is accompanied by vomiting, hypertension, and fever.

Female pathologies leading to changes in urine color:

  1. . Due to the anatomical structure of the female urethra (it is short and wide), bacteria can easily enter it. The infection quickly takes hold, begins to multiply and rise up the canal into the bladder and kidneys. The color of the secreted liquid becomes orange, and a sediment appears.
  2. Late toxicosis during pregnancy. Characteristic of the second half of pregnancy, it is characterized by a decrease in the volume of urine excreted, a change in its color and composition. The patient complains of swelling of the body. The condition is dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization and observations. With gestosis, plasma penetrates into the intercellular space, which can lead to complications if you do not go to the hospital in time.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the amount of fluid consumed, the volume of which should not be less than 2 liters.

The everyday color of a healthy person's urine is yellowish. A sudden change in urine color to orange makes you think about health problems. Orange urine is produced in several cases.

Causes of urine color change

Urine turns orange due to a number of factors:

Diet. Natural and artificial products are full of dyes that affect human waste. So, the orange pigment changes the color of urine. The dye is found in persimmons, oranges and carrots.

Violation of the drinking regime. Dehydration of the body due to lack of water leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Metabolic products get stuck in the body and cause orange urine. This process can occur after drinking or poisoning.

Adoption medicines. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs change the color of urine.

Urinary tract diseases. Discharge from the genitourinary system is painful, accompanied by an unpleasant odor and an unusual color.

Other problems. Pathologies of other organs in the human body cause deviations from the norm, so the color of the discharge changes.


Changes in urine are associated with pathological conditions. Atypical discharge that is not due to pigments or medications are considered symptoms of diseases:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • water scarcity;
  • glomerulonephritis.

The color changes due to dehydration due to the high concentration of pigments. This happens when you lose large quantity water: intense sweating during heat, prolonged strength and cardio exercise, intestinal infections, vomiting and nausea.

Early and late toxicosis also affects the color of the discharge. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman suffers from attacks of nausea, and in the later stages, swelling occurs due to the release of plasma into the intercellular space.

It is considered normal morning urine orange tint because the peptide hormone of the hypothalamus works at night. The antidiuretic properties of the hormone increase its concentration in the body.

Deterioration in a person’s well-being and the appearance of dark yellow urine indicate the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. Patients often complain of acute pain in the lower back.

Features of pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is classified as an inflammatory infectious diseases. The infection spreads throughout the body from the lower part of the genitourinary system. The source is coli, which is found in urine.

The patient's condition during the illness worsens. Initially, the disease can be recognized by the color of the urine. A person suffers from pain in the gallbladder area. Improper treatment leads to the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract, which leads to damage to the upper sections and progression of the disease. The slightest suspicion of urine coloration should immediately prompt you to visit a doctor.

Symptoms of pyelonephritis include the following:

  • heat, which is accompanied by chills;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • orange coloration of urine;
  • fatigue and general weakness of the body;
  • frequent urination in both sexes;
  • small swelling on the face;
  • aching pain in the gallbladder area.

Pyelonephritis first appears in a mild form. These symptoms persist long time, which is dangerous without timely detection of the disease.

Features of glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis is a disease that is associated with inflammation of the kidneys. The glomeruli of the organ are affected. This disease manifests itself on its own, but sometimes it is considered a consequence of other diseases.

The disease develops at any age. However, statistics show that the disease most endangers people over 40 years of age.

The onset of glomerulonephritis is accompanied by a rise in temperature. A person's appetite decreases, headache and lumbar pain develop. The patient's face swells: the eyelids darken, the cheeks become pale. Urine begins to be released in double size, while its density decreases and it acquires an unnatural orange tint. In acute cases of the disease, blood appears in the urine. This is a very alarming signal. Swelling on the face is observed in the morning and decreases throughout the day.

At this time, fluid retention occurs in the body. IN in rare cases The patient develops hypertension and is affected nervous system and the liver grows in volume.

Timely treatment relieves the patient of the disease within 3 weeks. It will take 3 months for the patient to fully recover.
Experts strongly recommend, first of all, paying attention to the color of urine, as this is already a signal of a dangerous disease.


Consumption of foods that contain dyes leads to slight coloration of urine. The urine will turn bright orange if you eat these foods in excess. Green beans turn human urine green. Bean dyes turn urine into a bluish liquid. Rhubarb and Aloe change the discharge into dark orange shades.

Ascorbic acid can change the color of urine if consumed in excess of the prescribed amount. Interesting fact: after eating a lot of carrots, you can notice not only staining of the urine, but also the coloring of the palms. The pigment carotene, which is contained in carrot juice, changes the color of urine. The physiological characteristics of the body are subject to such changes and are not dangerous.


Long-term use medicines threatens to change the color of urine. The work of the kidneys is associated with the “digestion” of medications that the patient takes. The following drugs cause coloration of urine:

  • anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • antitumor substances;
  • non-narcotic analgesics;
  • drugs that are aimed at treating intestinal microflora;
  • antiplatelet agents.

Symptoms of changes in urine color

Pathological coloration of discharge is caused by a disorder in the body, which leads to the development of dangerous ailments. There are several alarming symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease:

Feverish behavior. Together with staining, this symptom clearly indicates an infection in the genitourinary tract.

Presence of swelling on the face. Analyzes will tell you in detail about this phenomenon: protein levels in the body increase.

Pain syndrome. The groin area, lumbar area and bladder are in pain. Aching lumbar pain indicates pyelonephritis. If intensity painful sensations increased, then stone advancement is diagnosed. Cutting pain in the area of ​​the beginning of the pubis indicates cystitis.

When to go to the doctor

You need to contact a specialist if there are unhealthy signs: high temperature, increased blood pressure, frequent urge to urination, pain syndrome, presence unpleasant odor and orange colored urine. The appointment must be made within 2 days.

Darkened and discolored urine, which is accompanied by discoloration of stool, indicates the need for examination by a specialist, because the diagnosis indicates pathologies in the liver area.

Self-medication in such cases is dangerous and not justified.


Diagnosis is always carried out if orange-colored urine with sediment is detected. A visit to the doctor is mandatory. The doctor will give you a whole list of examinations and tests that you need to undergo. The patient will have to undergo the following tests:

  • taking urine for bile enzymes;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • general urine analysis.

All these tests must be taken to identify what pathology has developed in the human body.


Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. After diagnosis, medications are prescribed according to the results of the tests. However, if orange urine is not the result of an illness, then other measures are taken:

Drug staining is not dangerous, but you should discuss this problem with your doctor. The specialist will indicate a reduction in the dosage of the drug or remove it from the list of medications. Orange urine in children, which appears due to excessive intake of multivitamins, is fraught with consequences. Parents should limit vitamin intake and explain to children why overdose is dangerous to health.

Candy sweets, which consist of almost nothing but dyes and sugar, are harmful to children's bodies. The quality of such a product is low due to the abundance harmful substances, which color urine in an unusual color. Don't overuse it carrot juice . If consumed in excess, such juice is harmful to humans.

Lack of water in the body leads to concentrated and dark urine, so you should monitor your water intake. Hot weather is a big stress for the body. At a time like this a person should drink up to 2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration. Do not take water all at once, but in small portions. It is worth remembering that water means clean water and not other liquids.

Urine is a natural waste product of the human body, with which the organs remove substances and toxins dangerous to the body.

Normally, urine has a light yellow or straw tint, but if various factors and diseases influence it, the color of urine may change and acquire other tones, for example, orange-colored urine may form, the reasons for which will be presented below.

Scientists identify several types of orange tones of urine caused by a particular pathology: bright orange, dark orange, as well as yellow-orange and red-orange.

All these shades indicate the presence of one or another pathological condition within a person, which determined the color of the urine.

Why can orange-colored urine be a factor causing natural conditions in the human body, how does coloring occur and what causes it?

The color of urine in orange tones is not always the cause of the development of pathology. This phenomenon can occur after eating certain foods that have a pigment that colors the urine red or orange: red beets, carrots, raspberries, oranges, pumpkin, grapefruits and many other citrus fruits. Very often, urine turns orange after taking products containing dyes, which are very often found in modern world.

In addition, the color of urine may change depending on the use of certain medications that contain metabolites that affect the functioning of kidney cells.

These medications include:

  1. Vitamins C and Riboflavin. Can turn urine bright orange.
  2. The red-orange color of urine is caused by taking Rifampicin and Phenolphthalein. This phenomenon is associated with the presence of pigments in the composition of medications that affect the color of urine. Sometimes dark orange urine appears, the causes of which are also associated with taking these medications.
  3. Some antimicrobial drugs, such as Metronidazole, give urine a yellow-orange color.
  4. Red-orange color of urine occurs after consuming medications such as Naphthol and certain types of phenyl salicylates.

If the cause of the urine color is a physiological factor, then if you change your diet and stop taking medications, the urine will quickly acquire a normal shade.

If the cause of urine color is not related to these factors and persists for a long period of time, then you should think about the presence of pathology and contact a specialist who will identify the cause of the disorder.

Diseases of the genitourinary system are the main cause of orange-colored urine.

Pathologies of the genitourinary organs are the main causes of such a sign as orange urine.

This phenomenon is associated with the development of impaired filtration of the kidneys and urethra of fluid, which leads to the development of pathological coloration of urine.

The main diseases and disorders in the body that lead to changes in the color of urine are:

  1. Urolithiasis disease– this fact causes a disruption in the outflow of fluid from the urethra and leads to congestion in the kidneys, causing the urine to be dark in color.
  2. Exacerbation and acute pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis - these inflammatory diseases cause impairment of the filtration capacity of the kidneys.
  3. Orange-red urine may indicate the presence of a condition such as hematuria. This color is caused by the presence of blood cells in the urine.

Such diseases require immediate hospitalization and drug therapy, which is a prerequisite for solving problems with the functioning of organs and systems.

If a person notices that the urine is dark orange in color, the cause may be hidden in dangerous conditions that entail severe consequences for health reasons, therefore it is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible and complete all diagnostic courses.

The main symptoms that indicate the presence of pathology

The reason for a change in the color of urine may be the presence of a disease in the human body.

It is worth thinking about the development of pathology if, along with the appearance of dark tones in the urine, signs such as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile and febrile levels;
  • urinary retention or change in diuresis (frequent urge to urinate, pain during urination, burning sensation);
  • the appearance of a strong odor in urine.
These symptoms should not be ignored and require immediate contact with specialists to diagnose the condition, identify the underlying cause and its treatment. medical supplies.

Dehydration as a result of orange colored urine

One of the factors causing bright orange urine may be dehydration.

Typically, this condition occurs after prolonged physical activity, diarrhea or frequent vomiting, when the body excretes the bulk of the fluid through sweat, leaving only unprocessed particles that exit through the urethra.

If fluid exchange in the body is not restored in a timely manner, a person may later encounter many health problems, including metabolic disorders in the body, which will cause a decline in immunity and the development of many endocrine and other diseases.

Doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, and with increased physical activity and difficult working conditions, you should increase fluid intake to 3 liters.

Orange urine: causes in women and children Women are susceptible to urine color changes to dark shades due to the development of toxicosis during pregnancy. This condition can occur either early stages

, and in later stages. Orange urine during pregnancy can be caused by dehydration due to constant vomiting of the pregnant woman.

Early toxicosis of a pregnant woman leads to dehydration, which causes a change in the shades of urine into dark colors.

In case of severe dehydration, doctors may give the patient infusion therapy to replenish fluid reserves in the body.

In the later stages of pregnancy, some women experience the development of gestosis, which also causes the presence of orange tints in the urine.

This phenomenon is usually associated with the presence of protein in the urine, which can affect the color of the urine. In this case, the woman’s condition and pregnancy may be in serious danger, therefore, in the presence of gestosis, the pregnant woman is usually sent to the hospital to undergo therapy and solve problems associated with orange urine.

  1. What other disorders in the body can cause orange-colored urine?
  2. As is known, women are most often exposed to the development of genitourinary diseases, due to the anatomical characteristics of the body, which is why orange-colored urine in a girl can be associated both with the presence of kidney disease and genital infections, such as cystitis, in which the urine becomes orange in color. - for bacteria and red blood cells entering it. Orange urine in women requires special attention from both the woman herself and specialists, because her reproductive health.
  3. Men, like women, quite often suffer from the development of a pathological process in the genital tract. Orange urine in men is most often associated with the presence of a pathological process in the prostate gland. As its size increases and the walls become inflamed, the urine acquires a red-orange hue. Most often, this disease affects elderly and senile people.

In addition, changes in urine color may be preceded by injuries to the genital tract and urinary system, which also cause urine color.

If a change in the color of urine is noticed and the person cannot match them with physiological factors, you should contact a urologist, who will prescribe additional tests and help not only find out where it came from and why the urine is bright orange, but also create full course treatment that will allow you to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life.

It is important not to ignore this symptom in order to avoid consequences that have a detrimental effect on your health. It must be remembered that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later, so carrying out preventive examinations will allow you to maintain good health.

When orange urine appears, it is initially recommended to analyze the reasons for the change in its color yourself. There is no point in drawing hasty conclusions about the presence of a problem. There are many factors that can influence color biological fluid and at the same time not pose any threat to the body. As a rule, in the absence of pathological abnormalities, orange-colored urine appears for a short period of time and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

When the urine color remains persistently orange or other health problems begin to appear, you cannot do without qualified help from a specialist.

According to standards, the urine of a healthy person is yellow (straw) in color and should not smell bad. The color of urine depends on its composition. There are people with physiological characteristics of the body in which the color of urine always has an orange tint and this is considered normal. Under these conditions, you should seek help from a specialist if the biological material becomes light-colored. Any deviation from the norm has its own explanation, which is recommended to be clarified.

When the yellow color of biological material changes to orange, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Dehydration of the body. A lack of fluid in the body can be caused by excessive physical activity. This problem often occurs among professional athletes who spend a lot of time training. If measures are not taken in a timely manner to eliminate the pathological process, the metabolism will be disrupted, which will lead to many other health problems.
  2. Food. Dyes (natural or artificial) found in food can impart different colors to body fluids. If you overuse tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, drinks with chemical dyes, etc., you will notice how the color of your urine changes. After stopping taking products from this category, all indicators will return to normal.
  3. Medications. During the use of certain medications, a change in the color of urine may occur. Under such circumstances, the color of the biological material may not be taken into account when compiling an anamnesis. Vitamins A and C can also change the yellow tint of urine to orange.

A rich yellow or orange biological fluid can appear only during morning urination, immediately after waking up. Antidiuretic hormone gives this color to urine. It is produced during the night's rest and helps the body avoid emptying the bladder while a person sleeps.

Human urine is an information biological material that allows one to suspect the presence of problems in the body even before laboratory analysis. In the process of making a preliminary diagnosis, not only the color of urine is taken into account, but also its other indicators:

  • smell;
  • transparency;
  • quantity;
  • presence of blood, etc.

To find out why the color of the biological material has changed and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment, additional tests will be required.

Dangerous symptoms

Orange urine, which appears due to a pathological abnormality in the body, is in most cases accompanied by other symptoms. But it is possible that the disease may occur without pronounced signs and only the changed color of urine will be the only manifestation of the disease. Pathological processes that can lead to the appearance of orange urine in women, men or children include:

  1. Poisoning. The urine becomes darker than usual and takes on the color of orange. Additionally, other symptoms are observed, such as: nausea, vomiting, upset stomach. Signs of intoxication are dangerous because they can also cause dehydration. For preschool children, the pathology can be fatal.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. A change in the color of biological material occurs as a result of an increased concentration of uric acid in it. If the patient begins to experience additional severe pain, then it is possible that the reason for their appearance was the displacement of the stone inside the organ.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Discoloration in men is characteristic of a bacterial inflammatory process that is localized in the kidneys. The color is affected by pathogenic microflora. To make a final analysis, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed study of the patient. If pyelonephritis is confirmed, the patient will need complex treatment, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory substances, probiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc.
  4. Pathologies of the genitourinary organs. Additionally, there are other symptoms, for example, pain during urination, streaks of blood in the urine, and an unpleasant pungent odor.
  5. Neoplasms in the genitourinary system. Orange color of urine is characteristic not only if there is malignant tumor. The growth can also be benign. Treatment of the pathological process involves surgical removal.
  6. Injury to the genitourinary system. Blood that can penetrate urine due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels can give urine an orange tint. A change in the color of urine after an injury should be a reason for a visit to a specialist.

The presence of a disease in the body that is not directly related to the genitourinary system can provoke the appearance of orange urine. For example, pathological processes in the liver or cardiovascular pathology.

Women's problems

Orange urine during pregnancy can occur as a result of all of the above reasons, but most often the problem lies in food. While in the process of bearing a child, the female body undergoes many changes and, against the background of this, becomes vulnerable to various diseases. Another one common reason, due to which the urine can become bright orange, is cystitis. Bladder inflammation in most cases is caused by hypothermia.

In addition to changes in the color of urine, cystitis causes other unpleasant symptoms, including pain. They may be present constantly or appear during urination.

In women who suffer from morning sickness early in pregnancy, the biological material produced by the kidneys may turn orange as a result of dehydration. This complication poses a danger not only to expectant mother, but also for her baby. Metabolic disorders in a woman’s body can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Orange urine in the 3rd trimester may be the result of a complication such as gestosis. This disease is characterized by a complex of disorders of systems and individual organs. Gestosis is also called late toxicosis. If symptoms of this pathological process appear, a woman should definitely seek help from her doctor. Disruption of the normal functionality of the body harms mother and child. Preeclampsia is one of those diseases that is typical only for pregnant women, and its danger is that the possibility of a woman’s death cannot be ruled out.

Urine color in children

The baby's urine has an orange tint for several days after birth, and this is considered normal. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the biological material contains urates and uric acid crystals. Approximately on the 5th–6th day after birth, the color of the baby’s urine becomes pale yellow. Urine has no odor. The discharge ceases to be concentrated if the baby has enough mother's milk and is fed according to the schedule. If the color does not change, you should consult your pediatrician. The reason may be dehydration or pathologies in the functionality of internal organs.
