All sexually transmitted infections. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections: emergency measures and basic rules

Genital infections in women are indeed most often not noticed and are overlooked by representatives of the fairer sex. Due to the fact that they do not know about their disorder, they endanger not only their own health, but also endanger the health of their partner, therefore, diagnostics of the health condition must be carried out periodically. Genital infectious diseases should not be mistaken for venereal diseases(gonorrhea, syphilis and inguinal lymphogranulomatosis), which spread exclusively only during sexual intercourse, in order to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases, you should definitely consult a venereologist, followed by their treatment.

The content of the article:

Types of infections

There are a significant number of pathogenic microorganisms of sexually transmitted infections in women: gonococcus, herpes - viral infection, trichomonas, chlamydial infection, ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum), human papillomavirus (HPV) and a large number of other pathogenic microorganisms. And only through unsafe, single sexual contact can several types of pathogenic microorganisms be transmitted.

Sexual infections are divided into:

Almost every woman has encountered this infection. Vaginal candidiasis, or in common parlance, thrush, is caused by several species of fungi of the genus Candida, usually Candida Albicans. Interestingly, the presence of Candida on the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person is normal. But their active growth can provoke a weakened immune system, excessive use of antibiotics (which destroy not only bad but also good bacteria) and immunosuppressants.

Too thick and synthetic underwear leads to overheating of the intimate area and increased humidity, which contributes to the spread of infection.

Symptoms of a fungal infection:

  • irritating itching or burning in intimate area;
  • curdled, white discharge with a sour odor.

But you still need to go to the gynecologist; similar symptoms occur with other infections. And one more thing: if you have candidiasis, this does not mean that someone infected you. But there is a risk that you will infect your partner. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, and if it is too late, then both should be treated.

During a gynecological examination, your doctor will take a swab from your vagina. Treatment is usually with antifungal creams or intravaginally and lasts from a few days to two weeks.

Infection is caused by various strains of anaerobic bacteria (for example, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma Hominis), which are present in the normal microflora of the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is a consequence of a sharp weakening of the immune system (for example, due to stress), the presence of multiple sexual partners, the use of antibiotics, vaginal douching, hormonal changes associated with menopause, pregnancy, and poor intimate hygiene.

This infection is characterized by itching and burning in the intimate area. Vaginal discharge is usually whitish and watery, with an intense fishy odor. But with this infection, more than 50% of women do not notice any symptoms.

To diagnose bacterial vaginosis, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination (including a pH test, microscopic examination). Treatment includes oral antibiotics or vaginal medications containing clindamycin and metronidazole. Treatment usually lasts for 7 days.

Refusal of treatment can cause complications - vaginal inflammation of the Bartholin gland or bartholinitis, inflammation of the appendages or uterine mucosa. The infection cannot be ignored during pregnancy, as it can lead to premature birth.

Perhaps this is the only one sexually transmitted infection, in which it is not necessary for both partners to be treated.

We are accustomed to the fact that herpes manifests itself in the form of a cold on the lips. But it is a highly contagious infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, which is sexually transmitted. A contact - household transmission mechanism - through hygiene items, towels is also possible. Symptoms of the disease cannot always be noticed after infection, since the virus manifests itself under unfavorable conditions and becomes active - during a weakening of the body, for example.

Symptoms of genital herpes: the infection manifests itself in the form of blistering rashes, which burst after a few days, forming ulcers and crusts. Symptoms usually disappear after a few days, but the virus remains in the body and goes dormant (waiting for favorable conditions to develop).

Treatment usually involves the oral or topical antiviral drug acyclovir and its derivatives, which help relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse. Treatment is especially necessary during pregnancy - neglect can cause serious complications in the fetus in the last stage of pregnancy.

Cytomegalo is a viral infection

In fact, this is the 5th type of herpes virus, but many doctors classify it as a separate disease. In most cases, the virus does not manifest itself in any way throughout life, but in some, symptoms appear 30-60 days after the initial infection:

  • salpingitis (inflammation fallopian tubes);
  • adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages);
  • vaginitis.

In this case, CMV can be detected using serological tests. After 2-6 weeks, the symptoms subside and the virus “falls asleep” for a long time or forever. Cytomegalo is a viral infection that poses a major danger to pregnant women and people with severely weakened immunity.

About 600 types of human papillomaviruses are known: some of which are considered completely harmless, others can provoke the appearance of warts or genital warts in the intimate area, and others can give rise to malignant diseases, in particular affect the development of cervical cancer.

From oncogenic viruses to last years Girls over 14 years of age are vaccinated.

The virus is transmitted through sexual contact and household contact. There is also a risk of self-infection from other areas - for example, during hair removal. In most cases, 90% of genital warts disappear on their own, thanks to the immune system, but people try to get rid of them earlier, for example, using laser burning.

This is a viral disease that is also transmitted through sexual contact and contact.

The incubation period lasts from 3 to 6 weeks. Then, on the skin in the groin area, you can notice small pink nodules, from which a cheesy mass is released when pressed. Most often, the symptoms of this disease go away on their own within a few months and without treatment.

The causative agent of this disease is the microorganism ureaplasma, which can be infected through sexual contact.

The infection most often occurs in a vague manner. Symptoms may appear on the 3-5th day after infection in the form of moderate pain and burning when urinating, scanty vaginal discharge. After this, the symptoms subside for a long time and can systematically manifest themselves with a decrease in immunity.

The unpleasant thing is that ureaplasma can cause adhesions in the pelvis, resulting in infertility. Therefore, analysis for ureaplasma is included in the list of standard examinations for sexually transmitted diseases.

Mycoplasmas are considered a variant of the normal composition of the vaginal microflora, the carriers of which are a quarter of adult women. In many clinical cases, the bacterium does not manifest itself in any way, but is only activated as a result of decreased immunity.

However, the active development of mycoplasma infection can lead to some complications - from infertility to acute inflammatory process of the kidneys. As a result, the opinions of doctors regarding the treatment of this infection are divided: some argue that treatment should begin immediately after the pathogen is identified, others - only when the disease worsens.

This disease is caused by chlamydia bacteria, which are transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. An excessive number of sexual partners increases the likelihood of infection by an order of magnitude.

The course of the disease is asymptomatic, only sometimes there is abnormal excretion from the vagina or a burning sensation at the time of urination. If the infection spreads from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, pain in the lower abdomen and during sexual intercourse or bleeding between cycles may also occur.

Treatment is prescribed for both partners. If left untreated, the disease can cause chronic inflammation of the genital tract, leading to damage fallopian tubes, and consequently, to infertility. In addition, chlamydia can spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and cause damage to the joints (Reiter's syndrome) and eyes (chlamydial conjunctivitis).

Therefore, early diagnosis of chlamydia and timely treatment are very important.

The cause of trichomoniasis is the protozoan Trichomonas, which can be transmitted during sexual contact without using a condom, and also during the sharing of towels, public toilets, swimming pools, and saunas.

Signs and manifestations of trichomoniasis: discharge (excretion) from the vagina is abundant, foamy, yellow or greenish and with an unpleasant odor. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by itching and irritation of the vulva and vagina, as well as pain during sexual intercourse.

The course of treatment for trichomoniasis is carried out with drugs (antibiotics) - metronidazole and lasts about a week, although the doctor may also prescribe the drug for one-time use only. The disease cannot be ignored, as it can cause various complications, such as chronic vaginitis, cystitis, and even lead to infertility. Infection during pregnancy can lead to premature birth.


Terms of local and drug treatment sexually transmitted infections in women are calculated based on the form of genitourinary infection and the presence of its complications. In case of complicated variants of sexual infection, it is quite possible that a longer course of medication and physical therapy will be required. It is also always important to strictly adhere to the course of treatment for the infection prescribed by your doctor.

We must also not forget that infections can fade and relapse may occur again. Therefore, even after completing the course of treatment, it is recommended to see a gynecologist for an examination and take all tests again in order to prevent the possible development of complications. This is the only way you can be completely confident in your health.

Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious, that is, arising due to the introduction of various pathogens. They are broadcast from person to person only contact and mainly during sex.

The generally accepted definition does not raise questions among doctors, but for patients it is better to decipher it point by point:

  • Pathogens can be bacteria, protozoa, fungi, rickettsiae or viruses. Mixed infection is possible - infection by several types of microorganisms at once.
  • A sexually transmitted disease is a local and general manifestation of the impact of infection on a person.
  • For infection, you need a source of infection (the patient or a carrier) and the route through which the pathogens are transmitted. Infection with a sexually transmitted disease is possible if there is:
    1. Sexual transmission during any sexual activity (traditional, oral or anal intercourse). Pathogens are transmitted from the skin or mucous membranes of the genital organs, anus(anus), lips and oral cavity.
    2. Transmission - infection through blood - through transfusion of whole blood, red blood cells; infection from needles or instruments on which the blood of a patient or a carrier of infection remains.
    3. Contact and household route: through linen or objects that are contaminated with infectious secretions.

The word “venereal” is associated with the name of Venus, the Roman goddess of love: it emphasizes that diseases are more often transmitted through sexual contact.

What diseases are considered sexually transmitted, their classification

Modern sources provide a list of sexually transmitted infections. The list includes only two dozen diseases. Among them are 5 original venereal diseases:

And a number of STDs, which today are conventionally called “venereal”, based on the sexual route of infection:

  • , And , , .
  • Some sources also classify intestinal giardiasis and amebiasis as STDs, although sexual transmission (mainly anal) is not the main route for them.

Sexually transmitted diseases are classified in very different ways:

According to etiological principle(based on the reasons for the development of diseases), ailments are divided into viral, bacterial, fungal, etc.

According to the effect on the body There are genital types of sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea, vaginal trichomoniasis), skin types (pediculosis pubis, scabies, condylomas) and those affecting other organs and systems of the human body (viral hepatitis B and C, amoebiasis, AIDS, giardiasis).

In accordance with the age of the description of the signs distinguish between classic, known even before our era, venereal diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, donovanosis, chancroid and lymphogranuloma venereum (all of them are oral infections), and the so-called new venereal diseases - the rest of the list.

The names of some classic STDs have historical roots: the godfather of gonorrhea was an ancient Roman doctor Galen, who observed the "flow of seed" and used Greek words to describe this feature. The word “syphilis” is associated with a myth according to which the gods, offended by disrespect, punished a shepherd named Syphilus with a genital disease. There was even a poem dedicated to this plot, where the main symptoms were described in detail. A later name is lues ( lues) – translated from Latin means “contagious disease”, and it appeared after the syphilis epidemic in Europe, which lasted about 50 years (late 15th – mid 16th centuries). The names of new STDs are derived from the names of pathogens (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.) and virus serovars (viral hepatitis B and C), main manifestations (scabies, condylomas) or symptom complexes (AIDS).

Prevalence and risk groups

Top lines of the world rankings, including the most common sexually transmitted diseases , Trichomoniasis and chlamydia are firmly occupied: up to 250 million cases are identified annually, and the proportion of those infected is about 15% of the total population of the Earth.

They are followed by gonorrhea (100 million “fresh” cases of the disease per year) and syphilis (up to 50 million). The graphical representation of morbidity resembles a wave, the peaks of which occur during times of social change for the worse and the post-war years.

  1. Reasons causing an increase in the incidence of STDs:
  2. Demographic – population growth, an increase in the proportion of young and sexually active people, traditions of early sexual activity.
  3. Progress in the socio-economic sphere - labor migration, tourism development, more free time and money, youth attraction to cities and availability of sexual contacts.
  4. Behavioral norms are changing: more divorces, easy change of sexual partners; women are emancipated, and men are in no hurry to start a family.
  5. Medical reasons - frequent cases of self-medication and the transition of diseases into a latent form; women and men feel safe using condoms and instant STD prevention.

Prevalence of drug addiction and alcoholism. Traditional risk groups include prostitutes, homeless people, illegal migrants, alcoholics and drug addicts leading a “non-prestigious” lifestyle. However, they are confidently being overtaken by the growing incidence rate among quite successful people

: personnel of companies operating abroad; those employed in the tourism business and tourists; sailors, pilots and flight attendants are also included in the list of unreliable STDs.

Incubation period

The appearance of visible changes at the site of infection is the result of the reproduction and vital activity of STD pathogens. A small number of infectious agents can be rebuffed by the immune system and die, and for the development of signs of the disease, the law of the transition of quantity into quality must work. Therefore, any infectious diseases have an incubation period - a period of time necessary for the number of pathogens to increase and the first visible symptoms of infection to appear (for STDs - rash, discharge). Incubation time may vary, which is associated with the duration of contact, the amount of a single dose of pathogens, the route of transmission and the state of the immune system of the recipient person. The incubation period (IP) is shortened in elderly and weakened patients, with transmission of pathogens and in patients with immunodeficiency syndrome.

IP for some common sexually transmitted infections (per day):

  • Chlamydia: 7-21 days;
  • Trichomoniasis: 7-28 days;
  • Gonorrhea: 2-10 days;
  • Urea and mycoplasmosis: 21-35 days;
  • Syphilis: 21-28 days;
  • Genital herpes: from 1 to 26, usually 2-10 days;
  • (pointed): 30-90 days.

The main manifestations of classical venereal diseases

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are divided into primary signs that appear on the skin or mucous membranes at the site of entry of pathogens, and are common associated with their toxic effects on the body. For example, - these are local manifestations of sexually transmitted infections, and fever is a general symptom.


The causative agent of syphilis ( Treponevapallidum, spiral-shaped bacterium or spirochete) is predominantly transmitted through sexual contact. The risk of becoming infected during unprotected sex reaches 30%. In external environment spirochetes are unstable; to maintain activity they require certain temperatures and humidity. The mucous membrane of the genital organs, mouth or rectum serves as such an “incubator”. The infection can also be transmitted in utero - to the child from the mother, or through a transfusion of contaminated blood.

Primary a sign of syphilis infection: it appears at the site of direct introduction of treponemes and at first does not cause concern. A compaction appears, then in its place a round ulcer with a hard bottom and raised edges appears. There is no pain, but the chancre can be small in size - from 1 cm in diameter. After a couple of weeks, the lymph nodes, which are located closer to the chancre, enlarge, but they are also painless and do not bother the patient. The chancre heals on its own in 1-1.5 months. after appearance, however, the infection remains in the body and syphilis goes into the secondary period.

Start secondary syphilis is a symmetrical venereal rash ( roseola), which often appears even on the feet and palms. When the rash occurs, the temperature rises and the lymph nodes enlarge throughout the body. Characteristic is the alternation of deterioration and improvement of the general condition - periods of exacerbations and remissions. Among skin manifestations, warts (condylomas lata), which are localized in the perineum and anus, can attract the patient’s attention; Hair loss on the scalp is also noticeable.

syphilitic roseola

Tertiary the period of syphilis is associated with severe internal diseases that develop within several years after infection. If left untreated, about 1/4 of patients die.


The causative agent is paired cocci, under a microscope they look like coffee beans, with their concave side facing each other. The name is sonorous - Neisseriagonorrhoeae, given to microbes in honor of their discoverer, venereologist A.L. Neisser. Gonococci penetrate exclusively through the mucous membranes, most often through the genital organs, rectum and orally, less often through the eyes (gonoblepharrea of ​​newborns when a child is infected from the mother). The household route of transmission of infection is impossible, because gonococci are very sensitive to temperature and humidity conditions.

in the photo: gonorrheal discharge in men and women

Basicsigns infections - purulent inflammation of the mucous membranes. When transmitted sexually, both partners almost always develop (inflammation of the urethra). Gonorrhea is distinguished by (urination), ; even at rest they can. The discharge during the acute period is profuse and purulent, the color ranges from white to yellow. When transitioning to the chronic form, there is little discharge, they become whitish and thick.

Important: in contrast, with gonorrhea they are often minor, they can be mistaken for a symptom of nonspecific urethritis, cystitis or. Be sure to make an appointment with your doctor if the discharge occurs for more than one cycle and has a putrid odor; if there is bleeding between menstruation; if you “don’t have the strength” and your lower back is constantly aching.

Complications are associated with ascending urogenital infection. In women, gonococci affect the uterus, tubes and ovaries, in men - the testicles, epididymis (), and prostate. Standard result chronic gonorrheaadhesions internal organs. If adequate treatment is not received or the immune system has failed, gonococcal infection is possible. sepsis(blood poisoning) with a fatal outcome or the spread of infection to internal organs(liver, heart, brain) and an unclear prognosis for later life. The sad, although not fatal, result of chronic gonorrhea is 100% male and female infertility.

Soft chancre (shacroid)

The causative agent is a bacillus Haemophilusducreyi. The disease is mainly “associated” with countries where there is a warm and humid climate (Africa, Asia, South America); it is rare in European countries. Infection occurs through sexual contact, through anal and oral sex. The chances of getting an infection during one time of unprotected sex are 50/50.

differences between soft chancre and hard chancre (syphilitic)

Signsinfection: the primary manifestation is a red spot, indicating the locus of infection. Then a purulent blister appears and turns into an irregularly shaped ulcer, soft and painful. The diameter of the ulcer varies from 3-5 mm to 3-10 cm or more. Then the lymph vessels become inflamed ( lymphangitis), forming painful subcutaneous cords. In men they are palpated on the back of the penis, in women - on the skin of the labia majora and on the pubis. After 7-21 days, inflammation spreads to the lymph nodes ( lymphadenitis); dense buboes appear, which later turn into soft ulcers and open. Complications– swelling of the foreskin, pinching of the glans penis, gangrene of the genitals.

With chancre, skin manifestations are numerous and are at different stages of development: spots, ulcers and scars are visible at the same time.

Lymphogranuloma venereum (inguinal lymphogranulomatosis)

The causative agent of lymphogranuloma venereum - some serotypes Chlamydiatrachomatis. The disease is quite rare in Europe; mainly “imported” infections and cases associated with port cities are recorded. The possibility of becoming infected through everyday life exists, but transmission of the infection mainly occurs through sexual contact.

in the photo: signs of lymphogranulomatosis venereum - inflamed inguinal lymph nodes in women and men

Basicmanifestations: 1-3 weeks after infection, a vesicle appears at the site of chlamydia penetration, which disappears without treatment and may go unnoticed. Then the regional lymph nodes enlarge, merging with each other; the skin over the source of inflammation is purple-violet, palpation causes pain. Next, suppuration occurs, the formations are opened with the flow of yellowish pus.

Complications inguinal lymphogranulomatosis – fistulas anal, scrotum, urethra, recto-vaginal, between the rectum and bladder. Later development is possible elephantiasis genitals due to local lymphostasis, strictures(narrowing) of the rectum and urethra.

in the photo: manifestations of donovanosis on the genitals

Donovanosis (venereal (inguinal) granuloma)

Donovanosis is an exotic disease native to the tropics. The causative agents are callimatobacteria or corpusclesDonovan, they become infected through sexual and household contact. Symptoms develop slowly. It begins with the formation of a red nodule on the skin or mucous membrane of the genitals, mouth, or anus. Then the nodule turns into an ulcer with a velvety bottom and raised edges, the size of the defect increases over time. Strictures urethra, vagina and anus, elephantiasis– main complications of donovanosis.

Signs of infection with new STDs

photo: typical discharge from chlamydia


Primary signs of infection atmen– urethritis with characteristic morning discharge in the form of a transparent drop. Uwomen– urethritis, inflammation of the cervix with scanty and cloudy secretions, associated pain and acyclic bleeding. Transmission of the infection is possible only through sexual contact; oral transmission is unlikely. Impossible become infected through contact and household contact (through pool water, toilet seats, bathhouses or bed linen.). Newborns can get chlamydial conjunctivitis or pneumonia from their mother during childbirth.


The infection is transmitted sexually or by everyday means(the only one of the sexually transmitted diseases! although such cases are extremely rare), oral and anal infections are uncommon. In men, symptoms of urethritis and colpitis prevail, in women - colpitis. Trichomoniasis is characterized by yellowish, profuse, foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching in the perineal area, pain during sexual intercourse and when urinating.


“sexual” types of mycoplasmas

Mycoplasmas occupy an intermediate position between bacteria and viruses and can live in the body of humans, animals and even plants. Capable of multiplying on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, and organs of the genitourinary tract. Often detected in healthy people, up to 50% of women are carriers of mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmahominis And M. genitalium are the cause of the development of urethritis in men, and bacterial vaginosis in women ( gardnerellosis), inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Mycoplasma pyelonephritis may also develop. Infection occurs through sexual contact; transmission of the infection is unlikely through household contact.


Pathogens – Ureaplasmaparvum And U. urealyticum, causing urethritis in men and inflammation of the uterus and ovaries in women. How does the complication develop? urolithiasis disease, during pregnancy, spontaneous abortion or early birth is possible. Many completely healthy people become carriers of the infection; more often these are women.

Genital herpes

The causative agent is the herpes simplex virus ( Herpessimplex); Sexual transmission occurs through oral, anal and genital contact. Household spread of this virus is unlikely. The first sign of the disease is a painful spotty-bubble rash at the site of virus introduction; the patient feels sharp pain and burning, local swelling increases. At the same time it gets worse general state, the temperature rises and begins headache. The bubbles transform into erosions, from which a yellowish liquid is released. After 5-7 days, the erosions heal, leaving pigmentation. Relapse of the disease or re-infection is always possible.

HPV (human papillomavirus)

HPV causes a spectrum of different skin lesions, including pointedcondylomas. The cause is sexually transmitted infection, including oral infection, with HPV serotypes 6 and 11. Epithelial outgrowths resembling cockscombs form on the genitals. Formations can merge and increase in size. In women, genital warts are most often found in the vulva and vagina, in men - on the penis and inner leaf. preputium(foreskin). Warty growths are possible in the corners of the lips and on the tongue.

skin manifestations of papillomavirus infection - papillomas

Candidiasis (thrush)

Candidiasis is the result of rapid proliferation of fungi (genus Candida), which are normally always present in healthy people on the mucous membranes of the mouth, urogenital and intestinal tracts. It is classified as a sexually transmitted disease due to the possible sexual transmission and skin manifestations that are often observed in the genital area. Candidiasis can develop after treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone), with diabetes, AIDS, after prolonged stress, in the third trimester of pregnancy. Symptomsgenital candidiasis in women - cheesy, with a sour odor vaginal discharge, pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse. In men, a whitish coating is visible on the head of the penis, pain is present during miction and after sexual intercourse.

Laboratory diagnostics

Laboratory examination using various techniques is the basis for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases. Previously, preference was given visualidentification of pathogens, performing (cervix, vagina, urethra, rectum, pharynx) followed by microscopy. The technique is quite accurate, but the result takes at least a week, and the loss of time is a serious problem for the attending physician and the patient.

It is done quickly, the method is inexpensive and simple. The discharge is taken with a sterile swab: in men - from the urethra, in women - from three standard points (urethra, vestibule of the vagina, cervix). The material is then applied to a glass slide, stained, and examined under a microscope. You can determine the degree of inflammation by the number of leukocytes and evaluate the qualitative composition of the microflora. Viruses cannot be seen with light microscopy.

Modern diagnostic options in venereology - PIF analyzes ( straightimmunofluorescence), (immunoenzyme). The material is secretions; the doctor receives the examination results within a few hours. The methods are cheap and widely available, but the accuracy is disappointing - only up to 70%. Therefore, these tests are used for preliminary diagnosis.

The final diagnosis is made based on the results, which means “ polymerase chain reaction "or a DNA test for the pathogen. The material is excretions and urine, the time to obtain the analysis result is up to 2 days, the accuracy is up to 95%. Preferably PCR is used to determine. In case of acute purulent inflammation, it is recommended to do PIF, ELISA, and culture.

(material – venous blood) indicates that there is an immune response to the presence of this pathogen, i.e. infection is determined by indirect signs and is not detected directly. Mainly used to determine viral diseases (genital herpes, HIV, viral hepatitis, cytomegalovirus) and syphilis. Antibodiesto bacteria remain in the blood for a long time; they are present even after complete recovery, which is why this method is never used to test for bacterial venereological diseases, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis.


Treatment for bacterial STDs is carried out antibiotics, additionally including local procedures (urethral instillations), immunotherapy and physiotherapy. For combined infections (gonorrhea and chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea), drugs are used that act simultaneously on several pathogens. Viral infections (HIV, hepatitis B or C virus, herpes simplex virus) are treated with special agents, and antibiotics are prescribed only for accompanying complications caused by bacteria. It should be remembered that antibiotics do not work on viruses!

  • Treatment acuteuncomplicated gonorrhea: tablets cefixime, ofloxacin (0.4 g once) or ciprofloxacin (0.5 g once).
  • Chlamydia: doxycycline tablets 0.1 g x 1, or azithromycin 0.1 x 2, course 1 week.
  • Soft chancre: once - azithromycin tablet. 1.0 g, or ciprofloxacin tab. 0.5 g x 2 courses for 3 days, or erythromycin tab. 0.5 g x 4 – course 1 week.
  • Venereallymphogranulomatosis: tab. doxycycline (0.1 g x 2, course 3 weeks) or erythromycin (tablet 0.5 g x 4, course 1 week).
  • Donovanosis: trimethoprim (0.16 g x 2) or doxycycline (0.1 g x 2), course up to 3 months.
  • Ureaplasmosis: azithromycin tab. 1.0 g once, or doxycycline (tablet 0.1 g x 2, course 1 week).
  • Candidiasis: for skin lesions - clotrimazole cream, twice a day, course 5-7 days. Orally – fluconazole tablets, 50-100 mg per day, course 5-7 days. For women - vaginal suppositories (clotrimazole, isoconazole). Suppositories betadine, polzhinax, terzhinan are considered ineffective against candidiasis, and can also cause vaginal dysbiosis and, as a result, the development of gardnerellosis.
  • Herpetic rashes in the genital area: antiviral agents (acyclovir, Valtrex, farmciclovir). Oral and intravenous administration of the solution is more effective than local use in the form of ointments or creams. It is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes simplex virus; symptoms reappear when there are problems with the immune system (stress, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, AIDS).
  • Condylomas acuminata removed (laser, cryotherapy, electrocoagulation), interferon injections are prescribed at the base of each wart. Antivirus pharma. the remedies are ineffective. Approximately a third of patients recover without treatment within 1-3 months; 25% experience a relapse after therapy or removal of genital warts.

Prevention of STDs

Spermicidal drugs (contraceptin, pharmatex) have not undergone clinical trials regarding protection against STDs, therefore their use as a means of prevention is not recommended.

The only and guaranteed way not to get sexually transmitted infections is a traditional monogamous relationship, a happy life with one partner.

Video: sexually transmitted diseases – “Health Expert”

Nowadays, everyone knows more or less precisely what sexually transmitted infections are. But there are so many myths associated with “shameful diseases” that it is sometimes quite difficult to figure out what is the truth and what is the lie. The site, with the help of a dermatovenerologist, debunks the most common myths about STIs.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/sexually transmitted diseases are a hot topic in health columns.

It is not so easy to understand the huge flow of information, and most importantly, to find reliable and easiest-to-understand information for a person who has not been trained in the art of healing.

When visiting a doctor, especially one dealing with issues "intimate" diseases, Every patient experiences stress in one way or another.

Waiting for test results is a period accompanied by anxiety, even if you are completely confident in yourself and your sexual partner.

And, finally, a doctor’s report with unfamiliar words in the “diagnosis” line - almost every person has experienced all this.

It’s great if the doctor tries to explain the patient’s condition and answers all the questions, but quite often doctors do not waste time on what they consider to be empty explanations.

In addition, relationships with loved ones can deteriorate due to a lack of information and myths that still exist today.

In this article we have collected the most common misconceptions about STIs that you often hear from patients or see on the pages global network Internet.

Can you get this from a swimming pool?

Myth 1.
STIs include: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, anogenital warts (human papillomavirus), chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, donovanosis, gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis), mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.

10 myths about sexually transmitted infections

This statement contains both reliable and unreliable information.

STIs do include: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, anogenital warts (human papillomavirus), chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, donovanosis.

As for “gardnerellosis,” such a diagnosis does not exist at all.

The condition (and not the disease) of a violation of the vaginal microflora (dysbacteriosis) is called bacterial vaginosis, and can be provoked by many reasons.

To STI this state does not apply and can occur even in girls who are not sexually active.

The biocenosis of the vagina includes a huge number of microorganisms and a violation of the microflora can be associated not only with a microorganism called Gardnerella vaginalis(Gardnerella vaginalis).

Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are not STIs and still remain a topic of discussion among doctors.

Both myco- and ureaplasmas are classified as opportunistic microorganisms and require treatment under certain conditions.

It is worth noting that both myco- and ureaplasmas can be transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, and then, entering the body of a healthy person, they can:

    after some time, be forced out (that is, disappear) under the influence of normal microflora;

    remain in the body in small quantities without causing disease;

    remain in the body in small quantities, but still cause clinical manifestations inflammatory diseases- discharge from the urethra, genital tract, discomfort when urinating, etc.;

Found in large quantities with clinical manifestations or without them.

On practice, Treatment is most often prescribed in cases 3 and 4, as well as before a planned pregnancy.

Candidiasis (or thrush), in fact, is a type of disorder of the vaginal microflora, but is not called bacterial vaginosis. Candidiasis is not an STI.

HIV, viral hepatitis B and C are infectious diseases.

The risk of transmission through sexual contact is not so significant; the main route of transmission is hematogenous (through blood).

However, since there is a danger of transmitting these diseases through sexual contact, it is recommended to include them in a comprehensive examination for STIs.

Sexually transmitted infections do not always have clear symptoms!

You can get STIs in swimming pools, saunas, baths

10 myths about sexually transmitted infections

This is also a very common misconception. All STI pathogens are unstable in the external environment and quickly die outside the human body.

In addition, infection requires that a certain number of pathogens enter the body, as well as conditions of close contact, which is achieved only during sexual intercourse.

STIs are only transmitted through vaginal intercourse

This is one of the most common misconceptions. Almost all STIs, with the exception of trichomoniasis, are transmitted through all types of unprotected sexual contact - vaginal, oral and anal.

The causative agents of STIs, in addition to affecting the genitourinary system, can cause proctitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis.

Urinating and washing the genitals immediately after sexual intercourse significantly reduces the risk of contracting an STI.

To what extent do these procedures reduce the risk? STI infection,- They do not reduce the risk of infection. _

Even when using local antiseptics, the possibility of infection exists, and clean running water does not have antiseptic properties.

Douching immediately after intercourse reduces the risk of contracting STIs

Douching should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. At first glance, this is a harmless procedure, but it can harm your health.

This method not only does not reduce the risk of infection, but in some cases facilitates the penetration of pathogens higher up the genitourinary system and may provoke a complicated course of infection.

The use of oral contraceptives and topical spermicides protects not only from pregnancy, but also from STIs

It has now been proven that The most effective means of protection against STIs is a condom.

Neither combined oral contraceptives nor topical spermicides can provide reliable protection against STIs.

You cannot get an STI if you have interrupted sexual intercourse.

10 myths about sexually transmitted infections

Coitus interruptus occupies one of the leading places among methods of protection against pregnancy and STIs, according to a survey of patients who come to the appointment. This all happens due to the same lack of information.

Many women believe that pregnancy can only occur if, at the peak of arousal, ejaculation occurs (the release of sperm) into the vagina.

However, from the very beginning of sexual intercourse, along with the lubrication of the urethra, single sperm can enter the vagina, which can also fertilize the egg and, accordingly, pregnancy will occur.

Concept "sexually transmitted infections" (or “sexually transmitted diseases,” STDs) includes not only sexually transmitted diseases, but also urinary tract infections.

A feature of many sexually transmitted diseases , is the absence of clearly defined symptoms (the so-called “ hidden infections "). That is, a woman may not even suspect that she is infected for a long period of time. Without timely treatment, sexually transmitted infections in women lead to serious consequences.

Hidden sexually transmitted infections are one of the main reasons that can lead to, and if pregnancy does occur, to spontaneous termination of pregnancy, non-developing pregnancy (see), etc.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are highly contagious; immunity to them is not developed, meaning re-infection is possible.

STDs are transmitted by various microorganisms, including:

  • fungal infections ();
  • simplest();
  • viral (, HIV,);
  • bacterial (gonorrhea, syphilis).

This group also includes infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms (such as gardnerella). In small quantities, these microorganisms live even in completely healthy people, but in large concentrations they lead to urogenital diseases.

How can you become infected with an STD?

There are no male or female sexually transmitted diseases. There are features of the course of the disease in men and women. The routes of infection are the same: sexual intercourse, infection through blood, close contact with an infected person at home. It is also possible to transmit the infection from mother to fetus during intrauterine development or to a child - during childbirth and through milk during breastfeeding.

Diseases can intensify due to such unfavorable factors as:

  • reduced immunity;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • environmental factor, etc.

General symptoms of sexually transmitted infections

Since many sexually transmitted infections do not manifest themselves early stages, a woman only begins to experience certain symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease and consults a doctor late. Therefore, it is important to know the basic primary signs of sexually transmitted infections , which include:

  • discharge from the genital tract that is yellowish, greenish and gray in color and bad smell;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain and burning in the genital area;
  • skin manifestations in the form of growths, rashes or sores on the genitals;
  • discomfort and pain during or after intimate intercourse;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal folds.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, immediately contact your gynecologist and get tested for STDs! It is necessary to begin treatment of sexually transmitted infections as early as possible: in women they are more severe than in men.

Remember that untreated sexually transmitted diseases can cause irreparable damage to the female body!

How do various sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves?

Sexually transmitted diseases occur in both men and women. You can read about the peculiarities of sexually transmitted infections in men, and in this article we will talk about how sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves and are treated in women.


The causative agent of this disease is. The disease is characterized by scant symptoms - absence or a small amount of mucous discharge with pus, possibly painful urination, accompanied by itching and/or burning in the vagina. The infection poses a great danger for women planning pregnancy, as it can lead to adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and, consequently, to termination of pregnancy or fetal pathology.


The disease is caused by a microorganism such as. It manifests itself as transparent discharge and causes discomfort during urination and intimate contact. Can lead to inflammation of the vagina, uterus and appendages, and urethra. If infected during pregnancy, it can cause polyhydramnios, pathology of placental development, etc.


Candidiasis or “thrush” is caused by yeast fungi Candida class. They affect the vaginal mucosa and cause severe itching and cheesy discharge. You can read more about candidiasis.


One of the most common sexually transmitted infections is caused by vaginal infection. This disease is characterized by slightly foamy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and pain during intercourse. In its acute form, the infection is extremely dangerous for pregnant women.

Genital herpes

It is considered an incurable disease. When it enters the body (and its relative, cytomegalovirus), it integrates into human nerve cells and remains there for life.

In addition to itching and burning in the genitals, it is characterized by the appearance of a blistering rash, high fever, muscle pain and headaches. Subsequently, it can lead to such unpleasant diseases as conjunctivitis, encephalitis, meningitis, keratitis and damage to the central nervous system.

Human papillomavirus

The danger of infection is that the virus cannot be treated. The current approach is to test all women with cervical cytology during mandatory annual screening. It is important to carry out typing of the virus for oncogenic variants and, if detected, take the patient under observation, and not engage in mythical treatment of the human papillomavirus. However, if anatomical changes are detected in the form of condyloma or cervical papilloma, surgical excision is indicated. It must be remembered that oncogenic types of human papillomavirus are associated with cervical cancer.


A whole group of diseases caused by pathogenic staphylococci. Often, staphylococcus, together with pathogenic microbes such as gonococcus, chlamydia, and trichomonas, enters the genital tract during sexual intercourse and after a while causes itching, pain and burning.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a whole group of diseases that have Negative influence on the genitourinary, reproductive and other systems of the body. The danger is posed by pathogenic microorganisms that can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person during sex, through blood and, in very rare cases, through everyday contact.

Types of sexually transmitted infections

There are 20 main types of sexual infectious diseases, and all of them pose health risks. Very often, the patient does not even realize that he is infected, since such diseases have a hidden incubation period, during which no symptoms are detected. This situation leads to the transition initial stage diseases into chronic ones.

All infectious diseases are divided into three types according to the type of pathogen:

  • Ailments caused by microbes - syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms, the most common of which is trichomoniasis.
  • Viral lesions - HIV, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegaly.
Each disease has its own symptoms and methods of infection:
  • Syphilis. It is transmitted both sexually and domestically, through blood, saliva and seminal fluid; placental infection of the child from the mother is possible. The main symptoms are skin rashes, ulcers, myalgia, headache, an increase in leukocytes and a decrease in hemoglobin. Read about testing for syphilis.
  • Chancroid (soft chancroid). Infection occurs only during sexual contact. The disease is characterized by the development of purulent processes that involve the nearest lymph nodes. External signs are non-healing ulcers with serous contents and swelling around the circumference. The lesion covers the prepuce area in men and the labia in women. With unconventional types of sex, damage to the oral cavity and anus is possible.
  • Trichomoniasis. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse, less often during household contacts. In women, the disease manifests itself in the form of hyperemia and itching of the vaginal mucous tissues, discharge mixed with foam and an unpleasant odor. In men, this is difficult, painful urination, frequent false urge to go to the toilet.
  • Gonorrhea. The infection is transmitted during sex, through the patient's personal objects, and when the baby passes through the birth canal. In men, the main symptoms are inflammation of the urethral canal, pain when urinating, and purulent discharge. If the pathogen penetrates the prostate gland, erection may decrease. Gonorrhea in women is manifested by copious discharge of pus, pain and burning when urinating. Read more about gonococcal infection (gonorrhea).
  • . Differs in the latent nature of its occurrence and external manifestations, in fact, it does not. The main symptoms appear only when neglected form and are expressed in pain, itching of the genital organs in a woman, and the same symptoms in a man during urination. Routes of infection – sexual contact, use of linen and hygiene items of a sick person, transfer from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Candidiasis. It has typical manifestations in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth, severe itching, and intense cheesy discharge. The infection can develop as a result of sexual intercourse, with prolonged use of antibiotics.
  • Human papillomavirus. The infection typically enters the body through sexual and domestic means. External signs are genital warts and warts on the mucous tissues of the reproductive organs and anus. Some varieties are especially dangerous - they lead to breast and cervical cancer in women.
  • Ureaplasmosis. It is transmitted to the baby during childbirth, through sexual contact. Pronounced signs are often absent; in men, the infection provokes the development of prostatitis with typical symptoms - pain, stinging, difficulty urinating.
  • Cytomegalovirus. Infectious agents penetrate tissues through sperm, female, and vaginal secretions and are capable of infecting a child during fetal development. There are generally no symptoms.
  • Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis. Spread occurs through sexual contact. In men, the head of the penis is affected; in women, the labia and vagina are affected. Blisters and ulcers appear at the sites of infection. As the pathology develops, the cervical, inguinal and submandibular lymph nodes enlarge.
  • Gardnerellosis. It is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, although in some cases the virus can be introduced through household means. Since the pathogen actively suppresses the vital activity of lactobacilli, a person may experience digestive problems and disruption of normal bowel movements.
  • Mycoplasmosis. It is more common in women during unprotected sex, causing kidney dysfunction, inflammation of the urethra and vagina.

  • Hepatitis (B and C). The infection has different routes of entry - through blood, saliva, semen, and breast milk. Symptoms of infection may be loss of appetite, fatigue, pain in the liver, aching joints, dark urine, and attacks of nausea.
  • . A common, practically incurable disease, transmitted both sexually and through household methods. Due to the fact that the pathogen not only has the ability to penetrate human DNA, it penetrates into the nerve fibers of the spine, where it remains, becoming inaccessible to interferons and antibodies of the immune system. While in a latent state, the virus is activated at any sign of a decrease in the body's defenses. The rashes are localized on the lips, mucous membrane of the cheeks, eyes, in the genital area, and on the genitalia in women and men. The rashes disappear, most often, after 20-30 days.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Routes of infection - through blood, sexual intercourse (see more details about). Symptoms of infection during the acute phase are high fever, chills, joint and muscle pain, enlarged lymph nodes, rash, intestinal upset, vomiting, headache. The disease may not progress for some time, continuing to destroy the immune system, after which the patient’s well-being deteriorates.
  • AIDS. Serious illness sexually transmitted. The main routes of transmission are oral and anal sexual intercourse. Immunodeficiency syndrome has the following primary symptoms - high fever, general weakness, increased sweating, regular headaches, myalgia. Signs of intoxication often appear - nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing.
  • Pediculosis pubis. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is transmitted not only sexually, but also through underwear and bed linen. Characteristic symptoms are severe itching, hyperemia of the skin in the scalp area.
  • Molluscum contagiosum. In addition to sexual relations, the disease is transmitted through underwear, bedding, household items, when applying a tattoo, through microtrauma during close contacts. The skin disease is expressed in the form of rounded papules - nodules, which increase in size over time and merge with each other, forming a large affected surface.
  • Athlete's foot (groin fungus). Routes of infection are intimate intimacy, close household contacts, introduction of infection through cosmetics and personal hygiene items. A typical sign of the disease is severe itching, rashes in the form of pink papules in the scrotum, penis in men, in the armpits, genitals, buttocks, inside the knee and under the breasts in women.
  • Scabies. The introduction of scabies mites occurs through prolonged contact, including during coitus, when the patient’s skin comes into contact with healthy epidermis. The main manifestations are intense itching, which becomes unbearable in the evening and at night, when the activity of the pathogen increases. Localization of rashes - genitals, lumbar region, buttocks, chest, feet, inner thighs, armpits.
Sometimes damage is observed by several types of pathogens at once. This situation is typical for people who are promiscuous in their intimate relationships or who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. The lack of reliable contraceptives and weak immunity increases the risk of infection.

In this video, a venereologist talks in detail about the types of sexually transmitted infections, how they affect organs, what their symptoms are and how to effectively fight them.

And these are just the most common infections caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. Each case will require an individual approach to treatment and medications effective for a specific pathogen.

Causes of infection

The cause of the development of sexually transmitted infections is the penetration of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoan single-celled organisms, and fungi into the body.

Basic prerequisites:

  • Lack of quality contraceptives.
  • Casual sexual relations with unfamiliar partners.
  • Insufficient personal hygiene.
  • Blood donation and transfusions in case of accidents, operations, transplantations.
  • Lack of timely treatment of infection before conception and during pregnancy.
However, there are always factors that contribute to infection. And above all, it is weakened by various reasons immunity. Alcohol abuse, an unbalanced diet that is poor in essential vitamins, mineral compounds and trace elements, constant stressful situations, and physical overload lead to the fact that the immune system cannot cope with the pathology on its own.

Sexual infections lead not only to poor health, but also severe consequences– infertility, impotence, death.


To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests and the use of medical equipment are required. But any visit to a doctor begins with collecting anamnesis and examining the patient. Today there are so many varieties of pathogens that bacterial culture and smear examination are clearly not enough to obtain a reliable result.

Diagnosis in men is carried out using the following methods:

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly informative examination method that makes it possible to identify the type of pathogen by its DNA in the biomaterial from the secretion prostate gland, urethra, sperm and blood. The method also allows you to select the right antibiotic for a given virus. For examination, material is taken from the patient's urethral canal.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a method by which antibodies to specific infectious organisms can be found using a blood test.
  • Immunofluorescence – laboratory test blood, which provides maximum information about the protective forces of the male body, autoimmune disorders, failures endocrine system, pathologies of hematopoiesis.
To examine women, in addition to PCR and bacteriological culture, the following is carried out:
  • serological blood test to recognize antigens;
  • histological examination of tissues of the uterine cavity and cervical canal;
  • clinical blood test for hemoglobin content, level of erythrocytes and leukocytes.
These methods are basic, but other diagnostic procedures are used if necessary. Research allows us to select adequate, comprehensive treatment.

Complex treatment

Treatment of infectious diseases is individual for each patient and is comprehensive. In addition, patients are registered with a venereological institution until complete recovery. The course is prescribed to both the patient and his partner.

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections in men and women involves abstinence from sexual relations and the use of a complex of medications:
  • antibacterial agents in the form of tablets and injections;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics for painful urination, headaches, muscle, and lumbar pain;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling, irritation, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • if necessary, antifungal medications;
  • vitamins and immunomodulators to improve immunity;
  • medications for external use in the form of ointments, creams for rashes and ulcers.
The most effective antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria and viruses are:
  • Penicillins – Ampicillin, Amoxicillin.
  • Nitroimidazole – Trichopolum, Metronidazole.
  • Aminoglycosides – Neomycin, Spectinomycin.
  • Macrolides – Clarithromycin, Erythromycin.
  • Fluoroquinolones – Ofloxacin.
  • Tetracyclines – Doxycycline, Tetracycline.
Medicines are selected individually, as they can cause an allergic reaction. Antibiotics are used for no more than 2-7 days in a row as directed by a doctor. For more information about antibiotics that are used in the fight against sexually transmitted infections -.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. This is a lifelong disease and you can only suppress its manifestation. Read more about this.

Among other things, for genital infections, rectal/vaginal suppositories are prescribed in combination with other drugs that help relieve inflammation, reduce pain and swelling. These include:

  • antimicrobial suppositories Betadine, which stop inflammation;
  • for trichomoniasis, the antibacterial drug Metronidazole is effective;
  • Pimafucin is a highly effective vaginal suppository for women with antifungal action.
From immunostimulating agents during general therapy drugs such as Cycloferon, Genferon are used. For women, douching is prescribed, and for men - baths with a solution of potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine.

In this video, a venereologist talks in detail about the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Which drugs are better, how to properly build a treatment system.

In severe conditions, inpatient treatment under constant supervision is indicated. In the early stages of the disease, the patient can be treated at home as directed by a specialist, following the regimen of taking the necessary medications, and sometimes even bed rest.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent infection, the following rules should be followed:
  • use of condoms and contraceptives in women;
  • periodic examination by a gynecologist and urologist;
  • if necessary, undergo vaccinations;
  • maintaining intimate hygiene;
  • use of antiseptic solutions if infection is suspected within several hours after sexual intercourse;
