The effect of contraceptives on a woman’s body. What are the consequences of taking contraceptives?

Text: Anastasia Travkina

Using hormonal contraception, of course, it’s already difficult to surprise anyone, but it’s easy to get lost in the myths that surround this topic. In the United States, up to 45% of women 15–44 years old prefer hormonal contraception, while in Russia only 9.5% of women have ever used it. With the help of gynecologist-endocrinologist Valentina Yavnyuk, we figured out how it works, what medicinal properties she has, whether she poses a danger to women’s health, and what does feminism have to do with it.

What is hormonal contraception

Distinctive feature modern world- a large-scale movement to free the individual from various cultural, religious and social stereotypes. A significant part of this process is related to women gaining reproductive freedom. This means that a woman is given back the right to control her own body: to live a sexual life that suits her, and to independently decide whether to become pregnant or terminate an unwanted pregnancy. In many ways, it was the emergence and development of hormonal contraception that allowed women to take control of their bodies.

Hormonal contraception is a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy that a woman can completely regulate independently. Moreover, its effectiveness is higher than all other options for protection - subject to the rules of use, of course. So, possible pregnancy becomes something that partners can consciously choose. True, such contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted infections - a condom is the only way to protect yourself.

All hormonal contraceptives They generally work on the same principle: they suppress ovulation and/or prevent the egg from attaching to the surface of the uterine mucosa. This occurs due to the fact that the body constantly receives large number synthetic sex hormones. Suppression of ovulation puts the ovaries into an artificially induced, controlled “sleep”: they decrease in size and the follicles stop releasing eggs in vain.

How do hormones work?

Hormones are substances that actively influence all functions human body. Yes, in most cases they help improve the quality of skin and hair, stabilize weight and have many non-contraceptive benefits. However, you should never take hormones on your own without consulting your doctor. In addition, these drugs should not be prescribed by a cosmetologist or gynecologist without a referral for consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Sex hormones are biological active substances of our body, responsible for the development of sexual characteristics of male or female type. We have two types: estrogens are produced by the ovaries and, from the onset of puberty, form the female characteristics of the body and are responsible for libido and menstruation. Progestogens are produced yellow body ovaries and adrenal cortex and provide the possibility of conception and continuation of pregnancy, which is why they are called “pregnancy hormones”.

It is these two types of hormones that provide our monthly cycle, during which the egg matures in the ovary, ovulation occurs (when the egg leaves the ovary) and the uterus prepares for gestation. If fertilization does not occur, then after ovulation the egg dies, and the endometrium, that is, the mucous lining of the uterus, begins to be rejected, which leads to the onset of menstruation. Despite the opinion that menstruation is a “bursting egg,” in fact, bleeding is caused by mucosal rejection. An unfertilized egg does come out with it, but it is too small to see.

The main estrogen in the female body is the hormone estradiol, produced in the ovaries. A high concentration of estradiol in the blood in the middle of the cycle leads to the pituitary gland actively “turning on” in the brain. The pituitary gland triggers ovulation and the production of the main gestagen - progesterone - in case of pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives work like this: they suppress the ovulatory activity of the pituitary gland, which controls this entire complex process “from above,” and maintain a stable level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Thus, the pituitary gland takes a break from reproductive concerns, and the female body experiences a state of so-called false pregnancy: there is no monthly fluctuation in hormones, the eggs quietly “sleep” in the ovary, so fertilization becomes impossible.

There is another type of hormonal drugs. The gestagens in their composition change the quantity and quality of vaginal mucus, increasing its viscosity. This makes it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus, and changes in the thickness and quality of its coating prevent egg implantation and reduce motility fallopian tubes.

How to start using hormonal contraceptives

You can take hormonal contraceptives from late puberty, when monthly cycle(on average from 16–18 years), and until the cessation of menstruation and the onset of menopause. In the absence of complaints and with regular preventive diagnostics, women are recommended to take a break from taking hormones only if necessary to become pregnant, during pregnancy and lactation. If there are no contraindications, hormonal contraception You can take it the rest of the time.

Remember that a gynecologist-endocrinologist must collect information about the condition of your body as carefully as possible in order to effectively select a drug and avoid unnecessary risks. This information includes a history—gathering information about thromboembolic diseases, diabetes, hyperandrogenism, and other diseases in your family—and an examination. The examination should include a general gynecological examination, examination of the mammary glands, measurement blood pressure, taking a smear from the cervix, donating blood for coagulation and sugar, and assessing risk factors based on the results.

What are the types of hormonal contraception?

There are several types of hormonal contraception: they differ in the method of use, regularity, composition and dosage of hormones. Oral contraceptives are one of the most popular. For example, in the States it accounts for about 23% of all methods of contraception. These are tablets that are taken every day with a break, depending on the properties of the particular drug. There are two types of tablets: mini-pills contain only synthetic gestagen (they can be used by nursing mothers), and combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain synthetic estrogen and one type of synthetic gestagen - depending on the indications and condition of the body, you may need certain substances.

Oral contraceptives have the lowest dosages of hormones and are highly effective in protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Recently, a natural analogue of estrogen was found - estradiol valerate. The drug based on it has the lowest concentration of the hormone to date while maintaining the contraceptive effect. The only downside to the pills is the need to take them at the same time every day. If this condition seems difficult, then you should choose a method that requires less care, since violation of the rules of administration leads to an increased risk of pregnancy and possible complications.

The lifestyle of a modern woman often not only does not imply constant pregnancy, but also requires her to withstand a large social burden

Mechanical contraceptives are placed on or under the skin or inside the vagina or uterus. They constantly release small concentrations of hormones and need to be changed periodically. The patch is fixed on any part of the body and is changed once a week. The ring is made of an elastic transparent material and is inserted into the vagina for a month, almost like a tampon. There is also a hormonal intrauterine system or IUD, which is inserted only by a doctor - but it lasts up to five years. Hormonal implants are installed under the skin - and can also last for almost five years.

There are also hormonal injections, which are also administered for a long period of time, but in Russia they are practically not used: they are mainly popular in poor countries where women do not have access to other methods - injections are highly effective and not too expensive. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be reversed: you can remove the patch, take out the ring, remove the coil, and stop taking the pills - but it is impossible to stop the effect of the injection. At the same time, implants and spirals are also inferior to rings, tablets and patches in mobility, since they can only be removed with the help of a doctor.

What is treated with hormonal contraceptives

It is precisely because hormonal contraceptives help stabilize the hormonal background of the female body that they have not only contraceptive, but also. that modern women suffer from ecological-social reproductive dissonance - in other words, from the dramatic difference between the way we live and the way our ancient biological mechanism. Lifestyle modern woman often not only does not imply a permanent pregnancy, but also requires her to withstand a large social load. Since the advent of contraception, the number of monthly cycles a woman has in her life has increased significantly. Monthly hormonal changes are not only associated with a monthly risk of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or dysphoric disorder, but also deplete the body as a whole. A woman has the right to spend these energy resources at her discretion on any other type of constructive activity - and hormonal contraceptives help with this.

Due to the action described above, hormonal contraceptives treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and are even able to cope with the manifestation of its more severe form - premenstrual dysphoric disorder. And due to combined estrogen-gestagen contraceptives, endocrinologists correct hyperandrogenism - excess male hormones in a woman's body. This excess can lead to cycle disruption, infertility, heavy menstruation and its absence, obesity, psycho-emotional problems and other serious conditions. Due to hyperandrogenism, other problems may also bother us: hirsutism (increased male-pattern hair growth), acne (inflammation of the sebaceous glands, pimples) and many cases of alopecia (hair loss). The effectiveness of COCs in the treatment of these diseases is quite high.

After consulting with your doctor, some tablets can be taken in such a mode that even withdrawal bleeding will not occur

Hormonal contraceptives treat abnormal uterine bleeding - this is a general term for any abnormality menstrual cycle from the norm: change in frequency, irregularity, bleeding that is too heavy or too long, and so on. The reasons for such failures and the severity of the condition may vary, but often include complex treatment hormonal contraceptives are prescribed. In the absence of contraindications, the IUD will most likely be chosen: it daily releases progestogen into the uterine cavity, which effectively causes changes in the lining of the uterus, due to which it corrects heavy menstrual bleeding. The risk of developing ovarian cancer and uterine cancer with the use of hormonal contraceptives is reduced, since the ovaries decrease in size and “rest”, as during pregnancy. Moreover, the longer the reception lasts, the lower the risk.

Hormonal medications are designed primarily to mimic a monthly cycle, so there is a monthly withdrawal bleed—a “period”—with a few days between drug cycles. Good news for those who hate periods: after consulting with your doctor, some pills can be taken in such a way that there will be no bleeding.

Who should not take hormonal contraceptives

According to WHO, there is an impressive list of contraindications that cannot be ignored. Combined contraceptives should not be taken by pregnant, non-breastfeeding mothers earlier than three weeks after childbirth and nursing mothers - earlier than six months after childbirth, smokers after thirty-five years of age, hypertensive patients with thromboembolic diseases or their risk, diabetics with vascular disorders or experience of more than twenty years, and also for breast cancer, gallbladder diseases, coronary disease heart or complications with the valve apparatus, hepatitis, liver tumors.

There are fewer restrictions on taking progestogen contraceptives. They should not be taken again by pregnant women, breastfeeding women earlier than six weeks after birth, or those with breast cancer, hepatitis, tumors or cirrhosis of the liver. Combining some antibiotics, sleeping pills, and anticonvulsants with hormonal contraception may also be undesirable: tell your doctor if you are taking other medications.

Are hormonal contraceptives dangerous?

Hormones have an effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the entire body as a whole: they change some metabolic processes. Therefore, there are contraindications for taking hormones based on possible side effects. Ever since the first and second generations of high-dose hormonal contraceptives, there have been many horror stories about weight gain, hair growth, strokes, chemical dependence and other sad consequences of taking high concentrations of hormones. In new generations of products, the concentration of hormones is reduced tenfold and often different substances are used than before. This allows them to be used even for non-contraceptive medicinal purposes - therefore, transferring stories about the first generations of drugs to them is incorrect.

The most common side effect of hormonal contraception is increased blood clotting, which can lead to a risk of thromboembolic disease. Women who smoke and women whose relatives have had any thromboembolic complications are at risk. Since smoking itself increases the risk of blood clots, most doctors will refuse to prescribe hormonal contraceptives for women who smoke after thirty-five years of age. The risk of thrombosis is usually higher in the first year of taking and in the first six months after stopping hormones, which is why, contrary to popular belief, you should not take frequent breaks in taking hormones: it is not recommended to take them for less than a year and return to them earlier than after a year's break, so as not to damage your health. health. Prevention of thrombosis, in addition to quitting smoking, is an active lifestyle, drinking enough liquid and an annual blood test for homocysteine ​​and coagulogram.

While taking hormones, other types of intoxication can also have a negative effect: drinking alcohol and various psychoactive substances, including marijuana, psychedelics and amphetamines, can cause problems with blood pressure, blood vessels in the heart and brain. If you are not going to reduce your intake of toxic substances while taking hormonal contraception, you should inform your endocrinologist about your habits to avoid unnecessary risks.

The risk of cervical cancer while taking contraceptives increases when a woman has human papillomavirus, chlamydia, or high risk infection with sexually transmitted infections - that is, neglect of barrier contraception with non-regular partners. The pregnancy hormone progesterone suppresses the body's immune response, so women who fall into this risk group can take hormonal contraceptives, but they must undergo a cytological examination more often - if there are no complaints, once every six months. There is no convincing evidence that modern contraceptives increase the risk of liver cancer, although the first generations of drugs due to high dosage had a bad effect on her health. Many women are afraid that taking medications will cause breast cancer. Most studies have failed to make a reliable connection between the use of hormonal contraceptives and the occurrence of breast cancer. Statistics show that women with a history of breast cancer, late menopause, giving birth after forty, or who have never given birth are at risk. In the first year of using GC, these risks increase, but disappear as you take them.

There is no evidence to suggest that a woman taking hormonal contraceptives has a reduced egg supply

There is an opinion that taking hormonal contraceptives can lead to depression. This can happen if the gestagen included in the combined contraceptive is not suitable for you: with this problem, you need to consult a doctor in order to change the combined drug - most likely, this will help. But in general, depression and even observation by a psychiatrist is not a contraindication for taking birth control pills. However, be sure to tell both doctors about the medications you are using because some may reduce the effects of each other.

There is a myth that hormonal contraceptives due to inhibition reproductive system lead to infertility, subsequent miscarriage and fetal pathologies. This is wrong . The so-called ovarian sleep, or hyperinhibition syndrome, is reversible. At this time, the ovaries are resting, and the entire body is in a hormonally balanced state of “false pregnancy.” There is no evidence to show that a woman taking hormonal contraceptives has a reduced egg supply. Moreover, hormone therapy used to treat infertility, because after discontinuation of the drug and recovery, the ovaries work more actively. Taking hormonal contraceptives in the past does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. In most cases, the risks and side effects of taking hormonal contraceptives are significantly lower than those of terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

Also, hormonal contraceptives do not cause amenorrhea, the pathological cessation of menstruation. After stopping the drug, it often takes at least three months for menstruation to return (if it has not been there for more than six months, it is better to see a doctor). Hormonal contraceptive withdrawal syndrome is a condition that occurs after stopping taking hormones, when the body returns to constant monthly hormonal changes. In the first six months after withdrawal, the body may be in a storm, and therefore during this period it is better to be observed by an endocrinologist. Without medical necessity, you cannot interrupt taking hormones in the middle of the cycle: sudden breaks contribute to uterine bleeding and cycle disorders.

In the endocrinological environment, there is a poetic phraseology that characterizes the status of “balanced” women's health: harmony of hormones. Modern hormonal contraceptives still have contraindications and side effects, but with proper selection, compliance with the rules of administration and healthy image life, they can not only eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy, but also significantly improve the quality of life of a modern woman - freeing her energy for desired activities.

State of the art modern medicine helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. Proper use contraception guarantees that a woman has the right to have a child when she is ready for it.

Type of contraceptionProsCons
HormonalEffective protection against unwanted pregnancy, reducing the risk of ectopic pregnancy, malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system, normalization of the cycle, improvement of skin condition, prevention of infertility, can be taken continuouslySide effects, contraindications, does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, requires organization - taking medications should not be skipped
Reliability, one-time useHigh concentration of hormones, limited number of doses, likelihood of complications and side effects
Emergency non-hormonalEase of use, low costLack of efficiency

For nulliparous women, a properly selected contraceptive is not dangerous. Analyze harm and benefit birth control pills necessary taking into account the characteristics of a particular drug. These medicines are accepted only after consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.


Oral contraceptives (OCs) contain essential hormones that regulate the uterine cycle and a woman's ability to conceive a child. The composition is:

  • combined (COCs) - based on estradiol and progesterone;
  • mini-pills - based on progesterone.

Based on the concentration of hormones, combination drugs are:

  • microdosed;
  • low-dose;
  • medium dose;
  • highly dosed.

Depending on the hormone content, OCs are divided:

  • to monophasic (the content of estradiol and progesterone in all tablets is the same);
  • biphasic (tablets contain a constant amount of estradiol and the amount of progesterone varying depending on the day of the cycle);
  • triphasic (the amount of estradiol and progesterone in tablets corresponds to the day of the menstrual cycle).

The advantages of modern drugs are the absence of side effects (weight gain, tumors, body hair growth) that were observed with the first oral contraceptives. These drugs appeared in 1960 and contained large amounts of female hormones.

Last generation hormonal pills“mini-pills” are recommended for women over 35 years of age for whom estrogens are contraindicated. Even smoking patients are allowed to take them. Bleeding between menstruation is not an indication for discontinuing the contraceptive.

Small doses of hormones contained in OCs have a therapeutic and preventive effect:

  • prevent development malignant tumors reproductive organs, infertility;
  • regulate the uterine cycle;
  • relieve premenstrual syndrome;
  • remove painful sensations during menstruation;
  • improve skin condition.

Contraceptive hormonal pills are prescribed to women in special conditions:

  • in a mini-pill;
  • COCs are included in therapeutic measures after artificial termination of pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • OK for uterine cycle disorders, for the prevention of endometriosis (proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine wall), in the treatment of mastopathy.

What consequences may arise if canceled?

Earlier hormonal agents contraception required a mandatory break of several months every 3 years of use. Modern OCs can be taken for a long time; their withdrawal affects the body in different ways.


Already in the first months after discontinuation of the OC, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant. While taking hormonal drugs, favorable conditions are created in the body for conceiving a child: the ovaries are rested, the uterus is prepared for bearing a fetus. Birth control pills do not pose a threat to the life of the unborn child. But if pregnancy occurs while taking a contraceptive, it must be stopped immediately.


In some cases, when stopping hormonal pills, women cannot become pregnant. In this case, gynecologists recommend that the patient undergo an examination to exclude the presence of inflammation. infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms in the uterus. In the absence of pathologies, a woman can plan a pregnancy.

Sometimes, after discontinuing OCs, women begin to experience skin problems, mood swings, depression, and disruption of the uterine cycle. They associate these phenomena with the development of dependence on steroid hormones. Negative reactions develop only in the case of an incorrectly selected contraceptive, so the choice is made by the doctor and regularly monitors the patient’s condition. Dependence does not develop while taking OCs.


The benefits and harms of birth control pills can only be determined by a specialist. The doctor will choose best condition health, regularity of sexual activity and other factors. OCs will definitely cause harm in the following pathologies:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus.

For depressive disorders, migraines, varicose veins, PMS, birth control pills can be taken under medical supervision.

Oral hormonal contraceptives are a reliable and safe method. They should only be selected by the attending physician. This will help avoid negative consequences and will provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy. OCs are used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

In families where regular sex life- the norm, partners often choose a reliable and convenient option as a means of contraception - taking hormonal oral contraceptives. But birth control pills have more than just benefits. Side effects of oral contraceptives can significantly worsen your health.

Are you taking COCs? OK or not OK?

One of the forms of hormonal contraception is combinedoral contraceptives. These drugs are based on the action of two sex hormones at once - estrogen and progestin (gestagen), which control the most important periods in a woman’s life. At a certain concentration, girls begin puberty, ovulation occurs - the body prepares for pregnancy, and, finally, pregnancy itself. These same hormones can be made to work in reverse order, preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The principle of action of hormonal contraceptives COCs includes a number of effects. Tablets containing estrogen and gestagen, when taken correctly and in dosage, guarantee:

  • . The egg does not mature or enters the fallopian tube defective and incapable of conception.
  • Thickening of mucus in the cervical canal of the uterus. This makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
  • Decreased sperm activity, for which an excess of these hormones is harmful.
  • Thinning of the uterine liningin which at normal pregnancy the egg is implanted. An insufficiently thick layer of the endometrium will in any case lead to the death of the egg, even if it is miraculously fertilized.

If there are no contraindications and the rules described in the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, taking birth control pills protects against unwanted pregnancy by almost 100%. If side effects, violations of intake, or neglect of contraindications occur, the result can be reduced by 50%.

Why oral contraceptives are not suitable for everyone

First, you need to understand what is going on in the female body, namely the hormonal background. Each woman has her own and depends on many factors. The concentration of hormones is influenced by: age, weight, number of pregnancies, abortions and births, the presence of chronic diseases associated with the thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, regularity intimate relationships and other factors.

Therefore, each patient needs its own composition. which is almost impossible to implement in practice. Of course, there are average standards - they are used as the basis for different drugs. Combined contraceptives may contain different hormone components, their weight and concentration vary.

For example, the mini-pill contains only progestin. IN combination tablets The first generations include large dosages of both types of hormones. If you assign such a “bouquet” to a young, nulliparous, fragile girl, thenside effects of oral contraceptives are guaranteed. And for a 30-year-old woman, this composition can be of great benefit, protecting her from pregnancy and disorders and tumors caused by hormonal imbalances.

To choose the right hormonal contraceptives, It’s not enough to know the composition of contraceptives. The instructions will only tell youabout contraindications and warns about side effects without giving recommendations for use. Choose the right one contraceptive drug Maybe , and even then, having received the results .

Side effects when taking a hormonal drug: dangerous and safe contraception

Many women are afraid to take such medications, having read horror stories about the side effects. But before drawing conclusions, you need to understand what the concept of “side effect” means and what can be expected if any are described in the instructions for the drug.

The first thing you need to know is that side effects are described for any medicine, but their mention does not mean that such effects occur in absolutely everyone who starts taking the pills. And even if they exist, they are not in the full spectrum. Statistics show that side effects no more than 10% of patients are really bothered. And again, each person has no more than 1-2 types of violations.

Side effects of oral contraceptives can again be absolutely safe or, on the contrary, lead to serious changes in the body. All side effects are divided into:

  • Short-term- such problems are inevitable, they are associated with addiction to a hormonal drug. This may include: breast swelling, nausea, etc. In just a couple of weeks, not a trace remains of them.
  • Warning- you need to pay attention to them. These are any, even the mildest side effects that do not go away within 2 months, bleeding between critical days, abdominal pain, changes in the shape and volume of the abdomen, significant changes in weight and sexual behavior. With such symptoms you need to go to a gynecologist.
  • Dangerous- require the abandonment of this method of contraception. This includes all types severe complications associated with changes in the composition and properties of blood, for example, increased sugar, sudden changes in blood pressure, deterioration of vision, poor health, etc., affecting a woman’s life.

Usually, if contraception is prescribed by a doctor, only short-term side effects occur, because the gynecologist takes into account and clarifies everything in advance possible contraindications. When you take hormonal medications on your own, you can expect anything, so you need to monitor your health especially carefully.

Mild side effects of birth control pills due to addiction

Oral contraceptives may cause mild discomfort:

  • Nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea– these symptoms disappear after about a month, with the start of the second cycle of taking birth control pills. If symptoms persist, this indicates that hormone levels are too high and other medications are needed. To easily survive the adaptation period, take a tablet from the blister at night - by the morning everything in the body will settle down.
  • Breast engorgement– mild symptoms may appear and increased sensitivity. A cotton support bra will reduce discomfort. If engorgement manifests itself unevenly, an increase in individual lobes, pellets is palpable, discharge from the nipples is observed, or swelling of the breast lasts the entire cycle, you should urgently consult a gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  • . Associated with changing the cycle and bringing it back to normal. Within a couple of months, menstruation should begin every day.
  • between periods– Light spotting that quickly disappears is considered normal. Discharge of an unusual color, foamy or lasting more than 3 days is a signal that you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Mood swings– oral contraceptives can enhance an existing depressive state. Normally, this process should not exceed the normal period of PMS. If moodiness, depressed mood, etc. last longer than a week, most likely these hormonal medications will have to be replaced.
  • Discomfort from lenses– some women need to pay special attention to this symptom. This is not a reason to change pills, as this will not work. You will either have to get used to it, or replace the lenses with glasses, or give up oral hormones in favor of installing an intrauterine device.
  • Increased skin oiliness, acne. These are temporary troubles; they go away on their own after a couple of months.
  • Libido changes. The effect is also temporary.
  • Vaginal dryness. This disorder can be not only a side effect, but a symptom of thrush, etc. , therefore, it is better to visit a gynecologist and take a smear to check the cleanliness of the vagina.

If the side effects cause significant discomfort, you should think about to another contraception.

Side effects that should alert you

The following side effects should not be ignored in any case:

  • , bleeding, spotting, repeated after 2 cycles of taking pills.
  • Headache that does not go away on its own without analgesics.
  • Primary or .
  • Swelling of the legs, faces, indicating metabolic and kidney problems.
  • Permanent decrease in libido.
  • Hair loss.

These symptoms indicate an excess of sex hormones, so these pills need to be replaced.

When are birth control pills contraindicated?

Upon appointment , the gynecologist must take into account contraindications. Since hormones regulate many processes in the body, taking oral contraceptives may strengthen or weaken some of them.

In this case, the following may occur:

  • Acute chest pain.
  • Dyspnea.
  • High blood pressure (BP).
  • Blood clots.
  • Depression.
  • Headache - migraine.
  • Itching of the skin, genitals.
  • Hearing and vision impairments.

At risk are women approaching the age of forty, smokers, and those suffering from chronic diseases kidneys, liver, thyroid gland. Long-term use of COCs without replacement can also cause health problems.

What can replace oral contraceptives?

If regular contraception is necessary, the gynecologist will suggest placing intrauterine device. Before installing it, you will also have to undergo an examination - you will need to and undergo a pelvic ultrasound. performed by a gynecologist also on the basis of tests. This using the most modern radiomethod without pain and complications or undergo other procedures.

The cost of visiting a gynecologist is 1000 rubles. Comprehensive pelvic ultrasound - 1000 rubles. Appointment based on the results of tests taken at the clinic - 500 rubles.

What is the effect of birth control pills on a woman’s body? Having decided to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, many girls choose hormonal contraception. However, before deciding to start taking hormonal pills, they are interested in what changes will occur in their body, and what is the effect of contraceptives on the body... Let's talk about it.

The principle of contraceptive action on a woman

Birth control pills contain small doses of female sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone (gestagen), which cause a number of changes in a woman’s body. What is the effect of the tablets?

Not all girls know this, but hormonal contraceptives (hormonal contraceptives) have three phases of protection against pregnancy. The first, most important stage is that they prevent the release of eggs from the ovaries for fertilization. Sometimes at this stage a failure may occur, that is, a mature egg in in rare cases can still move to fallopian tube, where fertilization by sperm usually occurs. For this, a condition is necessary - male reproductive cells must freely penetrate the woman’s fallopian tube.

Here the second line of defense is triggered - under the influence of hormones, the girl’s cervical mucus becomes viscous; through such a barrier, sperm simply cannot get to the fallopian tubes, where they will meet the egg. However, even in this scenario, failure may occur. If the most active and tenacious sperm can penetrate through the thick mucus to the egg and fertilize it, the last of the planned, third, protection options will work.

When taking birth control pills, the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity changes, it becomes loose, which makes it unfavorable soil for the implantation of an embryo. That is, the fertilized egg, having descended into the uterine cavity, will not be able to gain a foothold in the endometrial layer, which means that at this stage the pregnancy will end. Everything seems to be fine, but here it’s worth thinking about what effect these pills have on a woman’s body in terms of her health?

Positive effects of hormonal contraceptives on women

Thanks to taking HA, a girl can lead a normal sex life without fear of becoming pregnant. Many modern drugs significantly improve the quality of the menstrual cycle, making it regular and the periods themselves painless. With all this, menstrual flow becomes scanty and short-lived, and therefore causes almost no inconvenience to women. At their discretion, girls can either delay the approach of menstruation or bring its onset closer.

Having started taking birth control pills, many girls note a weakening of premenstrual syndrome - their mammary glands do not become engorged, and their mood remains at the same level. Drugs such as Yarina help relieve swelling, as well as moderate sebum production. Thanks to this, acne disappears and the condition of hair and nails improves. The positive effect of GCs also lies in the fact that their use helps reduce blood loss during menstruation, and the hemoglobin level is normalized.

It is known that even after short-term use of birth control pills (for 3-6 months) and their subsequent cancellation, it is much easier for girls to get pregnant. Thanks to these pills, the function of the ovaries is inhibited, and when they are stopped, the ovaries work more vigorously and stably. It is not for nothing that couples who are unable to get pregnant for a long time are recommended this method. A woman takes hormonal contraceptives, then stops taking them, and over the next 2-3 months the long-awaited pregnancy almost always occurs.

Negative effects of birth control pills on a woman and her health

GC also has its negative sides. For example, if an incompetent doctor prescribed them to a girl, without taking into account the characteristics of her health, without taking into account her medical history and her habits, the pills can lead to serious health problems. The thing is that GCs, which are taken orally, have an effect on cardiovascular system.

If a girl has problems with her veins, for example, thrombophlebitis, then birth control pills are contraindicated for her. When taken, the blood becomes thicker, clots can form in it, and this leads to thrombosis and other health problems. GCs are also not recommended for women who smoke, since the simultaneous use of nicotine and pills significantly increases the load on the heart.

There is information that girls who take birth control pills for a long time are at greater risk of developing breast and cervical cancer. Those at particular risk are those diagnosed with cervical erosion. All these features must be taken into account by the doctor prescribing the pills.

Birth control pills undoubtedly benefit healthy women, helping to cope with premenstrual syndrome, mood swings, and making menstrual periods more comfortable. However, if you have certain diseases, it is better to abstain from them, since the harm from taking them will exceed the benefits. You should never prescribe these pills yourself, because you don’t know whether they will suit you and what consequences they may lead to.

The modern pharmaceutical industry allows women to choose the most convenient way to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Birth control pills are quite popular today. They are easy to use and provide a high degree of protection.

However, there are cases when it is necessary to discontinue hormonal contraceptives for one reason or another. Following the recommendations of a specialist will help you avoid side effects when you stop taking it.

The effect of COCs on the body

Combined hormonal contraceptives (COCs) are products containing a minimal amount of female sex hormones that affect the reproductive system.

After starting to take oral contraceptives, the menstrual cycle changes and the maturation of the egg stops. The peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, which ensures the release of the female reproductive cell, is weakened.

Additionally, medications have an effect on the endometrium and prevent the attachment of a fertilized egg if it does meet a sperm. The drugs thicken cervical mucus, which normally promotes sperm movement. Slime closes up cervical canal and cell advancement becomes impossible.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, the products normalize hormonal levels, the menstrual cycle, and have a positive effect on the general condition of a woman, provided that they are taken correctly. In patients with increased level male sex hormones in the blood, there is a significant improvement in the condition: a decrease in the amount of body hair, a decrease in sebum production, and the disappearance of acne.

In case of endometriosis, contraceptives stop the progression of the disease, the formation of new lesions, and the transition of the disease to malignancy. If you follow the specialist’s recommendations, the likelihood of developing inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy, and cancer is reduced.

What happens after the end of the reception

After discontinuation of contraceptives, changes occur in the body, the contraceptive effect gradually disappears.

The following processes are observed:

  1. Restoring the normal state of the endometrium and the possibility of attachment of a fertilized egg.
  2. Resumption of the previous menstrual cycle and ovulation process.
  3. Normalization of the condition of the fallopian tubes and peristalsis to accelerate the advancement of the female reproductive cell.
  4. Reducing the viscosity of cervical mucus to ensure unhindered movement of sperm into the uterine cavity.
  5. Changes in the acid-base balance of the vagina.

Thanks to the restoration of reproductive function, a woman is able to become pregnant.

Indications for cancellation

There are cases when discontinuation of COCs is required. The main indication will be the woman’s desire to have a child.

Other indications are the following:

  • detection of hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms;
  • development of an acute allergic reaction to the drug;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • appearance of symptoms diabetes mellitus, kidney or liver failure;
  • sudden loss of vision, development of acute migraine;
  • severe thromboembolism;
  • the need for long-term immobilization as a result of a fracture of a limb or during the recovery period after surgery;
  • preparation for planned surgery on the abdominal organs;
  • rapid weight gain over a short period;
  • constant nausea and uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diagnosis of uterine fibroids and rapid tumor growth.

Uncontrollable arterial hypertension with frequent hypertensive crises.

Negative consequences of abrupt withdrawal

If a woman independently decides to stop taking contraceptives, she should prepare for the development of many negative reactions from organs and systems.

Possible deterioration general condition and the course of the underlying disease, disruption of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, nervous disorders. Some patients develop uterine bleeding after interrupting treatment in the middle of the cycle. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

Hormonal disorders after abrupt cessation of COC use are quite difficult to cure.

How to cancel

There are two schemes for discontinuing combined oral contraceptives - immediate (sharp) and gradual.


Gradual withdrawal involves taking tablets from the started blister to the end. This will allow you to avoid disrupting the cycle and reduce recovery time.

After taking the last tablet, menstruation occurs on days 3-5. It may last longer than usual, but next month everything will be back to normal.


Abrupt withdrawal involves stopping the use of the medication, even if there are still tablets in the blister.

In this case, unpleasant consequences develop, the woman’s well-being significantly worsens, and the recovery period increases.

General rules

Following certain rules will help minimize unpleasant symptoms after stopping the drug.

The main ones will be the following:

  • be sure to consult a specialist before stopping treatment;
  • If possible, withdrawal should be carried out gradually;
  • if negative reactions occur, you should seek help;
  • If you suspect pregnancy, consultation with a doctor is required.

Sometimes a specialist prescribes symptomatic treatment to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Popular questions

Many women taking hormonal drugs do not know all the nuances associated with similar method contraception.

When is emergency cancellation needed?

Stop taking it immediately if symptoms of an acute allergic reaction occur, a rash appears on the skin, severe headache and dizziness, pregnancy, or a malignant hormone-dependent tumor is discovered.

Sometimes the pills provoke Quincke's edema - the woman's condition worsens greatly, and suffocation is possible as a result of swelling of the throat mucosa.

Conception after withdrawal

With a gradual abandonment of hormonal medications, a woman’s reproductive function normalizes after 3-4 months. For some, the process takes longer, especially after taking the drug for a long time.

Stomach hurts

After taking the last tablet and over the next few days, the woman may feel pain in the abdominal area.

This is due to the process of restoration of the endometrium and increased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. After a short period of time everything will return to normal.

No period

A similar syndrome usually develops after a sudden cessation of pill use, which provokes a hormonal imbalance, as well as with long-term use without a break. Normally, the cycle is restored within several months.

If this does not happen, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a specialist, take appropriate tests and undergo a course of therapy.

Do you need a break?

A break in taking the drug in order to ensure a contraceptive effect is required. The time of continuous use depends on the medication.

Some tablets cannot be taken for more than 1 year in a row, others are allowed to be taken for 2 years. The decision on the advisability of a break is made by the attending physician.

Weight gain

If a woman takes the drug for a long time, her body weight may increase. This is due to the production of hormones that increase appetite and provoke fluid retention in the body.

After stopping use, the weight stabilizes or continues to increase, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Possible side effects

If discontinuation is carried out correctly, adverse reactions rarely occur. When abruptly stopping medication, unpleasant symptoms are almost always present.

The main ones will be the following:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • weakening libido;
  • pathological vaginal discharge;
  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • improvement or deterioration of appetite;
  • swelling lower limbs and faces;
  • stool disorder, indigestion.

Symptoms usually disappear after a few days or weeks.

When not to cancel

Termination of the course is contraindicated in cases where the drugs were prescribed with therapeutic purpose. Even if negative reactions occur, specialists may insist on continued use.

If a woman talks about nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, but the doctor sees an improvement in the course of the underlying disease, the treatment continues. Treatment should not be stopped if this may cause complications.


Before you stop taking birth control, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of complications.


Hormonal disorders often develop after abrupt cessation of contraceptives. Young women have difficulty conceiving a child; women over 30 years old experience ovarian dysfunction and lack of ovulation.

Smoking patients have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and inflammatory pathologies of the ovaries.

Cycle disruption

The disorder is considered the most common. It can be observed during the period of taking COCs or immediately after stopping the pills.

Menstruation may be absent for 2 months, which is not considered a severe deviation. If after 3-5 months the situation does not return to normal, and there are no cyclic bleedings, they speak of the development of amenorrhea. The pathology is characterized complete absence menstruation due to various reasons.

The disease must be treated promptly and correctly to prevent other complications.


There are other complications that often occur in women after gradual and abrupt withdrawal of oral contraceptives.

The most common of them:

  • the appearance of pimples, blackheads and acne on the face, upper back;
  • hair loss, up to alopecia;
  • deterioration of the skin, dryness, peeling;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • regular constipation;
  • dryness and itching of the mucous membranes of the vagina.

If such disorders occur, you should consult a gynecologist.

How to make cancellation easier

The development of withdrawal syndrome requires taking measures to alleviate the woman’s condition. Experts recommend normalizing your work and rest schedule, eating more vegetables and fresh fruits, and taking walks daily.

It is worth giving up cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, control the levels of sex hormones by regular visits doctor and tests. If the measures taken do not improve your well-being, the doctor prescribes medications based on phytoestrogens: Qi-Klim, Remens.

Medications are usually used during menopause, but help significantly alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
