Recipe for making milk shortcakes at home. Recipe for milk shortcakes from childhood

In Soviet times, children were not spoiled by the presence in stores of such a wide assortment of all kinds of chocolates, desserts, sweet bars, cookies and much more.

Mothers of that period tried to prepare sweet treats for their beloved children at home on their own. And this is understandable. Previously, it was very difficult to get tasty and unusual candy, and drinking tea with just sugar was quite boring and dull.

Many people most likely remember milk shortcakes, which were widespread in Soviet times. I still want to find simple, no frills, but at the same time very aromatic, juicy and tasty shortcakes.

However, modern bakeries do not always prepare such a delicacy. Or their taste only vaguely evokes childhood memories. But there is a way out, if you want exactly “that” milk cake from childhood - this is to knead the dough and bake it yourself.

We prepare milk shortcakes from distant childhood according to a recipe from GOST

We begin to prepare milk shortcakes according to GOST:

It is worth noting that this recipe is quite easy. But, as they say, everything ingenious is simple. The ingredients for this baking can be easily found in almost every refrigerator.

That’s why you don’t need to run to the store for factory-made baked goods with chemical additives, but you can treat your loved ones and family with a homemade delicious delicacy in a short time.

Timeless classic

There are several more recipes for making this childhood favorite dessert. For example, shortcakes mixed with sugar syrup.

For skillful preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • flour – 400 g;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g:
  • butter – 100 g;
  • milk – 110 ml;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • soda – ¼ part teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife.

It will take 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare.

100 g of ready-made shortcakes yield 310 kcal.

How to cook classic milk shortcakes from childhood:

  • milk should be poured into a saucepan, sugar and vanillin should be added there;
  • the mixture must be heated over medium heat and stirred constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the heated milk, and then brought to a boil;
  • then, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about 5 minutes until the syrup thickens slightly;
  • after this, remove the pan from the heat to the side and wait until the syrup reaches room temperature;
  • soft butter should be carefully mixed with cooled milk-sugar syrup;
  • one egg must be thoroughly beaten until smooth and mixed with the previously prepared mixture especially carefully;
  • the flour must be sifted, mixed with soda and poured gradually (without forming lumps) into the mixture;
  • knead a soft and tender dough and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes;
  • then, the dough needs to be rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm and semi-finished products for future baking should be made into a mold or mug;
  • Place the shortcakes on a baking sheet, brush each of them with a mixture of 1 spoon of milk and 1 egg yolk;
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the product for 12 minutes on the upper or lower level of the oven.

In total, you should get delicious, crumbly milk shortcakes just like in childhood.

In themselves, classic baking recipes of this kind do not imply deviations in ingredients, but only a change in the sequential combination when preparing the dough. Also, it is considered a classic not to add any other fillers to the dough.

Sour cream and nuts will give the shortcakes a new taste

Ingredients for cooking:

  • flour – 400 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • low-fat sour cream – 1 tablespoon;
  • butter or margarine – 50 g;
  • sugar – 5 tablespoons;
  • soda, slaked with vinegar - half a teaspoon;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • peanuts – 200 g.

Cooking time for shortcakes is 45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 340 kcal.

Method for preparing milk shortcakes from childhood with sour cream and nuts:

  • add sugar to the butter and mix these two ingredients with vigorous movements until fine crumbs form;
  • add the egg to the sugar-butter mixture and mix everything well again;
  • add sour cream in the required volume and mix everything again;
  • when the mass becomes completely homogeneous, add soda slaked with a small amount of vinegar;
  • the flour must first be sifted through a sieve and added to the mixture in small portions;
  • after that, gently (but not for long) knead the dough;
  • roll out a layer of dough about 0.7-1 cm thick and make the required shape for future baking figures;
  • then place the shortcakes on a baking sheet and sprinkle crushed nuts (peanuts) on top of each one;
  • bake at 200 degrees for 12-14 minutes.

This might come in handy

So, several delicious recipes for milk and sour cream shortcakes are already known. But it’s still worth giving a couple more useful tips:

  • Before starting cooking, it is better to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and leave it to soften at room temperature for 1 hour;
  • When beating eggs, it is advisable that the bowl is absolutely clean and dry;
  • You should set the oven to heat up before preparing the dough so as not to waste time;
  • When the shortcakes are at the baking stage, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of a golden brown crust. As soon as it appears, the baking is ready.

Ready-made milk shortcakes from childhood should be stored in a dry container with a lid. They are perfect for use with tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, juice, compote, etc. This delicious delicacy, prepared at home, can be eaten by children.

Admit it, do you often put milk shortcakes in the basket at the store, nostalgic for the school canteen? As a child, I loved these plump cookies as a snack with milk. This tradition is supported by our children, and now, in our family, shortcakes appear on the table regularly, eaten with tea, milk, and compote.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this pastry: no filling, no topping (except for powdered sugar), but the delicate creamy taste makes you reach for a plate of cookies from the Soviet past again. Today we will prepare milk shortcakes using the basic recipe, but you, of course, can diversify it - by cutting out cookies of a different shape (use any available molds for cutting out dough), sprinkling with nuts or drizzling with chocolate, protein glaze, like eclairs with custard, for example. ...

Step-by-step video recipe

So, turn on the oven and get to work!

Recipe for milk shortcakes like in childhood

  • Milk of any fat content - 110 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Vanilla (artificial vanillin, essence, seeds from the pod) - to taste
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 400 g.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon (you can use baking powder)

How to make milk shortcakes at home

First, cook the milk syrup. Pour milk (110 ml) into a small saucepan or saucepan, add sugar (200 g), vanilla sugar. Stir all ingredients and put on fire.

If you like to pamper yourself and your family with recipes from the Soviet past, you will probably appreciate the recipes for Stolichny cupcake according to GOST and cottage cheese casserole just like in kindergarten.

The syrup will foam, we deposit the foam with a spatula or spoon, continue stirring and cooking until the sugar is completely dissolved. The syrup will become thicker (but not very thick) and more homogeneous. It will take 7-10 minutes to prepare the syrup. Once the sugar-milk syrup is ready, set it aside from the heat until it cools completely.

Meanwhile, beat butter (100 g) with a mixer until white, add 1 chicken egg. Stir.

You can leave half the yolk for greasing the shortcakes; this will not affect the taste and composition of the dough.

Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the shortbread dough. Since we already have an egg in the dough, it may curl when pouring in the hot syrup. For this reason, it is especially important to cool the syrup completely.

Another childhood delicacy is puff tongues with sugar (recipe at the link). You can whip up a sweet and crunchy treat for tea, take note!

Stir the mixture until smooth and add 0.5 teaspoon of soda. This amount is enough to rise the dough in the oven, but the taste of soda will not be felt in the finished cookies.

Now add flour (about 400 gr.) The flour must be sifted - this will affect the tenderness and fluffiness of the finished products.

Knead the soft viscous dough with a spatula and then with your hands.

The dough should not stick to your hands, but it should not be too tight either. This dough can be easily rolled out and a variety of shapes can be cut out of it.

If the dough turns out sticky, sticks to the rolling pin, table and hands, and you have already added enough flour, do not rush to add flour beyond measure. It is better to wrap the dough in cling film and keep it in the refrigerator for an hour. After cooling, working with the dough will go faster - and the milk shortcakes will turn out excellent!

Roll out a thick cake (no less than 0.8 cm). Press out round, oval, square cookies from the crust (use any shape you like). I leaned a small round salad bowl against the crust and forcefully squeezed out the cookies. In the Soviet past, korzhiki always had an uneven, wavy edge and were rectangular in shape with rounded oval edges. If you can reproduce this, your cookies will be the same as in childhood. Not only in taste, but also in appearance.

Thick shortcakes will increase in volume during baking, so there should be a distance (2-3 cm) between them on the baking sheet. Control this moment so that the shortcakes do not turn into a solid cake layer =)

And the final touch in cooking: take care of the golden brown crust. Honestly, I love “pale-faced” shortcakes, because when I was a child they were sold that way, but today I decided to grease them as an experiment.

Good day to all those who seek to diversify their daily diet and please their loved ones with something new. Next, we will present you with a high-quality recipe for milk shortcakes from childhood. There is hardly a single person from the older generation who has never tried this dish. Milk shortcakes could be tasted everywhere - from the school canteen to catering places. And yes, many cooked them at home, for their loved ones and friends.

Of course, there are no cool and sophisticated ingredients in today’s treat - they are not needed, because from simple and banal products we will get a very aromatic, juicy and tasty sweetness.

We have selected a composition so that it best matches the taste of childhood. Very unusual crispy top and delicate filling - be prepared to need a double portion of shortcakes. In addition, we advise you to call your children and prepare this wonderful decoration with them - they will gain experience, and it will be more pleasant and fun for you. Therefore, prepare the necessary products in advance so as not to be distracted during the cooking process, and we start cooking.


1. Flour – 500 g

2. Butter – 100 g

3. Eggs – 2 pieces

4. Sugar – 150 g

5. Milk – 100 ml

6. Baking powder

7. Vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

1. As usual, baking should start with the base. Everything here is extremely simple, and even a child can cope. Divide butter at room temperature into pieces and place in a bowl. We also add vanilla sugar - it is usually sold in ten gram bags, this will be enough.

2. Pour in all the sugar and start beating with a mixer. The approximate time required is five minutes. As a result, the ingredients should mix and form a homogeneous mass.

By the way, instead of butter, if this is not possible, you can use butter margarine - for this dish it will perfectly replace the ingredient.

3. Separately break two eggs, without separating into white and yolk, and then send them to our base. Continue beating with the mixer until the ingredients are combined. An important point is that whenever you break eggs, make sure that the container is dry and clean.

4. Pour milk. It can be of any temperature, preferably fatter. Whisk for a couple more minutes until everything is combined.

5. Pour in the baking powder - it is also usually sold in pre-packaged ten gram bags. This amount is quite enough for us. Mix a little with a spoon so that it mixes with the rest of the mixture.

6. Now we will add flour. It must first be sifted through a sieve, and then immediately sent to our dish. You don’t need to pour it all at once, but in portions, while carefully monitoring the required amount. You may need less flour depending on the products you use. Overall, the dough should be soft and elastic.

7. Do not overdo it with flour, because... you can get a dry treat. It is enough to obtain the desired consistency from the dough. Here everything is as usual - first we knead in a bowl, and then we send the base to the table. Afterwards, sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough into a layer no more than one centimeter thick.

We form:

8. Next, cut out the future shortcakes. Metal muffin tins, which almost every housewife has, are perfect for this. If you don’t have one at hand, a regular glass will suffice. Using this method, we form a dish from the entire layer. The remaining parts can be rolled up and put into action as well.

9. Afterwards, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and place the prepared shortcakes on it. Do not pack them too tightly, keeping some space, otherwise the dish may stick to each other.

10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and then send the treat to bake. The approximate time required is no more than twenty minutes. It’s best to monitor the readiness yourself, and as soon as they begin to acquire a ruddy tint, you can take them out. Try not to miss this moment so as not to overdo it, otherwise you will end up with a dry interior.

11. Take out the finished shortcakes and place them on a plate. If you wish, you can dust the surface of the dish with powdered sugar to enhance the appearance and taste. Can be served along with coffee or tea. We wish you bon appetit!

Thus, in a relatively short time, you get very healthy homemade baked goods, which do not contain harmful chemical impurities, and the production process is completely under your control.

In addition, if you want, you can immediately modify this dish. Before putting it in the oven, chop the peanuts and sprinkle them on the base or insert a few whole nuts - it will be an excellent addition to the pleasant sweet taste.

Probably everyone remembers their school years - lessons, breaks and, of course, the school buffet. At that time, many people chose milk shortcakes - soft and delicate products made from shortcrust pastry.

They were incredibly tasty - with tea, milk, compote, and even on their own. Our recipe will allow you to remember your school childhood and please your family, especially your children, with simple and delicious baked goods.


Milk shortbread recipe

Soften the butter at room temperature (can be replaced with margarine). Then beat it with sugar. Add the egg, milk, baking powder and vanilla and beat well again. Gradually add flour, whisking all the time until smooth.

The dough should be soft and smooth. The softer your dough is, the better the shortcakes will rise. To ensure that the dough rolls out well, you need to wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer 5-7 mm thick. Use a mold to squeeze out the shortcakes.

Use shaped molds to cut out the shortcakes. You can use a muffin tin as a mold. Cover the baking tray with special baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180º. Place the shortcakes on paper and place in a preheated oven for 12-15 minutes. The shortcakes are ready when they brown on top.

Be careful not to overcook them in the oven, otherwise the shortcakes will lose their softness and turn out dry and tough. If desired, the top of the shortcakes can be brushed with beaten egg yolk - this will give them a golden crust.

Combine the softened butter with the egg and whisk until smooth.

Pour the cooled milk syrup into the butter-egg mixture and beat well with a whisk or using a mixer.

Add sifted flour and baking powder in portions.

Knead a soft and tender dough that does not stick to your hands. If suddenly the dough turns out to be too sticky, you can add a little more flour, but the main thing is not to overdo it, so that our future milk cakes are not too hard and clogged.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick.

Using a cookie cutter, cut out shortcakes from the dough.

Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Brush the top of each cake with beaten egg.

Bake milk shortcakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, until a beautiful golden color. Baking time depends on the thickness of the shortcakes and the characteristics of your oven.

Give the finished shortcakes mixed with milk time to cool and can be served with tea or milk. A very simple and affordable recipe for milk shortcakes can become one of the most beloved in your homemade baking collection, especially since it is time-tested, and the taste of such shortcakes is familiar to us from childhood.
