How garlic kills germs in the air. A tasty seasoning and a healing plant: does garlic help against viruses? Why did scientists dry garlic?

This article has nothing to do with European manufacturers medicines with dried garlic, which is used in industrial animal husbandry. This article is a translation from German, so the grammar may be less than perfect in some places. It explains why the commercially produced garlic products you purchased are practically useless. If you are going to consume garlic, it is best to consume it RAW.

If we remember about allicin(chemical compound), then it is necessary to mention a group of compounds called thiosulfates. They are formed when garlic cells break down. Allicin dominates among thiosulfates (about 70-80% of thiosulfates are allicin).

Allicin is an antimicrobial substance, but it is not the only one that has this property. Other thiosulfates are also antimicrobial components, but have fewer functions. That's why we use raw garlic, rather than artificially synthesizing substances such as allicin.

Garlic EnteroGuard

Manufacturers call it a new antibacterial drug for the feed industry. Enteroguard consists of two active natural ingredients. This antibacterial complex is designed to replace small amounts of antibiotics added to animal feed (feed for pigs and birds, milk for calves). We have known for a long time, and it has been repeatedly stated, that the presence of small amounts of antibiotics in feed leads to long-term problems in the human body.

There is a phenomenon like cross-resistance(resistance of a cell (organism) to several different external agents, even those that have never previously acted on this cell (organism), as a result of a change in one genetic factor).

In the feed industry, antibiotics like virginiamycin, tylosin, spiramycin are used in small quantities as growth activators, which promotes rapid growth of animals. Moreover, in this case, antibiotics of the same classes are used that are used for medical purposes in humans. For example, the antibiotic used for humans is synercid. Virginiamycin is streptogramin.

A possible or potential future is a future in which the population is cross-resistant; where organisms with resistance are present.

In 1999, all the drugs mentioned above were included in the group of drugs banned in the European Union. They cannot be used as a growth activator. Stocks of these drugs are allowed to be used for four months, after which the ban will come into force completely.

But they remain two more drugs that tried to be banned. But people became interested in how antibiotics of the same classes that are used for medical purposes in humans will be used in the feed industry, where from 500 thousand tons to 1 million tons of feed are produced at a time. When using these drugs, not only the growth of animals was observed, but also the emergence of immunity to diseases in them. This is what we have come to.

Enteroguard is a mixture of two potent herbs that have antimicrobial properties.

I'd like you to understand why we chose these active ingredients and what we know about them. The first is allicin, which comes from garlic, which I'll tell you about soon, and the second is brown aldehyde, which comes from cinnamon oil.

Allicin was first discovered about 20 years ago. Scientists have studied more than 200 natural plant substances to determine their ability to fight bacteria. Researchers have determined that allicin, obtained from garlic, is a powerful sulfur-containing antibacterial substance. Its chemical name is thiosulfate. This compound is found in small quantities only in plants of the Allium subfamily, which includes onions and garlic. But the highest concentrations of allicin are found in garlic. That is why scientists chose this plant as a source of allicin.

Here you can see the structure of allicin and diallyl thiosulfate. To some extent, their structure is similar to the structure of antibiotics - two cysteine ​​molecules at the ends, but it is the double covalent bond >C = C<, являющаяся важным компонентом молекулы, придает аллицину и тиосульфату антимикробные свойства.

Why did scientists dry garlic?

When you carefully peel garlic, you can smell it. Faint odor. But once you crush a clove, boom! - the smell becomes much stronger. This smell is due to the produced allicin.

Allicin is not present in garlic, but is formed from its predecessor - alliina. Alliin is found in the mesophylls of cells, and the vacuoles of garlic clove cells contain an enzyme called alliinase.

In the whole clove, alliin and the enzyme allicinase are separated. If the integrity of the tooth is damaged, its cells are destroyed and their components interact, resulting in the formation of allicin and other thiosulfates.

Thiosulfates as antimicrobials

Allicin makes up 70-80% of all thiosulfates, because it provides antimicrobial activity. Interestingly, the amount of enzyme is almost the same as the amount of alliin. This is very unusual because usually an enzyme system requires a small amount of enzymes to convert one substance to another. But garlic contains large reserves of enzymes.

The equal ratio of enzymes and alliin is the reason for the almost instantaneous conversion of alliin into healing allicin. This process occurs when garlic cells are destroyed and takes only 20 seconds.

The plant has been using this antimicrobial mechanism for as long as researchers have known about it. Garlic cloves are the seeds of the garlic plant. Garlic cells can be destroyed if invaded by bacteria or pathogens. Once cells begin to break down, alliin and alliinase combine to form allicin, which kills pathogens or bacteria.

The developers of Enteroguard import garlic from China, where the soil is rich in sulfur. Sulfur helps increase antibacterial activity. The University of Bonn in Germany analyzed Enteroguard and found it to have the highest concentration of alliin.

Frozen garlic from China

Manufacturers of the drug must be sure that the garlic was grown in the right place and in the right way, which helps increase the alliin content in the plant. Afterwards, 700 female workers carefully peel the garlic with their hands. Nowadays, garlic can be peeled using automated devices, but this can lead to a strong release of allicin, which is formed by a compound of alliin and alliinase.

After this release, there comes a period when allicin is destroyed.

Then the hand-peeled garlic is frozen. To do this, garlic in large rooms is blasted with icy air at a temperature of -30°C, which freezes the garlic. The frozen garlic cloves are then imported to a factory in the UK.

Frozen garlic cloves are supplied in 12-ton containers where the garlic is kept frozen. At the factory, garlic is passed through a press to remove excess moisture. Small teeth are not pressed. After this, the garlic is sent to the freeze drying center.

There, the plants are laid out in containers and sent to a freeze dryer. In a sublimation vacuum, all liquid is removed. The temperature in a vacuum is -30°C, due to which moisture cannot turn into liquid and immediately turns into gas. It's like frozen carbon dioxide. When heated, it does not pass through the liquid phase, but passes directly into the gas phase.

Manufacturers use this process as a gentle method of dehydrating the product. Now that the liquid is completely absent, alliin and alliinase are separated and inactive, since these substances only interact in the presence of moisture. The garlic is then removed from the freeze dryer and ground into powder.

If garlic is crushed when there is a large amount of liquid present, it will cause a chemical reaction that results in allicin. This compound evaporates within a few days. This is the drawback of the preparations containing garlic on the market - they do not contain allicin.

When manufacturers of these products crush garlic, it still contains moisture. When an animal or person consumes dehydrated Enteroguard, it begins its activity in the digestive tract. Alliin interacts with alliinase, and allicin is produced exactly where it is needed - in the intestines.

Allicin fights:

  • Escherichia coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Gas gangrene stick
  • Salmonella.

However, garlic has virtually no effect on lactobacilli And enterococci.

Why is this a plus?

Because they contain beneficial intestinal bacteria. Allicin is an anti-yeast, anti-fungal substance, not a gram-negative or gram-positive bacterium, neutral to beneficial microorganisms.

Garlic kills not only pathogenic bacteria, but also rotaviruses, which are responsible for causing diarrhea. At a ratio of 20:1000000, garlic completely protects mammalian cells from pathogenic viruses.

Garlic also helps with protozoal infections such as Cryptosporidium parvum. This infection was discovered in the USA in 1971, and in more than two decades, it has become the most common infection on dairy farms. About 90% of dairy farms are infected with it.

About 40% of calves grazing with their mothers on pastures are infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. When adult cows graze on pastures, oocysts (the developmental stage of the simplest sporozoan cells) fall onto the grass along with saliva. Later, when the calves stop eating milk and switch to grass, a new generation of animals becomes infected with oocysts on pastures.

This is the only cause of contamination of water supplies.

During the First World War, garlic was used in dressings. The plant was ground into a paste and applied to the wound. After the invention of antibiotics, the use of garlic ceased.

Allicin acts in the intestines, and after absorption it is converted into diallyl sulfides. Diallyl sulfides have low antimicrobial activity and are excreted from the body through urine, respiratory tract and skin. The smell that appears when cooking or eating garlic is the smell of diallyl sulfide.

The odor of allicin is less noticeable and occurs when you crush a clove of garlic, while the odor of diallyl sulfide is stronger and occurs when you cook food with garlic. Allicin is a cascade molecule, and when it is broken down, 150 different broken down molecules are released. Thus, allicin is slowly broken down into molecules that subsequently interact with each other and form other molecules that can fight protozoans (single-celled animal organisms). For example, with lamblia or trichomonas.

In addition, garlic kills the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (a spiral-shaped gram-negative bacterium that infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum).

Garlic. Toxicity

To exhibit a toxic effect, you will need to eat 10-20 kg of garlic.

Garlic. Method of action

How does allicin kill bacteria? Answer: macro effect. We know that allicin disrupts cell membrane biosynthesis, which interferes with RNA synthesis and DNA polymerases. Thus, allicin disrupts the functioning of the entire enzyme system responsible for cell replication.

Allicin destroys SH groups in proteins. These sulfur-containing groups are found in thiol-dependent enzymes, which are an essential part of lower organisms - bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Antibiotics typically target a metabolic pathway [a specific sequence of enzymatic reactions in a cell] and destroy it. As long as a bacterium is associated with a mutation in a single gene, in which mutations occur all the time, it can always find an alternative way to obtain another from one substance. But as soon as antibiotics destroy this opportunity, the cell dies.

Once a cell has successfully mutated, resistance can be considered achieved. When you take substances like allicin, it attacks groups that are part of the enzymes of lower organisms and destroys them.

But these enzymes produce proteins that enter the cell membrane. Or these proteins are part of enzyme systems that are subsequently used in the synthesizing system DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase. They are a structural element of all types of protein. The bacterium cannot find a metabolic pathway among these enzyme systems. Therefore, bacteria cannot resist natural compounds such as allicin.

Resistance to allicin, which is found in garlic, cannot be developed. Think about it, garlic uses this defense mechanism against bacteria and prevents them from developing resistance for as long as the plant has been known to mankind. After all, if the bacteria become resistant to allicin, the plant will be destroyed. But this will not happen even in 10 thousand years. Until pathogens emerged that could resist the effects of allicin.

Why doesn't garlic harm mammalian cells?

If we take a mammalian cell, we see that S-H compounds are not so widely used. In addition, S-H groups can be protected by glutathione. This can be demonstrated in an ordinary test tube. Take a sulfur containing enzyme. This protection mechanism is the same for lactic acid bacteria. They have developed the same defense mechanisms. If this mechanism did not exist, then lactic acid bacteria would be destroyed among peoples who eat garlic. But this did not happen.

So, with allicin, you have a variety of ways to fight bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

Resistance can be developed, so taking allicin is completely safe.

Allicin does not affect mammalian cells and lactic acid bacteria.


Garlic is a product that you should consume every day. Dr. Klinkhardt and I are simply amazed at garlic's ability to improve gut flora and kill pathogens.

It is important to note that garlic must be FRESH. The active component begins to evaporate within an hour after the clove shell has been damaged. Tablets containing garlic are practically useless and are not recommended for use. When you eat garlic, you need to press it with a spoon and swallow it (unless, of course, you are going to squeeze the juice out of the plant). If you swallow the clove intact, then allicin will not be produced.

The only problem is the smell. But most people tolerate the smell of garlic. If you are still concerned about the reaction of others to a similar aroma, reduce the amount of garlic you eat until the smell no longer bothers you.


  1. van der Peet-Schwering C. M. C., Plagge J. G. Influence of Enteroguard on the performance and health of weaned piglets. – Experimental Farm for Pig Husbandry” North-and East-Netherlands”, 2000. – No. P 5.11. - WITH. -.

Recently, people have again begun to turn to such a proven remedy as garlic. And you shouldn’t assume that our people are so dense. Even in prosperous and advanced America, garlic-based food supplements have taken leading positions among therapeutic and health-improving drugs. Such attention to a folk remedy is easy to explain - medicines are constantly becoming more expensive, but health itself is in no hurry to improve.

What is garlic? They say that it helps not only with colds, but also with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and oncology. The properties of garlic are constantly being studied by various scientists who have written many works. But some myths about this unique product have taken root among the masses. As a result, sometimes both outspoken skeptics and ardent supporters are mistaken. Let's try to separate the truth from the lies.

Garlic does not give a person energy. Scientific research has proven that 100 grams of garlic contains 138 kilocalories. In addition, the product contains many different vitamins: ascorbic acid, riboflavin, vitamin E, pantothenic acid and thiamine.

Although garlic kills germs, this remedy is not suitable for modern people. Modern medicine knows for sure that garlic is an excellent natural antibiotic. This medicine can attack up to hundreds of different types of harmful microorganisms. Studies have confirmed that garlic extract kills 93% of staphylococci in one hour and the same percentage of salmonella in three hours. And the prevention of influenza with the help of garlic is known to everyone; doctors in different countries advise using this product. It turns out that even the very presence of garlic in the room reduces the concentration of viruses. Naturally, we are talking about fresh garlic; over time, its beneficial properties decrease.

Garlic is not recommended for use if you have some kidney or liver diseases. It must be said that all rumors about the dangers of garlic are exaggerated. Many vegetable growers remain vigorous and healthy into old age. It’s just that if you have serious chronic diseases, it is better to limit the consumption of raw garlic - not eat a slice, but simply rub it on the crust of fresh bread. Such food will be both tasty and healthy.

Garlic does not know how to fight age-related diseases and prolong life. It seems that this myth was invented by elderly people looking for a miraculous panacea, and by preachers of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, fresh garlic actually lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques in blood vessels. This indicates the anti-sclerotic effect of garlic. But its thermal treatment completely destroys such components in it. Scientists are looking forward to the possibilities of garlic as a means against the accumulation of lipids, that is, a fighter against obesity. It is known that the main organosulfur compound in garlic, cysteine, can lower blood sugar levels.

Garlic does not fight cancer. Recently, scientists have begun to consider vegetable diets as a serious preventive measure against cancer. This diet necessarily includes onions and garlic. After all, these products have a high content of organic selenium. This trace element is very helpful in preventing cancer cells. Not only is there a lot of selenium in garlic by nature, but this content can also be increased with the help of special fertilizers. A study was conducted in France where 350 patients with early-stage breast cancer regularly consumed onions, garlic and other fiber-rich foods. The disease stopped progressing.

Garlic is a Russian national dish. It turns out that the medicinal properties of garlic were described by Hippocrates. He recommended consuming this plant food for a variety of diseases, including heart disease and uterine cancer. And participants in the first Olympic Games generally ate garlic to improve their endurance.

It makes no difference whether you eat fresh garlic or dietary supplements based on it. Experts still recommend choosing fresh garlic. After all, it is in its natural form that the most complete composition of biologically active substances is contained. It is best to eat at least six cloves per week. Each can be divided in half and eaten one piece in the morning and evening. If a person is highly sensitive to this product, then such unpleasant effects as an unpleasant taste in the mouth, bitterness, heartburn, and intestinal gas may appear. Then it is better to abandon the natural product in favor of food supplements based on it. These are usually coated tablets or capsules that are made from dried garlic powder. Not only will the shell get rid of an unpleasant odor, but it will also protect the gastric mucosa from irritation. This method is suitable for those who have gastritis or ulcers.

But there is no general standard for garlic tablets, and they are made from different batches of garlic. Therefore, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of a particular batch. It is best to evaluate the dosage of those drugs that indicate the content of biologically active substances. If the volume of allicin per tablet is indicated, the daily dose must be calculated based on 5 mg of this element. Oncologists highly value the protective properties of even the aged extract. Moreover, this technology increases the antioxidant effect, which leads to anticancer activity.

Garlic is a strong allergen. Not so long ago, a real gastronomic war unfolded in Italy. Some restaurants even abandoned garlic on principle, which they informed their visitors about using signs. But garlic is traditionally popular in this country! Such a ban appeared thanks to this very myth - the refusal of garlic was explained by concern for allergy sufferers. But most Italians believe that garlic will not disappear from the traditional cuisine of the Apennines. In addition, there are much stronger allergens from common foods, such as coffee or chocolate. Regarding garlic, we can talk about individual intolerance, and not about a general allergic reaction.

Garlic is the enemy of romance. Europeans believe that eating garlic is strictly forbidden before a date. However, in Arab medicine it is believed that garlic is not just an extremely important product. It is recommended to be consumed fresh by lovers. After all, this will not only strengthen the general immune system, but can also increase sexual activity. So garlic is recommended for married couples at any age. The explanation is simple - garlic increases blood circulation and thus increases potency. It is also believed that garlic contains substances that stimulate the production of female and male hormones.

Garlic in cooking can only be a seasoning. Indeed, garlic is a well-known seasoning for meat dishes, seafood, and an integral part of sauces. But there is a city called Gilroy, which is considered the garlic capital of America. There, a wide variety of dishes are prepared from the spicy plant product - even candy and ice cream with garlic. And every year in the summer the Garlic Festival is also held here.

A nursing mother should not eat garlic, as the baby will refuse to breastfeed. Scientists have tested this claim. It turned out that no strong-smelling seasonings or foods can stop a baby’s appetite. Moreover, after the mother eats garlic, the baby sucks with greater desire and attaches to the breast more often.

Garlic is an excellent weapon against worms. This popular belief is based on the fact that garlic is excellent at fighting intestinal bacteria. But garlic is not able to destroy worms that can develop in the intestines. As a result, this product not only is not a weapon against helminths, but it cannot even be classified as a prophylactic agent. Some, in an effort to get rid of worms, eat almost kilograms of garlic. But this only gives gastritis as a result. Some even use garlic as a remedy for anal itching by simply inserting cloves into the anus. But this is not a solution either. After all, then, along with helminthiasis, inflammation of the rectum will also have to be treated.

Adults and children know about the benefits of garlic. When the first cold weather arrives and the first “sneezes” appear nearby, we hastily begin to eat garlic in the hope of protection from viruses and bacteria. Our ancestors also used garlic in the fight against infectious diseases, snake bites and other dangerous ailments.

There are known scientific tests by Nigerian scientists on the benefits of garlic oil, which affects cholesterol and fatty acids, and this is the first step towards treating obesity with garlic.

Indians are also partial to garlic. They are studying garlic oil on the course of coronary heart disease. There is no exact data on this yet. Currently, interest in garlic is growing because many people prefer natural remedies to chemical drugs.

Garlic is a powerful remedy for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. It relieves sore throat, runny nose, wet cough and common colds. The biological substances of garlic act quickly, safely and very effectively. Garlic is an excellent immunomodulator that can retain its properties in the body for a long time.

There is a simple way to activate the immune system - take garlic as a medicine (3 cloves per day). The appointment time is not limited in any way. Can be taken morning, afternoon and evening by swallowing a clove of garlic like a tablet. It’s also a good idea to chew garlic, thereby obtaining a healing effect for the mouth and gums. The infection will be stopped immediately on its way into the body.

Inhale garlic vapors correctly!

Prepare a paste of garlic and wrap it in homemade turundas. Insert them into each nostril for 7-10 minutes. Perform this procedure up to five times a day, depending on garlic tolerance. The phytoncides that make up garlic actively destroy the bacterial flora that has settled on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Systematic inhalation of garlic vapor is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent in the fight against pathogenic agents.

Garlic milk will combat coughs in adults and children:

The use of all folk remedies in children requires consultation with a pediatrician. To prepare garlic milk we will need the following products:

  • homemade milk (preferably fresh) – 1 liter;
  • butter – 5 grams;
  • head of garlic (small or medium) – 1 piece.

Pour milk into an enamel saucepan and add peeled garlic cloves. Boil the mixture for 2-4 minutes and remove from heat, adding 5 grams of butter. Drink 25 ml milk every 3 hours.

Garlic-lemon juice with honey - cough medicine:

To prepare a miraculous mixture, prepare a few ingredients:

  • lemon juice from one lemon;
  • garlic juice – 5 ml;
  • honey (forest or linden) – 400 grams.

Place lemon and garlic juice in a jar of honey and stir. Use the mixture several times a day on an empty stomach or 30–40 minutes before meals. A single dose of treatment is 5–10 grams. The medicinal mixture suppresses coughing attacks, clears the bronchi of phlegm and improves breathing. Garlic-lemon mixture with honey is the best means of preventing chronic forms of diseases of the tracheobronchial tree.

Garlic juice with sea buckthorn oil will overcome a runny nose:

Combine the juice from a head of garlic with sea buckthorn oil (take 10–20 drops of oil). Nasal drops are ready. Pour them into a dark bottle and store in a cool place for 3-4 days. Place two drops in each nasal passage, after warming it slightly in your palms. 3–5 instillations per day are enough. In the acute period, the frequency of installations (instillations) can be increased to 8 times a day.

People call this mixture “hurricane”. The gruel is prepared from equal parts of garlic and horseradish root. Take a teaspoon up to three times a day. Colds go away quickly thanks to the warming and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and horseradish.

Garlic inhalations:

To perform inhalation, prepare the following mixture:

  • a paste of three large cloves of garlic;
  • boiling water – 150 ml.

Boil the mixture for 10–15 minutes and cool to 80° C. Perform inhalations for 5 minutes, deeply inhaling the vapor through your nose. Do not forget to cover yourself with a terry towel during the procedure to prevent the garlic vapor from evaporating. The product is very strong and emits caustic fumes. During the procedure, close your eyes to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

Nasal drops made from garlic, beets, carrots and sea buckthorn oil:

It is necessary to mix the juice of beets and carrots (take 1.5 ml of each). Add 3.5 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 3 drops of garlic juice to them. Place the prepared drops into the nose three times a day until rhinitis (runny nose) ends.

How to beat a cold with garlic

Using garlic during a cold shortens the duration of the disease and speeds up the rehabilitation process. Be sure to place a saucer of crushed garlic cloves near the patient’s bed so that its vapor fills the room. Phytoncides will not only have a positive effect on the patient, but will also help prevent infection of household members.

In the acute phase of the disease, garlic tea will be useful. It is very simple to prepare: crush a clove of garlic in a mortar, let it “breathe” for 5 minutes, and then pour boiling water (200 ml). Leave for about 5–7 minutes. It is better to drink this tea in one gulp, since it does not have an aromatic and pleasant taste, but the benefits from it are invaluable.

In addition to tea, compresses made from garlic and pork fat on the foot area are perfect. For the compress, you need to prepare a medicinal mass: mix a dessert spoon of pork fat with garlic pulp (three cloves are enough). Apply the resulting composition to your feet, wrap with wax paper, then with plastic bags, and finally put on warm socks.

Throughout the entire cold period, consume garlic with kefir or yogurt. This composition fights not only coughs and colds, but also normalizes the intestinal flora, and, as is known, eliminating intestinal dysbiosis helps get rid of many ailments.

Taking garlic with honey and Cahors will be useful if the body temperature does not exceed 37.3 ° C. At higher temperatures, drinking alcohol is not recommended so as not to increase the load on the heart, which already suffers from hyperthermia.

Swallow a clove of garlic, drink a little water, and then drink Cahors (50 ml) with a teaspoon of honey. The body will warm up well, the cold will subside, and the body will recover.

Take care of your health! The best remedy for viruses and bacteria is preventative use of garlic!

Have you ever heard that during ARVI you need to cut an onion and put it in the room? I agree, the smell is not very pleasant, but this way you get rid of germs in the room. This method has been used for centuries, but its effect could only be explained in the 20th century, when substances such as phytoncides were discovered. Currently, the discovery of phytoncides has grown into an independent biological science, developed by botanists, chemists, microbiologists and doctors.
All plants, except mushrooms, have an antimicrobial effect. Thus, they protect themselves, this is their immunity. And this is all thanks to phytoncides - volatile substances. The discovery of phytoncides in the 1920s is considered one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. In addition, phytoncides increase the body's immunity. This is very important in the treatment of infectious diseases, which arise because the body’s immunity is reduced.

If we choose the right indoor plants that release phytoncides, we can improve the atmosphere in the room. For example, phytoncides secreted by conifers, ficus, pelargonium, monstera, asparagus, and rosemary kill most pathogenic microbes in rooms.
So, phytoncides are volatile substances that have an antimicrobial effect and increase the body’s immunity. For example, garlic phytoncides kill the causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery, and cholera. And onion phytoncides were used to disinfect the room where the patient was.
Phytoncides of cherries, gooseberries, lingonberries, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries neutralize E. coli. And the juices of lingonberries, viburnum, red and black currants neutralize Trichomonas. And most importantly, the activity of phytoncides in the juice of cranberries, lingonberries, currants and viburnum is maintained at both high and low temperatures.
Allspice, cinnamon, and cloves also have an antimicrobial effect, since they contain a large amount of phytoncides. Therefore, when you add these spices to a dish, you not only improve the taste of the dish, but also thereby disinfect it. Why do you think they put onions, garlic and pepper in minced meat? Not only because it is delicious, but also because of the phytoncides that are found in onions, garlic and peppers. Microbes that may be in meat are killed by phytoncides.
Let's take a look into the past. Tell me, how did our ancestors relate, for example, to onions and garlic?
Our ancestors believed that onions and garlic kill all evil spirits like vampires. A bunch of onions or garlic was hung over the door as a talisman so that evil could not enter the house. Our distant ancestors also believed that geranium expels evil spirits and other evil spirits from the house. As we can see, they highly valued the phytoncidal properties of plants.
Now, knowing about the phytoncidal properties of our indoor plants and products, we can use this for our benefit, as our ancestors did.
