How can you replace cream in a cream sauce? How can you replace cream in dishes: use sour cream, milk, etc.

Sometimes you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this point, the question arises: what can replace cream in the required recipe? There is no need to get upset ahead of time; you can replace them with tea or prepare them yourself. And the price in the store for cream is higher than for other dairy products. If you learn to find an alternative to this ingredient, then the need to buy it will disappear completely.

What is cream

Cream is the upper part of the settled milk, it is the thickest. They are usually liquid, only fresh ones have a thicker consistency than those that have been pasteurized. In this form, the dairy product is delicious in sauces and added to baking dough, mousses, and casseroles. Whipped cream is used to prepare sugary dishes. The product becomes airy due to whipping.

Cream can be ordinary (with a fat content of 10–20%) and thick (35% or more).

They are very nutritious; tea, in addition to fat, includes a large number of proteins and carbohydrates. Contains vitamins A, PP, B, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. They are absorbed by the human body quite easily.

Substitute Products

What can you replace cream with if you don’t have it on hand?

A whole range of dairy products, say:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • condensed milk.

Condensed milk. Ultimately, the choice of product used will depend on the dish being prepared. Condensed milk, for example, is a good substitute for whipped cream in dessert. To do this, take one and a half glasses of condensed milk and 1 tsp for one share. lemon juice, beat everything together with a mixer.

Sour cream. Many people doubt whether it is permissible to replace cream with sour cream. Undoubtedly! These two ingredients are similar in that they contain a huge amount of fat. It is best to use sour cream to prepare biscuit dough, sauce or sugary cream.

The peculiarity of this product is that it leaves a slight sour taste in the dish, but many people even like it.

Sour cream is also used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • creamy puree soups;
  • berry and fruit cocktails;
  • salad dressings;
  • meat or fish for stewing.

By the way, some housewives like to add processed cheese with a creamy taste to creamy soup instead of cream. To make it more suitable, try adding the following mixture to the cream soup: milk, sour cream and butter (equal parts).

Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. For a liquid dough, you can safely use any fatty kefir, and for a thick dough - 10% yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Milk. Then the question arises: is it permissible to replace cream with ordinary milk? Although it is not too thick, it is a good substitute for cream in some dishes. The product is suitable for both batter and sauce. Its advantage is that during heat treatment it does not immediately curdle like sour cream and does not give a sour taste.

How to cook it yourself

If you suddenly want to make your own cream, it won’t be difficult to do, it will just take a little time:

  • Take 400 g of frozen butter and grate it on an ordinary grater, then mix it with milk (400 ml) and place it in a water bath;
  • The heating temperature should be such that the butter melts, but the milk does not become too hot. While the mixture is heating up, it must be stirred. When the liquid heats up, it must be transferred to a blender and blended until the consistency becomes completely homogeneous;
  • Now you can add homemade cream to any dish where it is needed. Before you begin the process, you need to consider the fat content required in the recipe. It is advisable to prepare all kinds of cream from thick milk and butter, and in the future dilute them with milk as needed, thereby reducing the fat content;
  • If a housewife needs whipped cream, say, for a pastry, she can easily make it too;
  • Having prepared and beat the milk-butter liquid with a blender, cover it with film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours;
  • After this, the dairy product is whipped with a mixer until thick foam, adding powdered sugar in the process.

For the sauce

Milk is exactly what is usually used to replace cream in sauces and other savory dishes.

Let's take Bechamel sauce as an example:

  • Place 50 g of butter in a thick-bottomed bowl, melt, add the same amount of flour and fry until light golden brown;
  • Then you need to pour in 1 liter of milk, but not all at once, but little by little, stirring continuously;
  • Let the ingredients in the sauce thicken, cook it for 5 minutes, add 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg;
  • The resulting composition is filtered, then brought to a boil again and more butter (50 g) is added. Usually this amazing mixture is complemented with meat and potato dishes;
  • But you can also use the product in dessert if you add not 10, but 150 g of sugar, and add 5 beaten yolks at the last stage of preparation;
  • To create thicker sauces, cream is often replaced with thick sour cream, occasionally fermented baked milk, kefir or natural yogurt;
  • You can thicken the gravy with flour, adding 0.5 tsp of it. and stirring until the mass acquires the required density.

Here is one of the most primitive recipes for sauces with sour cream: mix half a glass of the main ingredient with sugar (10 g), lemon juice (a few drops), a pinch of salt and pepper. Lemon juice in this case is used as a thickener. In this recipe, the gravy is not subjected to heat treatment; it easily complements meat dishes. It turns out easy and delicious.

For a sweet dessert

We’ve sorted out the unsweetened dishes, but what traditionally replaces cream in baked goods is a different question. Most often in baking, instead of the initial ingredient, milk or kefir is used to obtain a more liquid consistency, yogurt is used for a thick dough. But when preparing sugary baked goods, a wonderful alternative is condensed milk mixed with butter (1:1). When you put condensed milk into the dough, you need to take into account that it is sugary and add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Creams are made from thick products, so sour cream with a fat content of 35% or more is best. A little fresh lemon juice is added to it, after which it becomes thick and can be used as cream.

There is one good method for acquiring a delicate, airy cream: put the sour cream on gauze, folded in several layers, let it sit for one night, and beat it in the morning.

To get a thick cream for the cake, mix yogurt and sour cream half and half. Custard is often used to decorate confectionery products if whipped cream is not available. For souffle-type desserts, mix milk (100 ml), powdered sugar (200 g) and pureed high-fat cottage cheese (500 g). To thicken the mixture, add gelatin - 20 g per 200 ml of water.

Dietary ingredient

Many girls who are struggling with extra pounds have a question about what can replace cream in desserts, because they are too thick. And tea dishes with this ingredient turn out exceptionally appetizing. Condensed milk and sour cream are also not included in the range of dietary products. Coconut cream is similar to regular whipping cream. They taste very similar, but only contain very few calories.

You can buy the coconut version in a store or prepare it yourself. Take coconut shavings, pour hot water (this will allow the dense mass to dissolve more quickly), and beat with a blender.

Approximate proportions: 1 part chips to 2 parts water. The less water used, the denser the cream will be. After the composition has cooled, it must be strained.

If you are likely to experiment with cooking dishes, do not be afraid to replace some ingredients with others.

If you know correctly which product to use and in what case, it will not let you down.

It is possible that a dish that replaces cream with another ingredient will turn out better than one prepared according to the original recipe. Bon appetit!

Sometimes you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this moment the question arises: what can replace cream in the desired recipe? There is no need to get upset ahead of time, because you can replace them or prepare them yourself. And the price in the store for cream is higher than for other dairy products. If you learn to find an alternative to this ingredient, then the need to purchase it will disappear altogether.

  • What is cream
  • Substitute Products
  • How to cook it yourself
  • For the sauce
  • For a sweet dessert
  • Dietary ingredient

What is cream

Cream is the upper part of settled milk, it is the fattest. They are usually liquid, only fresh ones have a thicker consistency than those that have been pasteurized. In this form, the dairy product is perfectly accepted in sauces and added to baking dough, mousses, and casseroles. Whipped cream is used to prepare sweet dishes. The product becomes airy due to whipping.

Cream can be regular (with a fat content of 10–20%) and full fat (35% or more).

They are very nutritious, because in addition to fat they include a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Contains vitamins A, PP, B, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. They are absorbed by the human body quite easily.

Substitute Products

What can you replace cream with if you don’t have any on hand?

A whole range of dairy products, for example:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • condensed milk.

Condensed milk. Of course, the choice of product used will depend on the dish being prepared. Condensed milk, for example, is an excellent substitute for whipped cream in dessert. To do this, take one and a half glasses of condensed milk and 1 tsp for one serving. lemon juice, beat everything together with a mixer.

Sour cream. Many people doubt whether it is possible to replace cream with sour cream. Without a doubt! These two ingredients are similar in their high fat content. It is best to use sour cream to prepare biscuit dough, sauce or sweet cream.

The peculiarity of this product is that it leaves a slight sour taste in the dish, but many people even like it.

Sour cream is also used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • creamy puree soups;
  • berry and fruit cocktails;
  • salad dressings;
  • meat or fish for stewing.

By the way, some housewives like to add processed cheese with a creamy taste to creamy soup instead of cream. To make it healthier, try adding the following mixture to the cream soup: milk, sour cream and butter (equal parts).

Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. For a liquid dough, you can safely use kefir of any fat content, and for a thick dough - 10% yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Milk. Then the question arises: is it possible to replace cream with regular milk? Although it is not too fatty, it is an excellent substitute for cream in some dishes. The product is suitable for both batter and sauce. Its advantage is that during heat treatment it does not immediately curdle like sour cream and does not give a sour taste.

How to make your own cream

If you suddenly want to make your own cream, it won’t be difficult to do, it just takes a little time:

  • Take 400 g of frozen butter and grate it on a regular grater, then mix it with milk (400 ml) and place it in a water bath;
  • The heating temperature should be such that the butter melts, but the milk does not become too hot. While the mixture is heating up, it needs to be stirred. When the liquid heats up, it must be transferred to a blender and blended until the consistency becomes completely homogeneous;

  • Now you can add homemade cream to any dish where it is needed. Before you begin the process, you need to consider the fat content required in the recipe. It is advisable to prepare any cream from full-fat milk and butter, and then dilute it with milk as needed, thereby reducing the fat content;
  • If the housewife needs whipped cream, for example, for a confectionery product, she can also easily make it;
  • Having prepared and beat the milk-butter liquid with a blender, it must be covered with film and placed in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours;
  • After this, the dairy product is whipped with a mixer until thick foam, adding powdered sugar in the process.

For the sauce

Milk is what is usually used to replace cream in sauces and other savory dishes.

Let's take Bechamel sauce as an example:

  • Place 50 g of butter in a thick-bottomed bowl, melt, add the same amount of flour and fry until light golden brown;
  • Then you need to pour in 1 liter of milk, but not immediately, but gradually, stirring constantly;
  • Let the ingredients in the sauce thicken, cook it for 5 minutes, add 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg;

  • The resulting mixture is filtered, then brought to a boil again and more butter (50 g) is added. Usually this wonderful mixture is complemented with meat and potato dishes;
  • But you can also use the product in dessert, if you add not 10, but 150 g of sugar, and at the last stage of preparation add 5 beaten yolks;
  • To create thicker sauces, cream is often replaced with full-fat sour cream, sometimes fermented baked milk, kefir or natural yogurt;
  • You can thicken the gravy with flour, adding 0.5 tsp at a time. and stirring until the mass reaches the desired density.

Here is one of the simplest recipes for sauces with sour cream: mix half a glass of the main ingredient with sugar (10 g), lemon juice (a few drops), a pinch of salt and pepper. Lemon juice in this case is used as a thickener. In this recipe, the gravy is not subjected to heat treatment; it is simply added to meat dishes. It turns out simple and tasty.

For a sweet dessert

We've sorted out the unsweetened dishes, but what is usually used to replace cream in baked goods is another question. Most often, in baking, instead of the original ingredient, milk or kefir is used to obtain a more liquid consistency, and yogurt is used for a thick dough. But in preparing sweet pastries, an excellent alternative is condensed milk mixed with butter (1:1). When you put condensed milk in the dough, you need to take into account that it is sweet and add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Creams are made from fatty products, so sour cream with a fat content of 35% or more is best. A little fresh lemon juice is added to it, after which it becomes thick and can be used as cream.

There is one good way to get a delicate, airy cream: put the sour cream on gauze, folded in several layers, let it sit for one night, and beat it in the morning.

To get a thick cream for the cake, mix yogurt with half and half sour cream. Custard is often used to decorate confectionery products if whipped cream is not available. For souffle-type desserts, mix milk (100 ml), powdered sugar (200 g) and pureed high-fat cottage cheese (500 g). To thicken the mixture, add gelatin - 20 g per 200 ml of water.

Dietary ingredient

Many girls who are struggling with extra pounds have a question about what can replace cream in desserts, since they are too fatty. But dishes with this ingredient turn out especially tasty. Condensed milk and sour cream are also not included in the range of dietary products. Coconut cream is similar to regular whipping cream. They taste very similar, but contain very few calories.

The coconut version can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. Take coconut shavings, add hot water (this will allow the dense mass to dissolve faster), and beat with a blender.

Approximate proportions: 1 part chips to 2 parts water. The less water used, the denser the cream will be. After the composition has cooled, it needs to be filtered.

If you have the opportunity to experiment with cooking, don’t be afraid to replace some ingredients with others.

If you know exactly which product to use and in what case, it will not let you down.

It is possible that a dish that replaces cream with another ingredient will turn out better than one prepared according to the original recipe. Enjoy your meal!

by the materials

2015-10-12T20:52:09+00:00 admin useful tips useful tips

Sometimes you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this moment the question arises: what can replace cream in the desired recipe? There is no need to get upset ahead of time, because you can replace them or prepare them yourself. Yes...

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In almost every professional recipe for sauce, dough or cream, you can see cream in the list of ingredients. They can have different fat contents, and they can also be fresh (thicker cream) or pasteurized (thinner). But sometimes the housewife wants to cook something special, but there is no cream in the house. And they cost much more than all other dairy products. Then you have to replace the cream with something... But what?

If you are preparing cream?

If you are looking for something to replace cream when making cream, then condensed milk or sour cream will work well instead of cream. In addition, there is dry custard, which costs very little, but tastes practically no different from hand-made cream.

Preparing the dough

If you need to find something to replace the cream in the dough with, then you need to look at the recipe. If the dough should end up being liquid, then the cream can be replaced with milk or kefir - anything milky, similar in consistency to cream. If, on the contrary, you need a stiff dough, then instead of cream you can add very fatty yogurt or fermented baked milk.

What can you replace cream with?

If you need cream to decorate a confectionery product, you can do this using custard. Things are a little more complicated with cream in sauces. The fact is that most sauces can be cooked, and some dairy products quickly curdle at high temperatures. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the product that you want to replace the cream with. Sour cream can curdle at high temperatures and give a very sour taste. Milk is better because it curdles only when boiled for a long time. It is enough just not to let it boil, and the consistency of milk is no different from cream - it is just less fatty. Kefir can also be added to the sauce instead of cream. It, unlike the other dairy products mentioned above, almost does not curdle, but gives a slightly sour taste.

Sometimes you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this moment the question arises: what can replace cream in the desired recipe? There is no need to get upset ahead of time, because you can replace them or prepare them yourself. And the price in the store for cream is higher than for other dairy products. If you learn to find an alternative to this ingredient, then the need to purchase it will disappear altogether.

What is cream

Cream is the upper part of settled milk, it is the fattest. They are usually liquid, only fresh ones have a thicker consistency than those that have been pasteurized. In this form, the dairy product is perfectly accepted in sauces and added to baking dough, mousses, and casseroles. Whipped cream is used to prepare sweet dishes. The product becomes airy due to whipping.

Cream can be regular (with a fat content of 10–20%) and full fat (35% or more).

They are very nutritious, because in addition to fat they include a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Contains vitamins A, PP, B, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. They are absorbed by the human body quite easily.

Substitute Products

What can you replace cream with if you don’t have any on hand?

A whole range of dairy products, for example:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • condensed milk.

Condensed milk. Of course, the choice of product used will depend on the dish being prepared. Condensed milk, for example, is an excellent substitute for whipped cream in dessert. To do this, take one and a half glasses of condensed milk and 1 tsp for one serving. lemon juice, beat everything together with a mixer.

Sour cream. Many people doubt whether it is possible to replace cream with sour cream. Without a doubt! These two ingredients are similar in their high fat content. It is best to use sour cream to prepare biscuit dough, sauce or sweet cream.

The peculiarity of this product is that it leaves a slight sour taste in the dish, but many people even like it.

Sour cream is also used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • creamy puree soups;
  • berry and fruit cocktails;
  • salad dressings;
  • meat or fish for stewing.

By the way, some housewives like to add processed cheese with a creamy taste to creamy soup instead of cream. To make it healthier, try adding the following mixture to the cream soup: milk, sour cream and butter (equal parts).

Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. For a liquid dough, you can safely use kefir of any fat content, and for a thick dough - 10% yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Milk. Then the question arises: is it possible to replace cream with regular milk? Although it is not too fatty, it is an excellent substitute for cream in some dishes. The product is suitable for both batter and sauce. Its advantage is that during heat treatment it does not immediately curdle like sour cream and does not give a sour taste.

How to cook it yourself

If you suddenly want to make your own cream, it won’t be difficult to do, it just takes a little time:

  • Take 400 g of frozen butter and grate it on a regular grater, then mix it with milk (400 ml) and place it in a water bath;
  • The heating temperature should be such that the butter melts, but the milk does not become too hot. While the mixture is heating up, it needs to be stirred. When the liquid heats up, it must be transferred to a blender and blended until the consistency becomes completely homogeneous;
  • Now you can add homemade cream to any dish where it is needed. Before you begin the process, you need to consider the fat content required in the recipe. It is advisable to prepare any cream from full-fat milk and butter, and then dilute it with milk as needed, thereby reducing the fat content;
  • If the housewife needs whipped cream, for example, for a confectionery product, she can also easily make it;
  • Having prepared and beat the milk-butter liquid with a blender, it must be covered with film and placed in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours;
  • After this, the dairy product is whipped with a mixer until thick foam, adding powdered sugar in the process.

For the sauce

Milk is what is usually used to replace cream in sauces and other savory dishes.

Let's take Bechamel sauce as an example:

  • Place 50 g of butter in a thick-bottomed bowl, melt, add the same amount of flour and fry until light golden brown;
  • Then you need to pour in 1 liter of milk, but not immediately, but gradually, stirring constantly;
  • Let the ingredients in the sauce thicken, cook it for 5 minutes, add 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg;
  • The resulting mixture is filtered, then brought to a boil again and more butter (50 g) is added. Usually this wonderful mixture is complemented with meat and potato dishes;
  • But you can also use the product in dessert, if you add not 10, but 150 g of sugar, and at the last stage of preparation add 5 beaten yolks;
  • To create thicker sauces, cream is often replaced with full-fat sour cream, sometimes fermented baked milk, kefir or natural yogurt;
  • You can thicken the gravy with flour, adding 0.5 tsp at a time. and stirring until the mass reaches the desired density.

Here is one of the simplest recipes for sauces with sour cream: mix half a glass of the main ingredient with sugar (10 g), lemon juice (a few drops), a pinch of salt and pepper. Lemon juice in this case is used as a thickener. In this recipe, the gravy is not subjected to heat treatment; it is simply added to meat dishes. It turns out simple and tasty.

For a sweet dessert

We've sorted out the unsweetened dishes, but what is usually used to replace cream in baked goods is another question. Most often, in baking, instead of the original ingredient, milk or kefir is used to obtain a more liquid consistency, and yogurt is used for a thick dough. But in preparing sweet pastries, an excellent alternative is condensed milk mixed with butter (1:1). When you put condensed milk in the dough, you need to take into account that it is sweet and add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Creams are made from fatty products, so sour cream with a fat content of 35% or more is best. A little fresh lemon juice is added to it, after which it becomes thick and can be used as cream.

There is one good way to get a delicate, airy cream: put the sour cream on gauze, folded in several layers, let it sit for one night, and beat it in the morning.

To get a thick cream for the cake, mix yogurt with half and half sour cream. Custard is often used to decorate confectionery products if whipped cream is not available. For souffle-type desserts, mix milk (100 ml), powdered sugar (200 g) and pureed high-fat cottage cheese (500 g). To thicken the mixture, add gelatin - 20 g per 200 ml of water.

Cream is considered a very healthy dairy product because it contains easily digestible lactose fats. In addition, they contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, E, and other substances. Cream is actively used in cooking. For example, in the process of preparing sauces, gravy, fruit salads, and baked goods. But, often they are not available, and the question arises - is it possible to replace cream with sour cream? Let's talk about this now.

There are often times when there is no cream at home, and you urgently need to prepare some dish. The best alternative in this situation would be sour cream instead of cream. Below we provide some recommendations that should help you:

  1. Experienced chefs replace cream with sour cream when preparing some culinary products. Naturally, sourness will appear, but it can be presented as the main highlight of the dish. When heated strongly, sour cream quickly curdles. This fact must be taken into account when preparing sauces.
  2. As for baking, here the main dairy ingredient can be safely replaced with high-fat sour cream mixed with sugar.
  3. To get cream for the cake, instead of cream, you can use a mix of equal proportions of sour cream and yogurt.
  4. If you are planning to prepare a delicate cream and do not find any cream, you can use a mixture of sour cream and milk in a 2:1 ratio.
  5. In cream soup, cream is successfully replaced by a mix of sour cream, milk and butter. Some chefs also add cream cheese.

Homemade cream recipe

If you are preparing a cream sauce, then it is clear that the question of whether you can use sour cream instead of cream disappears. You can't do without cream here. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the recipe for this important dairy product at home. First you need to prepare the ingredients - half a bottle of store-bought milk and one and a half sticks of butter.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat.
  2. Grind the butter and pour it into the pan.
  3. Heat the mixture until the oil is completely dissolved. It is important not to bring the milk to a boil.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture and beat it with a blender.
  5. Pour the product and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Done - homemade cream can be used to prepare the dish.

Diabetics can consume sour cream, but only if all recommended dosages are strictly followed.

How can you replace whipping cream: Video
