Rent of 1c configurations. Control and elimination of error situations

The software product "1C: Rent and Real Estate Management" is a joint industry solution of the 1C company and the ELIAS VC company. The product is intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, development companiesstructures. The product allows you to increase the efficiency of a company's business by automating the processes of maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate. The program provides solutions to problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting.

The program allows you to effectively manage different types of real estate: shopping and office centers, land plots, exhibition areas, warehouses, markets etc.

The product is developed on the latest version of the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8" and is available in various versions: based on standard configurations 1C:Accounting And . For government agencies, delivery is provided on a .

The program includes tools for effective management of real estate and rental activities.

Main features of the real estate management automation program

Real estate registry management

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects with a wide range of characteristics and the ability to add arbitrary characteristics;
  • Convenient and simple creation of graphic plans for the placement of objects;
  • Automatic creation of real estate objects in the database based on graphic layout plans;
  • Quick viewing of the location of an object on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics;
  • Generation of graphical reporting based on facility layout plans with color highlighting of facilities depending on status and the possibility of arbitrary selection (by free space, by area under repair, reserve, etc.);
  • The ability to link real estate to price categories, register prices for services linked to price categories, and store price history.

Management of rental agreements

  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, Termination of a lease agreement, Certificate of acceptance and transfer of leased premises, Certificate of acceptance and return of leased premises);
  • Division of services into fixed and variable parts;
  • Flexible management of charging methods, rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Separate assignment of payment terms and parameters for calculating penalties for fixed and variable services, as well as for specific services;
  • Use of arbitrary Microsoft Word format templates for printing primary documents;
  • Printing graphic plans highlighting rental properties as appendices to contracts;
  • Storing a list of telephone numbers and linking them to tenant agreements;
  • Possibility of multiple changes in rates for services within one contract;
  • Possibility of accounting for rentals with breaks;
  • Use of special exchange rates (fixed rate, Central Bank rate plus a given percentage, currency corridor);
  • Ability to manage sublease agreements;
  • Generation of graphical reporting based on object placement plans with color highlighting of objects depending on their status and the ability to customize the composition of the displayed information (by tenants, terms of contracts, characteristics of objects, etc.);
  • Checking occupancy and monitoring the excess of the total area of ​​the facility when creating a new lease agreement;
  • Possibility to rent out one property to several tenants;
  • Group extension and termination of lease agreements with the possibility of selection according to specified characteristics;
  • Formation of a register of lease agreements with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics.

Management of mutual settlements for rent

  • Flexible configuration of the details of mutual settlements with tenants: according to contracts, payment periods, objects, services, invoices for payment;
  • Automatic generation of invoices for payment and acts of provision of services with the possibility of random selection by tenants, services, objects, etc., printing of generated documents and sending to tenants by e-mail;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;
  • The use of arbitrary formulas to calculate the cost of variable part services (in particular, accrual based on the tenant’s trade turnover using various algorithms);
  • Automatic completion of payment terms in invoices under the terms of the lease agreement;
  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Accounting for security payments (deposits);
  • Analysis of delays in payments for services and calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Conducting settlements with property owners under an agency scheme;
  • Reporting on mutual settlements with tenants with analytics on periods, services, rental objects, invoices for payment and the ability to analyze calculations for penalties and deposits;
  • Possibility of printing rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • A report on the efficiency of space use with the calculation of the efficiency factor and the amount of financial losses from facility downtime;
  • Sales analysis with extensive detail and arbitrary grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

Property management

  • Accounting for structural elements and engineering systems of real estate objects subject to maintenance and repair;
  • Planning activities for the maintenance of real estate (scheduled and routine repairs, routine maintenance, etc.)
  • Registration and control of service requests;
  • Storing estimates for materials and work for maintenance activities;
  • Accounting for actual operating costs;
  • Accounting for the services of contractors for maintenance;
  • Maintaining a history of maintenance activities;
  • Planning of operating costs, carrying out plan-factual analysis.

Service capabilities

  • Automatic creation of reminders and notifications for various events (for example, reminders about the approaching expiration date of the lease agreement);
  • Versioning (storing the history of changes) of directories and documents;
  • Integration with the 1C: Document Flow program.

The main innovations in the delivery of "Module 1C: Rental and real estate management for 1C: ERP":

  • the product is developed on the basis of an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multi-industry enterprises, taking into account the best global and domestic practices in the automation of large and medium-sized businesses;
  • separate assignment and control of payment terms for the fixed and variable parts of the rent;
  • the ability to calculate penalties for late payment based on both actual (according to acts) and planned (according to accounts) debt;
  • the possibility of assigning both individual and uniform tariffs for variable services;
  • management of property inspections;
  • Possibility of joint use with solutions "1C:ERP Construction Organization Management 2" and within a single configuration.

This is interesting. The possibility of seamless integration of software products "1C: Rental and real estate management" and . Integration allows you to use many of the capabilities of 1C: Document Flow without leaving the 1C: Rental and Real Estate Management configuration, in particular:

  • store arbitrary files related to rental objects, lease agreements and other directories and documents in 1C: Document Flow;
  • use “1C: Document Flow” business processes when working with configuration objects: assignment, approval, approval and many others;
  • create incoming, internal and outgoing “1C: Document Flow” documents based on lease agreements, service requests and other documents and manage their status.
Application for access to a remote demonstration of the program "1C: Rental and Real Estate Management"

Prices for the program "1C: Rental and real estate management" and additional licenses

1C:Enterprise 8. Rent and management of real estate based on "1C:Accounting 8" +2 hours
1C:Enterprise 8. Rent and management of real estate based on "1C:Accounting 8" (USB)
43 700 +2 hours
Module "Rental and property management" for "1C: Accounting 8" +2 hours
Module "Rental and property management" for "1C: Accounting 8" (USB) 31 050 +2 hours
Module 1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP 70 000 +4 hours
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 1 workplace
6 300 -
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 1 workstation (USB)
7 250 -
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 5 workstations
21 600 +1 hour
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 5 workstations (USB) 24 840 +1 hour
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 10 workstations
41 400 +2 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 10 workstations (USB)
47 610 +2 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 20 workstations
68 400 +4 hours
1C:Renting and real estate management, client license for 20 workstations (USB)
78 660 +4 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 50 workstations 144 000 +10 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management, client license for 50 workstations (USB)
165 600 +10 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 100 workstations 216 000 +20 hours
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 100 workstations (USB)
248 400 +20 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 1 workstation 9 500 -
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 5 workstations 32 400 +2 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 10 workstations 62 100 +4 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 20 workstations 117 000 +8 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 50 workstations 280 800 +20 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 100 workstations 540 000 +30 hours

The "Rental and Real Estate Management" configuration for "1C: Public Institution Accounting" was developed based on the standard "Government Institution Accounting" configuration, edition 2.0. Thus, the product fully preserves and expands the capabilities of the standard configuration “Accounting for a government agency.”

The industry-specific functionality of the product consists of a set of subsystems that together provide comprehensive management of real estate, including solving problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting. The following are the capabilities of each subsystem.

Subsystem "Management of the register of real estate objects"

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects of all types with a wide range of characteristics and the ability to add new characteristics;
  • Linking any electronic files (photos, scanned copies of documents, etc.) to real estate objects;
  • Linking real estate objects to a graphical layout plan, quick viewing of the location of the object on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects;
  • Generation of graphical reporting based on object placement plans with color highlighting of objects depending on their status;
  • The ability to assign real estate to price categories, register prices for services by price category, store price history.

Subsystem "Management of lease agreements"

  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, Acceptance and transfer certificate of leased premises, etc.);
  • The ability to divide the rent into a constant (rent of premises) and variable (tariffed services) part;
  • Use of custom templates based on Microsoft® Word® for printing primary documents;
  • Accounting for rental of federal property for institutions that are and are not revenue administrators;
  • Taking into account the provisions of paragraph 3 of Art. 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on recognizing the tenant as a tax agent for VAT;
  • Flexible management of rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Printing graphic plans highlighting rental properties as appendices to contracts;
  • Storing a list of telephone numbers and linking them to tenant agreements;
  • Possibility of multiple changes in rates for services within one contract;
  • Use of special exchange rates in contracts (currency corridor, Central Bank rate plus a given percentage, fixed rate);
  • Ability to manage sublease agreements;
  • Possibility to rent out one property to several tenants;
  • Group renewal and termination of lease agreements;
  • Formation of a register of lease agreements.

Subsystem "Management of mutual settlements for rent"

  • Flexible configuration of the detail of mutual settlements with tenants: by agreement, payment periods, objects, services, accounts, as well as the detail of calculations taking into account budget analytics.
  • Calculation of rent with arbitrary setting of the period, terms, rates and methods of calculation;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Batch generation and printing of invoices for rent and certificates of service provision with the possibility of selection according to various criteria;
  • Support of the requirements of the Rent Standard (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2016 No. 258n);
  • Automatic generation of documents provided for by the "Rent" Standard;
  • Conducting settlements on real receivables of tenants for contracts accounted for under the “Rent” Standard;
  • Automatic distribution of rent payments, information about which comes from the treasury;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;
  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments;
  • Possibility of printing rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • A report on the efficiency of space use with the calculation of the efficiency factor and the amount of financial losses associated with the downtime of facilities;
  • Sales analysis with the necessary detail and grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

Subsystem "Management of operation of real estate objects"

  • Accounting for structural elements and engineering systems of real estate objects;
  • Planning activities for the maintenance of real estate (scheduled and routine repairs, routine maintenance, etc.);
  • Registration and control of requests for maintenance of real estate objects;
  • Storing estimates for work on the operation of real estate;
  • Accounting for actual operating costs;
  • Accounting for services of contractors;
  • Maintaining a history of maintenance activities;
  • Planning and conducting plan-fact analysis of operating costs.

A set of ready-made solutions for automating the main areas of accounting

The standard configuration "Accounting of a government institution" provides a high level of automation of accounting:

  • input and storage of information to the extent necessary for the preparation of primary accounting documents and the formation of accounting registers;
  • maintaining accounting document flow with registration of transactions in the accounts of the working chart of accounts;
  • registration of incoming primary accounting documents;
  • registration of outgoing primary accounting documents (formation in paper and/or electronic form); storage of generated primary documents in electronic form in the information database;
  • formation of accounting registers based on accounting data with obtaining hard copies on paper on standard forms;
  • generation of accounting registers, standard and specialized reports with various groupings and hierarchy of data presentation;
  • formation of regulated budgetary, accounting, tax and statistical reporting.

The program provides a high level of accounting automation in almost all sections. It provides:

  • accounting of non-financial assets: fixed assets, intangible assets, non-produced assets, inventories, treasury property in the context of nomenclature, storage locations, financially responsible persons; accounting for accrued depreciation;
  • accounting of financial assets:
  • accounting for the availability and movement of monetary documents and cash in the cash register, including in foreign currency;
  • accounting for cash flows in accounts opened with credit institutions, including in foreign currency;
  • accounting of financial investments: deposits, shares, bonds, etc.;
  • accounting of transactions on personal accounts opened with treasury authorities, electronic data exchange with treasury systems;

accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors for advances issued by counterparties and basis for settlements; accounting for settlements with accountable persons; accounting for income settlements, including:

  • accounting of payments for educational services;
  • accounting for calculations for the manufacture of products and performance of work;
  • accounting for payments for paid services;
  • accounting for rental payments for federal (municipal) property and other income from property;

accounting for settlements on credits, loans (loans); accounting for settlements for property damage; accounting for liabilities:

  • accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors;
  • accounting of settlements with employees;
  • accounting for payments to budgets;
  • accounting for settlements on funds received for temporary use;
  • accounting of intradepartmental settlements;
  • accounting of state (municipal) debt, provided guarantees;
  • accounting for settlements with other creditors;

accounting for the financial results of the institution’s activities; accounting for the authorization of budget expenditures:

  • accounting of estimated (planned) assignments;
  • accounting of budgetary allocations;
  • accounting for funding volumes;
  • accounting for approved limits on budget obligations;
  • accounting and control of fulfillment of accepted obligations;
  • accounting for VAT, invoices, maintaining books of purchases and sales, creating a log of received and issued invoices;
  • accounting of state and municipal contracts, generation of information for registers of state and municipal contracts on paper and in electronic form;
  • electronic document flow with credit institutions, financial authorities, Federal Treasury authorities:
    • settlements on personal accounts of state, budgetary, autonomous institutions;
    • electronic data exchange in the formats of the Federal Treasury, FKU of Moscow, UNIFO, UFEBS, using the 1C:Enterprise - Bank Client standard, a customizable mechanism for exchanging information with treasury systems;

automatic generation of primary documents, accounting registers and regulated reporting; electronic document flow with tax authorities; electronic document flow in 1C formats with the body exercising the functions and powers of the founder, in terms of regulated reporting; multi-level system of preliminary, current and subsequent control.

"Accounting of a State Institution", edition 2.0 supports a single methodically verified interconnected technological process of accounting, which provides for the receipt of all necessary primary documents and accounting registers.

Work "from the document"

Documentation of the facts of financial and economic activities of state (municipal) institutions is provided with the help of electronic documents specialized in accounting sections, with the receipt of the corresponding standard forms of primary documents or an accounting certificate f. 0504833.

Documenting business activities means drawing up a primary accounting document that records the fact of a business transaction. For example, cash register transactions are documented by receipt and debit orders, and product shipments are documented by issuing an invoice and invoice.

At the stage of maintaining accounting document flow, the program provides input, printing and storage of primary documents in the information database. The generated primary document can be saved in the database. When posting electronic documents, the program automatically generates transactions - entries in accounting accounts, based on the selected accounting transaction.

Primary documents and accounting records configured in electronic documents comply with federal legislation on accounting in state (municipal) institutions.

Entering specialized documents is the main way to reflect business transactions in accounting.

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter program documents that correspond to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of accounting transactions is allowed.

It is also possible to directly enter individual transactions in the universal document "Operation (accounting)", in which standard transactions can be used.

The program allows you to automatically perform routine operations, such as depreciation and currency revaluation.

The entered information is automatically summarized, which allows you to generate the necessary reports for any period of time.

Standard and specialized reports included in the configuration allow you to quickly obtain the necessary accounting registers and present accounting information in a form convenient for analysis.

The set of regulated reports is updated as legislation changes and contains forms of budgetary, accounting, tax, statistical reporting, reporting to funds necessary for the monthly, quarterly and annual report of the institution.

Each accounting section in the program is a methodically verified technological cycle of accounting for certain types of property, funds, and obligations within a single standard configuration, which provides for obtaining all the necessary primary documents and accounting registers.


Accounting for Expense Authorization

"Accounting of a public institution", edition 2.0 provides:

  • registration and accounting of received limits of budget obligations, appropriations, maximum funding volumes, hereinafter – budget data;
  • formation of Expenditure Schedules (form 0531722) (Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2008 No. 104n) by the budget recipient for submission to the Federal Treasury;
  • reflection in accounting of the amounts of budget data communicated to the manager of budgetary funds (GRBS), subject to further distribution among subordinate institutions;
  • formation of expense schedules f. 0531722 for transfer to treasury authorities and the formation of accounting records for the distribution of budget data to subordinate recipients of budget funds, including oneself as a recipient;
  • registration and accounting of estimated (planned) assignments;
  • registration and accounting of accepted obligations, including automatic entry of monetary obligations in accordance with the specified settings for the automatic generation of transactions for monetary obligations in documents for the purchase of non-fiscal assets and services;
  • control over the acceptance of obligations within the limits of budget obligations, estimated (planned) assignments, communicated (approved) according to the codes of classification of expenses of the corresponding budget (departmental classification), and taking into account accepted and unfulfilled obligations;
  • control that cash expenses do not exceed the established limits of budget obligations (appropriations) and, if necessary, the maximum volumes of financing expenses;
  • control that cash payments from sources of financing the budget deficit do not exceed the reported budget allocations;
  • control of not exceeding cash expenses over approved estimated (planned) assignments.

Transactions on authorization of expenses are reflected in the Authorization Journal No. 9 (f. 0504071). Also, for transactions authorizing expenses, you can obtain accounting registers Card for accounting limits of budget obligations (form No. 0504062), Obligations registration journal (form No. 0504064), reports Summary data on the execution of the budget of the PBS, Summary data on the execution of the FCD plan.

The program includes a “Planning and Authorization” assistant, which will help the user set the composition of planned indicators, fill out the associated directories and visually assign values ​​to the indicators. As a result, “Planned appointments” documents are created and reflected in the accounting accounts.

Accounting for operations of reporting budget data and cash execution

"Accounting for a Government Institution", edition 2.0 supports all cash service schemes with account opening:

  • in institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • in the Federal Treasury;
  • in bodies created for cash services for budget execution by the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local administration of a municipality;
  • in credit institutions.

The program provides for the design, printing, and electronic uploading of the following documents in current formats of the Federal Treasury:

  • Application for cash expenses (f. 0531801);
  • Application for cash expenses (abbreviated) (f. 0531851);
  • Application for receiving cash (f. 0531802);
  • Application for cash withdrawal (bank card) (f. 0531844);
  • Return application (f. 0531803);
  • Request to cancel an application (f. 0531807);
  • Notification of clarification of the type and nature of payment (f. 0531809);
  • Notification about clarification of client operations (f. 0531852);
  • Payment order (f. 0401060);
  • Application for opening a personal account (f. 0510021);
  • Applications for re-registration of a personal account (f. 0510025);
  • Applications for closing a personal account (f. 0510026);
  • Application for receipt of cash check books (f. 0531712), etc.

Major previous Federal Treasury formats are also supported.

Treasury bodies established by the financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments can develop their own data exchange formats, therefore, to generate payment files in other formats, the configuration provides for the integration of data exchange procedures and algorithms that do not require configuration changes.

Formats are updated independently from program updates, from the configuration web page.

When generating settlement and payment documents, the design and authorization features for each type of institution are taken into account.

It is envisaged to carry out settlement and payment documents and generate accounting records, which are reflected in the Journal of Transactions with Non-Cash Funds No. 2 (f. 0504071).

  • Minutes of the treasury body (f. 0531805);
  • Expense schedule (f. 0531722);
  • Request to clarify the identity of the payment (f. 0531808);
  • Extract from personal account (various types). When loading Statements, documents are generated to reflect cash receipts, cash disposals, and the status of the corresponding settlement and payment documents is changed to “Executed” to further reflect cash payments.. Documents reflecting cash payments (receipts) are loaded with data from documents that provide the basis for reflecting transactions on the / from the institution (payment orders and other documents generated by the FC body or the payer).

All downloaded files are saved in the infobase.

Each fact of uploading and loading data into the program is recorded in the form of documents.

Users can view and, if necessary, print statements and payment orders in their accounting software.

Exchange is also supported through institutions of the Bank of Russia and credit organizations. To carry out electronic payments through Bank of Russia institutions and credit organizations, the UFEBS and “1C:Enterprise – Bank Client” formats are supported, respectively.

The exchange of the following documents is provided:

  • payment order,
  • payment request,
  • collection order,
  • bank statement.

The program provides for the formation of its own supply of formats: you can determine its composition and upload it for further loading into another information database.

Accounting for cash and monetary documents

Accounting for cash transactions with cash is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation (approved by the Bank of Russia on October 12, 2011 No. 373-P).

Receipt and expense cash orders (form No. KO-1 and No. KO-2), announcements for cash contributions (form 0402001), statements for issuance to accountable persons (form 0504501) are drawn up according to standard unified forms. Cash orders can be issued both in rubles and in any foreign currency. When posting documents, accounting records are generated, which are reflected in the Journal of Operations for the "Cash" account No. 1 (f. 0504071).

Cash orders can also be issued using monetary documents. When generating cash orders based on monetary documents, they are overprinted “Stock”. Movements of monetary documents are recorded in accounting accounts.

The configuration ensures the maintenance of the Journal of registration of incoming and outgoing orders" (form No. KO-3) and the Cash Book in the form No. 0504514.

The formation of the cash book is carried out using cash and monetary documents. There are two ways to maintain a cash book:

  • formation of a single cash book (f. 0504514) for cash and monetary documents with a single sequential numbering of ordinary sheets of the cash book and sheets with the mark (stamp) “Stock”;
  • formation of a separate cash book according to form 0504510 "Cash book Fund" for transactions with monetary documents.

The peculiarities of cash circulation during settlements through the Federal Treasury authorities are taken into account, including the peculiarities of carrying out operations to provide cash to recipients of budget funds, non-participants in the budget process and authorized departments using cards.

It is provided for the registration of an Application for receiving cash transferred to the card (form 0531844) (Appendices No. 2, 3 to the Rules for providing cash to organizations whose personal accounts are opened in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2010 No. 199n), and reflection on the accounts of transactions when using account No. 40116 “Funds for paying cash to organizations.”

It is possible to obtain information on cash flows for any period in the context of institutions, sources and types of financial support for the institution's activities, classification characteristics of accounts, economic classification codes.

Provision is made for the formation of Inventory lists (matching statements) f. 0504086, Inventory lists f. 0504088 and the Cash Inventory Report in form No. INV-15 and documenting the results of the inventory of cash and monetary documents. Based on documents that record the discrepancy between actual data and accounting data, you can enter incoming documents to capitalize surpluses and expenditure documents to register shortages.

The program supports the use of cash register equipment when performing cash transactions.

Accounting for non-financial assets

Accounting for non-financial assets is carried out according to nomenclature, inventory items, financially responsible persons and storage locations.

All features of accounting for non-financial assets (NFA) have been implemented - preliminary calculation of the actual cost on account 010600000 "Investments in non-financial assets", depreciation calculation depending on the cost of the fixed asset, its purpose and period of use.

In addition to individual, group accounting of inventory items has been implemented with the formation of inventory cards for group accounting of fixed assets (f. 0504032), acceptance and transfer acts (f. 0306031), write-off of a group of similar fixed assets (f. 0306033).

User-defined additional characteristics of fixed assets are stored and reflected in inventory cards, for example: area of ​​premises, number of storeys of buildings, etc.

Accounting is carried out for precious metals included in fixed assets, materials, and equipment.

When putting fixed assets (intangible assets) into operation, you can write off fixed assets worth up to 3,000 rubles as expenses. inclusive (except for fixed assets that are not written off upon commissioning, for example, library collections) or charge 100% depreciation for fixed assets costing from 3,000 rubles. up to 40,000 rub. inclusive.

For fixed assets and intangible assets worth more than 40,000 rubles. Depreciation is calculated monthly using a regulatory document.

These include operations such as centralized supply, intradepartmental transfer, in-house production, reconstruction (modernization), and sale of excess non-financial assets.

It is envisaged to maintain lists of permanent commissions - for inventory, for the receipt and disposal of non-fiscal assets, etc. - to be reflected in acts of acceptance, transfer, write-off of non-fiscal assets, in inventory lists, etc.

The drafting of agreements on individual and collective liability is provided.

Based on the documents on receipt of NFA, documents of the type “Invoice received” are entered to register the supplier’s invoice in order to create a Purchase Book.

The movement of non-financial assets is reflected in the Journal of operations on the disposal and transfer of non-financial assets No. 7 (f. 0504071), the Turnover Statement for non-financial assets (f. 0504035), Cards of quantitative and total accounting of material assets (f. 0504041) and other accounting registers.

Provision is made for the formation of inventory lists (matching sheets) and registration of inventory results using specialized documents. This allows you to store in the program all information about completed inventories. Based on documents that record the discrepancy between actual data and accounting data, you can enter incoming documents - to capitalize surpluses and expenditure documents - to register shortages.

The ability to barcode OS objects and use data collection terminals when conducting and processing the results of an inventory of fixed assets has been implemented.

Operations for the movement of non-financial assets recorded in off-balance sheet accounts have also been automated. The receipt, internal movement and write-off of such objects are recorded using standardized forms, an inventory is carried out, and accounting registers are formed.

Implemented accounting of strict reporting forms by numbers and series.

The "Food Accounting" subsystem allows you to maintain lists of food products, semi-finished products and dishes made from them, lists of various daily menus for different dietary tables, categories of people who are satisfied, etc. The following are provided:

  • daily registration of categories of beneficiaries and their number in the institution;
  • drawing up daily menu requirements;
  • reflection of the receipt of food products by suppliers and basis of calculations;
  • writing off food products according to menu requirements, processing the return of unused products from production.

Records of write-offs of food products are kept by category of beneficiaries, sources and types of financial support for the institution’s activities.

Provision is made for the formation of a Cumulative Sheet for the receipt of food products (form 0504037), a Cumulative Sheet for the consumption of food products (form 0504038), a Report on the consumption of food products by category of those who are satisfied, a Report on the cost of food for categories of people who are satisfied for the period, a Report on the receipt of food products by suppliers .

The subsystem "Services, works, production" allows you to:

  • maintain a list of finished products;
  • set several types of prices for the product range;
  • reflect operations to generate production costs;
  • reflect production output - capitalization of finished products from the main production account 109.61 to account 105.00 "Materials";
  • carry out an inventory of work in progress;
  • set the cost distribution base:
  • wages - turnover in debit 109.61 from credit 302.10;
  • material costs - turnover in debit 109.61 from credit 105.00;
  • direct costs – debit turnover 109.61;
  • revenue – revenue from sales of products (debit 205);

close production accounts in accordance with the distribution base:

  • distribution of general production (109.71) and general business (109.81) costs to direct production costs (109.61) by item items for which costs were collected on the main production account (109.61) during the month;
  • adjustment of the turnover of finished products generated during the month at planned prices to the actual cost, calculated based on the results of production operations for the month, and according to the balances of work in progress.

Information on the composition and amount of costs that formed the actual cost of products can be obtained in the report "Calculation reference "Cost calculation". Information on the actual and planned cost of manufactured products, work in progress balances and deviations from standard cost indicators can be obtained in the report "Reference - calculation of "Product cost". It is also provided to obtain information on the distribution of indirect costs for manufactured products for each cost item.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

Settlements with suppliers and contractors are taken into account in the context of contracts (basis of settlements).

The features of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors are taken into account depending on the order of settlements - advance payment or advance delivery of goods, works, services. Automatic offset of advances, registration of supplier invoices and maintenance of the Purchase Book are provided.

For settlements with counterparties, a Journal of transactions with settlements with suppliers and contractors No. 4 (f. 0504071) and other reports are generated. It is envisaged to generate acts of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties and conduct an inventory of settlements.

Accounting for wages, scholarships and allowances

Data on payroll, scholarships and allowances can be entered into the program using the document "Operation (accounting)".

Calculations for wages, scholarships and allowances are reflected in the report “Journal of wage settlement transactions No. 6”. Information on settlements can be obtained from the accounting register Card for accounting of funds and settlements (f. 0504051), the report "Account balance sheet".

Accounting for settlements with accountable persons

Operations for settlements with accountable persons, issuance of reports from the cash register and deposit of cash into the institution's cash desk, registration of expenses made by the accountable person are automated.

It is provided for the registration of an application for the issuance of an advance to an accountable person and the formation on its basis of a Cash Expenditure Order or a Statement for the issuance of money from the cash register to accountable persons.

The advance report submitted to the accounting department is reflected in accounting using the document “Advance report”. The document "Advance report" can also be used to prepare an Advance report based on the submitted supporting documents. From the document you can generate a printed form "Advance report" (f. 0504049).

Accounting registers for settlements with accountable persons - Journal of transactions with accountable persons No. 3 (f. 0504071), Funds and Settlements Accounting Card (f. 0504051) are formed as output forms using reports of the same name.

It is provided for the registration of inventory data of settlements with accountable persons, the formation of an inventory list of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors (f. 0504089).

A power of attorney is provided for the receipt of inventory items in a unified form No. M-2 and M-2a.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

The program automates the operations of accrual of accounts receivable for services provided by the institution in the main and business activities, including the provision of property for rent, and additional education.

Implemented registration of invoices and automatic generation of the Sales Book in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for filling out (maintaining) documents used in calculations for value added tax (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137).

Provides for issuing invoices for payment, automatic write-off of direct and overhead costs for services (work) to the current financial result.

Operations for offsetting received advances are fully automated.

Accounting registers for settlements with debtors - Log of transactions with debtors for income No. 5, Card for accounting of funds and settlements (f. 0504051) - are formed as output forms using reports of the same name. It is envisaged to generate acts of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties and conduct an inventory of settlements.

VAT accounting

The program keeps records of VAT for both the taxpayer and the tax agent. Operations are supported at a 0% rate, VAT accounting for construction and installation work performed for personal consumption in an economic way, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Separate accounting of VAT amounts charged to the taxpayer for goods (work, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets, property rights used to carry out transactions not subject to value added tax in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 170 ch. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

An invoice can be issued for one receipt document, or for several receipt documents for multiple deliveries from one supplier during the day or month.

Automatic registration of invoices for advances received for a given period is provided.

The Sales Book, the Purchase Book and the Register of received and issued invoices are automatically generated in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for filling out (maintaining) documents used in calculations for value added tax (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137) . The formation of additional sheets of the Purchase Book and the Sales Book has been implemented, and the features of reflecting adjustment and correction invoices have been taken into account.

Interaction with the information system for registering charges and payments (payment facts)

The program implements interaction with the information system for registering charges and payments (payment facts), hereinafter referred to as the RNiP IS, which assumes:

  • export of information on charges for services provided,
  • importing information about the payment made by the payer,
  • export and import of the catalog of services provided,
  • use of electronic signature (ES) when exchanging documents with IS RNiP.

To exchange electronic messages with accrual and payment accounting systems, a standard mechanism for exchanging data with banking and treasury systems is used. The export/import rules are first configured in accordance with the requirements of the RNIP IS of the department or region, and additional product characteristics are filled in.


"Accounting of a State Institution", edition 2.0 contains a set of standard and specialized reports, accounting registers and regulated reporting - budgetary, accounting, statistical, tax.

Standard and specialized reports have ample opportunities for grouping, selecting, sorting data, formatting, etc., allow you to quickly obtain the necessary accounting registers and present accounting information in a form convenient for analysis.

Accounting registers, as well as standard and specialized reports, have the ability to decipher the amounts of indicators, that is, you can sequentially reach the primary document, the amount of which is integrated in the amount of the indicator.

Almost all necessary accounting reports are generated automatically based on business transactions entered during the reporting period. Prepared reports can be checked for interconnection of indicators - intra-form and inter-form control can be carried out.

Electronic forms for statistical and tax reporting can be filled out manually in whole or in part, with subsequent recalculation of the final indicators. When generating reports, indicators are checked and linked (intra-form and inter-form control).

Reports prepared for printing are automatically divided into pages.

The forms included in the configuration for accounting registers, accounting, tax and statistical reporting correspond to the standard forms developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal State Statistics Service and other departments.

Budget and accounting reporting

The set of financial statements includes forms in accordance with orders of the Russian Ministry of Finance:

  • dated December 28, 2010 No. 191n “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting annual, quarterly and monthly reports on the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation”;
  • dated March 25, 2011 No. 33n “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting annual and quarterly financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions”, etc.

Reports can be received both on paper and electronic media. In the future, to obtain consolidated reporting, information can be downloaded into the programs “1C: Set of Reports”, “1C: Budget Reporting”, in “1C” formats or in Federal Treasury formats.

Auto-filling of reports based on accounting data is provided. Auto-completion algorithms are included in the delivery as part of a set of regulated reports.

The algorithm for filling out regulated reports based on credentials can also be configured by the user independently. For each type of report, one or more auto-completion algorithms can be specified.

Each fact of uploading reports is documented. Only prepared and approved reports that have passed the indicator reconciliation check can be uploaded.

A standard set of control ratios is supplied as part of the set of financial statements. It is possible to modify existing verification rules and control relations, as well as create new verification rules and control relations in user mode.

Tax reporting

Various tax reporting technologies are supported:

  • preparation of a “regular” printing form;
  • preparation of machine-readable forms using a two-dimensional barcode of the PDF417 standard;
  • uploading electronically to magnetic media;
  • transmission in electronic form via communication channels;
  • submission of tax reports:
  • exchange of informal documents (requests, letters, etc.) – both from the tax authority to the taxpayer, and from the taxpayer to the tax authority;
  • information service requests;
  • certificate on the status of settlements with the budget;
  • extracting transactions from the "Calculation with the budget" card;
  • list of tax reporting;
  • reconciliation act;
  • certificate of fulfillment of tax payment obligations.

A mechanism for submitting tax reporting via telecommunication channels using an electronic signature has been included. The mechanism allows you to send tax reports directly from the program to the server of a specialized telecom operator.

A mechanism for submitting reports on Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation in electronic form with an electronic signature has been included. The mechanism allows you to directly from the configuration perform all actions to transfer the report on Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation to the portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation using the technology approved by Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2010 No. 19.

A mechanism has been included for the exchange of documents in electronic form via telecommunication channels between policyholders and territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using an electronic signature in a unified transport message format, approved by the order of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 11, 2007 No. 190r.

Sending reports via the Internet

This application has built-in functionality for working with the service, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie via the Internet directly from 1C: Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and filling out forms again.

In addition to submitting electronic reporting, the 1C-Reporting service supports:

  • Unformalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Rosstat;
  • Reconciliations with the tax office (requests ION);
  • Reconciliations with the Pension Fund of Russia (IOS requests);
  • Sending registers of sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund;
  • Receive requests and notices;
  • Sending electronic documents in response to Federal Tax Service requirements;
  • Receiving extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Possibility of generating packages with reporting format for banks and other recipients;
  • Retroconversion (the process of converting a paper archive by the Pension Fund into electronic form;
  • Sending notifications about controlled transactions;
  • Online verification of regulated reports

To use 1C-Reporting, users of all versions except the basic ones must have a valid 1C:ITS agreement.

Users who have entered into a 1C:ITS PROF level agreement can connect the service for one legal entity or individual entrepreneur without additional payment.

To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (partner of the 1C company).

Service capabilities

Control and elimination of error situations

"Accounting for a Government Institution", edition 2.0 provides advanced means of monitoring the user's work at various stages of working with the program:

  • control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data;
  • control of balances when writing off (moving) material assets;
  • control of the correctness of entered transactions (accounting records);
  • control of input and editing of documents and operations;
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered before the date of prohibition of editing;
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data.

All this allows you to reduce the amount of entered data, reduce input errors and protect information from unintentional incorrect user actions.

Loading classifiers and exchange rates

The program provides for downloading reference books and classifiers:

  • budget classifiers;
  • BIK classifier (directory of bank identification codes of payment participants on the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service;
  • exchange rates from the RBC website.

Downloading is carried out from the user support site of the 1C company or other information sites, as well as from files supplied as part of 1C:ITS or as part of configuration updates.

Balance entry assistant

The assistant is designed to enter all incoming balances into the information base. Using this processing, documents for entering balances by accounting sections are entered into the information base. Each accounting section has its own set of accounting accounts and data entry form, composition of details and operations.

Technological analysis of accounting

"Accounting for a Government Institution", edition 2.0 contains tools for automatically checking the current state of accounting in order to identify technical accounting errors that lead to reporting errors.

The program allows you to conduct both a random check in individual areas and a comprehensive check in all possible areas. Among other things, you can quickly check the presence of negative account balances, identify correspondence that does not agree with the correct account correspondence, check the excess of acceptance of obligations over the reported LBO (allocations), approved estimated (planned) assignments, etc.

Based on the results of the check, an error log is generated, directly on the lines with identified errors, you can go to the erroneous accounting entry and correct it.

Data exchange

The standard solution implements data exchange, which includes loading and unloading directories and documents into other programs and systems. It also supports the exchange of information on settlement documents with treasury systems, institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and credit institutions.

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search using information base data. You can search using multiple words, using search operators, or using an exact phrase.

Control access to credentials

The ability to impose restrictions on access to the credentials of individual individuals and/or institutions has been implemented. A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to change in any way, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Use of commercial equipment

"Accounting for a State Institution", edition 2.0 supports work with cash registers (fiscal recorders), data collection terminals. The user can quickly connect, configure and start using fiscal registrars for registering receipts of incoming and outgoing cash orders, and a data collection terminal for registering actual inventory data.

Online user support

Users of the "Accounting of a Government Institution" configuration, edition 2.0, can directly, when working with the program, prepare and send to 1C company opinions on the use of the program, contact the technical support department, as well as receive and view responses from the technical support department. Users can also take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Internet support allows you to quickly receive updates from the user support site for the platform, standard configuration, regulated reporting and various technological information necessary for maintaining records in the program.

Automatic configuration update

The built-in Configuration Update Assistant allows you to obtain information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site and automatically install detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

In the service model, the 1C: Public Institution Accounting application and the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform are updated automatically. All work on updating and support is performed by 1C. This ensures that you are always running the latest version of the application.

Information protection

The 1C company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010 (extended until July 20, 2016), issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the protected software package (ZPK) "1C:Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general software appointments with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (UNA) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the certification results, compliance with the requirements of the governing documents for protection against non-adherent activity of class 5, according to the level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDC) at level 4 of control, was confirmed.

Certified copies of the platform are marked with marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform (for example, “Salaries and personnel management”, “Accounting for a government institution”, “Rental and real estate management” for “1C: Accounting for a government institution”, etc.) can be used for creating a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

The joint solution "1C:Rent and real estate management. Module for 1C:ERP" is intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, construction and development organizations.The product allows you to increase the efficiency of companies' business by automating processes for maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate. The program provides solutions to problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting.

The program allows you to effectively manage different types of real estate: shopping and office centers, markets, exhibition areas, warehouses etc.

The industry-specific functionality of the product "1C: Rental and real estate management. Module for 1C: ERP" has been expanded compared to the current delivery options "1C: Rental and real estate management". New solution features include:

  • conducting settlements with tenants based on issued invoices (planned debt), monitoring the payment of invoices with analytics for objects, services and periods;
  • separate assignment and control of payment terms for the fixed and variable parts of the rent;
  • the ability to calculate penalties for late payment based on both actual (according to acts) and planned (according to accounts) debt;
  • the use of arbitrary formulas to calculate the cost of services of the variable part (for example, charging a percentage from the tenant’s trade turnover according to various algorithms);
  • use of several consumption volume meters for one variable service;
  • the possibility of assigning both individual and uniform tariffs for variable services;
  • management of property inspections;
  • possibility of joint use with the upcoming solutions "ERP Construction Organization Management 2.0" and "1C:Realtor. Real Estate Sales Management. Module for 1C:ERP" within a single configuration.

The product contains a set of subsystems that together provide comprehensive management of real estate:

  • Subsystem Real Estate Register Management;
  • Subsystem Management of lease agreements;
  • Subsystem Management of mutual settlements for rent;
  • Subsystem Management of operation of real estate objects.

Real estate register management:

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects with a wide range of characteristics and the ability to add arbitrary characteristics;

  • Convenient and simple creation of graphic plans for the placement of objects;
  • Automatic creation of real estate objects in the database based on graphic layout plans;
  • Quick viewing of the location of an object on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics;

  • Formation of a state diagram of real estate objects;

  • The ability to link real estate to price categories, register prices for services linked to price categories, and store price history.

Management of lease agreements:

  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, Termination of a lease agreement, Certificate of acceptance and transfer of leased premises, Certificate of acceptance and return of leased premises);
  • Possibility of dividing the rent into permanent and variable parts;

  • Separate assignment of payment terms for the fixed and variable parts;

  • Flexible management of charging methods, rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Possibility of assigning both individual and uniform tariffs for variable services;
  • Use of arbitrary Microsoft ® Word ® format templates for printing primary documents;

  • Printing graphic plans highlighting rental properties as appendices to contracts;
  • Storing a list of telephone numbers and linking them to tenant agreements;
  • Possibility of multiple changes in rates for services within one contract;
  • Possibility of accounting for rentals with breaks;
  • Use of special exchange rates (fixed rate, Central Bank rate plus a given percentage, currency corridor);
  • Ability to manage sublease agreements;
  • Generation of graphical reporting containing plans for the placement of objects, with color highlighting of objects depending on their status and the ability to customize the composition of the displayed information (by tenants, terms of contracts, characteristics of objects, etc.);

  • Checking occupancy and monitoring the excess of the total area of ​​the facility when creating a new lease agreement;
  • Possibility to rent out one property to several tenants;
  • Group extension and termination of lease agreements with the possibility of selection according to specified characteristics;

  • Formation of a register of lease agreements with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics.

Management of mutual settlements for rent:

  • Flexible configuration of the details of mutual settlements with tenants: according to contracts, payment periods, objects, services, invoices for payment;
  • Accounting for primary rental documents: invoices, certificates of service provision, invoices. Possibility of printing documents, both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;

  • Automatic generation of invoices for payment and acts of provision of services with the possibility of random selection by tenants, services, objects, etc., printing of generated documents;

  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;

  • Possibility of linking several meters to one variable service;
  • Calculation of charges for variable services based on arbitrary formulas;
  • Accrual of interest on the tenant’s trade turnover using various algorithms;

  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments;
  • Providing services under an agency scheme;
  • Reporting on mutual settlements with tenants with analytics on periods, services, rental objects, invoices for payment and the ability to analyze calculations for penalties and deposits;

  • Reporting on expected payments based on issued invoices;

  • Analysis of delays in payments for services;

  • Calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms based on both actual (according to acts) and planned (according to accounts) debt;
  • A report on the efficiency of space use with the calculation of the efficiency factor and the amount of financial losses from facility downtime;
  • Sales analysis with the necessary detail and grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis;

  • Analysis of volumes of consumption of services of the variable part of the rent.

Real estate operation management:

  • Integration of real estate objects with the standard configuration subsystem "ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" for repair management;

  • Accounting for structural elements and engineering systems of real estate objects subject to maintenance and repair;
  • Planning activities for the maintenance of real estate (scheduled and routine repairs, routine maintenance, etc.);
  • Registration and control of orders for servicing real estate;
  • Detailed analytics of cost accounting for the operation of real estate;

  • Management of property inspections;

  • Integration with a standard budgeting subsystem to ensure planning of operating costs and carrying out plan-fact analysis.

The configuration "Rental and real estate management. Module for 1C:ERP" can be used in conjunction with other industry solutions developed on the basis of the "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration, forming a single comprehensive system.

For enterprises in the construction and real estate sector, the configuration "Rental and real estate management. Module for 1C:ERP" can be integrated with solutions:

  • 1C:Enterprise 8. ERP Management of a construction organization 2;
  • 1C:Realtor. Real estate sales management. Module for 1C:ERP.

As a result, a comprehensive solution with a single database will be obtained, providing automation of the full construction cycle, including operation management and real estate sales management.

Technological advantages

The software product "1C:Rent and Real Estate Management. Module for 1C:ERP" was developed on the latest version of the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3", which allows you to:

  • ensure high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
  • organize work with the system via the Internet, in thin client or web client mode (via a regular Internet browser), including in “cloud” mode;
  • create mobile workplaces using tablets and smartphones running iOS or Android;
  • customize the interface for a specific user or group of users, taking into account the user’s role, his access rights and individual settings.

" together with the ELIAS VC company notifies users and partners about the release of new editions of the industry solution "1C: Enterprise 8. Rental and real estate management", intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, development structures. The configuration takes into account the industry specifics of the companies whose activities related to property management.

The new edition of the "Rental and Real Estate Management" configuration for "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was developed on the basis of edition 1.3 of the standard solution "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" based on the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2". The new edition of the "Rental and Real Estate Management" configuration for "1C:Accounting 8" was developed on the basis of edition 2.0 of the standard solution "1C:Accounting 8" based on the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.1".

The "Rental and Real Estate Management" configuration allows you to increase the efficiency of companies by automating the processes of maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and managing the operation of real estate.

When developing the software product, we took into account the experience of implementation at such enterprises as CJSC Troika Dialog Management Company, CB Richard Ellis LLC, ROSATOM State Corporation, AURI Group of Companies, OJSC Technopark Slava, CJSC Centurion Alliance, Company "T-Development", CJSC MOF "Paris Commune", LLC "MOSKLAD" and others (more than 100 organizations of various sizes and profiles of activity).

Based on the results of the implementation and operation of the product, its functionality was significantly expanded. In the configuration "Rental and property management" for "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0 added the following new features:

  • convenient entry of initial balances;
  • implementation of an agency scheme for settlements with the owner of real estate (sublease);
  • development of the mechanism for calculating penalties;
  • accounting for refunds from tenants;
  • the possibility of specifying in lease agreements a schedule for changing rates for services;
  • development of capabilities for working with graphic plans for the placement of objects;
  • other innovations.

These capabilities are also planned to be implemented in new releases of the "Rental and Real Estate Management" configuration for "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" ed. 1.3. during the 1st quarter of 2011

Description of functionality

The industry solution "1C:Enterprise 8. Rental and real estate management" provides the following capabilities:

Subsystem "Management of the register of real estate objects"

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects with the ability to add arbitrary characteristics and link any electronic documents;
  • Fast loading of object placement plans using a scanner (for example, based on the BTI plan);
  • Quick viewing of the placement of a property on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects.

Subsystem "Management of lease agreements"

  • The ability to divide the rent into a constant (rent of premises) and variable (tariffed services) part;
  • Flexible management of rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Generation of graphic reporting containing plans for the placement of objects, with color highlighting of objects depending on their status and displaying the necessary information on tenants;
  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, etc.);
  • Use of arbitrary templates based on Microsoft ® Word ® for printing primary documents;
  • Use of special exchange rates in contracts;
  • Accounting for settlements with the owner of real estate under an agency scheme;
  • Group renewal and termination of lease agreements;
  • Formation of a register of lease agreements.

Subsystem "Management of mutual settlements for rent"

  • The ability to conduct mutual settlements with tenants in the context of lease agreements, payment periods, invoices, services and rental objects;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings;
  • Batch generation and printing of documents for calculating rent;
  • Calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments;
  • Report on the efficiency of space use;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

Subsystem "Management of operation of real estate objects"

  • Planning of real estate maintenance activities;
  • Registration and control of service requests;
  • Calculation of estimates for materials and work;
  • Accounting for actual operating costs;
  • Accounting for the services of contractors for maintenance;
  • Maintaining a history of maintenance activities;
  • Planning and conducting plan-fact analysis of operating costs.

Information protection

The 1C company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (NAA) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the certification results, compliance with the requirements of the governing documents for protection against non-impact activities - class 5, for the level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDC) at level 4 of control was confirmed, the possibility of using for creating automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AS) was confirmed , ensuring the protection of confidential information on a LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (PDIS) up to class K1 inclusive.

Certified copies of the platform are marked with marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" platform (for example, "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8", "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8", "1C: Rent and Real Estate Management 8", etc.) can be used to create a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.
