Vladislav Taurus characteristics. Name meaning: Vladislav

Full name:

Similar names: Ladislaus, Laszlo

Church name:

Meaning: from the Old Russian words “volod?ti” to own + “glory”

Patronymic: Vladislavovich, Vladislavovna

The meaning of the name Vladislav - interpretation

Vladislav is a name of Slavic origin. It is not very popular in the world, but in the post-Soviet space many children are called this. This name means “possessing glory.” This is the name of people who are firm in their decisions, strong in spirit and ready to fight any difficulties. Let's learn more about all stages of Vladislav's development.

Name Vladislav in other languages

Astrology named after Vladislav

Favorable day: Wednesday

Years later

Vlad will become an impressionable boy, whose main person will be his mother. This attachment will not only be in childhood, it will continue into adulthood. This attitude will later transfer to other women. Although Vlad will always appreciate and take care of his mother, in no case can he be called a mama's boy.

Vladislav’s element is fire, so try to hide matches, lighters and similar things.

The boy will have an excellent sense of beauty - it is necessary to develop this in him, try to get him interested in music or drawing.

Vladislav is independent, good-natured and open, which attracts peers who will value their friendship with him. Excellent memory, hard work, and a willingness to patiently complete any task will be Vlad’s excellent assistants in his studies. He is smart and does not cause any difficulties for teachers.

In his youth, Vladislav retains his perseverance and attentiveness, does not try to find an easy way to solve a problem, and is ready to try his best to cope with this or that task on his own. He will ask for help only if he himself does not see any possible options.

To some people, the open Vlad will seem like a simpleton who is not difficult to deceive. This is not so, Vladislav is a strong and strong-willed person, capable of making the right decision in any situation. He is characterized by self-criticism; banal flattery cannot achieve favor. There is a desire for justice

Vlad is an honest and decent person who has a strong sense of self-esteem. There are also negative aspects: in adolescence he is stubborn and straightforward, and this can alienate others. Vlad is drawn to communication, this person does not like loneliness.

When Vladislav matures, he will become a determined and ambitious person who does not approve of conflicts. Ironic and witty, Vlad is quite vulnerable and tries not to fully reveal himself to anyone.

This man is an excellent leader with a strong spirit and strong character, endowed with the skills of a diplomat. He is capable of achieving a lot in life, and no one will accuse Vladislav of hypocrisy. Vlad is the person who will freely achieve success in any business. ABOUT

He is sensitive by nature, kind and sympathetic - these are good qualities that will interfere at times. Vlad has many friends, but there are also enough people who want to take advantage of other people’s kindness. Therefore, adult Vladislav is advised to approach the choice of his environment carefully, otherwise he may become disappointed in people. A man named Vlad often overestimates his strength and is also touchy.

Character of Vladislav

Vladislav is endowed with a strong and firm character. Balance, endurance, perseverance and a penchant for diplomacy. In an argument, Vladislav does not raise his voice. He has his own point of view on any issue, but does not impose it on anyone.

He does not share his innermost thoughts with everyone around him, but is always open in communicating with loved ones. Able to maintain independence, although he rarely enters into confrontation with superiors.

Kindness and attentiveness often play a cruel joke on a man. Having met quite a few people in life who want to take advantage of his gentleness, Vlad becomes overly secretive and arrogant. He tries to suppress negative emotions, but this approach provokes a cynical attitude towards reality.

We are uncontrollable in our desires, sometimes giving in to our feelings and becoming unstable to alcohol, sometimes leading an unhealthy lifestyle, which greatly annoys our household.

The fate of Vladislav

Vladislav is a creative person; he is actively drawn to painting, music, cinema and other forms of art. He cannot be called the life of the party, although Vlad is charming and loves to joke. Natural qualities will allow such a man to realize his potential in business or the diplomatic sphere. Tactful and purposeful, Vladislav is able to lead other people. If he doesn’t like this path, Vlad is capable of building a creative career - becoming a writer or musician. He will try to choose a wife who is sensitive and tender, and he is a monogamist, so he will remain faithful in marriage.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Vlad is hardworking, efficient and responsible. He is one of those rare people who are able to prove themselves in almost any field. An engineer, a builder, a musician, an artist - all this is within Vlad’s control.

Vladislav should develop his creative abilities; he can become a famous writer or artist.

This man is endowed with leadership qualities, collected, practical and thoughtful, which allows him to quickly move up the career ladder.

The boss, Vladislav, is demanding, but objective, which is why his subordinates respect him. Having decided to become a businessman, he will definitely achieve success, since diligence, hard work and healthy ambitions make it possible to do whatever he wants.

Marriage and family

For Vladislav, when choosing a wife, different aspects matter. He needs a woman with a calm and balanced character, while appearance is of great importance. Vlad is vain, because such a man gets pleasure from the fact that his beautiful wife makes an impression on others. This is combined with jealousy - he does not like it when people flirt with his wife.

Vladislav ties the knot in adulthood; he does not strive to make spontaneous decisions; he does not like restrictions on freedom and obligations. Material well-being plays a big role for Vlad, and he does not forget about this when choosing his chosen one.

Any woman who wants to create a strong and reliable family, in which an atmosphere of harmony will always prevail, can dream about him. Such a man will not want to go to get-togethers with friends; he is much closer to being a homebody and playing with children. Instead of noisy parties, he will help his wife with the housework; there is nothing shameful for Vladislav in this.

Scandals and insults will negatively affect Vlad’s psychological state; his wife should take care of him. He is a good leader, he will try to show these qualities in the family, but he will not set strict conditions, but will try to diplomatically lead those close to him to the solution of the issue that he considers correct. Vladislav is a wonderful father who easily finds a common language with children. His offspring also love and respect him.

Sex and love

Vladislav has a very refined nature, so he will try to avoid harsh and rude women. Vlad also has a negative attitude towards those representatives of the fair sex who smoke or drink alcohol in large quantities.

Such a man will fall in love with a sensitive and gentle woman, whom he will be happy to protect. This person is a monogamous man who chooses his life partner very carefully. He will not change under any circumstances, as he considers this behavior unprincipled. Vladislav begins his intimate life early, at first he prefers promiscuous relationships, but quickly becomes picky in terms of choosing a partner.


As a child, Vladislav rarely got sick, as he was in good health.

As he matures, diseases of the digestive system may appear. Vlad is advised to follow a diet and not abuse alcohol to avoid complications with the gastrointestinal tract. He is not threatened by other diseases.

Interests and hobbies

Vladislav is talented, he has a well-developed sense of beauty. He happily devotes his free time to painting and music. This man loves to read, receiving genuine pleasure from such an activity.

He will be glad to attend various themed evenings, where he can communicate with smart and intelligent people.

The name comes from the Serbian "to own glory". The main character trait of Vladislav is impressionability. He takes everything that surrounds him to heart, both events and words spoken to him. Vladislav reacts sharply to criticism, especially if it is expressed harshly. He may worry about this for a long time and even feel bad. Vladislav is attached to his parents, especially his mother. This attachment continues throughout life. Vladislav loves to watch his parents, help them with household chores, and talk with them. As a child, it is often difficult for Vladislav to find friends among his peers due to the fact that he is too dependent on his parents, feeling safe with them. Being vulnerable and sentimental, Vladislav prefers to communicate with girls who do not start noisy pranks and fights. Vladislav likes calm, quiet games, reading, and drawing.

Bearers of this name are not deprived of creative abilities, including literary ones. However, even if Vladislav is engaged in writing, he does not always strive to show his works to anyone, even his parents, whom he trusts. He is afraid that he might be criticized or ridiculed. In order for Vladislav’s abilities to fully reveal themselves, you need to devote a lot of time to instilling in him confidence in himself and his abilities, and praising him more often. Praise does not have a relaxing effect on Vladislav; on the contrary, it helps him to believe in himself.

Vladislav is an idealist by nature. He loves to endow others with qualities that they do not possess. People like him are said to see the world through rose-colored glasses. There is some truth in this, but with age, Vladislav begins to be much more critical of people. He tries to tell as little as possible about himself to strangers; it is difficult for him to trust even his friends. Vladislav is very afraid of betrayal and tries to withdraw into himself. He thinks this is better than being betrayed. As a result of this, Vladislav becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative, suffering from loneliness. He can be helped either by his mother, who will forever remain Vladislav’s best friend, or by a stronger partner. Vladislav needs support, love, care. He needs to be understood. Without this, life for Vladislav cannot be happy; he is not one of those people who can be alone and not experience discomfort.

Diminutive forms of the name Vladislav

Vladik, Vladya, Vladenka, Vladyusha, Vladislavchik, Vladislavushka, Slava, Slavik, Slavochka.


A contradictory nature, which either surrenders to the will of circumstances, or does not want to go with the flow. Dreams of ideal love and friendship, but is often disappointed in people.


Practical, endowed with prudence and a sense of responsibility, he is always responsible for his words. He keeps all the promises he makes. He believes that every person should be honest and sincere, but cannot stand liars and pretenders.


A sensitive, vulnerable person, endowed with extraordinary charm. He tries to hide his emotionality behind a mask of irony, which he succeeds remarkably well.


Unsure of himself, indecisive, a little childish. He is looking for a stronger friend or partner who could become his support and support.


A person accustomed to taking, not giving. It is difficult to get along with people, because he is used to always acting in his own way. Doesn't like being told what to do and never compromises.


An emotional person trying to hide his true nature behind ostentatious indifference. It is not easy for him to make friends, so he spends most of his time alone.


Tactful, polite, charming. He knows how to approach people and they like him. However, he cannot have any close friends at all, since it is difficult for him to fully trust anyone.


Calculating, practical, judicious. He likes to think about life and his actions, but still he is more of a realist than a dreamer.


A person with moods that change several times a day. He is subject to depression, melancholy, as well as outbursts of unbridled joy. Such emotionality sometimes prevents him from soberly assessing the situation.


Calm, seemingly cold-blooded, but inside very vulnerable and sensitive. Prefers to first get to know a person well before calling him his friend.


An enthusiastic person who likes everything unusual and incomprehensible. Interested in art, literature, science. Likes sports and active entertainment a little less.


A self-critical and self-analyzing person suffering from self-doubt. Needs a stronger friend and adviser who can support and understand him.

The name Vladislav has a meaning consisting of two parts. It is formed from the words “to own” (the root of “vlad”) and slava (the root of “slav”). How do you understand that the meaning of the name Vladislav is “owner of glory”. In the German language, and earlier among the ancient Germans, there is a very similar name, Waldemar. Waldemar also consists of two words, or rather from their roots. The word is waltan meaning to reign or dominate and the word is mari meaning glorious or famous. Some linguists believe that these are related names or even that the name Vladislav is a carbon copy of a German name.

Also, the name Vladislav has a feminine form and this is the name Vladislava. You can find out the meaning of a female name by following the link.

The meaning of the name Vladislav for a child

Little Vladislav is endowed with natural refinement of manners. Many adults are touched by this peculiarity of the child, and children are happy to be friends with Vladislav. He has a large number of friends, girls especially appreciate him. Since childhood, communication with the opposite sex has been his strong point. The boy grows up hardworking and one can only envy his patience. The intelligence given by nature gives him good chances in life, but requires constant training and, if not exercised enough, can quickly become inexpressive against the general background.

The boy's health is quite good, but not without certain characteristics. Little Vladislav is prone to colds. Clean air, sports and hardening will help him cope with this scourge. Airing, hardening and sports must be regular and correctly dosed, otherwise they will not bring results and will make things even worse. Take care of your health from childhood.

Short name Vladislav

Vlad, Vladik, Slava, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya.

Diminutive pet names

Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya.

Children's middle names

Vladislavovich and Vladislavovna.

Name Vladislav in English

In English the name is Vladislav Vladislav

Name Vladislav for international passport It is written in the same way as in English VLADISLAV.

Translation of the name Vladislav into other languages

in Ukrainian - Vladislav
in Latvian - Vladislavs
in Lithuanian - Vladislovas
in Polish - Władysław, Włodzisław, Ładysław
in Hungarian - László or Ulászló
in Bulgarian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Romanian - Vladislav or Ladislau
in Serbian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Czech, Slovak and Croatian - Vladislav, Ladislav
Latin spelling - Ladislaus
in Spanish - Ladislao
in Chinese - 弗拉季斯拉夫

Church name Vladislav(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. The name Vladislav, unlike many popular names, did not come to us from Greece along with the Orthodox faith. For some time it was not ecclesiastical, but rather even considered pagan. However, after the canonization of Stephen Vladislav I, this name acquired full church status.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

One of Vladislav’s main characteristics is persistence. Thanks to her, he often achieves success where others give up. He knows how to wait for results and work on them every day. Successful in such industries as personnel management, own business and politics. What can prevent them from achieving their goals is their self-esteem. In politics and business, sometimes you need to be able to compromise with your conscience for the sake of something more.

Vladislav’s natural sensitivity and kindness can either help him or play a cruel joke. These useful qualities of Vladislav will give him many friends in life, but also those who want to take advantage of these qualities. He must be attentive and careful with seemingly close people.

In love relationships, Vladislav has a lot of choice. His tact attracts the weaker sex like a magnet. Vladislavs born in summer are especially amorous. In marriage, Vladislav usually becomes a family man, but if the marriage is hasty, then his behavior may not change.

The secret of the name Vladislav

The secret of the name can be called the search for “the one.” Vladislav’s relaxed communication with representatives of the opposite sex is actually a search for great love. If he finds a person close to him in spirit, he will live with him for the rest of his life “soul to soul.” The main thing for the chosen one is to understand and not try to manipulate him. If he finds out about this, the reaction may be the most severe.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Vladislav has several lucky flowers. Blue, light green and brown.

Tree- Linden.

Plant- Carnation.

Stone- Topaz.

Guardian angel named after Vladislav and his patron determined primarily by date of birth. If you know the date of birth of your Vladislav, you can find the necessary information in the article “Patron of the name Vladislav.”

Short form of the name Vladislav. Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Slava, Slavik.
Synonyms for the name Vladislav. Ladislaus, Laszlo.
Origin of the name Vladislav. The name Vladislav is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Vladislav is of Slavic origin. It means "possessing glory." There is another version of the origin of the name Vladislav - from Polish the name is translated as “good ruler”. Paired female name - Vladislava.

The diminutive Lada has become an independent female name. And the address Vladya (in some languages ​​it sounds like Vlada) is also an independent name. Vlad is also an independent name.

Vladislav is a smart and attentive boy. He may try diligently and for a long time to solve any problem without asking for help. But if he understands that help is simply necessary, he will come up and ask for help, not considering it shameful.

To many, Vladislav seems to be a simple person. But in reality it is not as simple as it seems. You will not be able to impose your opinion on him, even by putting pressure on him. At the same time, Vladislav will not defend his point of view with foam at the mouth, or enter into various polemics and debates, but this does not mean that he gives up his opinion. Vladislav is a strong-willed, strong and firm person. If he decides to do something, he will make every effort to carry out his plans.

Vladislav can behave differently with his family and in the company of friends. He can only share his problems with someone he trusts, and then this person can count on Vladik’s complete openness and frankness. It is impossible to become Vladislav's friend if you praise him and constantly flatter him. He is not afraid of the truth and is always ready to listen to it. His self-esteem does not allow him to fall in anyone's eyes, especially in his own.

The Vladislavs are successful people. They have developed leadership qualities. The main ones are determination, thoughtfulness, the ability to see the big picture and the ability to make decisions. Vladislavs strive to be important people. The most common areas of work are energy and politics. Vladislav could become a scientist, but he wants to have results in the accessible, not the distant future.

Vladislav is a very attentive man. Before giving a gift to his beloved, he will try to find out from everyone around her, secretly from her, what she would like to receive as a gift. But he doesn’t stand on ceremony with his brothers and sisters. If he doesn’t know something, he’ll ask them directly about a gift or some event. Vladislav loves children, is very patient and can sometimes look like a nanny. But it won’t last long; at the first convenient opportunity, he will shift these responsibilities to someone else and run off to do something more interesting to him.

Sound. Vladislav is a rather long name, consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that stands out to him. Almost always they also note the strength (92%), masculinity (91%) and majesty (91%) of the sound of the name. Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Daniyar, Stanislav and Demyan.

Vladislav's name day

Famous people named Vladislav

  • Vladislav Volkov (pilot-cosmonaut)
  • Vladislav Strzhelchik (Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Vladislav Listyev (TV presenter and TV journalist, first general director of ORT)
  • Vladislav Tretyak (hockey player, goalkeeper, world and Olympic champion)
  • Vladislav Starkov (journalist, editor-in-chief of the weekly AiF)
  • Vladislav Jagiello (Lithuanian prince, Polish king (c.1350–1434))
  • Vladislav Starevich (outstanding Russian and French director with Polish roots, creator of the world's first story films shot using puppet animation)
  • Vlad III Basarab ((1431-1476) Prince of Wallachia, known for his cruelty, therefore became the prototype of the literary hero - Count Dracula. In the family the prince had a family nickname - Vlad Dracula (i.e. “dragon”), after his death among his people also nicknamed Vlad the Impaler, noting his cruelty: he impaled people.)
  • Vladislav Galkin (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2009))
  • Vladislav Illich-Svitych (Soviet comparative linguist)
  • Vladislav Dukhin (paratrooper, junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation)
  • Vladislav Surkov (real name - Aslambek Dudayev; Russian statesman, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia)
  • Vladislav Dolonin (soldier, Hero of Russia)
  • Vladislav Piavko (Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor), People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Wladyslaw Szpilman (Polish pianist and composer)
  • Vladislav Zaremba ((1833 - 1902) Ukrainian composer)
  • Vladislav Syrokormlya (pseudonym of the Polish poet Ludwik Kondratovich)
  • Vladislav Vančura (Czech writer, director, screenwriter)
  • Vladislav Khodasevich (Russian poet and critic)
  • Vladislav Radimov (Russian football player, midfielder, former Russian national team player (1994-2006), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008))

Do you want to name a boy Vladislav? Then let's figure out what meaning it carries, what impact it has on the fate of its owner.

Vladislav. Name

The meaning of the name is “possessing glory.” It has Slavic roots. It is widespread in the post-Soviet space, but has never been particularly popular. Vladislav is affectionately called Vladik, Slava, Vlad, Vladichka.

What does a Child mean and his character?

Little Vladik loves his mother very much. He will wait until she tells a story before bed, and then he will want to discuss the events taking place in it. If she notices that her mother is in trouble, she will be able to feel sorry for her and console her. A chivalrous attitude towards women will be characteristic of him in adulthood. He will not bully the girls in the class, but will start courting the most beautiful one. He has a large number of friends and is a good student. He is drawn to fire, Vladik loves to make fires. Adults need to be more attentive to Vlad and not allow him to play with matches.

What does the name Vladislav mean for a man? Mature years

Slava has a keen sense of beauty, loves music, cinema, and can draw well. Knows how to communicate with people, will achieve success in those areas where interaction with them is required. Characterized by responsibility and hard work. He will make a good doctor or teacher. Tactfulness and intelligence will help Vladislav make a career in the diplomatic sphere, because in this profession it is not customary to say what you think.

Vladislav. Name

The meaning of the name “possessing glory” has a dual character for a man. Vlad is not a simple person. Most consider him open, strong, persistent. He will not argue with others and defend his opinion. He will behave the way people expect him to, while having his own point of view, which is radically different from what he says. Slava does not consider such behavior hypocrisy; disguise is his natural state. He understands others better than himself. Can be frank with his closest friends. Most likely, they will be shocked to realize how poorly they know him. This cannot be considered as Vladislav does not stoop to outright flattery and fawning.

Vladislav. in the character of the owner

Vlad has a subtle sense of humor, sometimes bordering on sarcasm. He is ironic; less developed and educated people can take his words at face value. He is sensitive to injustice, but will worry deep inside, because he will not be able to show rudeness and harshness that would help him cope with the situation. He would rather listen to the victims and show sympathy than provide practical assistance.


Slava has good health; proper nutrition will help maintain it, otherwise digestive problems may arise with age.

Vladislav. in the field of love and marriage

Vladislav will be put off by her rudeness and vulgarity. He will like a feminine, sophisticated young lady who needs support and protection. He is somewhat old-fashioned and believes that smoking and drinking are unacceptable for women. His marriage will be late. Unlike most men, he would rather be happy with his daughter than with his son. Will help his wife with housework. He loves it when home is cozy and calm; his home will become a safe haven for him. If the wife does not accept the real Vlad, he may go in search of another lady with whom he can relax and be himself.

Name compatibility

Vladislav will have a successful marriage with Lyudmila, Galina, Dina, Larisa. Relationships with Elena, Antonina, Natalya will not work out.
