Unusual methods of treating diseases. The strangest and most unusual treatment methods

Man is a weak creature, he is susceptible physical illnesses, which often cause a lot of trouble. However, despite all the difficulties, “homo sapiens” still learned to overcome them. Today we will tell you about ailments invented by mankind...

In those years when nothing was known about such a science as pharmacology, people acted exclusively empirically when treating diseases; before finding the right medicine, traditional healers “killed” more than one hundred people. Today, some of the methods of treating our ancestors are, to put it mildly, shocking, however, you should not negatively perceive the information that you will now become the owner of.

Syrup for children with added morphine

Hundreds of years ago, children were treated with morphine syrup; if a child suffered from an illness that caused severe pain, doctors “treated” him with narcotic syrup, and for a while the baby returned to normal, plunging into a state of sleep. If he died, and this happened quite often, it was believed that this was the result of an illness incompatible with life, and not of treatment at all.

Heroin used to treat cough

Do you remember what remedies are used to treat coughs today? Quite pleasant potions and herbs, but meanwhile, our ancestors “thought out” to get rid of this illness with the help of heroin; it was enough to take a certain amount of the narcotic substance, and the cough would go away. Naturally, no one suspected the consequences!

Treating depression with an awl driven into the head

In 1949, the scientist who developed such a strange method of treating depression was awarded Nobel Prize. Almost 70 thousand people agreed to craniotomy to get rid of psychological problems. Of course, after they hit your head, it is unlikely that you will find the time and desire to discuss far-fetched problems. By the way, this method of treatment was commonly called lobotomy.

Urine therapy

Method of treating diseases human body with the help of urine is used to this day, many people really believe that they can get rid of ailments by drinking a glass of urine on an empty stomach, well, that’s their right...

Treatment of female hysteria with vaginal massage

A disease such as female hysteria is rarely discussed in medical circles today, but in the old days it was common and treated with vaginal massage. The doctor used his hands to help the woman relax and get rid of irritability and aggression.

Treatment with poisonous mushrooms

By using poisonous mushroom fly agaric - still remains a mystery, but the fact remains that this method is really effective! However, you should not experiment and eat cut into pieces and fried fly agaric, it must be prepared according to a special recipe, only in this case there will be no consequences!!!

There are methods of treatment that either have not yet been accepted by official medicine or have already been rejected by it. Most of them relate to traditional medicine.

Spanking on the buttocks, as established at the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene, is the most important remedy. Siberian scientists made such a sensational statement at international conference"New methods of influence and rehabilitation in drug addiction."

The meaning of this, so to speak, “physiotherapy” is as follows - alcoholism, drug addiction, neuroses and an obsessive desire to commit suicide - these are all attempts to get away from problems, loss of interest in existence. The reason, according to researchers, is a decrease in the body’s production of so-called “happiness hormones” - endorphins.

And if such a person is properly beaten, of course, without causing injury, then he will develop a taste for life. The teachings came to the healing effect of flogging therapy after familiarizing themselves with ancient treatises, when “all kinds of nonsense” was beaten out with a whip and rods - from illegal behavior and bad thoughts to psychosis and pneumonia. The discoverer of this method, S. Speransky, by self-flagellation, saved himself from depression, as well as from the consequences of two heart attacks.

When the urine hits your head

It is believed that what leaves the body as waste cannot be re-ingested, at least not immediately. Urine and feces are good fertilizers. Every agronomist will tell you this. But none of the summer residents will risk using them internally. Even our cosmonauts categorically refused a device that would process their urine into sterile drinking water on the space station. Disgust and disgust were the main reason for the refusal. However, supporters of urine therapy believe that drinking your own urine cures malignant tumors, heart disease, allergies, diabetes, asthma and a dozen other diseases. In their conviction, they refer to the ancient medical treatise of India - the notorious Ayurveda...

But there is an even more extreme type of treatment - calotherapy, which, according to its supporters, helps against many diseases. The origins of this are also found in Indian manuscripts. In India, for example, it is still believed that a cow pat pressed against a non-healing ulcer is the most best medicine, because the cow is a sacred animal. They use the therapeutic properties of their own feces. For example, the following recommendation from modern calotherapists is touching: “Under no circumstances should you consume liquid feces, since their acid-base balance is disturbed; use exclusively your morning feces for oral consumption, which can be frozen in reserve, and heated in the microwave before eating ..."

Getting rid of diseases with fish and insects

Maggots are fly larvae that develop in rotting waste. These creatures evoke instinctive disgust in everyone, except fishermen, for whom maggots are the best bait. In addition, it is not the maggot itself that smells, but its habitat...

It has been known since ancient times that fly larvae are able to clean purulent wounds, as they eat dead tissue. This method was forgotten, but recently interest in maggot therapy has revived, since pathogenic bacteria have appeared that are resistant to antibiotics, which voracious maggots eat with pleasure. In addition, the method itself is simple and cheap. Since 2004, the treatment of infected wounds with fly larvae has been officially permitted in the United States and in a number of other countries, but for our country this is still exotic.

A fundamentally similar curation method is spa-fish. That's what therapy is called skin diseases with the help of small fish, like guppies, that eat dead tissue on the surface of human skin. The method has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia, and only in the last decade has it begun to spread throughout the world. A person comes to a special salon, puts his feet in a pond or completely immerses himself in it, and small garra rufa fish begin to gently bite his body. This procedure is pleasant and completely painless. In addition to the cosmetic effect, these fish help fight diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and athlete's foot. The fish have no teeth, and they eat only the topmost, already keratinized, layer of skin, without touching healthy tissue.

Tapeworm for weight loss

Laughter therapy

This unusual method is gradually gaining more and more supporters. In India, for example, today there are several hundred special clubs where people come for the sole purpose of having fun from the heart. In our country, this role is played by various television shows, comedian performances, comedy films, etc.

Today it has been scientifically proven that any laughter, from a stupid giggle from tickling to laughter from some intellectual joke, prevents and neutralizes stress, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, activates metabolism and, in general, prolongs life. During laughter, regardless of its reasons, a person produces endorphins, which improve mood and vitality. It has been proven that cheerful and cheerful people live longer and suffer less from infectious diseases. This was noted by Hippocrates, but modern medicine, more focused on taking various chemical medications, almost forgot about this.

A classic example of the healing role of laughter is the medical story of the American Norman Cousins, who was diagnosed with spondyloarthritis in 1972. This disease in 100% of cases led to complete immobility due to dysfunction of the joints. However, Cousins ​​was optimistic. Having read somewhere that bad thoughts lead to illness, he began to strive with all his might to eliminate and prevent them from occurring in himself. All day long he watched comedies and humorous programs on TV. Gradually, the pain stopped tormenting him, and his mood began to improve. Moreover, the inflammatory process in the body has subsided. Some more time passed, and he began to truly enjoy life, stopping the use of medications.

This is how a new discipline arose - gelotology (from the Greek “gelos” - laughter), and clowns began to appear in serious medical institutions. In 1998, in the USA, based on these events, which led to the creation of a new therapeutic technique, the film “Healer Adams” was created.

Heroin and mercury therapy

In the 19th century, syrup for children was widespread, eliminating cough and pain. The medicine turned out to be so effective that it almost replaced all other methods of treatment, until they noticed something was wrong - many children who were given this “syrup” for some reason died. When the contents of the drug were subjected to detailed testing, it turned out that it contained morphine, chloroform, codeine, heroin, opium and hashish. Naturally, the method was immediately banned...

Today everyone knows that mercury is poison. But in the old days, pure mercury was used to treat volvulus, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and a dozen other diseases. To do this, you had to drink about a glass of mercury. It is known that in the 4th millennium BC. e. Mercury was also used in China to treat leprosy. And Taoist monks used cinnabar (a mercury compound) in their elixir of longevity. At the same time, they understood the symptoms of mercury poisoning - such as a crawling sensation (paresthesia), trembling of the fingertips and sweating - as an indicator of the effectiveness of the drug. It is not surprising that many of the wards soon died. The problem, as they say, disappeared with the death of the patient.

Original ways to get rid of snoring

Everyone knows what snoring is and how it complicates the lives of all those who sleep with a snorer in the same or even in the next room. Here we will not touch on the specific reasons why a particular person snores. Let us dwell only on the most unusual methods of getting rid of snoring. For example, it was noted that a person snores more often when sleeping on his back, and therefore it was proposed to attach a hard ball between his shoulder blades to avoid this position.

Special suction cups were also proposed for the tongue so that it would not fall back and act like the reed of a clarinet, causing snoring with its vibration, etc. For the same purpose, they tried to use various, first electrical, and then electronic devices. One of the most interesting devices was a combination of a microphone and amplifier with headphones, placed on the snorer's head before going to bed. For this purpose, a hearing aid was used for the hard of hearing - the person woke up from his own snoring, the sounds of which, amplified many times over, were transmitted to his ears.

Frost treatment

Many people know about treatment with warming and heat. An example is the sauna and Russian bath, with the help of which they get rid, for example, of radiculitis. As for healing properties cold, many people are hearing about it for the first time. And yet such a technique exists. It was first used in the Czech Republic, in the resort town of Teplice nad Bečvou, creating a special refrigerator for people, or cryochamber, with a temperature of minus 160 degrees. The patient is placed in this freezer stripped naked and for only 2-3 minutes. During this short time, he does not even get mild frostbite, but as a result of repeated stays in artificial frost, it is possible to relieve him of allergies, hypertension, skin diseases, neurosis, sinusitis, depression and a number of joint and muscle ailments. Similar “anti-sauna” treatment is available in some clinics in our country.

Spanking on the buttocks, as established at the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene, is the most important remedy. Siberian scientists made such a sensational statement at the international conference “New methods of influence and rehabilitation in narcology.” The meaning of this, so to speak, “physiotherapy” is as follows - alcoholism, drug addiction, neuroses and an obsessive desire to commit suicide - these are all attempts to get away from problems, loss of interest in existence. The reason, according to researchers, is a decrease in the body’s production of so-called “happiness hormones” - endorphins. And if such a person is properly beaten, of course, without causing injury, then he will develop a taste for life. The teachings came to the healing effect of flogging therapy after familiarizing themselves with ancient treatises, when “all kinds of nonsense” was beaten out with a whip and rods - from illegal behavior and bad thoughts to psychosis and pneumonia. The discoverer of this method, S. Speransky, by self-flagellation, saved himself from depression, as well as from the consequences of two heart attacks.


It is believed that what leaves the body as waste cannot be re-ingested, at least not immediately. Urine and feces are good fertilizers. Every agronomist will tell you this. But none of the summer residents will risk using them internally. Even our cosmonauts categorically refused a device that would process their urine into sterile drinking water on the space station. Disgust and disgust were the main reason for the refusal. Nevertheless, supporters of urine therapy believe that drinking your own urine cures malignant tumors, heart disease, allergies, diabetes, asthma and a dozen other diseases. In their conviction, they refer to the ancient medical treatise of India - the notorious Ayurveda...

But there is an even more extreme type of treatment - calotherapy, which, according to its supporters, helps against many diseases. The origins of this are also found in Indian manuscripts. In India, for example, it is still believed that a cow patty pressed onto a non-healing ulcer is the best medicine, since the cow is a sacred animal. They use the therapeutic properties of their own feces. For example, the following recommendation from modern calotherapists is touching: “Under no circumstances should you consume liquid feces, since their acid-base balance is disturbed; use exclusively your morning feces for oral consumption, which can be frozen in reserve, and heated in the microwave before eating ..."


Maggots are fly larvae that develop in rotting waste. These creatures evoke instinctive disgust in everyone, except fishermen, for whom maggots are the best bait. In addition, it is not the maggot itself that smells, but its habitat...

It has been known since ancient times that fly larvae are able to clean purulent wounds, as they eat dead tissue. This method was forgotten, but recently interest in maggot therapy has revived, since pathogenic bacteria have appeared that are resistant to antibiotics, which voracious maggots eat with pleasure. In addition, the method itself is “simple and cheap.” Since 2004, the treatment of infected wounds with fly larvae has been officially permitted in the United States and a number of other countries, but for our country this is still exotic.

Fundamentally loved ones The curation method is spa-fish. This is the name for the therapy of skin diseases with the help of small fish, like guppies, that eat dead tissue on the surface of human skin. The method has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia, and only in the last decade has it begun to spread throughout the world. A person comes to a special salon, puts his feet in a pond or completely immerses himself in it, and small garra rufa fish begin to gently bite his body. This procedure is pleasant and completely painless. In addition to the cosmetic effect, these fish help fight diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and athlete's foot. The fish have no teeth, and they eat only the topmost, already keratinized, layer of skin, without touching healthy tissue.



This unusual method is gradually gaining more and more supporters. In India, for example, today there are several hundred special clubs where people come for the sole purpose of having fun from the heart. In our country, this role is played by various television shows, comedian performances, comedy films, etc.

Today it has been scientifically proven that any laughter, from a stupid giggle from tickling to laughter from some intellectual joke, prevents and neutralizes stress, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, activates metabolism and, in general, prolongs life. During laughter, regardless of its reasons, a person produces endorphins, which improve mood and vitality. It has been proven that cheerful and cheerful people live longer and suffer less from infectious diseases. This was noted by Hippocrates, but modern medicine, more focused on taking various chemical drugs, has almost forgotten about it.

A classic example of the healing role of laughter is the medical story of the American Norman Cousins, who was diagnosed with spondyloarthritis in 1972. This disease in 100% of cases led to complete immobility due to dysfunction of the joints. However, Cousins ​​was optimistic. Having read somewhere that bad thoughts lead to illness, he began to strive with all his might to eliminate and prevent them from occurring in himself. All day long he watched comedies and humorous programs on TV. Gradually, the pain stopped tormenting him, and his mood began to improve. Moreover, the inflammatory process in the body has subsided. Some more time passed, and he began to truly enjoy life, stopping the use of medications.

This is how a new discipline arose - gelotology (from the Greek “gelos” - laughter), and clowns began to appear in serious medical institutions. In 1998, in the USA, based on these events, which led to the creation of a new therapeutic technique, the film “Healer Adams” was created.


In the 19th century, syrup for children was widespread, eliminating cough and pain. The medicine turned out to be so effective that it almost replaced all other methods of treatment, until they noticed something was wrong - many children who were given this “syrup” for some reason died. When the contents of the drug were subjected to detailed testing, it turned out that it contained morphine, chloroform, codeine, heroin, opium and hashish. Naturally, the method was immediately banned...

Today everyone knows that mercury is poison. But in the old days, pure mercury was used to treat volvulus, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and a dozen other diseases. To do this, you had to drink about a glass of mercury. It is known that in the 4th millennium BC. e. Mercury was also used in China to treat leprosy. And Taoist monks used cinnabar (a mercury compound) in their elixir of longevity. At the same time, they understood the symptoms of mercury poisoning - such as a crawling sensation (paresthesia), trembling of the fingertips and sweating - as an indicator of the effectiveness of the drug. It is not surprising that many of the wards soon died. The problem, as they say, disappeared with the death of the patient.


Everyone knows what snoring is and how it complicates the lives of all those who sleep with a snorer in the same or even in the next room. Here we will not touch on the specific reasons why a particular person snores. Let us dwell only on the most unusual methods of getting rid of snoring. For example, it was noted that a person snores more often when sleeping on his back, and therefore it was proposed to attach a hard ball between his shoulder blades to avoid this position.

Laughter prevents and neutralizes stress, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, activates metabolism and, in general, prolongs life.

Special suction cups were also proposed for the tongue so that it would not fall back and act like the reed of a clarinet, causing snoring with its vibration, etc. For the same purpose, they tried to use various, first electrical, and then electronic devices. One of the most interesting devices was a combination of a microphone and amplifier with headphones, placed on the snorer's head before going to bed. For this purpose, a hearing aid was used for the hard of hearing - the person woke up from his own snoring, the sounds of which, amplified many times over, were transmitted to his ears.


Many people know about treatment with warming and heat. An example is saunas and Russian baths, with the help of which they get rid, for example, of radiculitis. As for the healing properties of cold, many are hearing about it for the first time. And yet such a technique exists. It was first used in the Czech Republic, in the resort town of Teplice nad Bečvou, creating a special refrigerator for people, or cryochamber, with a temperature of minus 160 degrees. The patient is placed in this freezer stripped naked and for only 2-3 minutes. During this short time, he does not even get mild frostbite, but as a result of repeated stays in artificial frost, it is possible to relieve him of allergies, hypertension, skin diseases, neurosis, sinusitis, depression and a number of joint and muscle ailments. Similar “anti-sauna” treatment is available in some clinics in our country.

Those who foam at the mouth in defense of alternative medicine argue that the only difference between such methods and traditional ones lies only in their temporary non-recognition by official bodies. As a result, there are a number of techniques that have a pretty good effect on both the patient’s health and the healer’s wallet.

Today there are many healers who, using alternative techniques, promise to cure almost any disease. There are secrets of returning to former beauty, they were indicated by the ancients.

Is it any wonder that the effectiveness of such methods is quite difficult to assess. Some of them really help, while others directly expose the charlatan. We will tell you below about the most unusual methods of treatment today. Let everyone be able to evaluate whether it is worth being treated with their help or not.

Treatment in a cryochamber. Many, of course, have heard about freezing people in cryogenic chambers. In this case, the patient’s body is placed in liquid nitrogen in order to revive him after several tens or hundreds of years. After all, then doctors, of course, will be able to defeat the most serious diseases. But what will happen if a living person, without clothes, is placed in such a chamber, at a temperature of -85 degrees, for just a few minutes? Proponents of this technique argue that a three-minute stay of a person in such conditions leads to a positive shock to the whole organism. Pain-relieving hormones begin to be produced, and strength for sports appears. Such doping should be recognized as legal.

Urine therapy, coprotherapy. Not everyone perceives urine and feces only as human waste. On one online fan site, ardent followers compare urine to the delicious food we leave on the plate for last. The smartest adepts claim that drinking your own urine cures cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, allergies and asthma. These techniques are quite ancient - they are already thousands of years old. But the medical effectiveness of drinking your own urine and feces has not been officially proven.

Gene therapy. Geneticists say that all a person’s problems are hidden in his DNA. If a patient suffers from depression, then the culprit is his bad heredity, all the grievances suffered by his ancestors. If a person cannot quit smoking, then probably one of his ancestors at one time worked in the tobacco industry and became saturated with nicotine. Brave geneticists claim that by interfering with the structure of DNA, it will be possible to remove from a person those very defective genes that lead to diseases. But how to do this is still unclear. Of course, this field is also full of charlatans; some of them even offer DNA correction over the phone. In the meantime, genetic cures for such common misfortunes as cancer and alcoholism are enjoying success.

Rebirthing. In Russian, this technique can be defined as “mother, give birth to me back.” It is as if the patient is being pulled through the birth canal, forcing him to experience severe stress and birth trauma. To dive inside yourself, you need to lie down and begin to use conscious breathing through vigorous inhalation and relaxed exhalation. It is believed that in this case, forgotten memories of the intrauterine state, birth and early childhood years begin to appear in the patient’s soul. Doctors believe that in this way they can find the same childhood fear that later led to psychosomatic disorders in adulthood. Fear is removed, and the problems associated with it disappear. This way you can get rid of childhood complexes. Who knows, maybe the evil Babai or Santa became the reason for a person’s current failures.

Energy pendant. If you have ever watched a golf competition, you have probably seen that many players wear a strange pendant around their neck when entering the field. It has a triangular shape and is black or silver in color. In fact, this is not a fashion accessory for golfers, but a kind of medicine for them. Players assure that Qlink products can recharge their biofield, restoring mental and physical strength. Only this invisible aura of a person exists? Today, oddly enough, even scientists with university degrees agree with this position, purchasing charlatan crafts to protect themselves from energy vampires.

Treatment of wounds with larvae. The world around us is full of insects, it’s stupid to try to hide from it. Some are beautiful, while others, like worms, are often associated with death and decay. After all, they feed only on dead flesh, and that’s the only way they develop. We are talking about fly maggots. These larvae, disgusting even in appearance, live in garbage heaps and graves. However, inquisitive healers have discovered an interesting feature of such insects - they can clean infected wounds. This method of alternative therapy is quite old. Today there is renewed interest in maggot therapy, as bacteria have appeared that are not afraid of antibiotics. But microorganisms cannot resist the voracious but non-infectious maggots. The worms are placed on the wound and begin to liquefy the infected tissue, eating it along with the bacteria. But the living flesh remains intact. Once eaten, the maggots are put back into the jar, awaiting a new patient. The happy healed person is discharged from the hospital, trying to quickly forget the methods of his treatment. Do you think this method is wild? But since 2004, meat meal larvae therapy has been officially approved in the United States.

Treatment with leeches. Few people can decide on hirudotherapy, treatment with leeches. They squeamishly prefer not to mess with these creatures, as with maggots. However, in this case, the use of such an unpleasant remedy can help. You just need to let the leeches frolic on the skin, sucking on the capillaries, this can give results! Just as Duremar once did, doctors today often use bloodsuckers to restore blood flow to limbs that have been torn off and reattached. In such a complex matter, leeches are beyond competition. Even Hollywood star Demi Moore admitted that she cleanses her blood with leeches - this helps her look noticeably younger than her age. Rumors include our singer Natalya Koroleva as a fan of this product. Only hirudotherapy has one interesting nuance: Before giving yourself over to be fed to worms, the patient must bathe in turpentine!

Beer Jacuzzi. Many alcoholics would like to bathe in beer, naturally, without paying for such pleasure. But in some places this can be done at a very high cultural level and for an adequate amount. Doctors believe that bathing in this foamy drink has its benefits. This is why today thousands of people visit Czech beer spas every year. People are sure that in this way they can heal the musculoskeletal system, saturate the body with vitamins (are they in warm beer?) and simply relax. The latter, by the way, is not difficult, because alcohol can also be absorbed through the skin. For such procedures, special dark beer is produced, which cannot be drunk. A 20-minute treatment procedure costs 24 euros, the price also includes 2 mugs of aged beer taken internally.

Ozone therapy. This technique has been the subject of debate for many years between supporters and opponents. The first believe that ozone treatment is a miraculous method that can help in the fight against cancer, AIDS and most other diseases. As a result, the gas is obtained from chemically pure oxygen, saturating people’s bodies with it in various ways. These could be injections, mini-saunas, etc. But American health authorities believe that ozone is a toxic substance. It cannot be attributed to pronounced medical properties. But what to do with the results? clinical trials who often claim the opposite? After all, ozone successfully counteracts fungi and bacteria; however, it also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. It is curious that at a temperature of minus 120 degrees, ozone turns into a thick indigo-colored liquid.

New body transplantation. The death of people due to injuries or serious damage to body organs not related to the brain is quite common. In medicine, there is an opinion that if you quickly cut off a head, the brain continues to experience severe pain for several seconds. Even if the severed head is poked into the open eyes, they will instantly close, reflexively defending themselves. Even in the Middle Ages, executioners knew that the heads of criminals they cut off continued to live for another half hour, gnawing on the baskets where they were thrown. This was discovered after it turned out that these same baskets need to be changed quite often. Even in modern history More than a dozen facts are known when doctors sewed on their patients’ heads, which were practically separated from the body, which were actually held on one cervical spine spinal cord. In his fantasies he draws a possible future. This is how the concept of whole body transplantation was born. It is assumed that there is no need to transplant the entire head, along with the organs of hearing, vision, and teeth. It will be enough just to transfer the healthy brain itself to a new, healthier storage facility. Theoretically, there are no barriers to this, as there are to a heart, liver or spleen transplant. As soon as scientists achieve success in the regeneration of nervous tissue, it will immediately be possible to think about the ethical side of issues in brain transplantation.

Head transplant. The topic of transplanting an entire head - with hair, teeth and even piercing holes - will be unpleasantly offensive to many scientists. But back in the 1950s, the Soviet surgeon Demikhov transplanted the heads of young puppies into adults. The experiment as a whole was considered unsuccessful, but one of the experimental creatures was able to live with someone else’s head for almost a month! True, the donor's head really disliked its recipient, periodically and painfully biting him. However, the problem of tissue rejection was not solved then. In 1963, American doctors conducted a similar experiment. The test monkey also did not live long, biting constantly. And the Japanese decided to keep up by sewing a second head on a laboratory rat. According to scientists, the secret of success was to use low temperatures. In today's biology, there is a fashionable experimental direction - stem cells. They can subsequently turn into any others. And in the matter of head transplantation, special hopes are placed on these cells. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania were able to use stem cells to heal the dissected spinal cord of a mouse, giving hope to thousands of disabled people with the news. It seems that sewing on a severed head will soon become possible. People dream that they will soon be able to exchange their decrepit body for a young one. The only big question is whether such operations will be available in the near future; besides, one should be wary of criminal plots of growing bodies “for sale.”
