How to understand that you are an alcoholic test. A test that will help determine the stage of alcohol dependence

An alcoholism test will help determine the degree of addiction to harmful drinks. Now addiction is gaining momentum, stress, lack of money, lack of work, family problems are increasingly pushing people into a cut glass.

A person starts drinking and cannot stop, the craving for alcohol intensifies, which becomes a serious problem that will develop into a disease. To determine the individual degree of addiction to alcoholic beverages, you can take easy tests at home.

You need to comprehend these smart determinants of alcoholism as early as possible in order to have a chance to stop and not degenerate. With each stage the disease becomes incurable. Today we will tell you what tests exist to determine alcohol addiction, when they can assign them, types.


Alcoholism is a disease that develops gradually and in the first stages is invisible not only to others, but also to the patient himself.

Often the thought of treatment and coding occurs to relatives when a person is in the final stages of addiction. And in order to prevent this, you need to take action as early as possible, and psychological diagnostics come to the rescue.

Anyone can take the test, anonymously, online. Thanks to it, you can understand whether there is a craving for constant consumption of alcohol-containing products, and if so, at what stage it is at.

An alcohol test detects alcoholism in 9 out of 10 people. During it, you must honestly answer all the questions provided and at the end calculate the points you have scored to determine your result.

Everyone should be diagnosed for alcohol dependence annually; this will help to identify the disease earlier.

Female alcoholism cannot be treated; if a man becomes an alcoholic for 10 years after drinking alcohol daily, then a woman is over 5. Sad statistics once again speak of the importance of early detection of alcoholism.

Grounds for examination

According to the law, Part 6, Article 27.12 of the Code of the Russian Federation, which includes administrative offenses of CILU (examination for alcohol intoxication) and drawing up a protocol based on its results.

According to clause 2 of the Rules for the Special Administrative Okrug, drivers who are in such a state or who are suspected of having consumed alcoholic beverages the day before are subject to a medical examination for alcohol intoxication.

Signs to conduct a driver test:

  • The smell of strong alcohol or fumes from the mouth;
  • Unstable gait and posture adopted by him (the driver);
  • Obvious speech defects;
  • Facial redness;
  • Behavior characteristic of drinking strong drinks.

The test for alcohol while driving is carried out by traffic police officers:

  • In the presence of 2-3 witnesses;
  • Or from a recording device (navigator).

Testing takes place using professional ultra-sensitive devices that instantly display the result, and is determined by exhaled vapor; they even show a simulation of “exhalation”.


The alcohol addiction test can be taken for both men and women. You need to answer questions clearly, writing down the answers (yes/no).

  1. Can you agree that you drink no more alcohol than others?
  2. Do you experience memory loss after a feast or get-togethers with friends?
  3. Are there any complaints or scandals from your relatives about your drinking?
  4. Can you control the amount of alcohol you drink at a party (event), and stop if you feel you need to?
  5. Does your conscience gnaw at you the morning after too much, is there a bad mood and depression?
  6. Do your family say that you drink a lot?
  7. Can you give up alcohol and not drink at meetings with friends?
  8. Have you ever thought about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)?
  9. Can you get involved in a fight, were you a participant in such an event in a state of intoxication?
  10. Are the scandals due to your frequent drinking?
  11. Have there been any cases of relatives turning to specialists to help?
  12. Have your friends turned away from you after drinking too much?
  13. Was there any absenteeism due to a morning hangover?
  14. Have you been fired from your job?
  15. Is there any alcohol consumption during the daytime?
  16. Are you bothered by pain in the right hypochondrium?
  17. Do visions (hallucinations) often occur after use?
  18. Have you asked a narcologist for help?
  19. Have you ever found yourself in a state of alcohol intoxication in a medical facility?
  20. Have you ever been in an institution for alcoholics or psychiatric wards?
  21. Have you turned to a narcologist for help to solve the problem?
  22. Did you enter a vehicle while drunk?
  23. Have drivers been tested for alcohol?

Fold it up.

What is the probability of a false negative result

The tendency to drunkenness is tested in the laboratory using blood sampling. Many factors influence the test result and the dose of alcohol in the test can be false negative or positive. And then there will be no problems.

What affects the indicators:

  • The area of ​​skin that is treated with alcohol for collection may negatively affect the quality of the analysis;
  • Medicines containing ethanol: heart drops, for colds;
  • Consumption of alcohol-containing products the day before;
  • Increased acetone (blood/urine).

There is a high probability of distortion of the result if the above factors are present.

Preparation rules

It is easy to get diagnosed at home. To do this you need to buy a breathalyzer. Sold in online stores and pharmacies.

It is very important to check the expiration date, as their main properties may be lost. Follow storage rules.

Before use, read the instructions for the breathalyzer. Many manufacturers provide contact information; by phone you can get free advice on its correct use.

Before use, consider the fact of administration medicines alcohol based. The result will be distorted with 100% probability.

Why you need to refuse before testing:

  1. Medicines containing alcohol (throat lozenges also distort information);
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol. You need to wait 1 hour before the procedure;
  3. To confirm the result, carry out a control test.

The degree of drunkenness is easily determined expressly; all you need is your saliva.

Distortions of the result

You can determine whether a person is an alcoholic at home or not with 100% probability using express strips. But the objectivity and information content of saliva testing results are influenced by the following factors:

  • Residues of ethanol and tobacco in the mouth;
  • Drinking alcohol 15-20 minutes before taking the test.

What factors influence the distortion of blood parameters:

  • Composition, turnover, quality and quantity;
  • Interval between doses of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • Weight category, the smaller the kilogram you are, the more likely you are to quickly become poisoned by ethanol;
  • Age. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to remove alcohol from the body;
  • Metabolism. Metabolic rate affects the rate of breakdown ethyl alcohol in the blood;
  • Gender. The male body is more likely to resist alcohol than the female;
  • Do you have a snack during a feast? An important factor for preventing rapid intoxication and intoxication;
  • Alcohol-based medications.

When is the best time to conduct research?

Ethanol tests are carried out in specialized laboratories, or, if not possible, at home. What does the test determine? A blood sample for alcohol testing determines the degree of pure ethanol.

You can go anonymously in paid medical drug treatment facilities. The results are calculated in ppm. The results of the examination show the level of alcohol, which is contained in 1 liter of blood.

Biochemical analysis confirms the ethanol content at the time of the study, and not the age of the alcohol consumed.

There is no preparation for testing. It is often used during the examination of drivers at the time of arrest while intoxicated. One of the informative methods is gas chromatography (GC).

Types of breathalyzers

There are several types of blood ethanol level tests:

  • Professional;
  • Personal (individual);
  • Special alcohol testers for employees of special authorities.

Most ethanol is absorbed in the liver, causing hepatic alcoholism. It cannot be determined using tests, but it is possible to look at the level of ethanol in the blood with 100% probability.


Professional breathalyzers operate on electrochemical sensors. They accurately determine the level of alcohol in the blood without the possibility of “simulation”. Even if the driver (alcoholic) refuses to pass it, he can easily “suck in” the air he exhales.

Special testers. Models for police officers “Alcoscan” and “AL-1100” were developed by government order. The alcohol test is carried out without a replaceable mouthpiece.

Personal (individual). Self-control is important rule to prevent the development of alcoholism.

They are considered less accurate and may not determine the “simulation” of exhalation, which often distorts the final result. The cost of such devices is low, their price varies from 1290 rubles. Measures large number blood content, small no.


If on the eve of the working day you consumed products that have persistent bad smell(onions, garlic) or alcoholic drinks, this fact can be eliminated with the help of “Anti-Police”.

Purchase at any pharmacy in the country, the price varies from 50 rubles depending on the quantity in the package. Following the instructions, you need to take 1-2 lozenges. The effect of the drug begins within 3-5 minutes. The reviews are positive.

Express tests

They are done both at home and in medical institutions. This requires saliva. Shows instant results.

"Alkotest-Factor M" is used for:

  • Drug treatment hospitals;
  • Medical services and hospital receptions;
  • Motor transport enterprises;
  • Self-test;
  • For truck drivers, before traveling;
  • Parental controls.

Features of the definition

"Alkotest-Factor M" is a supersensitive test for saliva. To do this, you need to completely immerse the express strip for 5-8 seconds. Pull it out and eliminate the remains.

Alcoholism test. For me, as an alcoholic, this is a difficult topic.
Veterans don’t like to remember the war... But there are a lot of questions, let’s
Let's start with something simple - take an alcoholism test online.
This is a test for the stage of alcoholism that has been working for over 40 years, suitable for
men and women. I'm not scaring you with this. This is for your information.

1.Who is this alcoholism test for?

The test for alcoholism that I offer you was not invented by me. This test was written about 50 years ago by E.M.Jellinek.
It is equally suitable for identifying signs of alcoholism in men and alcoholism in women. There is no difference!
The test is designed so that the stage can be assessed. After completing it, please do not be surprised that, based on its results, many fall into the category of alcoholics. This is true. The overwhelming majority of people live, drifting smoothly in initial stages alcoholism and believe that this is the norm. So again, don't be surprised. Think about it.

alcoholism test video

2. How to take an alcoholism test?
  1. Write down the question numbers and your answers.
  2. Answer as truthfully as possible
  3. If your answer is sometimes, you should answer “yes”
  4. If in a question where there are several points, you answered “yes” to at least one, the answer is “yes”.

3. Test for alcoholism. PART I

Multiply the number of your “yes” by 1 and write it down.
4.Test for alcoholism. PART II
Multiply the number of your “yes” by 2 and write it down.
5. Test for alcoholism. PART III
Multiply the number of your “yes” by 3 and write it down.
6. Test for alcoholism. Counting and results:

So add up the results:

Points for questions 1-9 _____ points
Points for questions 10-18_____ points
Points for questions 19-27_____ points
Total_________________ Points


From 5 to 8 points - Early stage alcoholism
From 9 to 15 points - Initial middle stage of alcoholism
From 16 to 21 points - Average stage of alcoholism
From 22 to 27 points - Late middle stage of alcoholism.
From 28 and above - Late stage of alcoholism.

Even if you have diagnosed yourself with an advanced stage using a test and are now hungover from beer, this is not a death sentence. By the time I dealt with my alcoholism, I had 39 points. I won’t say that it will be simple and easy. But this is more than possible.

An alcohol addiction test will help determine whether you have an unhealthy addiction to alcohol. However, it should be remembered that only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Test for alcoholism

An alcohol dependence test will help identify the presence of an alcohol use disorder. The questions concern alcohol consumption in the past 12 months.

It should be taken into account that a serving of alcohol in points 2 and 3 is equal to 10 g of alcohol. For example, a can of beer (5% strength) – 13 g of alcohol, (12%) – 13.3 g, a glass of strong alcoholic drink (40%) – 12.6 g.

Choose the most appropriate answer (the number of points is indicated in brackets).

1. How often do you drink alcohol?

  • never(0);
  • once a month or less (1);
  • 2-4 times a month (2);
  • 2-4 times a week (3);
  • more than 3 times a week (4).

2. How many drinks of alcoholic beverages do you drink?

  • 1-2 (0);
  • 3-4 (1);
  • 5-6 (2);
  • 7-9 (3);
  • more than 9 (4);

3. Do you often drink more than 6 drinks at a time?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every week (3);
  • every day (4).

Continue taking the test if you score more than 1 point. If the sum of points is 0-1, then it is the final result.

4. How many times have you been unable to stop after starting to drink?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily or almost daily (4).

5. How often have you failed to do what was expected of you because of your drinking?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every week (3);
  • every day (4).

6. How often did you drink the next morning to overcome the pain?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily (4).

7. How often have you felt guilty about drinking alcohol?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every week (3);
  • every day (4).

8. How often have you been unable to remember what happened while you were drinking?

  • never(0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily (4).

9. Have you or anyone else been injured due to drinking alcohol?

  • no(0);
  • yes, but more than a year ago (2);

10. Has anyone ever worried about your drinking and/or advised you to drink less?

  • no(0);
  • yes, but more than a year ago (2);
  • yes, during the past year (4).

Calculate the number of points received.

Test result:

  • 0-6 (for women), 0-7 (for men) – low probability of alcohol dependence;
  • 7-15 (for women), 8-15 (for men) – increased alcohol consumption;
  • 16-19 – alcohol abuse;
  • 20 or more – alcohol dependence or the risk of developing it.

Symptoms for determining the stage of alcoholism

In addition to the alcoholism test that exists for women and men, there are a number of symptoms that can help determine the stage of alcohol dependence.

The first stage of alcoholism includes:

  • difficulty controlling the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • irritability, aggressiveness and possible memory loss when intoxicated;
  • lack of a critical attitude towards drunkenness;
  • excuses for drinking alcohol;

The first stage of alcoholism gradually passes into the second, which has the following symptoms:

  • increased tolerance to alcohol;
  • loss of control over drinking;
  • the appearance of physical dependence on alcohol and withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by headache, thirst, irritability, sleep problems, pain in the heart, and tremors of the extremities.

In the third stage, symptoms appear such as:

  • increased craving for alcohol with a proportional decrease in control;
  • the emergence of mental, physical and social problems;
  • unconscious craving for alcohol;
  • complete exhaustion of the body;
  • mental disorder leading to alcoholic degradation.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Our online alcoholism test allows us to use a questionnaire to roughly determine the stage of a person’s alcohol dependence or lack thereof. To get through this psychological testing, you need to answer 16 simple questions, and then click the “Show results” button. A detailed transcript of the received data can be found below.

For prevention purposes, testing for alcohol dependence is recommended at least once every six months.

Attention! This test is indicative and does not purport to diagnose the subject. Alcohol dependence can be determined with a high degree of accuracy only in a clinical setting under the supervision of a physician. The site owner and service developer are not responsible for the results of calculations.

Stages of alcohol addiction

In total, it is customary to distinguish 3 stages of alcoholism and the stage preceding the development of dependence on alcoholic beverages.

Prodromal (zero) stage– there are no signs of alcoholism, the person periodically drinks alcohol in groups, and he rarely gets drunk to the point of loss of memory or other severe consequences. To control the amount you drink, you can use our alcohol calculator, which shows the time required to completely sober up.

At this stage, it is very easy to stop drinking alcohol without feeling mental discomfort. This situation can be considered the norm for any healthy person, but it should be remembered that with everyday alcohol consumption, the prodromal period passes into the first stage of alcoholism after 6-12 months in men and 3-6 months in women, that is, female alcoholism develops in on average twice as fast.

First stage of alcoholism– characterized by the appearance of mental dependence on alcoholic beverages. Almost every day a person has thoughts about drinking, his mood rises in anticipation of drinking alcohol, and when sober he feels dissatisfied with himself.

Also, at this stage, vomiting in case of an overdose of alcohol disappears; a person is able to take much more alcohol than before. There is a desire to justify your actions. On average, the first stage lasts for 1-5 years. If a person does not take any action to treat alcohol dependence, then this degree flows into another, more complex stage.

Second stage of alcoholism– pathological attraction to alcoholic beverages arises spontaneously, the ability to self-control sharply decreases. When drunk, a person begins to behave unpredictably and even aggressively. In some cases, alcoholic psychosis and hallucinations may occur. The second stage lasts from 5 to 15 years, gradually leading to complete degradation of personality and loss of creative abilities.

Third stage of alcoholism– at this stage, irreversible changes in the psyche and work are observed internal organs(liver cirrhosis, hepatitis) and nervous system. Situational control is completely lost - the person does not care about the place, the circumstances of drinking alcohol, or the company of drinking buddies.

The amount of alcohol consumed decreases, but its consumption becomes daily or binge drinking occurs. Physical dependence develops, which if left untreated can lead to death.

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