Hormonal contraception. Questions Transition from Regulon to Lindinet 20

Exists large number contraceptives, but the leading position among the whole variety is occupied by birth control pills, which are characterized by a high degree of prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Let's look at each of the groups of drugs in order to know which birth control pills are best to choose, find out the names and read reviews about them.

Microdosed hormonal drugs

The drugs in this group of tablets are characterized by minimal side effects.

Suitable for both girls over 18 years old and women over 35 years old who are constantly sexually active.


A drug that contains nomegestrol acetate and estradiol hemihydrate. These compounds are similar in structure to natural female hormones. The drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. It also acts on cervical mucus, changing its secretion.


Highly effective combined oral contraceptive. Reduces the risk of cancer in women, minimally affects the liver. Its composition is close to the natural hormonal background of women, where the main active ingredient is estradiol valerate. Indicated for any age. The tablets should not be taken during breastfeeding or during early stages pregnancy.

A monophasic drug that is aimed at suppressing ovulation and changes in cervical secretions, which leads to a decrease in permeability to sperm. Improves the regularity of menstruation, reduces painful sensations. When using contraception, the risk of cancer is reduced. The main active ingredient is ethinyl estradiol, the auxiliary ingredient is drospirenone. You can use the tablets after 40 years.

A new drug that, in addition to contraception, contains vitamins. Unlike Jess tablets, it contains calcium levomefolate. The drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation and minimizing sperm permeability. When taken, there is an effect of reducing pain during menstruation.


Microdosed oral contraceptive is combined agent, which contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The action is based on inhibition of ovulation and changes in cervical secretions.

A drug aimed at contraception as a result of inhibition of ovulation and changes in the properties of uterine mucus. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. Positively affects the regularity of menstruation, suppresses painful sensations. Thanks to its composition, it reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.


Monophasic tablets that are aimed at suppressing secretion gonadotropic hormones pituitary gland The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Prevents the development of a viable egg, has a positive effect on the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and reduces the risk of tumors in women.

Contraceptive drug, release form - pills. It interferes with the ovulation process and increases the viscosity of the uterine mucus. Before starting to use the drug, you should undergo a thorough gynecological examination. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene.


A drug based on a combination of estrogen and progestogen that suppresses ovulation and slows down the movement of sperm. The active ingredients of the tablets are synthetic estrogen, the progestogen desogestrel. When taken, blood loss during menstruation is noticeably reduced, so it is indicated for women with heavy discharge.


The main active ingredients in the drug are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Duration of treatment – ​​21 days, then a break – 7 days and resumption of treatment.

Low-dose drugs

Drugs that belong to this group are suitable not only for women who have given birth, but also for girls over 18 years of age.

They are prescribed by gynecologists if microdose hormonal pills are not suitable.


New generation tablets containing ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. It is a multiphase drug. Besides contraceptive action, has a cosmetic effect, reducing acne.


Birth control pills, which are characterized by low hormone content. The active ingredients of the drug are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. It is also prescribed for cosmetic purposes in the fight against acne.

A contraceptive drug with a small hormone content. The main active ingredients are desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Reduces pain during menstruation, improves skin condition with acne. It is advisable to take one tablet at the same time for 21 days with a break of 7 days. Especially suitable for girls over 18 years old and women over 40 years old.


Monophasic contraceptive, which is characterized by suppression of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, while preventing unwanted pregnancy. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Release form: film-coated tablets are quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.


A drug used regularly to prevent unwanted pregnancy, as well as to normalize the menstrual cycle and regulate the intensity of discharge during menstruation. Refers to medicines low in hormones. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. Indicated for scheduled use.


A combined drug whose action is aimed at regulating the gonads in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main active ingredients are norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. Used for 21 days with a break of 7 days. Apply orally.


Low-dose monophasic contraceptive. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. It affects the body through three mechanisms: suppression of ovulation, increased mucus impermeability, and changes in the endometrium. As a result of use, an improvement in the regularity of menstruation is observed. Prescribed to women for regular use to prevent unwanted pregnancy.


The main active ingredients of the drug are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. Release form: pills. The drug is quickly absorbed in the intestines. Doctors prescribe it to treat acne, normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent unwanted pregnancy. The drug is intended for regular use.

Combined drug for contraception in women. Prevents sperm from entering the egg. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Prescribed by a gynecologist to normalize the menstrual cycle and PMS as well. Characterized by regular use.


The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Characterized by oral use daily for 21 days with a break. Contains a small amount of hormones. Aimed at suppressing ovulation and controlling the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

High dose tablets

Drugs that belong to the group of high-dose hormonal tablets can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.

Prescribed for the treatment of hormonal diseases and for contraception during their treatment.

A three-phase therapeutic drug, which is aimed at contraception, is characterized by a high content of the hormone. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. The drug blocks the maturation of a viable egg. It is prescribed by a doctor, and examinations are required every 6 months.


Combined contraceptive, which is characterized by high dosage. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel. It is used in three phases for 21 days with a break. Women who use this remedy experience stabilization of the menstrual cycle and high contraceptive results.

A highly effective drug containing progestin and estrogen. Indications for use: prevention of unwanted pregnancy. It is characterized by good tolerability.

A contraceptive containing estrogen and gestagen. These components have a high degree of activity compared to natural hormones and under their influence ovulation stops. The effect of application is 100%.


The hormonal drug is available in the form of green dragees, in a package of 21 tablets. Characterized by a high level of hormone content. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and norethisterone. Indicated for use to prevent pregnancy, regulate cycle duration, and treat psychological infertility.


Mini-pills refer to medicines that prevent pregnancy. Distinctive feature– this is a gentle effect on the woman’s body.

With regular use, the effect of the mini-pill is 99%.

They are an oral contraceptive.

A contraceptive based on the active ingredient desogestrel. Affects the condition of the uterine mucus, making it thicker and less permeable to sperm. Approved for use by nursing women.


A drug that prevents unwanted pregnancy by reducing the possibility of ovulation and increasing the viscosity of uterine mucus. Does not affect lipid processes in the human body. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women. The main active ingredient is desogestrel.


It is a contraceptive that can be used after childbirth. The main active ingredient is desogestrel. It is prescribed orally. The drug is for daily systematic use. In case of irregular use, the result is not guaranteed.


A contraceptive that contains gestagen, which makes it well tolerated by women. The main active ingredient is levonorgetrel. Can be used during breastfeeding. Its use in conjunction with non-hormonal contraceptives is also recommended.

Non-hormonal tablets

A distinctive feature of non-hormonal pills is that they are inserted into the vagina rather than taken orally.

They act due to the active substance in the composition, which affects sperm, destroying them.

The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. The drug does not affect the natural microflora of the vagina. It is prescribed if it is not possible to use stronger (hormonal) contraceptives.


Vaginal tablets that have a contraceptive and antiseptic effect. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Inserted into the vagina 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Do not affect the natural microflora of the vagina.


A product that prevents unwanted pregnancy and has the property of getting rid of unwanted microbes and fungi in the vagina. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A contraceptive containing the active substance benzalkonium chloride. It destroys the structure of the sperm and thereby prevents unwanted pregnancy. It must be inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. Also serves as an antiseptic.


Non-hormonal pills that are aimed at destroying the sperm membrane during sexual intercourse. The main active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. They are inserted into the vagina and tend to thicken the uterine mucus. Can be used while breastfeeding.


Contraceptive pills, which, in addition to their main properties, have antifungal properties. The main active ingredient is nonoxynol. Prescribed by a doctor, including during lactation and pregnancy.


A vaginal product that is necessary for contraception. Introduction is recommended into the vagina 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The main active ingredient is potassium hydrogen tartrate. A non-hormonal drug that can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

All contraceptive medications must be prescribed by doctors with preliminary diagnosis on an individual basis.

And it should be remembered that the contraceptives in question have a much better effect on a woman’s body than birth control pills after sexual intercourse.

Good afternoon I want to share with you my story about getting to know this oral contraceptive. Before taking Lindinet, I had already tried to make friends with contraceptives, but this friendship did not work out and here is the story about it - Regulon.

Therefore, after an unsuccessful experience, I was afraid of contraceptives like fire, but an extremely unpleasant thing happened in my life. When 2 years ago I again developed a follicular cyst and severe inflammation, with fluid in the pelvis and an ultrasound scan they found a pyosalpinx in the left tube. Then I was really scared and since then I have been very carefully monitoring my health.

After the treatment I was given, I was prescribed an oral contraceptive (hereinafter ok) Lindinet-20

I buy a 3-month pack at once, because it’s cheaper.

The package contains 3 blisters and a small case to make it convenient to carry the tablets with you.

Composition of tablets in the photo

Description from the manufacturer:

Monophasic oral contraceptive. Inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. The contraceptive effect of the drug is associated with several mechanisms. The estrogenic component of the drug is ethinyl estradiol - a synthetic analogue of the follicular hormone estradiol, which participates together with the hormone corpus luteum in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. The gestagenic component is gestodene, a derivative of 19-nortestosterone, which is superior in strength and selectivity to not only the natural corpus luteum hormone progesterone, but also other synthetic gestagens (for example, levonorgestrel). Due to its high activity, gestodene is used in low dosages, in which it does not exhibit androgenic properties and has virtually no effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Along with the indicated central and peripheral mechanisms that prevent the maturation of an egg capable of fertilization, the contraceptive effect is due to a decrease in the susceptibility of the endometrium to the blastocyst, as well as an increase in the viscosity of the mucus located in the cervix, which makes it relatively impenetrable for sperm. In addition to the contraceptive effect, the drug, when taken regularly, also has a therapeutic effect, normalizing the menstrual cycle and helping to prevent the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. tumor nature.

Lindinet pros and cons:

So, like everyone, it’s ok, and it has many contraindications and a whole range of side effects

On my own behalf, I would like to note that Lindinet did not cause any side effects for me, that is, when I took it, I did not feel anything, as if I was not taking it at all.

Another advantage I want to note is that I didn’t have any weight fluctuations, I didn’t lose weight, and I didn’t gain an ounce of weight.

My skin also hasn’t changed for the worse, but on the contrary, there are fewer acne, and many people write that it has an ok effect on libido. I didn't notice any changes.

The price is also very pleasing. For a 3-month package, the price varies from 700 to 900 rubles, depending on the pharmacy. And I think that this is quite affordable than paying 200-300 rubles for a pack of condoms for 3 pieces when you have a regular sexual partner.

Plus, when taking Lindinet, my cycle became like clockwork and my periods were 5 days long and painless.

The blister also has a convenient pill dosing plan, so you always know which pill you need to take and after how long you need to take a break.

The drug consists of 21 tablets, after which you need to take a 7-day break.


I took the drug for 1.5 years after suffering from inflammation and when I took it, my cyst resolved, the inflammation and pain went away and I felt just great! Now I haven’t taken Lindinet for half a year, but my ovaries have rested well on it and no inflammation or cysts appear anymore, and the ultrasound also showed that the pyosalpinx is also gone and the ultrasound is good.

So if your gynecologist prescribes this drug to you, you can safely take it without fear that it will cause a bunch of side effects compared to Regulon. Although everything is of course individual.

Thanks for reading, I wish you all good health!

My article

There are many ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. The most popular today is the use of oral contraceptives (OCs). For several decades now, women all over the world have been using this method, which significantly reduces the number of abortions and, as a consequence, complications after them.

Hormonal contraception is designed not only to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but also to improve the quality of life. The fact is that now women rarely turn to a gynecologist with only one purpose - to choose a contraceptive. According to statistics, more than 60% of women have certain gynecological problems and need their correction. OCs are one of the methods for treating pathology of the pelvic organs, be it rehabilitation after abortion, treatment of PMS or endometriosis, as well as mammary glands - mastopathy.

Very often, patients complain of many side effects from taking OCs: swelling, increased blood pressure, weight gain, severe symptoms of PMS, headache, stress. And the main complaints are related precisely to this. This leads to the question: how to choose hormonal contraception, is it possible to change the drug and how to avoid side effects?

It is worth noting that OK is selected by the doctor taking into account your gynecological history and concomitant pathology. You can’t choose OK for yourself based on the experience of friends or colleagues - what suited them may absolutely not suit you.

Why do they arise? side effects?

All side effects are caused by an increased level of estrogen in the blood, which is most often caused by an incorrectly selected drug that contains a high dose of estrogen. But there is one “but” that gynecologists often do not take into account when selecting OK. The level of estrogen in the blood can be increased without the use of OCs, and this may be associated with smoking, obesity, disease gastrointestinal tract, chronic stress, thyrotoxicosis and chronic alcohol intoxication, taking certain medications (diuretics, cardiac glycosides, narcotic analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nurofen, ibuprofen), antibiotics, anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs). All of the above factors contribute to an increase in estrogen levels in the blood. Therefore, when a smoking woman experiencing chronic stress comes to the gynecologist for OK and does not talk about her lifestyle to the doctor, a situation may occur when the doctor prescribes not the lowest dosage drug, but layering on existing hyperestrogenism leads to the fact that When taking OK, all known side effects appear.

In connection with the above, attention should be paid to the woman’s behavior at the gynecologist:
When visiting a doctor, be sure to tell the doctor about your bad habits.
Tell us about your activities, focus on stress factor your work (whether you have frequent stress or not).
If your mother and/or grandmother had heart attacks, thrombosis, strokes or varicose veins, then you should inform your doctor about this, the prescription of the drug will depend on this.
If you are taking antibiotics, painkillers, or other medications long time, then also tell your doctor.
Don't tell your doctor that you have varicose veins. Women often mistake visible veins on their legs for varicose veins. Remember that the diagnosis of “varicose veins” can be made either by a surgeon or a phlebologist based on certain examinations (ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities, blood tests, certain physiological tests). If you make such a diagnosis, then back it up with certificates from a surgeon or ask for additional examination from a gynecologist.
Do not hide from the gynecologist the number of abortions performed and how long ago the last operation was performed - this information is no less important when choosing an OC.
Inform your doctor about the degree of PMS, the length of the cycle, the duration, pain of menstruation and the volume of discharge.
It is important for your doctor to know when you are planning a pregnancy. The regimen for prescribing OK - prolonged or regular - depends on this.

It is important to note that normalizing lifestyle, avoiding stress and bad habits helps reduce estrogen levels in the blood. But it is unlikely that there will be women who will change their lifestyle specifically for OK. Moreover, all OKs were created with the goal of improving a woman’s life, which is why dozens of the most different drugs. And not a single pharmaceutical company will miss its economic benefits and will not force a woman to change her usual lifestyle. Rather, pharmaceutical companies will release a dozen more OCs in order to satisfy the need for contraception and improve the quality of life of every woman.

If the drug is not suitable for you.

First, let’s figure out what “not suitable” means. Each OC has a certain period during which it must be “integrated” into the woman’s body. This means that the drug, firstly, is good contraceptive, secondly, it relieves a woman of concomitant pathologies (endometriosis, PMS, etc.) and, thirdly, it no longer produces side effects. This should take from three (on average) to six months. In these three months you should have completed everything side effects from OK and you just shouldn’t notice the drug. If nothing has changed during these three months, and side effects remain, then there are 2 ways to solve the problem: 1. start leading a healthy and calm lifestyle and 2. replace OK. In the first case, normalizing your lifestyle will reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, thereby mitigating side effects. And in the second case, the drug is replaced with one where the dose of estrogen is lower.

The replacement occurs as follows: you finish a pack of OK, take a week break and start taking a new drug. Of course, before this you should visit a gynecologist.

But even here, not everything is so simple. There are OCs that are very similar in estrogen content: 20 and 30 mcg. The gynecologist will choose a lower dosage if you have high risk thrombotic complications if your close blood relatives have had heart attacks, strokes or thrombosis. Therefore, it is imperative to explain everything in detail to the doctor, especially with regard to medical aspects.

You should not immediately buy a large package of OK, where the tablets last for three months, since the drug may not be suitable.

The doctor's view on the prescription is OK.

When selecting an OC, the gynecologist takes into account the presence of general and gynecological pathology in a woman. A general blood test is done and, if necessary, hormone tests. But it is very difficult to study the level of estrogen in the blood - the production of this hormone does not occur linearly, and one analysis is not enough. Therefore, the doctor most often limits himself to standard examinations, such as examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, general tests blood and urine, questioning the patient (history taking). Additionally, the gynecologist may prescribe a study of hormonal levels, including thyroid hormones, examination of the veins, gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Your task is to state your complaints as clearly as possible, focusing on the main thing.

Currently, OKs are divided into several types:

According to hormone dosage:
1. Monophasic, containing the same dose of estrogen and gestagen
2. multiphase (two- and three-phase). These OCs contain a variable (non-constant) dose of hormones, which is similar to the production of hormones in a woman’s natural cycle (without taking OCs). Currently, three-phase OKs are the most popular.

Important! Action of three-phase OK:
the ovaries decrease in size
temporary sterility occurs, i.e., there is no ovulation
many atretic “non-functioning” follicles
atrophic phenomena occur in the endometrium, so the fertilized egg does not attach (if ovulation does occur)
peristalsis of the fallopian tubes slows down, so if ovulation occurs, the egg does not pass through fallopian tubes.
Cervical mucus becomes viscous, making it very difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus

Hormone dosage:
1. high dose
2. low dosage
3. microdosed

To monophasic high-dose OCs include: Non-ovlon, Ovidon. They are used for contraception rarely, for short periods of time and only for medicinal purposes.

To monophasic microdosed OCs include:

Lindinet (generic Logesta). Can be used by nulliparous girls from 15 years of age. They have a beneficial effect on PMS, painful menstruation, mastopathy and menstrual irregularities. They prevent fluid retention in the body and have an antiandrogenic effect.

Novinet (generic Mercilon), Mercilon. Can be used by nulliparous girls from 15 years of age. They have an antiandrogenic effect.

Miniziston 20 fem. Can be used by nulliparous girls from 15 years of age. Has a beneficial effect on painful menstruation.

To monophasic low-dose applies:


- both have weak antiandrogenic properties

Microgynon, Rigevidon, Miniziston - traditional OK

Silest, Femoden, Lindinet 30 - have weak antiandrogenic properties

Janine - first choice OK with a therapeutic effect for endometriosis, acne, seborrhea

Diane-35 - used for polycystic ovary syndrome, for elevated level testosterone. Has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect, exhibits maximum therapeutic effect for seborrhea and acne

Belara - has a slight antiandrogenic effect - improves the condition of the skin and hair (reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands) (compared to Diane-35, antiandrogenic activity is 15%),


- prevents fluid retention in the body, helps stabilize weight, improves the condition of the skin and hair (compared to Diane-35, antiandrogenic activity is 30%), eliminates PMS.


Three-phase OK:


Triziston, Tri-regol, Qlaira. Simulates the menstrual cycle. Indicated for adolescents with delayed sexual development. Often cause weight gain. The side effects of estrogen are the most pronounced.

Single-component progestin preparations:

Microlut, Exluton, Charozetta - can be used during lactation. Can be used if COCs are contraindicated. The contraceptive effect is lower than that of COCs. Amenorrhea may develop while taking medications.

Norkolut - has androgenic activity, used mainly with therapeutic purpose to normalize the condition of the endometrium.

Postinor, Zhenale - emergency contraception. Often causes uterine bleeding. It is not recommended to use more than 4 times a year.

Escapelle - causes inhibition of ovulation, prevents implantation of a fertilized egg, changes the properties of the endometrium, increases the viscosity of cervical mucus. When taken, menstrual irregularities and uterine bleeding often develop.

It is clear that only for contraception it is best to use microdosed preparations, since they contain a minimal amount of estrogens. Accordingly, when taking these OCs, side effects will be minimized. Please note that in each group of drugs, for example, in monophasic low-dose drugs, many drugs are similar to each other. The question arises: what exactly is the difference? For example, Marvelon, Regulon, Microgynon, Rigevidoe have the same amount of estrogen (30 mcg) and progestogen (150 mcg). It's simple: firstly, these may be different manufacturing companies, and, secondly, there may be generics and original drugs. It is believed that the original drugs better than generics, because they are better purified and have high bioavailability and better absorption. They are considered to have fewer side effects. Although, generics have existed for decades and are also produced with decent quality, like the original drugs.

At heavy and prolonged menstruation It is likely that drugs with an enhanced gestagen component are better tolerated - Microgynon, Miniziston, Femoden, Lindinet 30, Rigevidon, Diane-35, Belara, Zhanin, Yarina. For short and scanty periods - with an enhanced estrogen component (Sileste)

Women with hypersensitivity to estrogen(nausea, vomiting, headache, tension in the mammary glands, increased vaginal mucus formation, heavy menstruation, cholestasis, varicose veins) it is advisable to prescribe combined OCs with a pronounced progestin component.

In women up to 18 years and after 40 preference should be given to drugs with a minimal content of estrogens and gestagens (Logest, Lindinet 20, Miniziston 20 fem, Novinet, Mercilon)

For teenagers You should not use long-acting medications (Depo-Provera, Mirena IUD), as they contain high doses of steroid hormones (estrogens and gestagens) and are poorly tolerated.

Alternative OK - intrauterine devices, Nuvaring ring and barrier methods

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Lyudmila asks:

How to choose oral contraception?

To select oral contraceptives That's right, it is necessary, firstly, to find out what gynecological and somatic diseases this woman has. If a woman is breastfeeding or has contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (for example, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, etc.), then she should opt for drugs from the mini-pill group. In this case, she can take any contraceptive from the mini-pill group, for example, Charozetta, Microlut, Ovret, Micronor, Lactinet, Exluton.

If a woman has no contraindications to taking combined oral contraceptives, then the optimal drug should be selected from this group. It is best to start selecting an oral contraceptive with a monophasic low-dose or micro-dose drug that contains less than 35 mcg of estrogen and a low-androgenic progestogen (norgestrel, levonorgestrel, gestodene, desogestrel, norgestimate, medroxyprogesterone, cyproterone, dienogest, drospirenone or chlormadinone). Monophasic low-dose and micro-dose drugs, which should be used to begin the selection of the optimal oral contraceptive, include the following:

  • Belara;

  • Jess Plus;

  • Diana-35;

  • Dimia;

  • Midiana;

  • Miniziston;

  • Silest;

  • Silhouette;

  • Femoden;

In order to choose the optimal oral contraceptive for a given woman among the above, it is necessary to find out what gynecological problems she has. So, for various menstrual irregularities or dysfunctional uterine bleeding It is recommended to use contraceptives with strong gestagen effects, such as Marvelon, Microgynon, Femoden or Janine. For endometriosis Women are recommended drugs containing the following gestagenic components:
  • Dienogest (Silhouette, Janine);

  • Levonorgestrel (Rigevidon, Microgynon, Miniziston);

  • Desogestrel (Marvelon, Regulon, Mercilon, Novinet);

  • Gestoden (Femoden, Lindinet, Logest).
Women suffering diabetes mellitus or smoking, should take oral contraceptives with a maximum estrogen content of 20 mcg, such as Jess, Dimia, Miniziston, Lindinet, Logest, Novinet, Mercilon. If oral contraceptives cause weight gain and severe swelling, then you should switch to taking Yarina.

If, while using monophasic contraceptives, symptoms of estrogen deficiency are observed, such as irregular menstrual cycles, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, then you should switch to three-phase contraceptive pills, such as Qlaira or Tri-Mercy.

During the first three months of using oral contraceptives, a woman may experience side effects, since there is a period of adaptation of the body to a new mode of functioning. If after 3–4 months the side effects do not go away on their own, then the oral contraceptive should be changed.

The oral contraceptive should be changed taking into account what specific side effects the woman has developed. Currently, the following recommendations have been developed for replacing oral contraceptives based on what side effects the drug caused in a woman:

  • Decreased libido, scanty menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding at the beginning and middle of the cycle or depression - you should switch to triphasic contraceptives (Qlaira or Tri-Mercy) or to drugs containing at least 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol (Yarina, Midiana, Lindinet, Femoden, Silest , Zhanin, Siluet, Miniziston, Regulon, Marvelon, Mikroginon, Rigevidon, Belara);

  • Acne - you should switch to contraceptives containing gestagens with an antiandrogenic effect, such as Diane-35, Jess, Yarina, Chloe, Janine, Siluet, Dimia, Midiana, Belara;

  • Breast engorgement - you should switch to single-phase contraceptives containing 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, such as Jess or Dimia;

  • Vaginal dryness - you should switch to three-phase contraceptives (Tri-Mercy or Qlaira) or to drugs with another progestogen

Not every pregnancy is a good one. There are many reasons for this: inappropriate time, age, long-term plans, unpreparedness for having children... Therefore, every woman is looking for a suitable contraceptive option that will allow her to protect herself as much as possible from an unwanted pregnancy. Today, the most popular and widespread method is oral contraceptives.

Millions of women have been taking birth control pills for many years, which demonstrates the high effectiveness of this method. However, any woman who decides to turn her gaze towards OK is faced with the question of what to choose. Doctors often offer several common options to choose from. And some of these options are Regulon and Lindinet 20. So what to choose?

Good old Regulon

The drug Regulon is a combined oral contraceptive that guarantees protection against unwanted pregnancy almost 100%. The action is caused by desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol in the composition, which suppress ovulation.

The drug affects both the viscosity of cervical mucus, complicating the movement of trapped sperm, and the condition of the endometrium, preventing the fixation of the fertilized egg. Manufacturers note that taking Regulon normalizes the menstrual cycle and improves the condition of a woman’s skin.

The oral contraceptive Lindinet 20 is considered a very mild drug that carefully protects a woman from pregnancy. It consists of ethinylestradiol And gestodene. The mechanism of action is to suppress ovulation and increase the viscosity of cervical mucus.

The drug also has a positive effect on a woman’s body, normalizing the menstrual cycle and reducing the pain of menstruation. Manufacturers also note a preventive effect in the form of prevention of tumor diseases of the female reproductive system.

What's in common?

There are many similarities between the drugs Regulon and Lindinet 20. The principle of action of oral contraceptives is the same: both suppress ovulation and interfere with the movement of sperm. These OCs are monophasic, that is, each tablet contains the same amount of active ingredients.

The method of administration is the same for both drugs: the woman takes the pills 21 days, after which he takes a seven-day break, during which menstruation may come. Both oral contraceptives can be used as early as 21 days after birth (in the absence of breastfeeding) and the very next day after an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy. The drugs are also similar in price. A package of 21 tablets will cost on average a little more than 400 rubles.

Contraindications for taking Regulon and Lindinet 20:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Thromboembolic diseases.
  • Rotor and Dubin-Johnson syndromes.
  • Severe skin itching during a previous pregnancy.
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Liver tumor.
  • Cancer of the mammary glands or genitourinary system.
  • Severe hypertension.

Both drugs are prescribed with caution in conditions that increase the risk of thromboembolism and venous or arterial thrombosis. These conditions include: age over 35 years. smoking. migraine. arterial hypertension. epilepsy. obesity. Crohn's disease. ulcerative colitis. spicy and chronic diseases liver. sickle cell anemia. extensive surgery (especially on lower limbs). severe depression. valvular heart defects, etc.

Often women notice the occurrence side effects after taking oral contraceptives. The presence of such conditions, especially over a long period of time (more than 3 months, during which the contraceptive is “built into” the woman’s body), may indicate that the drug is not suitable for the woman and should be discontinued. Among the side effects, the most unpleasant are the following:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Hearing loss or reduction caused by otosclerosis.
  3. Acyclic vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea after drug withdrawal, development of inflammatory processes in the vagina. pain in the mammary glands.
  4. Weight gain, fluid retention.
  5. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
  6. Migraine, depressive states, headache.
  7. Rash on the body, allergic reactions.
  8. Porphyria.
  9. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome.

However, despite all the apparent similarities, the drugs also have differences. The main thing is different active substances. Thus, gestodene (Lindinet 20), unlike desogestrel (Regulon), has some antimineralocorticoid effect, which may explain the lower incidence of side effects such as headache or breast pain. In addition, gestodene is characterized by almost 100% bioavailability (versus 62-81% bioavailability of desogestrel), which ensures a predictable concentration of the drug in a woman’s blood. The stability of the level of the contraceptive in the blood helps to avoid an overdose or, conversely, a concentration insufficient for contraception.

Another difference is hormone dosing. Regulon is a low-dose drug, and Lindinet 20, due to its very low dose of ethinyl estradiol (0.02 mg versus 0.03 mg in Regulon), is a microdose oral contraceptive.

It happens that a woman forgets or, due to circumstances, does not have time to take the pill at the right time. If less than 12 hours have passed since the delay, then the missed pill should be taken as soon as possible. However, if the delay is more than 12 hours, then the recommendations for the drugs in this case differ. Regulon advises taking two tablets at once the next day, but Lindinet 20 does not tell you to make up for the missed dose, but suggests continuing to take the drug as usual. In both cases, until the end of the cycle it is necessary to apply additional methods contraception.

Guidelines for choosing a drug

So what should you choose? The question is complex. The drugs should be selected by a gynecologist. However, it is worth noting that nulliparous women or women who have not previously taken oral contraceptives, or women of late reproductive age (after 35 years), are more suitable for microdosed drugs, that is, such as Lindinet 20. The advantage of this drug is that it can be taken by girls over 15 years to alleviate PMS symptoms and control the menstrual cycle. For other categories of women, both micro-dose (Lindinet 20) and low-dose drugs (Regulon) can be recommended.

When choosing hormonal drug should be guided by the methods of constitutional selection. According to D. Shegerey’s classification, there are three constitutional types of people:

  1. The mesomorphic type corresponds to the androgen-dominant phenotype. Such women are distinguished by a “boyish” physique (broad shoulders, narrow hips), hair growth in androgen-dependent areas, elongated menstrual cycle with scant blood loss, increased content testosterone in the blood.
  2. The endomorphic type corresponds to the estrogen-dominant phenotype. Women belonging to this phenotype, as a rule, look very feminine and have a characteristic figure (narrow shoulders, wide hips, tendency to fat deposits on the thighs and abdomen). In such women, premenstrual syndrome is pronounced, and estradiol is elevated in the blood.
  3. The ectomorphic type is characterized by an increased content of progesterone. Women of this phenotype have an asthenic physique (narrow hips, narrow shoulders) and may suffer from spotting. bloody discharge in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

So, Lindinet 20 is suitable for the following types of women:

  • All ages.
  • Endomorphic type with a predominance of estrogen.
  • 20-35 years old.
  • Mesomorphic and ectomorphic types (with a predominance of androgens or progesterone).

For women under 20 and after 35 years of age, belonging to the mesomorphic and ectomorphic type, we can recommend the drug Novinet, which contains desogestrel, like Regulon, but unlike the latter, microdosed (0.02 mg ethinyl estradiol versus 0.03 mg in Regulon).

Errors in choosing a drug, one way or another, happen, since there is no drug that is ideal for everyone. Every woman’s body is individual, and only by listening to it can you choose the right oral contraceptive.
