Garlic bread: delicious recipe. Garlic butter baguette appetizer How to make garlic butter baguette at home

Be sure to try cooking it! Just like in childhood, your hands are reaching out with a crunch to break off a piece of this luxurious, seductive baguette and taste the delicate, layered crumb with aromatic basil-garlic butter and melted cheese. Oh! Yes, my friends, it tastes just like it looks - incredibly delicious!

We will need for two baguettes:

for test:

  • flour - 510 g + 1-2 tbsp. for the dust
  • milk - 175 ml
  • yeast - 14 g dry or 42 g fresh
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 2/3 tbsp.
  • water - 140 ml

For filling:

  • butter (olive can be used) - 100 g
  • basil greens - 20 g
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • salt - 1/3 tsp.
  • hard cheese (preferably Parmesan) - 100 g


beaten egg or 2 tbsp. milk for greasing baguettes

How to cook a baguette with herbs and garlic (step-by-step recipe with photos)

Gently warm 175 ml of milk (to body temperature). In a large deep bowl, combine warm milk, yeast (14 g dry or 42 g fresh), 1 tbsp. sugar, stir and leave for 10 minutes.

Add 2/3 tbsp to the diluted yeast. salt, 140 ml of warm (not hot!) water and 510 g of pre-sifted flour.

First, mix the resulting mixture with a spatula or fork and, as soon as it becomes hard enough to mix, remove the fork-spatula to the side and knead an elastic, obedient, non-sticky dough with your hands (kneading time is at least 7-10 minutes).

Cover the container with the dough with a clean towel and leave to rise for 50-60 minutes at room temperature. During this time, the dough will increase in volume several times.

How to prepare baguette filling:

While the dough is rising, cut 100 g of butter into small pieces, place in a small deep bowl and melt on the stove or in the microwave.

Wash and dry basil greens (20 g), peel 6 cloves of garlic. Pour melted butter into a blender bowl, add herbs, garlic cloves and 1/3 tsp. salt.

Puree the filling for about 15-25 seconds, turning on the blender at full power.

Grate 100 g of hard cheese (Parmesan) on a fine grater.

Forming baguettes

Knead the risen dough, place it on a floured countertop and cut it into 2 pieces with a sharp knife.

Cover one half of the dough with a towel and set it aside, and roll the other half into a rectangle measuring approximately 25x40 cm.

Brush the rolled out dough evenly with half of the green butter, basil and garlic sauce using a silicone pastry brush.

Next, sprinkle the future baguette evenly with half of the grated cheese.

Roll the dough with the filling into a roll. Transfer the resulting roll onto floured parchment and use a sharp knife to cut the roll in half lengthwise, leaving about 4 cm short of the end.

If you love baking with yeast dough, I recommend the following recipes:

To form a baguette, the cut halves of the roll must be placed overlapping each other, turning them slightly so that the cut with the filling is at the top. Thus, wrap the halves of the roll around each other in a spiral to form a baguette. Pinch the ends of the dough and tuck them under the baguette.

Place a heat-resistant container with water on the lower level of the oven (I use a small saucepan or baking dish for this purpose) and turn on the oven to heat up to 225 C. The water in the container, under the influence of the high temperature of the oven, will begin to evaporate - and a baguette baked in a humid environment will turn out with a real crispy crust. If you have an oven with steam (factory function), then use it.
Carefully transfer the resulting baguette with parchment to a cold baking sheet (I place the baguette on the baking sheet diagonally - it won’t fit any other way), if desired, brush with beaten egg or milk using a pastry brush and leave to rise for about 20 minutes while the oven preheats. During this time, you can form a second baguette using the method described above.
Bake the baguette for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Cool the finished baguettes a little on a wire rack, if possible 😉, and serve.

Bon appetit, friends!

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I offer you a recipe for a baguette with cheese and garlic baked in the oven, which turns out aromatic, soft and tasty. You can diversify it with finely chopped greens. These products make one baguette; if you want to increase the quantity, simply double or triple the products.

There are a lot of options for preparing baguettes, but today I wanted to make one with milk and garlic, in such an unusual shape. Try to cook them too, they are delicious.


  • Pressed yeast – 8 g
  • Boiled water – 50 ml.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp
  • Cow's milk – 125 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 1.5 tbsp
  • Premium wheat flour – 250 g
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Hard cheese – 100-150 g
  • Chicken egg for greasing – 0.5 pcs.

Baking in the oven – 20 minutes

271 Kcal per 100 g

Quantity – 1 baguette

How to make a baguette at home

Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add yeast and mix until completely dissolved. Pressed yeast can be replaced with dry yeast if desired.

Then pour in warm milk, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and stir again. The milk should not be hot, room temperature or a maximum of 40 degrees is sufficient.

The dough will still be viscous, so I add the remaining flour in parts and knead it further. When it stops sticking to your hands, I form it into a ball and finish kneading. This takes no more than 5 minutes.

Then I cover the bowl with the dough, a clean towel or cling film, and put it in a warm place for an hour to let it rise. The volume should increase 2-3 times.

Now you need to prepare the filling for the baguette with garlic and cheese. I grate the hard cheese, add garlic pressed through a press and mix. You can also add herbs to the filling, for example: chopped green onions, dill or parsley.

I roll out the risen dough thinly, spread the filling evenly on top, not reaching the very edge. If desired, before laying out the filling, you can grease the dough with melted butter or vegetable oil so that the layers are more clearly visible and they are separated. I decided not to do that this time, so that the baguette would be less high in calories, and you choose what tastes best to you.

Then I press down the resulting roll a little and cut it lengthwise into two parts with a sharp knife.

Forming a baguette is very simple; to do this, I intertwine two cut halves together.

Beat the egg a little with a fork. I transfer the cheese baguette to a baking sheet with parchment and brush it with the prepared egg on top. I leave it for another 20 minutes so that it rises a little, but in the meantime I turn the oven on at 180 degrees so that it warms up.

After this, I bake the baguette with the filling in the oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.

The baguette with cheese and garlic is ready in the oven, I lay it out to cool, and then serve it to the table, as this is a great addition to any lunch. It is quite suitable as a replacement for bread for variety. You can also cook baguettes in the oven using this recipe for a picnic for barbecue. Bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the yeast.

We dilute yeast in approximately 50 grams of water. In order for the latter to “disperse” better, stir them thoroughly (to ensure that all lumps dissolve) and put them in a warm place. Important! Yeast is most convenient "dilute" in a glass.

Step 2: Knead the dough.

Place the pre-sifted flour in a deep bowl, add 2 tablespoons of salt, raised (2-3 times) yeast and the remaining water. Important! Add water to flour gradually, in this case the dough will be easy to knead with your hands. After 15-20 minutes of hand kneading, an elastic dough is formed that almost does not stick to your hands.

Step 3: Let the dough rise.

After kneading the dough, it needs to rise in a warm place (under a cotton napkin). This takes approximately 30-40 minutes.

Step 4: Knead the dough a second time.

After the dough has risen for the first time, knead it again and leave for 10 minutes.

Step 5: Prepare the filling.

Melt the butter in a frying pan (over medium heat), add your favorite herbs and garlic pressed through a garlic press (chopped on a medium grater), and 1 teaspoon of salt. Important! Cheese lovers can experiment and add to filling 150 grams of any hard cheese (for example, “Russian”), grated on a coarse grater.

Step 6: Making baguettes.

Roll the dough that has risen a second time into a rope and divide it into 10 parts with a knife. Then we roll out each part into small “ovals” and spread the filling on their inner side. Roll up the baguettes and place on a greased baking sheet. We cover our “semi-finished product” with a napkin and let it rise again 20-30 minutes.

Step 7: Place water on the bottom of the oven.

To protect our baguettes from drying out during cooking, we place a container of water at the very bottom of the oven. This could be a duck pan or a cast iron frying pan.

Step 8: Bake baguettes.

Before baking, you need to preheat the oven (5 minutes is enough). Place the baking sheet with baguettes in the oven and bake them 10 minutes at 240 degrees, then reduce the heat up to 200 degrees And bake for another 10 minutes.

Step 9: Serve the garlic baguette.

As we noted at the beginning, a garlic baguette goes perfectly with hot dishes, so it can be served, for example, with soup. Men who love spicy foods are happy to use baguettes as a snack for cold beer. If cheese is added to the filling, the baguettes turn into mini pies, which are delicious to drink with tea or coffee.

Some housewives prefer to knead the dough directly on the kitchen table, since the bowl of dough often slides along the work surface during kneading. In this case, as soon as you see that almost all the liquid has been absorbed into the dough, you can dump it on the table and continue kneading. When finished, grease the bottom of the bowl with a small amount of vegetable oil (or sprinkle generously with flour), and place a neat “bun” formed from the dough there. Cover the top of the bowl with a napkin or a clean kitchen towel to protect the dough from “airing”;

Additional kneading after rising the dough gives it better taste, the structure of the flour product becomes more “noble” and multifaceted;

It is worth noting that the amount of flour indicated in recipes may differ significantly from its actual volume, so when cooking, often rely on your own intuition.

Garlic butter bread is one of the easiest things you can make at home. It's really crazy easy! But I noticed that it is the simplest dishes that at the same time become the most delicious and successful.

Using fried garlic instead of fresh garlic softens its pungency and, most importantly, gets rid of “garlic breath.” Now there is no need to stay away from people after a delicious garlic snack. Roasting not only reduces the heat of the garlic, but also gives it a slight nutty flavor. It becomes soft and perfect for this recipe. Another little secret is the addition of Parmesan cheese. This cheese is so delicate that when paired with butter, it forms a wonderful creamy mixture.

You don't even have to bake your own bread for this recipe, although if you're so inclined and love home baking, you can. But a store-bought baguette will work just fine. Simply spread the garlic butter over slices of white bread and bake in the oven. The butter will begin to melt and seep into the bread - and a mixture of cheese and garlic flavors will spread. The top is golden and crispy, but the middle remains soft.

Garlic butter bread is loved by both children and adults. As a rule, even picky eaters are quite satisfied with it. This dish can be an excellent accompaniment to soups, pasta and salads. You can also make a huge batch of garlic butter ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator. The next time you want hot buttered sandwiches, you can simply slice up some bread, warm the garlic butter at room temperature until it's soft enough to spread, spread a thick layer on the bread, pop it in the oven, and your house will be filled with amazing aromas in minutes. Isn't this convenient? That's why I make a huge batch of garlic butter bread for this recipe.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Difficulty level: easy level.

To make bread with garlic butter, you will need the following products:

    ¼ teaspoon table salt

Cooking process:

First, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Wrap the head of garlic in aluminum foil. Bake in the oven for about 1 hour. It may take a little more or less time, depending on the size of the garlic head. After the oven, the garlic should not be too soft when pressed with your fingers. This can be felt well even through aluminum foil.

Another way to prepare garlic is this: you need to divide the head of garlic into individual cloves, fry them in a frying pan over medium heat, constantly turning from one side to the other so that they brown evenly. Then let it cool a little.

I peeled the garlic and squeezed it through the garlic press. You can mince it or just finely chop it with a knife.

Mix softened butter, cooked garlic, grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper in one bowl, stirring everything thoroughly with a fork until smooth.

A little tip: if you don’t use all the garlic oil, you can put the rest in a bag and put it in the freezer. The next time you want garlic bread, all you have to do is defrost the butter, spread it on the bread, and bake. Quite often I make a double batch of this recipe and store the garlic butter in small portions in the freezer.

I cut the baguette lengthwise. Spread garlic butter on bread.

Place the bread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes until the baguette is crispy and golden brown. I cut it into pieces.

Another version of garlic butter bread cooks a little faster. To do this, I cut the baguette into slices up to 1.5 cm thick. If you like thicker or thinner slices, cut according to your discretion and taste.

Topped each slice of bread with garlic butter.

Having seen the recipe on the Internet, I immediately wanted to try baking this miracle. And although I’m not at all into bread - I occasionally indulge), it turned out well, we really liked the taste.

It seems to me that these baguettes can be baked like ciabatta, reducing the amount of yeast and increasing the dough proofing time, and replacing the milk with water. Only in our fast age of speed, reducing the dough rising time also means a lot.

As for the filling, it is better to take mozzarella - a cheese that melts easily. I had our usual local cheese.

So, let's prepare the ingredients for making baguettes with cheese and garlic in the oven.

My yeast combines with flour. If your yeast needs to be combined with liquid, add it to the milk immediately. First, dissolve salt and sugar in warm milk.

Then pour in vegetable oil and stir.

Add flour and yeast. Knead soft dough. Adjust the amount of flour, as it varies, but the dough should remain soft.

Cover the yeast dough with film and place in a warm place to rise. When the dough rises for the first time, punch it down and leave it to rise again.

The dough has risen a second time and you can form baguettes.

Prepare the filling. To do this, combine chopped herbs with olive oil, salt and garlic. Grind everything.

Divide the dough into three parts, form bars, leave them to rise again.

Then make a long well in the center and place the butter-garlic filling there.

Sprinkle with cheese. Grease the surface of the baguettes with vegetable oil or beaten egg. Bake them at 190 degrees until golden brown. Be guided by your oven.

Baguettes with cheese, garlic and herbs are ready. I cut them while hot, but be sure to let them cool, then the cut will be more beautiful.

