Am going time. Turnover to be going to in English

Hello friends!

The topic of today's article is our plans for the future, or rather, how to talk about them correctly on English.

The design is perfect for this. to be going to... (do something) . The rules for using this phrase and many examples will be the basis of my article today.

So, the translation of this figure of speech into Russian is “ get ready to do something" The variable part is the verb to be (by the way, there is a separate article about this verb, read)

Making proposals and questions

Let us remember that for each personal pronoun there is its own form of the verb to be, namely:

I am

We areYou areThey are

He is She is It is

  • Let's try to apply the construction in practice, let's translate the sentence: "We're going to spend this summer in Thailand":

We are going to spend this summer in Thailand.

If you need to say what you're going to He, then only to be will change (see above):

He is going to spend this summer in Thailand.

  • And now we will in every possible way deny that we have so much money and our plans for the summer:

We are not going to spend this summer in Thailand.

He is not going to spend this summer in Thailand.

To do this, you need to substitute the particle not , and consider that we have dealt with the envy of our neighbor :-).

  • What if we really really want to know where she’s going on vacation with her new friend? Our favorite to be ( You can’t speak English without it, so I highly recommend it ) put before the subject:

Where are you going to spend this summer with your new boy-friend?

When else is this design used?

The construction to be going means:

  • Intention(the decision was made before the moment of speaking):

He is in hospital and I am going to call him(i.e. I knew he was in the hospital and decided to call him a while ago).

Another option is possible - please take into account the difference:

He is in hospital and I will call him(in this case, our intention to call was not planned at the time of speaking, we decided so right now).

  • An event that is likely to happen (i.e. we kind of predict the future based on facts):

The doctor said: “Everything is going to be okay now after surgery.”

  • Can be used for orders :

And you are not going to stop me!

Note: with verbs of motion tocome And togo this construction, as a rule, is not used, instead it is used Present Continuous .

I am going out tonight. ( Not "I am going to go out tonight")

Past tense construction

It can be used in the past tense when we say that were going to do something. The part that changes is the same tobe, only in the past tense form.

Form was for pronouns I, he, she, it.

Form were For we, they, you .

The construction of the proposal is no different from those discussed above:

+ We were going to spend that summer in Thailand. I was going to spend that summer in Thailand.
We were not going to spend that summer in Thailand. I was not going to spend that summer in Thailand.
? Were we going to spend that summer in Thailand? Was I going to spend that summer in Thailand?

Yes, one last thing...

For expression planned actions, plans, forecasts or intentions in English the construction “to be going to” is often used.
The verb “to go” in the form followed by an infinitive (to be going + infinitive) conveys the intention to perform the action expressed by the infinitive.

In this case, “to be going” is translated into Russian as: gather, intend.
Instead of “going to” in colloquial speech, native speakers often use the abbreviated “gonna”.

“to be” corresponds to the personal form (I am / we are; you are; they are / he is, she is, it is)

“I"m going to visit my parents.” - I'll go visit my parents.
“What are you going to do tonight?” - What will you do in the evening?
“John is going on vacation tomorrow.” - John is going on vacation tomorrow.
“I am going to send him a telegram.” - I'm going to send him a telegram.
“I’m going to work in summer.” - I'm going to work in the summer.
"We're going to get married in June." - We are going to get married in June.
"I am going to win." - I'm going to (plan) to win.
“How long are you going to stay with us?” - How long are you going to stay with us?
“I think it is going to rain. “It looks like it will rain.
"The cat is going to jump." - The cat is going to jump (preparing to jump).

The negation of to be going can be expressed as follows:
"I am not going to drive." - I won't go by car.

In case the intention is in the past, auxiliary verb“to be” is used in the past tense:
(I was, we were, you were, they were, he/she/it was).
"I wasn't going to laugh." - I didn't mean to laugh.
"I thought he was going to fall." - I thought he would fall.

This is important! from the verb to go is usually not used in combination with to go and to come.
Instead of Not is going to go there, He is going to come here- They say: Not is going there, He is coming here
or: Doesn't intend to go there, He doesn't intend to come here.

To be going to can also be used to express the high probability or inevitability of an action in the future. The subject in these cases may be an inanimate object. Such expressions are translated into Russian by the future tense:
The sea air is going to do you good. - Sea air will benefit you.
He is going to fall ill. - He'll get sick.
(i.e. according to appearance or some other sign, the speaker concludes that the person will get sick)

Infinitive after the Present Continuous verb to go can be used in:
Not going to be appointed manager of that department. - He will be appointed (he is going to be appointed) head of this department.

This form of the future tense is used very often in English, so we advise you to understand and master it well.

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We are all making plans both for the distant future and for the coming weekend. Today you will learn how to talk about your plans in English, ask about others’ plans and say what you are not going to do at all.

There is a construction in English specifically for this purpose to be going to do something, which translates as “getting ready to do something.”

  • Using the construction to be going to in the past tense

When is the construction to be going to used?

We use this design in the following cases:

1. When we plan to do something in advance.
(she is going to bake a cake; he is going to wash the car)

2. When we say that something is likely to happen and there are all the signs for it.
(it's about to rain, look at these clouds)

Formation scheme for an affirmative sentence

The phrase to be going to consists of two parts: changeable and unchangeable.

First part- verb to be, changes depending on who performs the actions. In the present tense, the verb to be has 3 forms:

1. Am - used with the word I.
2. Is - used with words singular he, she, it.
3. Are - used with words plural: you, we, they.

Second part - going to, always remains unchanged.

I am
We are eat
They going to sleep
She dance
He is

For example

They are going to swim in the pool.
They are going to swim in the pool.

She is going to find a job.
She's going to find a job.

We are going to buy a car.
We are going to buy a car.

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How can you shorten to be going to?

In informal communication, for example, in conversation or correspondence with friends, to be going to can be shortened as to be gonna. This abbreviation can also be heard very often in song lyrics, films and TV series.

I am gonna go home.
I'm going to go home.

We are gonna dance all night.
We're going to dance all night.

Scheme for constructing a negative sentence

If you want to say that you are not going to do something, then add to the verb to be negative particle not.

I am
We are swim
They not going to work
She dance
He is

Examples negative sentences.

She is not going to call him.
She's not going to call him.

We are not going to study Spanish.
We are not going to learn Spanish.

I am not going to write this text.
I'm not going to write this text down.

How to ask a question with to be going to?

To ask whether someone is going to do something, the verb to be comes first.

Am I
Are we sleep?
they going to buy?
he travel?
Is she

For example

Are you going to get up early?
Are you going to get up early?

Is she going to play volleyball?
Is she going to play volleyball?

Are they going to buy a cake?
Are they going to buy a cake?

Special questions c to be going to

With this construction you can also ask questions with the words:

  • what - what;
  • where - where;
  • when - when;
  • who - who;
  • how (often/long) - how (often/long);
  • which - which one;
  • why - why.

These words come first. The rest of the word order remains the same as in a regular question.

am I
What are we do?
When they going to buy?
Where she visit?
is he

Let's look at examples.

How long are you going to do your homework?
How long are you going to do your homework?

When is she going to cook dinner?
When is she going to cook dinner?

What are they going to sell?
What are they going to sell?

Using the construction to be going to in the past tense

Surprisingly, this construction can be used in the past tense. It can be used when we say that we were going to do something, but never did. To construct such a sentence, the verb to be is placed in the past form.

1. For the singular (I, she, he, it) - was.

2. For the plural (you, we, they) - were.

For example: “He was going to go on a trip, but he couldn’t because of money problems.”

I was
We were work
They going to sleep
She travel
He was


She was going to go to the party, but her father did not let her go.
She was about to go to a party, but her father didn't let her.

They were going to work at the weekend, but then decided to meet friends.
They were going to work on the weekend, but then decided to meet with friends.

So, now you know everything about the construction to be going to. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Now let's move on to practice.

Task to be going to for consolidation

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Is she going to buy that dress?
2. We are going to go to a friend's birthday.
3. He is not going to have lunch.
4. Are you going to help me?
5. They were going to go to nature, but couldn’t.
6. Are you going to live together?
7. She is not going to get married.
8. He was going to meet her, but he had to work.

As always, write your answers in the comments below the article.

The expression to be going to is used very often in English, so you must know it. This expression translates as getting ready to do something.

Example: We are going to buy a new house - We are going to buy a new house.

In the expression to be going to is conjugated to be depending on person, number and tense.

Let's look at the conjugation to be going to

As you noticed, in the expression to be going to the verb to be is conjugated according to the conjugation rule.

Also, the expression to be going to is used when you want to say that something will happen. (to be going to happen)

Example: Look out! The box is going to fall down - Look around! The box is about to fall.
When you are sure that something will happen, use the expression to be going to.

The difference between to be going to and will

As already mentioned, the expression to be going to is used when you want to say that you are going to do something, or that something will happen.

In what cases should we use will?

1). When you offer to do something

Example: We have to clean our room, but you are extremely tired. I`ll clean myself- We need to clean the room, but you are very tired. I'll clean up myself.

2). When you agree to do something

Example: Can you translate this sentence? Sure, I`ll do it tomorrow- Can you translate this sentence? - Of course, I'll do it tomorrow.

3). When you promise to do something

Example: I will come tomorrow, I promise - I will come tomorrow, I promise

4). When asking someone to do something

Example: Will you please switch the air - conditioner off? I'm cold. - Please turn off the air conditioner. I'm cold.

Many beginners learning English are faced with the question: what is the difference between will and the going to form and in what cases is it correct to use them? After all, the words Going to and Will are used in the Future Simple and are, as it were, interchangeable. For ease of understanding, I present material from an American teacher who explains this issue very simply and briefly.
Read the article to the end and you will easily learn how to use these tense forms in your English.

So, you can talk about your future plans in two ways, using the form will or going to.


Will - used when we want to talk about our future plans and dreams or spontaneous actions. See examples below.

Going to - used when we need to talk about a specific and definite action or intention in the future. We have ALREADY thought through this action, as opposed to just dreaming or intending, and we are going to take it. More examples below.

Using Will - Examples

1. When we plan something not by precisely calculating, but by thinking, dreaming - Dream.

I'll get married.
I'll get married.

I will have a family.
I'll have a family.

Someday I will travel the world.
Someday I will travel the world.

Someday I will become a doctor.
I'll be a doctor someday.

2. When we promise something - Promise.

I promise I'll help you.
I promise I will help you.

I promise I’ll send you more information.
I will send you more information on the issue.

I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I will contact you as soon as I can.

I'll tell you what is the secret.
I'll tell you the secret.

3. Request.

Will you leave a comment, please?
Please leave a comment.

Please, will you leave a like on this video?
Like this video, please.

Will you please subscribe to my channel?
Please subscribe to my channel.

4. When we talk about a fact - Fact.

The President of the United States will serve for four years.
The President of the United States will serve in this post for 4 years.

I will graduate from college next year.
Next year I graduate from college.

5. When making decisions - Upon deciding.

Would you like some chocolate?
Do you want some chocolate?

Sure, I'll try one.
Yeah, I'll try.

6. When we promise to help on a voluntary basis - Help or volunteering.

I'll help you.
I'll help you.

7. Set expression when the phone rings:

I’ll get it - I’ll pick up / the phone /. I'll answer.

Using Going to - Examples

1. We are going to plan to make a specific planned intention, commitment - Definite.

What are you going to do after work?
What will you do after work?

I'm going to go to the gym.
I'm about to go to the gym. I'll go to the gym.

I'm going to make dinner.
I'm going to cook dinner. I'll cook dinner.

I'm just going to relax.
I'm just going to relax. I'll just rest.

2. Action in the future, direct and immediate, in the very near future: today, tomorrow, over the weekend. But not in a year or 10 years, as in the case of will. Now or immediate plans/actions - Now and Soon.

I'm going to cut some cake now.
Now I'll cut some cake.

I'm going to bed soon.
I'm going to bed soon.

4. Anticipation

Are you going to help me?
Are you going to help me?
Will you help me?

Are you going to leave a comment?
Will you write your comments? I’m going to be President someday. I am going to become president - a determined intention.
I will be President someday. Someday I will be president - a dream.

Well, I hope now you won't have any difficulties using Will and Going to.

And to practice Listening, listen to Gabi - she speaks very well and clearly.
