Why mammary adenosis develops and how to treat this condition. What is breast adenosis and how to treat it? Breast adenosis

- form fibrocystic mastopathy, accompanied by the proliferation of glandular breast tissue. It manifests itself as pain and engorgement of the breast, the formation of dense areas in it, and the appearance of discharge from the nipple. Diagnosis of adenosis is based on the collection of complaints and anamnesis, examination and palpation of the breast, additional methods studies (ultrasound and radiography of the mammary glands, determination of hormone levels, cytological examination of nipple discharge and biopsy). Treatment of the disease depends on its form and includes conservative therapy (prescription of hormones) or surgery.


N60.2 Fibroadenosis of the mammary gland

General information

Adenosis refers to benign formations of the mammary glands of a hormonal-dependent nature, which is confirmed by the occurrence of symptoms in the second phase of the cycle. Synonyms for adenosis are “fibrosing adenosis”, “myoepithelial hyperplasia” or “lobular sclerosis”.

Adenosis affects women of reproductive age - the prevalence of the disease in the age group of 30–40 years is 30–70%. In women with gynecological diseases, the frequency of adenosis increases to 100%. This condition can develop in girls during the period of menstruation and in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is considered physiological, since all manifestations of adenosis disappear on their own after some time, after the hormonal levels have stabilized.

Causes of mammary adenosis

The main and only cause of the pathology is hormonal imbalance - lack of progesterone and excess estrogen. Etiological factors causing hormonal imbalance include:

  • Obesity. Adipose tissue synthesizes estrogens. With excess weight, estrogen production increases, which leads to relative hyperestrogenism (progesterone levels remain normal).
  • Spontaneous and induced abortions. Termination of pregnancy, especially at long terms (15–22 weeks), provokes a sharp hormonal change and disruption of compensatory mechanisms. The level of sex hormones does not immediately return to normal, which gives impetus to the development of endocrine problems, in particular adenosis.
  • Late pregnancy. In women over 35 years of age, ovarian function declines. The onset of pregnancy activates the work of the ovaries, which causes a postpartum failure in the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone and hormonal disruption.
  • Postpartum agalactia. Agalactia indicates a lack of progesterone, which is responsible for the development and differentiation of mammary gland parenchyma cells, and an excess of estrogen. With hyperestrogenism, the glandular stroma grows; a lack of progesterone leads to uncontrolled growth of the glandular epithelium.
  • Refusal to breastfeed. An increase in prolactin concentration due to lack of breastfeeding causes stagnation of milk in the ducts. They become blocked and expanded, which leads to structural changes - the formation of cysts.
  • Uncontrolled use of COCs. Reception hormonal pills without taking into account individual characteristics and adherence to the scheme, it causes hormonal imbalance and the development of dysplastic processes in the breast.

Adenosis of the mammary glands occurs more often in patients with gynecological pathology(endometrial hyperplasia, ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids, endometriosis), which also develop against the background of hyperestrogenism. Triggers that trigger hormonal disorders can be somatic diseases (arterial hypertension, pancreatic and liver diseases), chronic stress, sexual disorders, disturbed ecology, smoking.


Cyclic changes occur in the mammary glands, which are regulated by hormones: hypothalamic releasing factors, FSH and LH, estrogens, prolactin, human chorionic gonadotropin, androgens, glucocorticoids, progesterone, thyroid and pancreatic hormones. Adenosis is accompanied by absolute and relative hyperestrogenism, which is combined with progesterone deficiency. Estrogens ensure the proliferation of the milk ducts due to excessive cell proliferation and stromal hyperplasia through the activation of fibroblasts. The functions of progesterone include reducing the number of estrogen receptors on cell membranes and reducing the effect of estrogens on target organs (breasts, uterus).

With a lack of progesterone, the differentiation of the glandular epithelium and collagen cells formed in a significant number is reduced, and the blocking of proliferative processes is inhibited. As a result, cell division becomes uncontrolled, and the process of inhibition of proliferation in glandular tissues is disrupted. This leads to structural and morphological changes: proliferation and swelling of the intralobular connective tissue, activation of proliferation of glandular epithelium in the mammary ducts, which causes their blockage, expansion and formation of cysts.


In mammology, a unified classification of breast adenosis is used. Systematization of formations is carried out according to the area of ​​gland tissue damage and the histological structure of adenosis. According to the prevalence of pathological formation, 2 forms are distinguished:

  • Focal (local). A mobile large spherical or disc-shaped formation is formed in the gland. The node has a fibrous capsule and consists of lobules.
  • Diffuse. Several areas of compaction appear in the mammary gland, the shape and boundaries of which are blurred. The formation grows unlimitedly and is located unevenly.

According to the type of overgrown epithelial cells of the gland parenchyma, they are distinguished:

  • Sclerosing adenosis. Accompanied by proliferation of acini (areas of gland lobules) while maintaining the integrity of their epithelial and myoepithelial layers. Despite the compression of the acini by fibrous tissue, their configuration is maintained.
  • Apocrine adenosis. Characterized by apocrine metaplasia of the epithelium (transition of cuboidal epithelial cells into cylindrical with the appearance of apocrine secretion). In terms of histological structure, apocrine adenosis is similar to infiltrating cancer, but its nature is benign.
  • Ductal adenosis. It is distinguished by dilated milk ducts, which are limited by epithelial cells with columnar metaplasia. Similar to sclerosing adenosis.
  • Microglandular adenosis. Accompanied by diffuse and random proliferation of small ducts. There is no sclerosis or compression of glandular tissue.
  • Adenomyoepithelial adenosis. This form is very rare and is combined with the formation of breast adenoepithelioma. It is focal adenosis.

Symptoms of breast adenosis

The symptoms of adenosis are similar to clinical picture mastopathy. Depending on the form of the disease, the severity of certain symptoms varies. Common symptoms of adenosis include mastodynia (pain, engorgement of the glands, their increased sensitivity), pain that intensifies on the eve of menstruation, the appearance of discharge from the nipples, and breast tenderness on palpation.

Local form

With a local form of pathology, a dense, movable compaction with a lobular structure is felt in the gland, not fused with the surrounding tissues and having clear boundaries. Pain during palpation, discharge of mucus/milk from the nipple, skin deformation and enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes are not observed.

Diffuse form

The diffuse form of the disease is characterized by diffuse pain in the gland (pain covers the entire gland), the breast swells before menstruation, and a yellowish or colorless discharge appears from the nipple. Diffuse adenosis is characterized by the formation of several nodules in the gland different sizes, which do not have clear boundaries and a specific shape. Nearby nodular formations merge, which creates the illusion of a tumor of considerable size. Palpation of the breast is painful, regional lymph nodes are not enlarged.


Late diagnosis and treatment of adenosis increases the risk of complications ( inflammatory diseases breast, deformation of the gland, formation of cysts in the breast tissue and papillomas in the milk ducts). According to the latest scientific data, a connection between the disease and breast cancer has been proven, the likelihood of which increases 5 times with adenosis. The incidence of malignancy of the neoplasm depends on the degree of proliferation of epithelial cells. Non-proliferative forms malignize in 0.86%; in the case of moderate proliferation, breast cancer develops in 2.5%; adenosis with a severe degree of cell proliferation transforms into malignant tumor in 32% of cases.


To diagnose adenosis, consultation with a mammologist is necessary. The doctor collects anamnesis and complaints, clarifies the presence of concomitant somatic and gynecological diseases, performs a physical examination and palpation of the breast. If necessary, a gynecologist, oncologist and endocrinologist are involved in examining a woman. If adenosis is suspected, instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • Mammography. Allows you to determine the localization of the process, its prevalence and boundaries. The radiograph shows multiple shadows with blurred boundaries and irregular shapes, corresponding to areas of overgrown lobules.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. Helps determine the location of the affected area of ​​the gland, its boundaries, consistency and size. Ultrasound reveals an increased density of glands in young women, small cysts (up to 3 mm) formed when the ducts are blocked, and the condition of the regional lymph nodes is assessed.
  • Hormonal studies. The content of sex hormones, prolactin, FSH, LH is determined. According to indications, the concentration of thyroid and adrenal hormones is examined.
  • Histological, cytological examination. A cytogram of the discharge from the gland is performed, needle biopsy suspicious area of ​​the chest. The presence/absence of atypical cells is determined in the smear, and the degree of cell proliferation of the formation is assessed in the biopsy material.

Also appointed clinical tests blood and urine, blood biochemistry (sugar, liver enzymes, etc.) in order to identify somatic pathology. Differential diagnosis of adenosis is carried out with other dysplastic processes of the mammary gland (adenoma, fibroadenoma, cyst) and breast cancer.

Treatment of mammary adenosis

The treatment strategy for adenosis (conservative therapy or surgery) is determined by its form and the nature of the disease.

In case of a diffuse form of pathology, conservative treatment is prescribed, which includes taking sedatives, vitamins (A, E, ascorbic acid, P, group B), minerals and hormonal drugs. For mild forms of the disease, monophasic combined oral contraceptives are used for a course of 6 months. With severe symptoms of adenosis, taking gestagens for at least 3 months is indicated.

Patients are advised to reconsider their diet: limit animal fats, carbohydrates, increase the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to increase physical activity and normalize weight, and, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

In the case of a focal form of adenosis, a sectoral resection of the gland is performed - excision of the formation within healthy tissue with urgent histological examination of the node. For cosmetic purposes, a breast incision is made around the areola of the nipple; after the wound heals, an inconspicuous scar remains.

Prognosis and prevention

With early diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment, the prognosis for life and disease is favorable. Prevention of adenosis includes the prevention of abortions, competent selection hormonal contraceptives, treatment of gynecological and endocrine diseases, preservation of the first pregnancy and lactation for at least 6 months, refusal bad habits and management healthy image life. You should also regularly conduct breast self-examinations, visit a gynecologist every six months, and adhere to proper nutrition, plan your first pregnancy before age 30.

Oncological diseases are among the most common. Among them, doctors identify breast cancer. However, as statistics show, most often women are faced not with breast cancer, but with benign tumors, which can be successfully treated if detected in a timely manner. Breast adenosis is a benign tumor, which will be discussed in this article.

Adenosis is one of the forms of fibrocystic mastopathy with a predominance of glandular tissue. This disease most often occurs in women aged 30-40 years, but sometimes it also occurs in teenage girls, as well as in women of childbearing age. In some women, adenosis appears during the first weeks after conception.

Causes of breast adenosis

The only factor due to which changes that are dangerous to health occur in the breast tissue is a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body can occur due to various reasons: due to diseases, due to dysfunctions endocrine system etc. Very often adenosis begins to appear after severe stress and negative emotional outbursts, as well as as a result of a decrease in the immune system.

Gynecologists advise girls of any age not to skip preventive examinations. After all, thanks to a preventive examination, it is possible to identify this disease and begin to treat it in time, thereby preventing serious consequences.

Symptoms of breast adenosis

With the development of adenosis in the mammary gland, pathological changes occur in the myoepithelium. Doctors distinguish several types of the disease, which determine the nature of the symptomatic picture. However, regardless of the stage and form of the disease, adenosis makes itself felt by periodic but frequent chest pain. Pain intensifies on the eve of menstruation. Apart from pain in the mammary gland, there are no other visible signs. The size and shape of the nipple remain unchanged, and there is no discharge from the nipples.

If adenosis is of the tumor type, then a mobile node begins to form in the breast tissue, which may consist of several lobules or have a disc-shaped outline. Most often, such formations do not cause the girl any discomfort.

Formations in the mammary gland can be detected by palpation. During palpation, lumps can be felt in individual areas of the breast or throughout the entire mammary gland. In this case, the skin and shape of the breast at the site of the seal do not change in any way. The lymph nodes also remain normal.

Sometimes adenosis develops against the background of another type of mastopathy. But this does not affect the overall picture of the disease.

Types of mammary adenosis

Depending on the nature of the tumors, doctors distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  1. Apocrine adenosis is a form of tumor that affects the configuration of the lobules of the mammary gland.
  2. Tubular adenosis - with this form of the disease, retracted tubes of the same size are formed in the mammary gland. A lot of tubes are formed, so they are easy to detect.
  3. Microglandular adenosis - in this form, the fibrous tissue of the mammary gland is dotted with small glands that have a rounded shape.
  4. Adenomyoepithelial adenosis is very similar to the microglandular form of adenosis, but this type of disease is extremely rare.
  5. Focal sclerosing adenosis - the tumor has several ducts, the inner part of the surface of which is covered with columnar epithelium. The ducts are surrounded by hyperplasmic myoepithelium. With this form of the disease, a clearly defined mobile compaction is formed.

Doctors distinguish the disease not only by the form of formation, but also by location:

  1. Local adenosis - with this form of the disease, the tumor has a lobular structure. All lobules are quite large in size and inside each of them there is a fibrous capsule. In the spaces between the lobes, yellow myoepithelial cells are clearly visible. With local adenosis, the tumor is located only in a certain area of ​​the mammary gland.
  2. Diffuse adenosis - with this form of the disease, the tumor does not have a clear shape and boundaries. Neoplasms are located unevenly throughout the mammary gland. This localization of adenosis is dangerous because it can affect not only the breast tissue, but also the ducts of the mammary gland, which can lead to the appearance of papilloma there.

How is breast adenosis diagnosed?

The doctor may suspect breast adenosis during palpation. If there is a suspicion of a disease, the girl is sent for an ultrasound and mammography. These procedures make it possible to detect not only the focus of pathological cells, but also to examine the shape and boundaries of the neoplasm.

Doctors often encounter this phenomenon when adenosis grows and begins to come into contact with the milk ducts. Because of this, the risk of developing a malignant tumor increases. In order to detect a malignant tumor in time and begin to treat it, doctors prescribe a series of histological, immunological and cytological studies to the woman.

Treatment of the disease

The treatment method directly depends on what stage the disease is at, as well as what form of adenosis. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it. In most cases, the doctor is able to detect adenosis in time, which makes it possible to do without surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only when running forms adenosis. With this type of treatment, the doctor excises the tumor. If there is a suspicion of the development of a malignant tumor, an excisional biopsy is performed for histological examination of the tumor tissue.

For the treatment of a benign tumor, the patient is prescribed multivitamin complexes, combined oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs, diuretics, gestagens and adaptogens. Sometimes doctors prefer homeopathic medicines.

Treatment of adenosis with folk remedies

For greater effectiveness, doctors advise combining basic treatment with traditional medicine methods. There are several treatment options:

  1. Take the pulp of a ripe pumpkin and peel it and remove seeds. After this, apply the pulp to your chest overnight and wrap yourself in a warm scarf or cloth. The duration of treatment should be at least five days.
  2. You can apply it to the sore spot on your chest cabbage leaf. You need to take a fresh cabbage leaf and grease it butter. This compress is done throughout the night. By the morning painful sensations should decrease. The course of treatment is one week.
  3. Take 200 g of beets, grate them and heat the pulp a little over water. Then add two tablespoons of vinegar to the beets and stir. The resulting mixture must be applied to the chest overnight and wrapped in cellophane and a warm scarf. Treatment duration is 8-10 procedures.

The methods described above will not cure the underlying disease, but they perfectly eliminate pain symptoms.

Prevention of adenosis

The best prevention of the disease is timely diagnosis of gynecological and endocrine diseases. It has also been noted that adenosis affects less often those women who had a successful first pregnancy, no abortions, no severe stress, and breastfeeding a child during the first six months after birth.

Very helpful physical exercise, in which the chest muscles are involved: push-ups, swimming, and the like. Proper nutrition also plays a significant role. Doctors advise eating as little fatty, salty and smoked foods as possible.

Today, such a serious and confusing diagnosis as mammary adenosis is given to literally every second young woman, and moreover, from year to year the total number of women suffering from this disease is steadily growing.

Whether or not to treat this disease with hormones, folk remedies and other methods is an almost inexhaustible topic of debate for most modern doctors.

Despite such a high prevalence of the mentioned disease, and the fact that most often the problem appears in women of childbearing age (30 to a maximum of 50 years), there is no single scheme or algorithm for treatment.

In fact, the main contingent of patients with mastopathy (and mammary adenosis is considered one of the forms of this particular disease) are those women who suffer from various types of gynecological diseases.

Diseases that most often accompany or even provoke mammary adenosis include:

  • Painful (excessively) premenstrual syndrome.
  • Frequent dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • The so-called endocrine infertility of women.
  • Development of uterine fibroids.
  • A disease such as endometriosis, etc.

Unfortunately, the frequency of the occurrence and development of breast cancer in women with such diseases, and even with adenosis that has developed along the way, is several times (almost 5 times) higher than in relatively healthy women.

It is worth recalling that mammary adenosis is a condition that can be characterized by dishormonal hyperplastic processes occurring in a woman’s breast.

This condition differs from other forms of mastopathy in the changes that occur and affect the glandular tissues, or rather the lobular structures of the breast.

Why doctors argue about treatment options for adenosis

Most likely, the controversy regarding how to treat mammary adenosis should be associated with the incredible variety of reasons that cause such hormonal problems in women.

As is known, any form of mastopathy, and in particular mammary adenosis, can occur as a consequence of an imbalance in the physiologically correct balance in female sex hormones.

But this hormonal imbalance can lead to:

As a result of such disorders, certain hormonal disruptions lead to the fact that directly in the woman’s mammary gland, the correct ratio of epithelial, glandular and, accordingly, connective tissues can change.

However, one must understand that a severe hormonal disruption cannot simply occur “out of the blue”; this requires some fairly compelling reasons, called a neurohumoral factor.

In this case, the prefix “neuro” may mean that the specific trigger for the development of mastopathy may be various dysfunctions nervous system women – and these are, first of all, psychoses, neuroses, etc.

In addition, risk factors may include liver disease and other internal organs. The so-called “humoral factor” may indicate the entire internal environment of the female body, where a lot can depend on the work of various biological active substances– or the same hormones.


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Since any treatment, at discretion traditional medicine, should be aimed at eliminating the root causes of the problem, it becomes clear why there is so much controversy regarding this disease:

  • Firstly, it is always extremely difficult to clearly determine those factors that, in a particular case, could provoke the disease.
  • And secondly, the difficulty lies in the fact that a combination of several factors can lead to the development of the disease.

How do traditional doctors treat mastopathy (adenosis)?

Today, representatives of traditional medicine, with a diagnosis of mammary adenosis, do not consider it necessary to prescribe powerful (full-fledged) treatment using hormones and other serious drugs.

It is believed that initial stages Mastopathy, in particular a condition such as mammary adenosis, requires exclusively systematic observation and control of the condition, under the supervision of specialists, but nothing more.

However, some traditional doctors are convinced that in addition to this, the condition of adenosis can be treated with folk remedies, but strictly under the control and supervision of a doctor, so that if the disease progresses, additional hormone therapy and other traditional treatments.

Feedback from our reader - Victoria Mirnova

I recently read an article that talks about Zdorov cream wax for the treatment of mastopathy. With the help of this cream you can FOREVER cure mastopathy, normalize breast-feeding and improve your breast shape at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: the pain calmed down, and after 2 weeks it disappeared completely. The breasts became softer, the lumps dissolved. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

But, in any case, the principles of treatment of any form of mastopathy must be determined in strict accordance with an integrated (systemic) approach to treatment. Doctors must cover the variety of external factors that led to the problem.

In this case, the doctor must take into account all the features of the woman’s health, her hormonal status, metabolic processes occurring in the body and, of course, the personal characteristics of the particular patient.

Application of herbal medicine techniques for the treatment of adenosis

Today, the treatment of certain forms of mastopathy (adenosis in particular) using medicinal herbs provides a strictly comprehensive approach:

  • The first stage of such treatment involves the normalization of previously disturbed neurohumoral regulation.
  • The second stage should be to maintain this regulation exclusively at a physiologically normal level.

Complete herbal medicine should include solutions to the problems of all concomitant diseases, since without this there will be no complete disappearance of existing pathological processes.

It should be noted that isolated options for treating the mammary glands are a significant strategic mistake, since they do not provide for the correction of all concomitant pathologies and the specific hormonal status of the patient.

In such cases, therapy is only symptomatic and does not completely eliminate the underlying causes that caused the pathology. Proper herbal treatment of adenosis (and other forms of mastopathy) should include the following:

  • Normalization of endocrine relationships.
  • Direct full impact on the existing tumor.
  • Complete immunomodulation of the whole body.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Full regulation and stabilization of all metabolic processes.

With proper herbal treatment, plants from several separate groups can be used. The first group includes gonadotropic plants that have a selective effect on the female reproductive glands.

The second group of plants used in the treatment of adenosis includes plants with antitumor effects. The third group of plants includes plants that are immunomodulators (increasing immunity).

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and do not rush to see a doctor... but the risk of BREAST CANCER forming in its place is very high... If you notice:

  • aching or nagging pain in the chest area before menstruation...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like my breasts have gotten bigger...
  • tension, compactions and nodules. You can feel the lymph nodes under your armpit...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breasts, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared...
  • change in body weight...

All these symptoms may indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the CAUSE? That is why we recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s new technique, which found effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast restoration in general.

Breast adenosis is a disease that belongs to one of the types of mastopathy and is characterized by fibrous and cystic transformation of breast tissue. The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with the development of an abnormal arrangement of cellular structures due to compression of them by growths of connective tissue and cystic cavities. In this article we will talk about mammary adenosis: what it is, how it develops, how life-threatening it is, and what are the treatment methods.

What it is

Causes and risk factors

The main etiological factor in the development of diseases is hormonal imbalance in the female body. Pathological changes in the functional ability of the endocrine system lead to tumor degeneration of breast tissue. Changes in hormonal levels can be caused by severe and prolonged emotional distress, excessive physical activity, as well as diseases that reduce immunity.

Provoking factors for the development of mammary adenosis:

  • previous abortions and surgical interventions in the form of cesarean section, traumatic childbirth;
  • first pregnancy in women after 40 years of age;
  • complete infertility of a woman;
  • a woman's refusal to breastfeed her child naturally.

Risk factors for developing the disease:

  • obesity or uniform excess body weight;
  • inflammatory processes reproductive organs women;
  • chronic pathologies of the pancreas;
  • hypertension;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • promiscuity;
  • surgical operations on the pelvic organs; mental disorders.


By structure

Classification of mammary gland adenosis depending on the structure of the pathological process:

  1. Apocrine form is a tumor that changes the structural appearance of the cells that make up the lobules of the mammary gland.
  2. Tubular form- this is a tumor that forms inclusions in the form of tubes in the tissues of the gland, as is correct, a lot of them form, they are easily palpable and visible during ultrasound examination.
  3. Microglandular adenosis is a type of pathology in which fibrous tissue Many round glandular cells appear.
  4. Focal adenosis mammary gland or sclerosing adenosis of the mammary gland are types of tumors that are characterized by the presence of their own excretory ducts.

By localization

Classification depending on location:

  1. Local adenosis mammary gland is a form of oncological pathology that is benign in nature. The tumor is a neoplasm with clear boundaries; its structure resembles lobules and has a fibrous capsule. The tumor is located in a specific area of ​​the mammary gland and has a clearly defined, limited appearance.
  2. Diffuse adenosis mammary gland is a tumor that is characterized by the absence of clear boundaries of germination. Diffuse adenosis is a very severe pathology that leads to complete tissue destruction and, as a consequence, complete amputation of the mammary gland.

Features of sclerosing adenosis

Sclerosing adenosis of the mammary gland differs from other forms of the disease in that the proliferation of tumor cells is so compact that even with standard instrumental methods research development cancer you can skip it.

In the sclerosing form of the disease, tumor cells are located in the area of ​​fibrous tissue; the progression of the proliferation of these cells leads to compression of the excretory ducts of the mammary glands. Due to the uniform distribution of fibrous tissue and tumor, compression by the duct occurs evenly on all sides.


Breast adenosis is a disease that develops gradually against the background of hormonal imbalance.

General symptoms manifest themselves as:

  • soreness in the chest area, which intensifies before the onset of menstrual bleeding;
  • enlargement and increase in gland density during menstruation;
  • serous and purulent discharge from the nipples; presence of conglomerate when palpating the breast;
  • tenderness of the gland on palpation.

With diffuse adenosis, widespread pain is noted throughout the gland. Symptomatic manifestations develop in connection with changing phases in the menstrual cycle. The pain can be cutting, stabbing and pressing, sometimes radiating to the neck, shoulder or back.

On palpation, sharp sensitivity of the nipple and the presence of purulent discharge when pressed. When palpated, you can detect the presence of many small formations in the structure of the gland.

Local form

In the local form of the disease, the tumor is located in a specific area, it has clear boundaries and does not grow. When palpating the gland, a round, mobile and painful to the touch formation is discovered, which is not accompanied by the development of a local inflammatory process. Unlike the diffuse form, there is no discharge from the nipples, and there is no exacerbation of the disease during menstrual bleeding.


In practice, the following methods are used to make a final diagnosis:

  1. General examination of patients and palpation of the affected area.
  2. X-ray examination methods (mammography) are carried out to detect dense tumor formations.
  3. Ultrasound examination is used to examine pathological structures and their consistency. Adenosis of the mammary glands on ultrasound manifests itself in the form of increased echogenicity of the affected area and cystic degeneration of glandular cells.
  4. Carrying out puncture and bacteriological culture of cystic cavities.

During an external examination of the patient, the following parameters are assessed:

  • comparison appearance healthy and damaged gland;
  • assessing the condition of the skin over the mammary glands;
  • assessment of nipple condition;
  • detection of the inflammatory process in regionally located lymph nodes.


Treatment tactics differ depending on the form and severity of the disease. Adenosis of the mammary glands is successfully eliminated using conservative treatment methods, but with rapid progression and in an advanced state, patients are recommended to undergo surgical intervention.


Conservative methods include the use of:

  1. Vitamin-containing medications used for general strengthening of the body.
  2. A group of drugs with a sedative mechanism of action, used when a woman is depressed for a long time.
  3. Diuretic and diuretic drugs are used for severe swelling of the soft tissues of the lower extremities.
  4. Hormonal treatment is used as etiotropic therapy.

In cases where adenosis of the mammary glands has developed, treatment is carried out not only with the use of drug correction, but it is also recommended to adhere to special diet. Women are advised to limit the consumption of fatty and genetically modified foods, and eat more natural, environmentally friendly and vitamin-containing foods.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment involve the use of drugs plant origin or environmentally friendly products. As traditional methods compresses made from ground pumpkin seeds, chopped beets or fresh cabbage leaves.

These methods will not help get rid of the disease, but will significantly alleviate general state patients, they don't call side effects and are absolutely harmless to use.


Surgical intervention is performed in extremely advanced conditions and in the local form of the disease. In connection with the achievement in modern medicine operations have become less traumatic with the use of plastic methods.

However, in case of massive damage to the glandular structures of the gland, surgical intervention with its complete removal is indicated.


To prevent the disease, women are recommended to:

  • pay close attention to regularity menstrual cycle;
  • periodically attend consultations with gynecologists;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle and treat promptly infectious diseases reproductive system;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Avoid pregnancy and childbirth over 40 years of age.

Paying attention to your health will help you avoid many unpleasant diseases in the future.

Danger of disease

The prognosis for recovery depends on the degree of progression of the disease and how effectively conservative therapy was carried out. On early stages the disease does not pose a particular danger, but an advanced condition can threaten a woman with the development of malignant cancer.


In our video, an oncologist will talk about breast diseases.

Breast adenosis is a specific form of mastopathy, which is characterized by the presence of a glandular component in large quantities. Most often, this disease develops in females at the age of about 30 years or at the end of the prepubertal period. Also, adenosis of the mammary gland can form during pregnancy and go away on its own by the third trimester.

Reasons for formation

The main reason that influences the formation of the disease, even if it is sclerosing adenosis of the mammary gland, should be considered hormonal disorders. We are talking about the excessive production of hormonal components, which, as already noted, is most active during pregnancy and puberty. With such changes in the activity of the body, there is an increase in the ratio of estrogen in the blood, as well as prolactin and a decrease in the production of prolactin. About in this text.

As is known, the previously presented algorithm is characteristic of mastopathy, while adenosis is characterized by another feature. It lies in the duration of such changes in hormonal status. Mammologists pay attention to the fact that:

  • the formation of adenosis in the vast majority of cases is preceded by processes that are associated with hyperplastic changes in the pelvic area;
  • most often we are talking about endometrial hyperplasia, dysfunctional disorders of the ovaries with the formation of cysts;
  • most rarely, mammary adenosis is provoked by fatty liver degeneration.

It is necessary to highlight in a special category such processes of a pathological nature that occur in the endocrine gland and are associated with a genetic predisposition to the formation of this disease. More on that later.

Symptoms of the condition

The symptoms of this disease directly depend on its type.

Thus, mammologists distinguish diffuse form, sclerosing, apocrine and some others. In general, the manifestations are no different from ordinary mastopathy, which manifests itself in slight swelling of the breast. It is noticeable, in the vast majority of cases, just before the start of the menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by an increase in the degree of receptivity of the mammary gland. About what is characteristic.

Experts consider additional, more eloquent symptoms indicating adenosis of the mammary gland painful sensations in the nipple area or itching, pain in the area of ​​the chest that is affected. In addition, a woman may develop noticeable and significant neoplasms that can even be palpated. Small, numerous nodules can be identified, because the disease can also be of a small-nodular nature.

Throughout the development of the disease, a woman is accompanied by specific symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness and tension in the breast area. In addition, the manifestations are complemented by a change in the shade of the skin around the chest. Speaking about the advanced stages of adenosis development, mammologists point to even more vivid and unambiguous symptoms, in particular, discharge from the nipple area and an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. About development.

With this disease, it is important to take into account that the symptoms develop, steadily progressing. That is, if on initial stage manifestations were insignificant, then later they will turn out to be extremely pronounced.

An important step before starting treatment is the differentiation that sclerosing adenosis must undergo, as one of the most dangerous forms of diseases associated with the mammary gland.

Briefly about the sclerosing form

The reason for the development of this type of adenosis should be considered hormonal disorders, as well as other long-term health problems that have a direct impact on the mammary gland area. Distinctive features this disease should be considered:

  1. pain syndrome, which is characterized by pulling sensations;
  2. palpation identifies a mobile neoplasm, which has a clear shape with a fairly dense consistency;
  3. treatment is carried out exclusively through sectoral resection, which, in turn, is carried out under the influence of local or general anesthesia.

Speaking more specifically about the symptoms, it is necessary to pay attention to their significant degree of severity compared to other forms of adenosis. It is also recommended to pay close attention to diagnostic measures regarding this disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Sclerosing adenosis, like any other form of the disease, must be carefully diagnosed. First of all, we are talking about studying the medical history and palpation. However, this is not enough, and therefore it is necessary to carry out not only various tests that are associated with the presence of certain components in the blood, but also others that make it possible to determine the presence of certain hormones. Also important is a cytological examination, which makes it possible to determine the degree of malignancy of the neoplasm.

At the same time, there is a need for instrumental examination techniques. We are talking about ultrasound, mammography, radiothermometry and other techniques that not only determine the general condition of the mammary gland, but also make it possible to accurately determine which tumors have formed. In order for the diagnosis of a disease such as mammary adenosis to be 100% correct, it is recommended to undergo re-diagnosis after the first stage of the recovery process.

This approach will make it possible to monitor the degree of its success, as well as other criteria, in particular, whether there is a likelihood of relapse.

Speaking more specifically about treatment, mammologists draw attention to the fact that it largely depends on what type of condition has developed in the woman. In general, it is recommended to carry out conservative therapy, which is much more gentle on the female body. It involves the use of hormonal components: oral contraceptives and other drugs, additional use is also acceptable vitamin complexes and mineral supplements, which make it possible to strengthen all body functions. ABOUT .

If conservative therapy turns out to be ineffective or adenosis develops quickly and unpredictably, then there is a need for surgical intervention.
