Kontakion: the suffering of the Lord and the lament of the Mother of God. About the crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Queen of Heaven is the protection and hope of people. If the heart is painful and sad, they always call on the Diligent Intercessor for help. But on the terrible day of the death of the Sweetest, Pure Son, they experience and sympathize with Her maternal suffering, which any mother will understand.

On Good Friday, a special canon is read, dedicated to the remembrance of the Lord's suffering on the cross.

Prayer Lamentation of the Virgin Mary

How and to whom it helps

The prayer "Lamentation of the Virgin Mary" is necessary:

  • for the soul of a believer to remember the Savior’s suffering on the cross;
  • to cleanse the heart from hatred and malice;
  • to overcome mental pain for those who have lost loved ones;
  • for faith in the resurrection of every person;
  • for compassion for others, empathy, help;
  • to reassure parents in their worries about their children;
  • to strengthen faith in God and fill the heart with hope and joy, despite life’s circumstances.

Reading rule

On Good Friday, the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross is remembered. In the evening, after prayers of the prophetic, Apostolic and Gospel readings about the crucifixion of Jesus, the Holy Shroud is brought to the middle of the temple. Afterwards the canon about the crucifixion of the Lord and the lament of the Most Holy Theotokos are sung.

On Holy Day do not ask the Mother of God for help. Join Her lamentations and supplications, which necessary for every Christian.

Prayer text

Here is the text of the canon for your attention: Old Slavonic language, which holds a special place among Christians and is sung once a year. Together we condole with the Mother over the body of her Son, Crucified and Died on the Cross.

Interpretation and translation

For a better understanding of the text, a translation into Russian is provided, but it is correct to read in Old Church Slavonic.

The songs of the Canon contain the appeal of the Mother of God to the Son, suffering and dying on the cross. Holy Virgin only one knew why Chado was suffering terrible torment like a robber. The Lord experiences terrible torment to save all people on earth from sin. In the last words Mother of God she no longer wept, but thanked Jesus for accepting death and wanting to save the people. She believes in His Resurrection and asks everyone to have mercy.

History of Prayer

History of creation

The canon was compiled by Saint Simeon Logothetes based on the Gospel and the Acts of the Holy Apostles about the cruel death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Our Lord was condemned to crucifixion. The enemies beat Jesus, mocked him, spat in his face, and gave him bitter things to drink. They made me carry the cross to the place of crucifixion. Christ was crucified next to two thieves. Jesus was also insulted on the cross.

One of the crucified thieves, to the left of the Savior, slandered: “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” Another said that the Lover of Humanity did nothing wrong, but they got it for business. The thief asked Jesus for forgiveness and prayed to remember him in the Kingdom of Heaven. The saint forgave the sinner and said that because of faith in Him, he would be in heaven today.

Jesus Christ saw His Mother and the Apostle John, to whom he treated in a special way. The state of the Mother of God cannot be expressed in words. The sword pierced her heart when she saw the terrible torment of her Son. The Savior handed the Intercessor into the hands of John so that he would take care of her for the rest of her life, like a son.

The Almighty reminded people for the last time that the Word of God had been fulfilled: the salvation of the human race had been accomplished.


The cry of the Mother of God during the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross is a sob for the loss of the meaning of life. The virgin wants to go to hell with the Lord, but finds consolation in prayer. So that the long and painful death on the cross of the Son would not be in vain, she prays with deep faith and zeal.

The Virgin Mary also cries for people whose sins cause the death of Christ. Therefore, everyone must truly, with faith, love, and constant prayer, trust in God and cry over their sins.


Watch the video of how the canon is sung in the Temple.

On Holy and Great Friday evening

Regarding this wondrous canon, the martyr priest Pavel Florensky writes:

“...When I first had a chance to read it, it somehow powerfully invaded my heart, and it seems that only then did the words of the prayer penetrate into my consciousness: “By Thy love, wound our heart.”

On several pages, a majestic tragedy passes before us: the crucifixion of the Righteous One, the burial of God, the inexpressible sorrow of the Mother, the despair of the disciples. But the limit of human sorrow and human horror is softened by the humility of the Divine and the foreshadowed joy of the resurrection and salvation of all creation.

Is there a breast that would not be wounded by the Lamentation of the Mother of God? I cannot imagine a soul so callous. But a man’s heart, which knows neither the torments nor the joys of motherhood, which does not see a part of its body in its child, will not experience a thousandth part of that sorrow for Christ together with the Most Pure Virgin, with which the hearts of mothers will shrink when reading the Lamentation. You, long-suffering ones, should have dedicated this Creation of Simeon Logothet, because you alone will truly experience it, suffer through it in your breasts and find in it a source of new joy. And someday you will go out into a decaying society to remind it of the torment and resurrection of our Lord.”

Song 1.

Irmos: As Israel walked on dry land in the abyss with their feet, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh being drowned. Let us sing a victorious song to God, crying out.

Chorus: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Promised as she saw on the Cross, the Son and the Lord, the Pure Virgin, tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives, groaning, saying.

I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am wounded in my heart by the Highlander, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your Servant.

Glory: By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

And now: Now I am deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me, I am sick at heart, Pure, weeping, you say.

Song 3.

Irmos: There is none holy like You, O Lord my God, Who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and all the faithful ran away, leaving Christ, the Virgin, weeping, said.

About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted more than all mothers: but alas for Me, now seeing You on the tree, I am burning in the womb.

Glory: I see My womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, alas for Me, gave this.

And now: Behold My Sweet Light, Hope and My Good Life, My God extinguished on the Cross, I am inflamed in the womb, Virgin, groaning, said.

Song 4.

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out, celebrating the Lord with pure meaning.

Don’t set the sun, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how can you endure the passion on the Cross? Clean, crying, verb.

Weeping, says the Braconial One for what is beautiful: strive, O Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that Thy Teacher be taken down from the tree.

Glory: Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the Body of my God.

And now: Those who see You are wounded, and without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of your prophecy.

Song 5.

Irmos: With God's light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of You in the morning with love, I pray, lead You, the Word of God, the True God, calling out from the darkness of sin.

Tormented and sobbing, and marveling along with Nicodemus, Joseph was taken down, and having kissed the Most Pure Body, weeping and groaning, and singing Him like God.

Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing Him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

Glory: One Hope and Life, Lord, My Son and God, I had Thy Servant in the sight of the light, but now I would be deprived of it from You, My sweet Child and beloved.

And now: Sickness and sorrow and sighing have found Me, alas for Me, the Pure One, the mountaineer weeping, saying, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and solitary, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

Song 6.

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, has flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

I see You dead, Lover of mankind, reviving the dead, and containing everything, I am fiercely wounded in the womb. I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, in the words: I cannot bear to see You dead without breathing.

I am amazed to see You, Most Good God and Most Generous Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly: and I cry, holding You, for I did not hope, alas for Me, to see You, My Son and God.

Glory: Do you not utter the words of Your Servant, the Word of God? Won't you, O Lord, show mercy to the One who gave birth to You? Verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the Body of Their Lord.

And now: I think, Master, that I will not hear Your sweet voice, nor see the kindness of Your Face, as before Your Servant: for You, My Son, have gone away from My sight.

Kontakion, tone 8:

For our sake, come, let us all sing to Him, for Mary saw Him on the tree and said: even if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and God.

Ikos: Seeing your Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? There is another food supply in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give Me the word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

Song 7.

Irmos: The angel made the venerable furnace a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, admonished the tormentor to cry out: Blessed are you, O God of our fathers.

Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? Tsar Thee, the Son and God Most High is named: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

Delivering sickness, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and Az: do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without You seeing My sweet Light.

Glory: With other myrrh-bearing wives, the weeping Immaculate Highlander, worn out seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, that I see! Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

And now: Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One, saying to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep for the Highlander: behold, My sweet Light and your Teacher are consigned to the grave.

Song 8.

Irmos: You poured out dew from the flames of the saints and burned the righteous sacrifice with water: you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, he was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O my God? What shrouds will I wrap around Your Body?

The strange vision of Yours, carrying the entire creation of the Lord, surpasses the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

Glory: I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: why are you placed in a bad tomb, raising the dead in the tombs by command?

And now: I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy Servant wear away tears, until I will go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

Song 9.

Irmos: It is not possible for man to see God, the angels do not dare to look upon the Worthiness: For by Thee, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate appeared as man: Who is magnified, with the heavenly howls we please Thee.

Joy will never touch Me from now on, weeping, saying the Immaculate One: My Light and My Joy will go into the grave: but I will not leave Him alone, here I will die and be buried with Him.

Heal now My spiritual ulcer, My Most Pure Child, crying out in tears: rise and assuage My illness and sorrow, for you can, Master, as much as you want and do, even if you were buried by your will.

Glory: Oh, how is the abyss of bounty hidden for you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I will save My creation, I deign to die, but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

And now: I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thou didst save Thy creation, Thou didst lift up death, the Most Pure One said: but by Thy Resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all.


Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.


O Long-suffering Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but as you who have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever and forever centuries. Amen.

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

“By the wonderful and unknown birth of Yours, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire... I see Him who was born of Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one , alas! He does not give it to me..."

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son, the Blessed Virgin finds satisfaction of sorrow.

In Old Church Slavonic

1. Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the cross, the Pure Virgin was tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives moaning and saying:
2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.
3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.
4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.
5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.
6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.
7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.
8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.
9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.
10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.
11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.
12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.
13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.
14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.
15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.
16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.
17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.
18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!
19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.
20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.
21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.
22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.
23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.
24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.
25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?
26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.
27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?
28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.
29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.
30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.
31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.
32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.
33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.
34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

Translation into Russian
(for better understanding of the text being read)

1. The Pure Virgin, seeing her Son and Lord (Her) hanging on the cross, groaning sorrowfully, tormented and crying out together with the other wives, (thus) said:
2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”
3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.
4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.
5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.
6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.
7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.
8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.
9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.
10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”
11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”
12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."
13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.
14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:
15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!
16. Alas! “Sadness and grief and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.
17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.”
18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!
19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.
20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”
21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”
22. Following, along with the other wives, her Lamb, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.
23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, naked and dead.
24. Healer of diseases, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I, Master, may go with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”
25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?
26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”
27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”
28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.
29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried out to the Son and Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?
30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.
31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.
32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My sorrow and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”
33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. - For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”
34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, desiring to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday, when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son, the Blessed Virgin finds satisfaction of sorrow.

The canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” should be in every home, written by hand. It is stored in a neat piece of paper.

Before writing, you should read at least one Gospel aloud to all family members. Fast for a week (exclude animal products, sweets, wine, tobacco), reading morning and evening prayers, then read the canon out loud for all family members and only then can you start writing the prayer. Reading the Canon gives reassurance to parents during the departure of their children, in spiritual sorrows, and sorrows.

And we should always remember that any bad deed of ours is a wound to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.

You are gradually changing for the better.

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

In Old Church Slavonic

1. Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the cross, the Pure Virgin was tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives moaning and saying:

2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.

3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.

5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.

8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.

9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.

10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.

12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.

13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.

14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.

18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!

19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.

20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.

21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.

23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.

25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?

28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.

30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.

32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.

33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

Translation into Russian

(for better understanding of the text being read)

1. The Pure Virgin, seeing her Son and Lord (Her) hanging on the cross, groaning sorrowfully, tormented and crying out together with the other wives, (thus) said:

2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”

3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.

5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.

6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.

7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.

8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.

9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.

10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”

11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”

12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."

13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.

14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:

15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!

16. Alas! “Sadness and grief and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.

17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.”

18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!

19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.

20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”

21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”

22. Following, along with the other wives, her Angle, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, so that I, Master, may go down with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”

25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”

27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”

28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.

29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried out to the Son and Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?

30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.

31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.

32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My sorrow and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”

33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. - For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”

34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, desiring to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

Song 1

Irmos: For Israel, having walked on dry land in the abyss with their feet, saw the persecutor Pharaoh and was drowned. Let us sing a victorious song to God, crying out.


The Pure Virgin, tormented as she saw the Son and the Lord on the Cross, was tormented, crying out as a mountaineer, with other wives wailing in her words.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am wounded in my heart by the Highlander, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your Servant.

Glory: By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

And now: Now My hope for joy and gladness, My Son and Lord, would be deprived: alas for Me, I am sick at heart! Pure crying verb.

Song 3

Irmos: There is no Holy One like You, O Lord my God, who lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and ran away faithfully, leaving Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted more than all mothers: but alas for Me, now seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

Glory: I want My womb in my hand, as if I were holding the Child, receiving from the tree, the Pure prophet: but no one, alas for Me, gave this.

And now: Behold My sweet Light, My Hope and My Good Life, My God, extinguished on the Cross, I burst into flames in the womb, the Virgin said lamentably.

Song 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the Honest Church sings magnificently, crying out, pure in meaning, celebrating in the Lord.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

The sun never sets, Eternal God, and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how can you endure the passion on the Cross? Pure crying verb.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Weeping in the words of the Brakoneskil, to the noble: Joseph strives to approach Pilate, and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

Glory: Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer tearing up, Joseph was embarrassed, and crying, approached Pilate, giving me, crying out with tears, the Body of my God.

And now: Those who see You are wounded, and without glory, naked on the tree, My Child bursts into tears with my womb, like the Mother, the Virgin of your prophecy.

Song 5

Irmos: By Thy Divine Light, O Blessed One, illuminating the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, lead Thee, the Word of God, the True God, calling out from the darkness of sin.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down with Nicodemus, and having kissed the Most Pure Body, weeping and groaning and singing to Him as if He were God.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears, and kissing Him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

Glory: One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy Servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

And now: I have found sickness and sorrow and sighing, alas for Me! The pure mountain woman weeps, seeing Thee, My beloved Child, naked and secluded, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

Song 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Omni-merciful One.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I see You dead, Humanity, reviving the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You. Most pure verb: I cannot bear to see You dead without breathing.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I marvel at seeing You, Most Good God, and Most Generous Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I cry holding You, for I did not hope, alas for Me, to see You, My Son and God.

Glory: Would you not speak your words to Your Servant? The Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? The verb is Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the Body of Their Lord.

And now: I think, Master, that I will not hear Your sweet voice, nor see the kindness of Your face, as before Your Servant: for You have gone. My son, from my sight.

Kontakion, tone 8:

For the sake of Him who was crucified, come, let us all sing to Him, for Mary saw Him on the tree, and said: Even if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

Ikos: Seeing your Lamb, the Lamb, drawn to the slaughter, followed your Mary with outstretched hair with frosty wives, this crying: where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? There is another food supply in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give Me the word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

Song 7

Irmos: The angel made the venerable furnace a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans exhorted the scorching command of God to the tormentor to cry out, blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? Tsar Thee, the Son and God Most High is named: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Deliver the sickness, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer endure living without You seeing My sweet Light.

Glory: With other myrrh-bearing women, the Immaculate Highlander wept, and was carried seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

And now: Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One says to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me, and weep for the Highlander, Behold My sweet Light, and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

Song 8

Irmos: From the flames of the saints you poured dew, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water: you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, he was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O my God? What shrouds will I wrap around Your Body?

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead in his hand, carries You with Nicodemus and buries You.

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.

I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying out to the Son and the Lord: as you are placed in an evil tomb, raise the dead in their tombs by command.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

I will not rise from Your grave. My child, Thy Servant will not cease to wear away tears, until I will descend into hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, singing and exalting ourselves to all ages.

Irmos: You poured out dew from the flames of the saints, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water.

Song 9

Irmos: It is impossible for a man to see God, the Angels do not dare to look at the Worthiness: For by You, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate has appeared as a man, Who is magnified, with the Heavenly howls, We please You.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Joy will never touch Me from now on, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My Light and My Joy will go into the grave. But I will not leave Him alone, I will die here and be buried in Him.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Most Pure Child, crying out in tears: rise again, and assuage My illness and sorrow, for you can, Master, as much as you want and do, even if you were buried by your will.

Glory: Oh, how hidden you have an abyss of bounties! The Lord said to the mother in secret: although I wish to save my creation, I will to die. But I will also rise again, and I will magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

And now: I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One. But by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all.

Instead, it is worthy: we sing irmos: God cannot be seen by man.

After "Our Father"

Kontakion, tone 8:

For the sake of the crucified one, come, let us all sing. Mary saw him on the tree and said: Even if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

Lord, have mercy. (40 times)

And the rest of Compline until the end.
