Тест предлоги времени at in on сложные. Тесты на тему "предлоги" по английскому языку


Предлоги времени

Put in the correct prepositions: in, on or at.

1. Dinner is usually ______ 7 o’clock.

2. We have long holidays ______ summer.

3. When have we got Biology? - ______ Friday mornings.

5. We are ______ the 21st century.

6. The game is ______ 9.45.

7. Is there a party ______ your brother’s birthday?

8. Where was he ______ the weekend?

9. Where is he ______ the moment?

10. Your teacher isn’t here ______ present.

11. There are usually a lot of parties ______ New Year’s Eve.

12. He wasn’t there ______ the end of the concert.

13. Where are you usually ______ the evening? And ______night?

14. Do you get any presents ______ Christmas Day?

15. He was born ______ 1999.

16. We usually go there ______ weekends ______ spring.

17. He phoned me ______ Tuesday.

18. He gets up ______ 7 o’clock ______ weekdays.

19. She was in hospital ______ that time.

20. The school party is ______ June 8th ______ 8 o’clock_____ the evening.

3. Вставь at/on/in, где нужно:

1. I"m leaving ________ next Saturday.

2. I always feel tired _____ the evening.

3. Will you be at home ________ this evening?

4. We went to Scotland _________ last summer.

5. What do you usually do _____ the weekend?

6. She phones me _______ every Sunday.

7. Can you play tennis ____ next Sunday?

8. I"m afraid I can"t come to the party ______ Sunday.

9. We went to bed late _______ last night.

10. I don"t like going out alone _____ night.

11. I won"t be out very long. I"ll be back ______ ten minutes.

12. I"m leaving ______ Saturday.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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" Страдательные причастия настоящего времени. Суффиксы страдательных причастий настоящего времени"

Образование причастий настоящего времени, формирование навыков написания суффиксов страдательных причастий настоящего времени....


1.Выберите правильный ответ предлога:
There was crying baby … board.
A)on B)in C)for D)over E)at

2. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
She has been waiting … the bus for two hours.
A)up B)for C)on D)in E)at

3.Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложений :
Don t forget to shake the snow … your coat .
A)from B)off C)at D)with E)in

4.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
Will you meet me … the airport ?
A)over B)with C)at D)in E)under

5. Найдите антоним к предлогу :
A)with B)between C)out D)off E)under

6. Выберите правильный вариант предлога ;
I don t like to book … my little brother, he is very naughty
A)up B)for C)after D)at E)into

7.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
The lesson starts … five minutes. Hurry …
A)for/in B)on/up C)at/on D)in/up E)after/for

8. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
FBI stands … a Federal Bureau of Investigation”
A)in B)for C)out D)after E)up

9. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
If you miss the lessons, you will get … trouble.
A)over B)from C)onto D)into E)at

10.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
I don t read newspapers . I only looked it …
A)into B)up C)over D)in E)through

11.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
What sports do you go in … ?
A)with B)by C)at D)over E)for

12.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
Somebody has knocked … the door . It must be my friend
A)to B)over C)up D)at E)in

13. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении :
You may buy toys … the children s department.
A)in B)to C)into D)for E)of

14.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
Let s go to the cinema … Sunday
A)on B)at C)in D)under E)with

15. Вставьте необходимый предлог :
The singer was … an awful voice.
A)at B)in C)on D)for E)of

16.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
My son in interested … football .
A)with B)at C)for D)in E)of

17.Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении:
Do you really believe … ghosts ?
A)of B)in C)at D)on E)-

18. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
Yesterday I came … children sleeping under the bridge. And I was shocked.
A)up B)at C)across D)from E)against

19.Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении:
Don t interrupt, please. Listen … me.
A)at B)to C)in D)off E)for

20. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
I don t want to depend too much … my parents.
A)by B)with C)for D)at E)on

21. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
He usually gets to his school … bus
A)to B)at C)by D)from E)with

22. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
Before you leave, don t forget to turn … the light.
A)with B)on C)off D)over E)under

23.Вставьте необходимый предлог:
My interview is … 9 o clock .
A)on B)for C)at D)to E)in

24. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
This is nice dress … you to wear.
A)on B)for C)of D)in E)up

25. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
The teacher spoke … my mother after classes.
A)at B)to C)on D)for E)between

26. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
We came here … foot.
A)from B)with C)by D)on E)at

27. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
She s never satisfied … what she s got.
A)with B)about C)on D)at E)for

28. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
My daughter wants to work … school.
A)at B)for C)on D)under E)into

29. Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
You look taller if you stand … straight.
A)down B)up C)of D)under E)with

30) Выберите правильный вариант предлога :
My mother is the person I can rely …
A)about B)at C)in D)on E)for

Ответы на тесты по теме «Предлоги»
1 D 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 D 8 B 9 D 10 E
11 E 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 D 17 B 18 C 19 B 20 E
21 C 22 C 23 C 24 B 25 B 26 D 27 A 28 A 29 B 30 D

Тесты по английскому языку с ответами, помогут вам при подготовке к важным экзаменам, зачетам или контрольным работам. Этот материал, могут использовать как студенты учебных заведений, так и школьники. Тесты по английскому с ответами, отличное методическое пособие для преподавателей. Не нужно больше часами проверять стопки тетрадей, с помощью тестов, вы легко сможете контролировать работы своих подопечных.

Грамматические тесты и лексические задания, созданы по всем современным правилам, с учетом всех изменений. С помощью тестов, вы быстро сможете узнать все свои преимущества и недочеты при изучении языка.

Тест по английскому на предлоги онлайн

Вопрос 1 из 20

    Tom is proud … his progress in Maths.

    You should listen … your parents" advise.

    This monument is famous … its long history.

    Don"t be angry … her. She really didn"t want to hurt you.

    We have been waiting … a bus for twenty minutes already.

    They looked so funny, that everybody laughed … them.

    He turned off the light, locked the door and went …

    You should take bus 12 and get … at the fifth stop.

    They continue avoiding each other. They can"t get … their conflict.

    Please, come … . Mom is waiting for you.

    Don"t give … playing the guitar. You are really good at it.

    She has been looking … her purse for half an hour but still can"t find it.

    Put … that red dress of yours. You look wonderful in it.

    She was happy to take … her shoes at last. Her feet were sore of wearing high heels all day.

    They kept … laughing even when the film was over.

    Mr. Stone kissed his wife, took his bag and set … for London.

    The train arrives … the station at 6.30 p.m.

    She was always good … Biology. No wonder she decided to become a doctor.

    He used to hang … on the beach after the lessons when he was a boy.

    The Stones usually eat … once or twice a week.


Чтобы продолжить тест, выберите один из вариантов ответа.

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18 вопросов из 20

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Test 1

1. My wife works…the factory. a) on b) at c) during

2. I live….Boston. a)at b) over c) in

3. Come…the house and have some coffee. a) on b) into c) through

4. Where are you…? a) from b) in c) during

5. Let’s go…Moscow tomorrow. a) on b) in c) to

6. He is here…his wife. a) along b) at c) with

7. The books are…the table. a) without b)on c) through

8. Take this man… a) to b) away c) behind

9. Here is some water…you. a) above b) within c) for

10 Can you speak…it? a) into b) by c) about

11. My house is…the Central Park. a) under b)behind c) on

12 …the way! Where is George? a) At b)By c) In

13. The City Hall is…there. a)on b) about c) there

14. I work from six a.m…four p.m. a) in b) at c) till

15. When do you get…? a) during b) up c) with

16. How long do I go…this street? a) in b) along c) without

17. Where do I get…the bus? a) up b) off c)along

18 We have dinner…a quarter to eight. a) in b) on c) at

19. We drink tea…milk. a) behind b) up c) with

20. The bus takes me…the station. a) to b) during c) by

Test 2

1. Let’s go to Moscow…Saturday. a) on b)in c) at

2. Take this book…the table. a) behind b) at c) from

3. Come…office and answer the phone. a) into b) from c) up

4. Take the passport…the table. a) in b) out of c) during

5. I am sitting…the table now. a) over b) beyond c) at

6. I came…Australia. a) at b) from c) on

7. The pencils are in the box. Take them…there. a) on b) into c) out of

8. The pencil is…the desk. a) during b) without c)on

9. The box is…table. a) under b) with c) from

10. The bank is…the street. a) from b)at c) across

11. There is a lamp…the table. a) in b) across c) above

12. There is a new car…those two old ones. a) among b) above c) between

13.There is a telephone…of him. a) up b) in front c) out of

14. My house is…the post-office. a) behind b) into c) from

15. We are sitting…the table and drinking tea. a) in b) on c) around

Test 3

1. The film started…eight o’clock on Thursday. a) in b) at c) across

2. Do you live…the centre…the city? a) on b) up c) in

3. He told us…his life…Australia. a) about b) near c) between

4. The doctor told her to stay…bed. a) in b) on c) within

5. I think I left my pen…the table. a) on b) through c) down

6. Did you leave the Browns…noon? No, I stayed with them…five o’clock p.m.

A) at – till b) in – from c) on-to

7. Whom will you invite…your birthday party? a) during b) to c) on

8. Can you take your brother…school? a) in b) beyond c) from

9. She got up…6.45 in the morning, had breakfast and left home…work at 8.15.

A) at – to b) at – for c) without – with

10. I could do…cup of coffee. a) about b)across c) with

11. In the morning he usually buys a newspaper and looks…it on his way to the office.

A) through b) up c) in

12. There are millions…people…African countries who have no jobs.

A) of –in b) at – on c) without – across

13. The house where we lived was…the river. a) for b) near c) from

14. I would have roast beef…potatoes, please. a) by b) to c) with

15. There was not much…the menu. a) on b) to c) in

Test 4

1. He was proud…being chosen. a) at b) of c) in

2. Are you jealous…that guy? a) of b) from c)to

3. Don’t say you are familiar…the subject. a) at b)on c) with

4. Don’t be too sure…yourself, please. a) to b) for c) of

5. Are you really fond…music? a) of b) in c) with

6. He was happy…receiving the award. a) at b) about c) in

7. Don’t be afraid …dogs – they are afraid…you. a) of-of b) at-in c) from-to

8. Jake was married…Jane’s. a) on b) in c) to

9. Sorry…interrupting you. a) with b)for c) at

10. Are you aware…the fact that the company you work…went broke?

A) of –for b) in-to c) with-by

Test 5

  1. The space…the two houses was occupied by a parking lot. a) among b) between
  2. …a yellow mackintosh, he had pink gloves and a red scarf on а queer figure!

A) Beside b) Besides

  1. …taking up music as a major he decided to study painting.

A) Instead b) Instead of

4. …the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.

A) Despite of b) Despite

5. We couldn’t get out of the car…the door struck. a) because b) because of

6. We asked John to speak about his experiences…the Antarctic. a) of b) in

7. According to the time-table the classes are to start…Monday. a) on b) at

8. We have decided to do one exercise a day…now on till the end of the term.

A) in b) from

9. One…the first to come to the office was Jack. a) in b) of

10. There was a famous writer and several movie stars…the people whom I met at the party at Bridgestone. a) among b) between

Test 6

1. Jake looked…the window and noticed a thief climbing up the wall.

A) on b) through

3. You can’t go out…your umbrella, it is raining heavily. a) in b) without

4. They did a lot of harm…the farmers. a) from b) to

5. Miss Johrdan will look…the children while we are away. a) after b) across

6. The spacecraft is flying… the Universe. a) across b) with

7. All of us paid attention… this interesting fact. a) to b) in

8. I think the main reason…the boy’s shyness is his parents’ indifference, they should give more encouragement to him. a) by b) for

9. On the receiving the letter, they decided to set …at once as there was absolutely no time to waste. a) out b) in

10. His wife deserted him, but he was able to bring…eleven children without anybody’s aid. a) up b) during

Test 7

1. As the children had never seen any animals in its natural environment, they were excited…what they saw in the Zoo. a) by b) in

2. The party lasted all…the night, and only in the morning it was found out that three of the guests were missing. a) on b) through

3. We all know that water turns…ice at zero degrees Centigrade and evaporates at one hundred above zero. a) up b) into

4. Despite many attempts to introduce a universal language, notably Esperanto and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met…very little success. a) with b) from

5. Though he is an expert in mathematics, he hates to give instructions in it even…his own children. a) to b) from

6. I was on the point of refusing his invitation to spend a weekend in the country, but…he had offered to come and pick me up in his car, I agreed.

A) after b) before

7. Moving…the desert, the troops met almost no resistance, and thus managed to occupy the area around the channel quite easily. a) across b) on

8. The worried mother shouted…the boy to climb off the tree immediately, but he stayed where he was for fear of falling down. a) in b) to

9. What are you looking…? a) at b) before

10. Who did you go to the parliament…? a) with b) in

Exercise 1.

  1. He is a wicked boy. I’m sure he did it… (by \on) purpose.
  2. She shouted (at/ to) me that I was wanted (on / to) the phone.
  3. Take a pen. You can’t sign contracts (by/ in)pencil.
  4. The voyage was tiring. The sea was rough and we had to be (in/ at) sea more than a fortnight.
  5. He lives (at/ on)a farm somewhere in Texas.
  6. Put your signature (on/ at) the bottom of the page. Don’t write (at/ in)the middle, put it (at/ on) the right.
  7. She made this sweater herself (at/ by) hand.
  8. He through an egg (to / at) the speaker.
  9. The car that was going (with / at) the speed of 70 miles per hour braked (on / at) the traffic lights.
  10. The participants of Greenpeace rally were standing (by / in) a line (in front of / before) the house of the mayor.
  11. He was (on / at) work (before / until) 3 o’clock yesterday.
  12. He was sent (in / to) prison for shoplifting (by / at) age of seventeen.
  13. (In / On) the whole, I liked our journey. But next year I’d like to go (on / to) cruise.
  14. She is not (by / on) the phone in the country.- Why won’t she buy a mobile telephone? It is so convenient.-Her salary decreased (on / by) two hundred dollars this year and she can’t afford it.
  15. (From / In) my opinion, she must go (to / on) a diet.

Ex. 2.

Вставить-along, through, across, past

  1. Our cottage is rather far. You should drive-the church,--a small wood, then-the river (there is a wooden bridge) and finally-the wide road. Our house is by this road. 2. Paul is a good swimmer. He can swim-the river. 3. She went-me without saying a word. 4. The burglar got into the house-the open window. 5. He ran-the lawn and came up to the French window. 6. They went-the bank of the river talking loudly. 7. Oil flows-a pipeline. 8. When she was going-the jewellery shop, her attention was attracted by a necklace in the shop window.

Ex. 3.

Вставить-like, as

  1. Is he a millionaire? He spends money-a sheikh. 2. People-the Pitts always fail us. 3. – an economist, I can’t agree to it. 4. He broke my knife, he used it-a tin opener. 5. She is more-her father than her mother. 6. I had waited so long for it, it was –a dream. 7. I used to work-a cabin boy. 8. What has happenedto John? He is playing-a beginner. 9. – the weather is bad (it looks – rain), let’s stay at home. 10. – a newcomer , he couldn’t take part in the debate.

Ex. 4.

Вставить-down, up, under, below, over, above

  1. Why are you so late? – Our car stuck-the bridge. 2. You are cold. Put this plaid – your knees. 3. It seems to me that she is-twenty-one. 4. There is nothing new-the sun. 5. The branch hit me just-the elbow. 6. Climb-at once! You may fall! 7. My house – the street, on the hill, and my brother lives-the street, by the river. 8. We are on the second floor in the dining room now. – it there used to be a bedroom of the countess and – it you can see the famous orangery which has been carefully kept for two centuries already.

Ex. 5.

Вставить – among, between

1. Differences in pronunciations-British English and American English are numerous. 2. For her there is not much choice-Paul and Nick. 3. She could see him – people in the crowd. 4. You may divide this money-you both. 5. There is an oak tree – birches and pines near my house.
